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Best Supplements for memory

1. #1 Brain Function Booster Nootropic - Super Ginkgo Biloba complex with St John's Wort & Bacopin - Supports Mental clarity, Focus, Memory & more - 100% Moneyback Guarantee (1 Mo. Supply/1 Bottle)
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5.0 - This product works
I would recommend this product it has helped me focus much better and has improved my memory.
5.0 - Nice. Very nice
I first purchased this for my sister because she like myself is a Baby Boomer who was were getting more frustrated each day because she couldn't get remember even the smallest of things like where she had just placed her keys. Another example was having to learn something new at work only to forget most of it almost as soon as she learned it. That in itself was causing more frustration and stress for her each day. I realized I was experiencing the same problem myself in my own job and since retirement just isn't an option for us just now, I looked into Neuro Clarity and boy was I glad that I did. It helps an awful lot so that we can keep up with the younger generation who are entering the workforce alongside us and who are obviously not yet having any trouble learning and retaining something new as we are. We needed something to keep us on track with them and this did the trick. It certainly cut down on the stress of not having short term memory loss problem anymore, so it's a big plus. Thank you very much Nutrition Essentials.
4.0 - Four Stars
After a few weeks I did notice the difference in my memory. I will definitely reorder.
5.0 - So far, I like it
As a 63 year old woman, I try different supplements to improve my health. I read the reviews for Neuro Clarity and decided to try it to improve my memory and concentration. I just received my order and have just started taking the supplements so at this point it is hard to tell if there is any improvement. One of the ingredients is Ginkgo Biloba and I have read that studies have been done regarding effects on glaucoma.
2.0 - Wish this could have helped me
Not too sure if this really works. I was taking it but noticed not much of a difference with memory.
5.0 - Excellent product, after a couple days of taking this ...
Excellent product, after a couple days of taking this I noticed my focus and memory have improved dramatically , I will definitely buy again!!
5.0 - One of the better one's I've tried......Works!
Noticed a slight improvement in my memory.....Short term stuff! Does seem to help and I will certainly buy another bottle.
5.0 - Get memory back and more focused
Bought this for my wife as we've noticed her short-term memory getting worse. It took a while to see the result, and it was subtle, but suddenly I realized that she no longer left the front door open for hours, nor did she get out of the car and forget to turn off the engine. (What a relief that is!) I'm happy with the purchase and its affordable for us. So glad to find it available on
1.0 - #1 All-Natural Brain Booster
I have memory issues so much so I put my faith in a pill. A MEMORY PILL. Sounds ludicrous.. And it is.. Do not waste your money.
5.0 - I'm really impressed so far. I've wrestled with ADHD ...
I'm really impressed so far. I've wrestled with ADHD issues and, now, in my mid-60s, concerned about memory loss.
5.0 - Try Neruo Clarity first!
I've tried several "brain booster" products. Many of them I couldn't notice any difference at all. But with Neuro Clarity, I feel more clear, my memory is better and I feel more in control.
5.0 - Five Stars
I like it my Husband is not smarter but his memory is improved!
5.0 - Fantastic product!!!
I've tried other products with similar claims, but this works BEST for me. I still have occasional word finding problems, but it's helped enormously. It may take a few weeks to see results but the longer I take it the better my memory seems to be.
5.0 - Now I'm a believer!
Okay, I was skeptical when I purchased the product. After a couple of weeks (it's not immediate), I noticed some additional clarity and increased thought processing. At the same time I made some exercise, diet and sleeping changes so I wasn't sure if I could pin down the reason for the additional alertness - until last week. I started to notice I wasn't as sharp as I had been. Once I admitted the slight reduced alertness and memory, it reminded me of the old days. Then it hit me - I let my supply of Neuro Clarity (NC) run out and had not taken it for 7-10 days. NC allowed me to remember items and process information quicker and moe efficiently. This time, that was the only change to my routine so now I'm a firm believer. I was no worse off than I was before I started taking NC, but with it, I definitely noticed increased sharpness over time. I honestly believe the product works!
5.0 - Finally some brain muscle supplements!
Seeing is believing, but feeling is even more believable! I was very amazed at the mental alertness and acuity I had during times when I usually wouldn't. Towards the end of the day I usually hit a slump where I'm mentally exhausted. Now that time feels better; as if it were earlier in the day. I noticed productivity and my ability to work throughout the entire day go up. Also Im more focused and notice my memory recall a little sharper. I realized all this about after a week of taking it. Definitely buying another after this!
4.0 - Improvement in mood, memory and focus.
I did a lot of research comparing ingredients, dosage, ratings and unit costs on "Brain boosters". It came down to basically 3 products with all or most of the primary ingredients. The only ingredient missing from Neuro Clarity was Huperzine-A, but the unit cost was such a value I decided to go with Neuro Clarity and pick up Huperzine-A separately. Since I started taking Neuro Clarity I can say that tasks do come easier and my focus is improved. My wife says I am more calm and my memory is better. Overall it is not a "Limitless" miracle pill, but for the price compared to nearly identical products you will experience some improvement in mood, memory and focus.
5.0 - Five Stars
great product, delivered quickly, so far it has helped my memory and focus, would recommend
4.0 - I am 65 and have been using for a few ...
I am 65 and have been using for a few months. It seems to me it is improving my memory, etc.
5.0 - I believe this product is helping me with my forgetfulness ...
I believe this product is helping me with my forgetfulness. I was thinking it may have been my age that was contributing to my memory difficulties but after taking this product for a month I really feel that it is helping. I received a free bottle for my opinion.
5.0 - It is perfect
This product is exactly what I need! With the help of this product, my memory is increased and I can focus on my work everyday. The price is reasonable.
5.0 - it's a great product!
My husband has been taking this product for about 2 weeks now and loves it. It has helped with brain fog and some slight memory issues that he has had the last couple years. Will definitely be ordering again! I am receiving a free bottle for leaving my review, but that is not the reason for me giving 5 stars, it's a great product!
5.0 - Could work as a better brain booster than Gingko biloba and ginseng alone.
This seems like it's gonna be an excellent product. I tried ginseng by itself for memory but it wasn't anything significant. Later I had tried Gingko biloba and I felt that I can speak better when maintaining communication with people. I'm looking for something to decrease my stress levels and anxiety. I Heard many testimonials that this work. I hope I can get a free bottle just to see how well it works out. I'll be ordering soon.
5.0 - Neuro Clarity
I've been taking this product for about two weeks now, I was looking for something to help out in the memory dept. I think it's still to early to tell if I'm benefiting from the pills they seem to be doing some good just not a drastic difference yet. I will most likely order another bottle to give it some time to work. I thought it was kind of nice when I received a card in the mail yesterday giving me a free bottle, I had a choice of several products to choose from.
3.0 - Does not take effect immediately.
While I have only been taking this for the past 5 days, I have noticed very little change. To the contrary in fact, as I have felt much less energetic and tire more easily. While I am continuing to take this supplement, I will keep an open heart and mind as to the ability for this product to take hold and help me achieve more clarity in my thinking, mental processing and memory.
1.0 - It doesn't work as advertised
I have been taking it since a week now but have not noticed any difference in Memory or Cognition or Anxiety.
5.0 - ... order to review it and I must say I love it. I took Adderall for a very long ...
I was sent a free bottle of this stuff in order to review it and I must say I love it. I took Adderall for a very long time and while it did help me focus, the side effects were just not worth it. I could sleep. I barely ever ate. This pill is able to help me concentrate and improves my memory without any of those side effects. The most I've ever felt from it is slightly light headed. It's a great pill for someone who wants to concentrate naturally instead of relying on amphetamines.
5.0 - Excellent product
Excellent product. You must be patient, wait a week and the results are impressive. Not only is my thinking more focused, to my delight, my sense of humor seemed to improve. I also noticed improved concentration and memory. As a RN, I feel comfortable recommending this to friends and family. Disclaimer; I did receive a free bottle to try, however, if it didn't work, I would say so in a heart beat.
5.0 - thanks
I had a stroke 2 years ago, now having trouble with memory, so when I seen this ( Neuro Clarity ) I just had to order this to see if it would help me, I only been taking Neuro Clarity for 10 days but so far it seems to be helping !! I will be ordering more, thanks so much for offering a good product and to make things even better they offer a free bottle . WOW thanks again
5.0 - Nutrition Essentials - Neuro Clarity
I have been having trouble with my memory for quite a while. I figured I would try something like Neuro Clarity to see if it would work. I was right. This does help improve memory and sharpness. When I purchased my first bottle I got a notification about receiving another bottle for free and I was able to get another bottle to me for NO COST! I love Neuro Clarity and I think it is an amazing product that actually works, I would recommend it to anybody that wants to improve their mind and memory.
5.0 - Five Stars
Wonderful!!! I can feel a difference in my mental clarity and my memory is improved!
5.0 - i was skeptical
It's not a miracle worker but I absolutely can tell a difference in my focus and short term memory in the week or so that I've been taking the supplement! Highly recommended and I was not given a sample to review, I'm doing this on my own after I bought a bottle.
5.0 - Five Stars
It has helped my mother with stress, and daily memory
5.0 - Five Stars
This product is very helpful with my memory.
5.0 - Great product!
It greatly improved my wife's focus and memory retention. Great product!
5.0 - Everything arrived perfectly. I believe this has helped me ...
Everything arrived perfectly. I believe this has helped me with my memory issues as of late. I'm looking forward to continuing to use it!
5.0 - Not for everybody but maybe really great for most.
There is hardly any way to measure the quality of this product. If you are one of those folks who wastes countless hours going from project to project and have to operate a list stored on your phone memory this product should help.
5.0 - Bob
This is an excellent supplement , I noticed improved focus and memory after a week.
5.0 - This a great product and I plan on purchasing more
I noticed a definite improvement in my mental clarity, awareness, and short term memory. This a great product and I plan on purchasing more.
4.0 - Helped boost mood
I'm not sure if I noticed a huge improvement to my memory or mental clarity, but it definitely did help with my mood. I've stopped taking them for a week or so (ran out) and don't know if I've seen a drastic difference.
5.0 - Five Stars
Been taking for a week and have already noticed improvement in alertness and memory.
5.0 - It works like a charm
It works like a charm. It really reduce my stress and improve my memory. I will definitely recommend it to my friends.
5.0 - Match the description
I bought this pills for my father in law because he’s having a memory problem and it works really good.
4.0 - Provides morning alertness.
Works as intended. I did notice alertness in the AM. However, I have not noticed substantial improvements on my short term memory.
3.0 - Memory function.
It was ok, but not what I expected. I guess when develop certain expectations about a product, it's tough to determine how well it performed.
4.0 - Good Ingredients
The product but it has some of the most common ingredients said to be helpful with memory.
3.0 - Three Stars
Improve mood, but not memory
5.0 - Wonderful product, I won't go without it!
I'm on my third bottle. I was experiencing extreme memory lapses, forgetting things from childhood as well as day-to-day stuff (did I turn the iron off?). It was affecting my work significantly and I was worried for my job. I have to be on my toes at all times and I was slipping up here & there. It was affecting my home life as well, forgetting things on my to do list, what my husband said the day before, etc. I probably do need to go to a doctor to make sure there isn't an underlying condition, since I'm only in my late 30's.. All that aside, this product really does what it advertises. From the very first day. OHHWEE the first day all these memories came rushing back to me from my childhood, my brain was clear, my thoughts were in order. It made me so happy to feel normal again. I haven't had quite the same experience as that first day of taking Neruo Clarity, but I take one pill every morning before breakfast and I am so thankful this product exists. I can get to the grocery store and remember most of the items on my list without looking at it, I can remember a small string of numbers for a minute or two now, names come more easily to me, I can focus better, and I haven't forgotten anything important in MONTHS. I hope they never stop making Neuro Clarity since for me, it has been a true sanity and life saver.
5.0 - Great Results!
This product helped me to focus and relieve an immense amount of anxiety. It gave me a boost of energy plus a nice brain boost. I believe it's been helping my memory as well, I've been using it for about 2 wks.
5.0 - I have been very happy with this
I have been very happy with this. I believe it is helping me. I have Alzheimer's in my family and I can tell my brain is headed down that road. It's helped me! I feel sharper and more aware. More certain of my memory. More focused. I believe it thins my blood so once a month I have to go off of it for a few days. My son takes this as well for focus, I think it helps but would recommend flax and fish oil as well. Dr. Bob's Stop ADD in 18 Days is a great book even if you don't have ADD. A wealth of info!
5.0 - I am another satisfied customer!
I received a free bottle for my unbiased opinion. I normally do not review Amazon products. Neuro Clarity really works for me. My mind is sharper and memory is better. My speech is better with no words coming out twisted like they did sometimes before I received my first bottle (on my 2nd bottle). I am very satisfied with this product and promote the company's sale of this item to my friends & family. I tried another, more expensive brand, before trying this product with less noticeable results.
5.0 - Great product!!!!
This is a great product. It did help to boost my memory and help me focus. Highly recommend it.
4.0 - I feel better
When I take it each day I do feel better. I feel more alert and in a better mood. My memory seems to be a bit better but it's hard to say because some days it's good and some days it's bad. I will continue to purchase because of the better mood and alertness that I get from taking it each day. I can tell a difference when I don't take it. I also received a free bottle for giving a review so that was a plus as well.
4.0 - Helps with the foggy memory
I didn't really notice a difference at first, but after taking it for a couple weeks and then not taking it one day, I noticed a big difference. It really helps me focus and clears the mental fog that I feel sometimes.
5.0 - Product meets the hype
So I have been receiving a bunch of ads about a brain pill called 'Opti-mind' and after doing my research, I decided to look into a more natural pill and that actual reviews. Lo and behold I found 'Neuro Clarity' and ordered it right away after reading all the reviews. I now understand the hype for these pills, after the first day of using it, I found my thought process to be more clear, the short term memory that is captured through my visual sighting of things seems to process at a faster rate.. these pills literally have cleared the fog of my eyes and brain. I haven't finished my first bottle yet, usually sticking to 1 pill around 8-9am and going from there. I'll be sure give an update after a month of using it. Highly recommended for anyone.
Great Product, Surprisingly noticeable improvements in concentration and memory. From what I have researched online for brain health it has all the recommended supplements.. minus the Huperzine A, which I take in a separate pill. They also send you free bottle offers for their other awesome products when you purchase on amazon which is pretty sweet. Will be purchasing again, again, and again... until they come out with the limitless pill...
5.0 - Works great
I feel that this mix of ingredients is more beneficial than others i've tried. I would recommend this. I have very bad issues with my memory and I feel more clear with this.
1.0 - Tricky
Be careful using herbal supplements. These are no joke, I liken them to prescription psych meds. I found them to be very strong, upset my stomach, caused memory loss, confusion, tiredness. I was also very oversensitive, this all manifested in 2nd week. Obviously, I discontinued. Everyone is different so I can see them possibly working for some. Also, a couple of glasses of wine made me feel very odd.
I've taken this in the past but it doesn't stand a chance next to Lumonol. Lumonol is simply AMAZING! I've been taking Lumonol for 3 months now. Before I start telling you about how incredible it is I need to tell you that I keep a dream journal because I've had a few out of body experiences and several lucid dreams in the past. After taking Lumonol for a week I noticed significant improvement in my ability to communicate effectively. I was more quick witted and chose better words in a split second. I then noticed I was having the most vivid dreams I'd ever had but most importantly I was able to remember them and record them in my dream journal. I then had my usual lucid dreams, 3 of them in the past 3 months. The dreams were so lucid that the characters had their own decision making process which had nothing at all to do with my actions or thoughts. I became convinced dreams have something to do with other dimensions or realms, no matter how bizarre they are. During the lucid dreams I was able to control my thoughts and choose my actions carefully, which I also thought was related to the Lumonol. It basically gets rid of all the garbage surrounding a central thought process. I do a lot of writing and also noticed it improved my ability to fend of writer's block. Overall, Lumonol truly is incredible and I highly recommend it for students, police officers, surgeons, nurses, airline pilots, or anyone who needs to think quickly and make the right decision fast. Anyone who needs to think quickly or wants significantly improved brain function and memory needs to try Lumonol. Visit (...) to get $10 credit towards your first purchase.
4.0 - but so far so good. Things seam clearer
Only have been taking this product for a couple of weeks , but so far so good. Things seam clearer , and memory a little sharper .
4.0 - Seeing subtle changes in memory improvement after a little over a week
Neuro Clarity is a Nootropic supplement, also called smart drugs, that enhance your memory and improve cognitive function. As I've gotten older, it seems as though the first thing to go has been my memory so I'll try anything to improve it. I'd been taking 2 of it's active ingredients - St. John's Wort and Gingko Biloba, separately but this supplement also has Bacopin which has been found to not only enhance memory and concentration but protects cells and restores cell damage, currently it's being researched to discover it's effect in combatting Alzheimers. I've been taking this for a little over a week and while I have noticed subtle changes, like being able to walk into a room and remember why I went in there in the first place. Only time will tell how much this supplement will benefit me but for now I'm pretty pleased with the little victories and will do whatever it takes to be proactive in keeping my brain healthy.
4.0 - Looks Good, Too Early to Rate
I bought this for my friend and neighbor who has a severe memory problem, we are going to see how it works with someone like her. As she has had it only three or four days I cannot fairly evaluate anything about it. So we will see and I will post an update when I have something of value to share.
5.0 - Helps a lot
I find winters hard to get through. Everything is grey. I tried this product with some trepidation but it works. I'm feeling better and more ambitious. My memory is better. Don't expect a miracle, but it helps quite a bit in my case. I'm going to keep buying it.
4.0 - Good supplement for memory
I have been taking this supplement for several months, then recently I received an offer for a free bottle for a review. I take a few different vitamins and supplements, and Neuro Clarity is one that in my opinion does help. My middle-aged memory seems better after taking this regularly, so I intend to continue. This does have St. Johns Wort in it also, which is supposed to help with mood. I can not comment on its effect with this, as I'm not moody. Though my husband might argue that...
5.0 - Great product.
Definitely improved my memory. I did noticed within a week. They sent me a free bottle for writing a review. Effective product.
4.0 - I received this product for free for my honest unbiased review.
This product came really handy for finals time. I've tried other memory boosters before but I like this one better. I've been taking two daily and and extra one when I started studying and works, I have been more focused and been able to stay one tracked more as opposed to many different thoughts running around my head when I needed to get work done. I would buy again and recommend to others only reason I gave it 4 stars was because of the pill size. Other ones I've taken were a bit smaller and would've liked this one to be that size also.
3.0 - Its a good product but had to take it at night
Its a good product but had to take it at night . however upon waking up my thinking and memory was sharper. They also sent me a voucher for a free bottle.
5.0 - Good News for an Older, Well-used brain
I've ordered this product several times, because it aids my cognitive functions. My memory, retention, and analytical powers seem improved within a short time. No jitters, no speedy reactions, and no problems. I plan to keep ordering it for my wife and me.
2.0 - Didn't feel any difference :-(
I got this hoping for help w/my brain fog & sharpness/plus memory. I didn't feel any difference unfortunately. Took for 6 weeks.
5.0 - Great product, I honestly feel an improvement in my ...
Great product, I honestly feel an improvement in my memory and focus. I also got a free bottle for my purchase!
4.0 - Helps with short term memory
I took this for 2 weeks strait and noticed a difference in my short term memory and focus. Seems like a good supplement.
1.0 - No effect.
Took as directed, felt nothing and didn't experience any memory improvements or other cognitive benefits as described.
5.0 - Seems to have some benefits to concentration and focus
I received a bottle for review. I've taken many different types of memory supplements, trying to find the "best" one for me, which may not necessarily be the best one for you. I do believe there may be something to this supplement. Being in IT, sometimes I can get a bit stressed out and have a hard time focusing. I feel like I am able to concentrate and focus better. A great plus is this supplement doesn't give me headaches like some of the others I have tried. As I've only had this for a short time, I will have to continue taking it to see if there are additional improvements or not.
5.0 - Feeling Great!
This product has definitely had an effect on me in a positive way. I feel my memory is sharper and overall thought process throughout the day is much more clear.
5.0 - Short Term Memory...very helpful product!
Great product! It took about 5 days for me to notice a difference in my mental clarity and memory. I'very always had problems with my short term memory remembering people names, since taking this product I find that i'my not asking people to repeat their names to me 3 and 4 times. Also product helped me to stay focused in conversations I have with people bcoz sometimes my thoughts can race in 10 different directions at times depending on the task I have to accomplish on any given day. I'll order product again...hope my comments helped someone if they're trying to decide on buying this product.
5.0 - Moms wheres my trip money
Age is not on my side, it has seem to have been working against me lately, the other day my kids must have said mom remember our field trip is Friday, we need lunches and a few bucks spending cash, ok no big deal. I get home from work at six am to three 15 year old girls asking what did I get to pack their lunch and where is the spending money, grrrrrrrrrr I forgot, hurry up girls we can make it to Wal-Mart before I drop you at school and I will just get cash back. That did it for me, I wanted something to help me, I found Nuero Clarity and decided for the price it was worth the shot. I got it and began taking it. A few weeks after I was more maintained as far as my memory goes and my thoughts were more clear it was like somebody cleaned out all the useless info in my brain to make room for new.. I had more energy and was spending more time being active with the family on the farm with the horses.
5.0 - Narcolepsy to ADHD. - Nuero Clarity saved me!!
I have a condition called Narcolepsy, the meds I take are also taken by individuals that suffer from ADHD. The meds have a tendency to make me a bit anxious, or overstimulated at times which make it difficult to stay focused. So I thought I would try the Nuero Clarity in hopes that it would resolve this issue. I've been taking it for about a month now and I can honestly say that it has amazingly saved me! I no longer get out of focus, I can stay on task without being interrupted by another thought. I've noticed my memory is regaining itself once again and I don't have to stutter around and search for my next words to come to mind, they are already there.
4.0 - just started
I purchased this product a few weeks ago and I take other supplements also. My memory is better than it was but am not sure which product or all products together are making the difference. I know there are published studies that ginko biloba works.
5.0 - I like this product
I like this product. I keep reordering for a reason. At my age you notice when you fail to notice, you know? This works on memory, and somehow makes both my husband and I more aware of what is going on. Great Seller, great product, we will continue to order
5.0 - Great product! Highly recommend!
I really like this product. This is my second order of this brand of memory and focus supplements. I found that it really made my focus more clear and helped in my studies at the University. Great product and highly recommend!
5.0 - I completely felt like a different person
A Mom of 2 small children, day after day I felt my focus and memory being clouded. 10 years ago, I noticed I have an attention disorder, but none the less, went on with my life; forgetting little things, missing appointments, etc. When I found Neuro Clarity a month ago, I was ready for a change. I wasn't sure what kind of change I was going to get, but I told myself, "couldn't hurt, right?" 1 week into taking this supplement, I noticed a change. I was thinking and speaking clearer than I had in years! 2 weeks into taking this supplement, I completely felt like a different person. Striking up conversations that I would have previously shied away from, staying on task far longer than I used to, and feeling confident! Wow! 2 weeks after, and that big of a change? I am now 1 month exactly in to my new clarity life and I have to say this is the best thing to happen to mental well being in a very long time! I feel my disorder is a thing of the past thanks to this product, and I can genuinely say I am a customer for life! I have been raving about this product to my friends and family. A friend started taking the supplement 3 days ago, and is starting to feel a clearer state of mind. The conclusion to this all natural brain-boosting supplement, go in with a positive state of mind, and give it a chance. This is my personal
5.0 - worth the money
I have tried other memory improvement supplements and this one is the best by far.
4.0 - Don't you just hate it when you have lost train of thought >like ...
Don't you just hate it when you have lost train of thought >like what did i want to do ? i forgot type moment>Well all gone >it does not hapen often but now it is controlled and clear thinking. I dont have laps of memory for the last month. Its nice that I can keep track of thoughts>things to remember you know>
5.0 - Daughter was having trouble
I bought this for my daughter because trying to teach her spelling words and math I was aggravated and I came to the conclusion that she has a memory problem. After taking this for a week her memory has improved. She is more focused alert and she has more energy but it’s a positive energy
4.0 - I can find my keys!
It took a few weeks to notice anything but my memory seems to have improved. I've been diagnosed with ADD since I was 7 and was put on stimulant medication up until high school until I was old enough to realize that I was putting harmful drugs into my system. I have a really bad and frequent habit of losing my keys and my phone literally minutes after placing them somewhere. I seem to have shaken that habit after a few weeks of taking this nootropic. That alone makes this a worthwhile purchase. -1 star for the time it took to take effect, otherwise I'm highly satisfied and would recommend you purchasing this product.
5.0 - Just don't expect the focus boost to be like Ritalin. Also
It really does help with memory and focus from what I can tell by personal experience. Just don't expect the focus boost to be like Ritalin. Also, it may be worth adding that little stupid forgetful mistakes seemed to decrease dramatically while taking this supplement. Whether it's just the placebo effect or not, this stuff really seems to work and at a decent price as well. Overall great product and would recommend again. I also did this for a free sample, but in no way did that influence my rating and/or thoughts on this product.
5.0 - I like this product!
I have been taking Neuro Clarity for a couple of months now and have found I like the effects. It definitely elevates my mood, has increased my attention level and concentration. It has also helped my memory but that is a more subtle process ( and it is a process, nothing happens overnight). Another thing, there have been no side effects to mention. I recently received a free bottle of Neuro Clarity which I accepted with gratitude. I intend to continue taking this product.
1.0 - Not so much
Suspicious as I was with the "life changing" reviews, I decided to purchase it anyways. After about a week of taking the pills, I noticed 0% anything. The people who claim to see "a little bit" of improvement after several weeks are probably giving the pill the credit for their increased motivation and memory retention, when in reality, it's this placebo-type effect that psychologically makes them feel that because they're taking a pill, now they'll be more motivated and focused. The pill does nothing but give you expectations of a (ambiguous) feeling, and you inevitably believe for every spark of energy that you feel is the effects from the pill. Not the case.
5.0 - Teaching an old dog new tricks
I have only used the product for a short time but I can see a slight difference in my mood and memory. I am a 79 year old male who has been retired for twenty years and I decided to go back to work, and the job of Security Officer requires that I log every duty and time, plus being alert and observant. I am over twenty years older than my fellow workers, but I can keep up with them. I hope to retain my memory and mood for as long as I can.
5.0 - The memory retention chemicals in the product are fantastic. Feel better than ever before
Product was delivered ahead of schedule and as described. The memory retention chemicals in the product are fantastic. Feel better than ever before.
5.0 - Remember that thing you need to remember
Getting older i tend for forget stuff very easily, and this has helped me remember what our grandkids tell us. Its very good for memory my doctor said.
4.0 - It had good reviews on Amazon so I thought I would give ...
I have just started taking Neuro Clarity. It is to soon to tell if it will help my memory problems. It had good reviews on Amazon so I thought I would
5.0 - Improved memory and congnitive abilities
I was very hesitant about a vitamin concoction working. But I'm 58 and I've been having some short term memory and clear thinking issues and I was afraid I was experiencing some early symptoms of Alzheimer. I've been taking this for two months and I have noticed greatly improved memory and cognitive skills. It may not work for everyone but, for me its a part of my regular health regimen.
4.0 - I am pleased with the product
I am pleased with the product. After about 5 days I think I notice a little bit more clarity in my thought process and memory
5.0 - Improved memory and mental clarity
I have noticed greater mental clarity and my short term memory has noticeably improved.
5.0 - Neuro Clarity
I give this product 5 stars. I feel it helped w/my overall anxiety and I seemed more calm. My memory is sharper too I felt my memory was becoming clearer after about 2 weeks of taking this product. ....I will buy it again!!
5.0 - Clarity it is!
Having tried various other memory enhancing products, I find a definite beneficial affect with Neuro Clarity. I was about to buy another bottle when I found that they are sending me a free bottle!
5.0 - miracle worker
it did wonders for me, it help me with my memory...I recommend it.
5.0 - Clears the brain fog!
Wow this really made a difference for me! Between this and the Rainbow Light multivitamin I started taking, my energy has improved drastically and my mood is SO much better. I have also noticed an improvement in my concentration and memory retention. Another bonus is that Nutrition Essentials offers a free bottle for reviewing their product! Good deal all around :)
5.0 - Five Stars
Seems to work well, feel more alert and awake. Memory has improved as well as overall brain clarity, happy with this product
1.0 - Didn't work for me
I've taken almost the entire bottle and notice no memory boosting effects. I actually seem to remember less since taking this. Very disappointed. Going to try another product.
5.0 - It seems to work for me!
I've been taking this for over a year and I feel that my memory and clarity have improved. I'm very happy with the product.
5.0 - Memory and Focus
I have tried several products to help with focus and this is by far the best. In a time where we are all asked to do more in less time, this product helps a great deal. This helps improve memory as well as focus. I did find that taking it at night before bed works much better for me.
3.0 - Able to Focus Better and Read Slightly Faster -- Compare Ingredients to Neuro Focus
This nootropic has a good combination of herbs and natural chemicals that your body produces that have been linked with increasing mental alertness and improving memory, It is composed of the herbs St. John's Wort, Bacopa,Ginkgo Biloba, Vinpocentine, in addition to the natural chemicals Glutamine, Phosphatidylserine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and DMAE Birtrate. I have been taking this product for about 10 days and my experience is mixed. The first two days it gave me a slight headache and a little bit of stomach discomfort, but after that I didn't have any noticeable side effects. I have noticed an ability to focus more and read slightly faster (but then again that could be a placebo affect). I will finish the bottle and update this review on any changes. Note: I've noticed that Neuro Focus, also sold here on Amazon, has the exact same ingredients and in the same proportions as Neuro Clarity for about 1/5 of the price. So I also ordered Neuro Focus to continue to try this same nootropic for another month, but this time a lot cheaper. From what I have read the key components of this nootropoc are Acetyl-L-Carnitine (aka ALCAR) and Ginkgo Biloba so I recommend that you get those separately to supplement this product, since the Neuro Clarity (and Focus) only contain 50 mg of each, which is not enough in my opinion. So I also take a pill of ALCAR (500 mg) and another pill of Ginkgo Biloba (120 mg) with it. From what I read it is perfectly safe to take up to 2000 mg (or 2 grams) of ALCAR and up to 360 mg of Ginkgo Biloba per day, but I would not recommend that you exceed this dosage since it could upset your stomach, cause headaches and even give you a very rapid heart rate. Hope this review was helpful.
5.0 - Five Stars
I think this has really helped my focus and memory in just a short time taking it.
1.0 - One Star
Does nothing. After half the bottle I see no change in my clarity, memory, or attentiveness.
5.0 - Really impressed with results...
Was not expecting remarkable results, so was very surprised and pleased. It took about 3 weeks to really notice a serious difference, but it was worth the wait. It not only boosted memory but had a positive affect on mood, in general. I am sending the product to a family member who has problems works for that, too. All around great product that I will keep using and recommend to friends.
5.0 - I really do notice an improvement in my thinking. ...
I really do notice an improvement in my thinking. I am doing many new interesting things since taking this supplement. i am more engaged and see an improvement in my memory.
3.0 - Helps focus/memory but ingredients list keeps changing
I just received my 3rd bottle of Neuro Clarity and each bottle has listed different ingredients. The second bottle had Vinpocetine and Huperzine-A. The first bottle just had Vinpocetine not Huperzine-A. The third bottle I just received doesn't have either one of those ingredients. The second bottle also listed rice flour under Other Ingredients and the third bottle doesn't list that but does list gelatin and silica which the second bottle didn't list. Neuro Clarity does seem to help with my mental focus and short term memory but I don't think I can continue to order it if the ingredients keep changing. I just don't trust it.
5.0 - I noticed that I was remembering better than before and then when i ran out I ...
I noticed that I was remembering better than before and then when i ran out I really noticed that my memory returned for the worse right away. They also gave me A FREE TRIAL BOTTLE IN EXCHANGE FOR A REVIEW
5.0 - It works! Try it.
I feel that my memory and focus is sharper. I have only taken one bottle and have used one other product for focus and I feel it works. I am also trying to do other things to help my focus and that is exercising and getting enough sleep. Those two things are a part of enhancing your focus. I will update my findings in a few weeks.
5.0 - good product
Best memory booster I have tried . I will continue buying this love it
5.0 - You gotto try this
I have been using this for last 2 weeks. started with omega 3 and this one. i have seen energy within me. Not too sure yet about memory but i will sure going to update. I love it though. My wife has also started using this product as she saw positive changes within me.
5.0 - I really like the product and believe that it has helped me ...
I really like the product and believe that it has helped me with my memory....not so much for my energy. I have ordered it twice alreayd.
1.0 - Don't waste your money as I did
I bought and used this product for 2 months. I honestly didn't see any difference in my memory, attitude, boost in energy or anything else that is claimed. I thought with so many people buying this product that it would do as stated, not so. I don't believe it is just me that didn't benefit from using Neuro Clarity. Don't waste your money as I did.
5.0 - I find this product to be helping me focus better at work and I've only used it a short ...
The shipping on this item was incredibly fast ...I received this bottle free for doing a review on a different product I had purchased. I find this product to be helping me focus better at work and I've only used it a short while be my short term memory does seem to be improving. Its a work in progress like all healthy supplements but I'm a believer!!!
4.0 - Benefit of the Doubt
So far it's been OK. I haven't noticed anything INSANE, but possibly it helps. I don't have ADHD or anything; I am already an excellent student. It was intrigued by the reviews about elderly patients with dementia. Aging is very interesting to me, and I try to exercise (strength train and walk) and I try to stay happy and social to ward off mental decline. I take one in the morning and then again later in the evening. I'm going to go for the free second bottle and see how it goes. THOUGH, something did just strike me. I am apathetic about committing passwords to memory and thus rely heavily on autofill on various gadgets and/or the obnoxious but straightforward password reset options. I recently got a new phone, and recalled a password I hadn't used in ages. That is interesting.
5.0 - Unexpectedly Amazing Product!
Before taking this supplement I felt i couldn't even think straight between work, family, the kids, and life in general. I felt like my brain was going in a million directions at once, and my anxiety was continuously skyrocketing not allowing me to focus. After taking this supplement for even just the past month so far, I have actually felt a great difference and increase in my mood, with lower anxiety levels (could just be a placebo effect haha), and definitely helping with my memory! This is a great product, and being as a REFUSE to go to the doctors and get prescribed any medication, this herbal all natural supplement does work wonders for me. I would highly suggest it for anyone with any amount of stress. Its just simply a great product, and I will be purchasing again!
5.0 - I good product. I can tell the difference after about ...
I good product. I can tell the difference after about 20 days in short-term and long-term memory. Nothing dramatic but I can see a little difference. I also enjoy remembering my dreams which is something I haven't been able to do for a while.
2.0 - Placebo, doubt there is any active ingredient in this. Totally ineffective IMO.
I can say, now that I am 80% through this 60 capsule count, that its had 0% affect on mental clarity focus memory or brain activity.
5.0 - 5 stars
Seems to really help with short term memory!
5.0 - Great Supplement!
I am loving this supplement so much, it's not an instant memory fix but you can feel the difference over time and you start to remember small things, which over all for me it's a huge help for work. :)
5.0 - Highly Recommended!
This product is a must buy! After receiving my free sample I couldn't be more happy! I have been remembering everything much better, and have actually out-performed my younger family members in memory games. I will continue using this product and recommend you all do as well!
4.0 - I noticed a improvement in my memory within days. ...
I noticed a improvement in my memory within days. I was able to recall things quickly rather than struggle to remember things.
1.0 - I did however experience the worst case of anxiety I've ever had before in my ...
I took these pills for about a month. Didn't really notice any mental clarity, or short term memory improvement. I did however experience the worst case of anxiety I've ever had before in my life. I actually thought I was having a heart attack, and was about to pass out. I called 911 and was rushed to the hospital only to find out I was perfectly healthy. I've suffered from anxiety in the pass, but these pills caused anxiety on steroids.
5.0 - My memory is slowly getting better which is highly impressive considering the fact that I've ...
I'm sure results will very from person to person but I personally feel that ever since I started taking these pills I am able to remember things more clearly. My memory is slowly getting better which is highly impressive considering the fact that I've taken other supplements similar to this one but those had zero effect on me.
5.0 - helps memory
helps in short term memory and ability to focus
5.0 - Great for concentration and memory!
This supplement really helps improve concentration and memory. I received a free bottle for doing a review and I'm glad I did because I've finally found an outstanding product with results. Give it a shot and you'll be glad you did!
1.0 - I have tried several such products recently and have yet ...
I have tried several such products recently and have yet to find anything that really works. I am 86 years old and have concerns about my memory recall. Names are a real challenge but also specific words. I have noticed some mood improvement from such products, but from this one.
5.0 - Five Stars
Amazing product, really have noticed a difference in my memory.
5.0 - Helped My Memory!
Neuro Clarity has really helped to improve my memory. Thank you, thank you!!
5.0 - Great Product.
Well I was skeptical about the product. Reading reviews from the Amazon app. Customers that purchased product thought it was pretty good. Well I decided to buy the supplement and give it a try. Bottle has 60 pills so it's a two month supply. Well I can also say that it has made a significant change in my life. First couple of weeks I didn't notice anything. But continue taking the product I noticed my memory recall was very good and my focus was excellent. Took capsule before I go to work in the morning and I noticed that performing my job tasks was getting much easier. In addition to I had a tender spot on my forehead don't know it was an injury or what not but taking the supplement I notice the tenderness have dissipated. Conclusion I think the product is very good and the claims are what it says to be.
1.0 - Try with caution
I know we are all walking chemistry sets, not everyone is the same, certain things affect people differently than others. For the record I have not been diagnosed with any kind of disorders. Just wanted to try something to help increase my memory and focus. I work in an office environment where I'm on my computer ALL day. My experience as follows:
5.0 - I love Neuro Clarity
I love Neuro Clarity. Since I have been taking it I am a lot more focused and my memory has improved. I recommend it to all my loved ones and sometimes I give them my bottle, so I am always ordering more. I bought so many bottles, they gave me this one free for this review. Shelbra.
5.0 - Look no further
I am on my 2nd bottle and I feel great! My memory is sharper and I have more gentle energy throughout the day. This is not a magic pill and does take take to assimilate to your body, diet, etc so patience is a virtue. Definitely worth it and highly recommend it!
5.0 - Can't go wrong.
great for memory.
4.0 - Helps me think
Neuro Clarity helps me think and also improves my short term memory.
4.0 - Seems to Work
Seems to actually work. Or as others have stated maybe its just the placebo effect but I do seem to recall some random bits of info that before would simply evade my memory. There are other things that I still cant quite remember (names of certain movies etc) but I was pleasantly surprised. Will continue to use.
4.0 - I definitely recommend it.
I was sent a free sample because I have purchased other Nutrition Essentials products. After taking Neuro Clarity for a few weeks; my attitude changed and my emotional levels seem more balanced. I appear to be more focused, and have noticeable improvements in concentration and memory. I can solve problems quicker and remember details that would usually require going back and reviewing my notes. The improvement is gradual, but as the days and weeks go by you'll notice it working. I definitely recommend it.
5.0 - seems like my short-term memory is a little better
I take a lot of natural supplements; seems like my short-term memory is a little better.
5.0 - This stuff works! When menopause sypmtom began to hit ...
This stuff works! When menopause sypmtom began to hit and brain fog and memory slowing, this was exactly what I needed. Thank you!
5.0 - I believe it works
Great stuff, gives me a energy boost and keeps me focused. Great improvement in memory retention as well, after 3 days more or less I started feeling more alert, more mentally active and in a better mood.
4.0 - my wife and I both use neuro clarity and we ...
my wife and I both use neuro clarity and we do notice more short term memory boost since using the product . we will continue to use .hopefully we will continue to see additional progress with this supplement
5.0 - Nobody’s gonna beat me!
What a precious thing. Who does not need a sharp memory especially when going over 40. I’m a doctor at mathematical science and even I needed this. All my young brain ideas are back and I’m going back to my usual shape!
3.0 - Good ingredients list but no noticeable brain clarity increase for me
I may have benefitted in some way to the good ingredients like St.John's Wort (250mg), Acetyl-L (50mg), Ginko biloba (50mg), and others but I did not notice any increased focus, memory, or 'brain clarity' which is what I was hoping for.
5.0 - Great product!!
Great product! I have noticed a difference ever since using this the first time a while back. I will continue to use this supplement and would recommend Neuro Clarity to anyone in need of a brain booster and memory assistance! Very happy with this product.
5.0 - 2nd order
2nd order here, I do notice an overall improvement in memory.
5.0 - Love this product
Love this product! I do feel more alert and feel that my memory is improving. Brain fog doesn't have to be just part of growing older, not with this product! Plus YOU GET A FREE TRIAL BOTTLE IN EXCHANGE FOR A REVIEW!
5.0 - Better and more positive mood
Started to take booster month ago. Couldn't yet say anything cognitive functions and memory, but, carefully using words, I may noticed better mood and more positive emotions appearance. Couldn't say, although, that these changes are drastic. Anyway, I thing that taking above mentioned booster was right and I can recommend it. Purchased from seller, Sharp Nutrition, the supplement has been delivered very fast and was well packed.
5.0 - yes, it appears to have memory improvement
impressed that it worked at all. i found myself doing a test of trying to remember what happened the day before. now this may sound funny but ask yourself, when was the last time you could remember almost EVERYTHING you did in a day? literally? well, i remembered things i thought i had forgotten, small things, like the oriental lady that smiled at me first thing in the morning when i crossed the street, the dog i had pet while walking the lady's perfume on the bus, most all the people on the left side of the bus, (that's the side i remember watching as i found an empty seat near the rear.) so yes, i am a bit stoked with it...
5.0 - Neuro Claritty
Seems to work as described . Valuable addition to memory clarity.
5.0 - Really works, but dont expect results overnight
I was a long time abuser of alcohol up until a few months ago. Needless to say my short term memory wasn't very sharp. I have noticed some significant improvement in clarity and sharpness of memory since taking these pills over a 1 month period.
5.0 - Helped the hubby!
My husband is sharper and can remember things. He was having short term memory loss and this product has helped him think more clearly. I would recommend this to people with mic and early insert dementia.
5.0 - Try them, they work.
I received a free bottle for this review. I would've left 5 stars regardless of this and was planning on leaving one before it was offered. I don't normally have the greatest memory due to work stress and a hectic life. Pretty quickly after taking one of these every morning, I found myself recalling all kinds of things. I was winning debates with co workers that required recollection of recent events in detail. I've been staying calm and figuring out very difficult and intricate jobs that normally would've sent my anxiety and stress through the roof. These pills just make me feel sharper in a way. I'm about to study for the biggest test of my life and I may start to take two of these a day. I'm positive they will help.
5.0 - Happy With Neuro Clarity
My free trial review: I had many issues with my memory before taking this. After taking it has improved greatly. My fatigue has also gone down and I feel so much better. I feel like a new person definitely something to try out.
4.0 - Improves cognition
I have used about 40 of the first 60 tablets and have seen an improvement in my daily alertness. I also noticed a slight improvement in memory which I hope gets even better long term. Ordering my second installment now.
5.0 - Engineering Projects Memory Recall
Bought this product to aid remembering details in my engineering projects. I have just started taking this product as a gift and will update this review in a few weeks after taking maximum dose.
5.0 - Great product
Great product, has definitely made a difference in my memory!!
5.0 - Five Stars
Love this product!!! I have felt it has improved my memory and concentration.
1.0 - not exactly what I expected
at first I feel slightly different memory wise and it seems like it might be working but after a few hours in the day I get extremely exhausted. To the point I can't even drive.
5.0 - Natural fuel for your brain...
I'm a 26 year old guy with no record of attention deficit or any related condition. However, since I started my Master in Finance a couple of months ago, my ability to stay focused during long lasting hours of study has started to fail. Besides, I work for the multinational department of a bank and work comes at every moment of the day. This mixture of constant stress and endless work, has started to diminish my concentration and memory. So far, I haven't taken any memory pills so I decided to give a shot on one of those "limitless natural pills", and decided to go with one of the best selling products which also would send me a free trial if I wrote a review after taking the product (which amazingly, they did).
1.0 - Save your money
Doesn't Work. I spent $100 on 3 bottles noting they offered a money back guarantee however after revisiting to the site, I can not find how to claim my guarantee back? I saw no memory improvement in my daily task load and I am simply out $100
5.0 - Amazing for memory
Wow!! I've been using this for 2 months now and it has really helped my thinking and clarity. I have short term memory issues and have been looking for something to help. This really has. Thank you!!
5.0 - No Jitters - noticeable improvement.
Started noticing my memory wasn't what it used to be (39yrs old now) and wanted to stop the degrade now that I started noticing my memory not being like when I was at college. I noticed a difference in about a week, it also didn't give me the jittery feeling others have by being loaded with caffeine or black/green tea. Happy with it and on my 2nd bottle now. Also got a neat postcard where they asked me for a review and will send me an extra bottle - so definite plus there too.
2.0 - No change for me.
As a person of moderate middle age I recognize that my facilities are becoming dull. I have been taking this every morning for two weeks. So far I have noticed no noticeable change in my mood, thought processing, memory recall, or attention to detail. I will continue with this product until this bottle finished but I do not plan to buy more.
3.0 - Breakout
I was very hopeful when purchasing this product. Unfortunately within a week of taking it had a terrible breakout. Hives and bad acne. I felt as if I was 15 again. I'm not saying this product doesn't work because I didn't get to take it long enough. My doctor looked at the bootle and said that his father swears by ginkgo. That it is wonderful for focus and memory but I was one of the few that could not take it.. His father takes it everyday and is also a doctor. The company gave me a full refund since I was unable to take the supplement.
5.0 - I can see results after 2 months
I have been taking this now for about 2 months and I can see I am definitely experiencing some positive results. My memory is improving and i am actually starting to retain more too. I can most certainly see improvement in my overall focus.
5.0 - I found myself remembering.....
I have always had problems with attention, and this has caused me problems at school and work at times. I have tried several medications for this with little to no success. I had done some reading about some of the new studies on memory and concentration, and identified a few herbs that have demonstrated to improve memory and concentration. Neuro Clarity contained most of those her4bs. I ordered Neuro Clarity along with another herb huperphezine and gave them a try. I found myself remembering many things that I would commonly forget such as car keys, where I placed various items, appointments, information from trainings/seminars etc. A Noted Improvement, and did not take a long time to see results. Neuro Clarity is reasonably priced. I have been taking on regular basis, and positive effects continue. I am being given a free bottle of Neuro Clarity for writing/completing this review. I gladly have done so.
4.0 - I did notice a bit of difference right away. ...
I did notice a bit of difference right away..i.e. my memory was a bit faster. i am being given a free bottle of for my review, but it is still honest.
5.0 - Resolves memory
This a definite must have because it helped resolve my memory and I feel I can multitask much easier without lacking concentration. It has kept me motivated and energized.
5.0 - but so far I'm happy with the product and will continue to use it ...
I was a little skeptical about this but I wanted to give it a try anyway. I have to say I'm very surprised, I've noticed a definite positive effect in my concentration and focus levels, as well as memory retention. Time will tell if the effect will keep on lasting with regular use, but so far I'm happy with the product and will continue to use it so long as it continues to provide the benefits.
5.0 - feeling better
I feel sharper and memory is stronger-due to other medical conditions and side effects of those medications-I am thankful to have found Neuroclarity-all the brain supplements in one pill
5.0 - My entire family takes this product!
It is a great supplement for improving memory, focus, and concentration. It is also a great way to
3.0 - not a noticable difference
your typical concoction of brain "enhancers". Under the assumption that it must be taken daily to experience its full effects. personally, i feel it is not strong enough to notice a difference in memory recall. however, i didnt take it daily. I will revisit this review once I have made it a habit of taking it daily.
5.0 - Five Stars
Good product -- helps with memory!
5.0 - Better memory
I have been taking this product for about 3 weeks. One day I noticed that I was having trouble remembering names. Then it came to me that I had forgotten to take this supplement that morning. I am 48 years old and believe that this product is helping with my memory.
4.0 - I will continue to take this helpful supplement in order to keep my mental abilities at a better functioning level
Neuro Clarity seems to help improve my memory and concentration. Although it's not a miracle supplement, jt does have a positive effect on boosting my brain function. I will continue to take this helpful supplement in order to keep my mental abilities at a better functioning level.
5.0 - More focus after taking for about 2 weeks
I believe this supplement has helped me focus more clearly and, as a result, it has improved my short-term memory. My work is client conversations where it's really important to catch the details and be able to remember them through the conversation. This has helped my effectiveness with those conversations.
5.0 - Get smarter, Remember more, Get Neuro Clarity by nutrition essentials
I purchased this product due too My short term memory loss, due to an accident I was in on my 23rd birthday, I went through rehabilitation for 6 months after that, learning how to walk and comprehend what was going on around me because I got a TBI in the accident! This product has helped me do all that I need to do to continue to get better and smarter in life!
5.0 - Helps with Memory issue. Helps with ADHD
This seems to help a bit on my memory issue. Not 100% that I dont forget things. But I can see improvements on my memory since I started taking this. I also started giving this to my son with ADHD and it seems to work with him in combination with Ashwagandha. I've received great news from school since he started taking these everyday.
5.0 - so short-term memory isn't as great as it used to be
I have ordered Neuro Clarity for the second time now. I'm 57, so short-term memory isn't as great as it used to be. After a month of using Neuro Clarity, I'm finding I can remember/recall where I have put my glasses, keys, or other things around the house. I feel I'm much sharper when it comes to remembering things. I would highly recommend this product!
4.0 - I would recommend this product
I started taking the Neuro clarity a week ago, and I noticed a change with my focus and my memory. I would recommend this product.
3.0 - alert and had better memory recall
It worked on day 2, I was more focsed, alert and had better memory recall, but later in the day I felt a really heavy migraine
5.0 - This product is amazing. It performs exactly as advertised
This product is amazing. It performs exactly as advertised. I noticed increase memory capabilities within days of taking it. Definitely recommended for anyone interested in more mental focus and overall brain power.
5.0 - success
I ordered neuro clarity for my brother who was frustrated because he was getting forgetful and it was starting to interfere with his job performance. Since he's been taking it, he feels that his memory has improved. Although the company has offered a free bottle to review the product, the review is still sincere.
5.0 - Begun to fill memory improvement and much better
It really work. I tried a lot of different supplements, but only this one gave me real results. Second week taking Neuro Clarity. Begun to fill memory improvement and much better concentration
5.0 - Five Stars
It' helping with my memory.
5.0 - Great product
Nuero Clarity is a good product. It took a few weeks before I noticed any results but my memory has gotten noticeabley better. I have used two bottles now and I will continue to buy it.
3.0 - Nogo for me, but maybe ymmv
Didn't recognize any change. Guess YMMV:/ feels similar to when I'm on ginkgo. Feel like memory maybe latches on slightly better, but no super powers. Focus stayed about the same as well.
5.0 - A Must Have!!!!!!
I have been taking this for over two months now it really help me ALOT I am taking this faithfully everyday. It help me with my memory and keep me focused. I will definitely keep buying this. Waiting on my free bottle for this review ;)
5.0 - Brain Booster vs Medication
Ok so i just received my Neuro Clarity on tuesday and honesty by thursday i noticed a slight improvement in my memory than i had before i started taking the brain function booster, not much of a big deal but honesty a quick noticable difference in memory. As for the mood for right at the moment i felt no noticable difference so i am gonna continue to take this brain booster and see if my mood changes with time afterall its only been three days and friday would be my fourth day so i will report back with reviews in a complete two weeks time to see if this brain booster will help with moods and how much more sharper my memory may or may not get. But so far yes it is absolutely without question if you take this brain booster as quick as 2 days you will notice a noticable slight difference with your memory which is awesome but kind of scary in a way cause it works pretty fast and you will notice a slight difference in your memory.
5.0 - A Huge Help for Absent Mindedness and Forgetfulness
Due to medication I had noticed a problem with my memory and brain function. I would forget words while talking, which was extremely embarrassing. I have been taking Neuro Clarity for a month. I have to say that I am no longer stumbling for words, my memory is better and I don't feel as absent minded as before. This product delivers as promised. I will continue to take it, as it works as promised!
5.0 - This stuff really works
My brother gave me bottle of this about a month ago after going on about how great it was. I went in as a skeptic but must say that this stuff works! I feel more focus, less stress, sleep better and feel my memory has improved.
1.0 - Dont waste your money.
Ive been taking this for over a month now. Dont see any difference in my memory.
5.0 - so I wanted to try something to help me with ...
so I wanted to try something to help me with my memory because I been forgetting a lot lately and losing focus so my friend told me about NEURO CLAIRTY so far I notice my focus is on point and the company gave me a free trail bottle
4.0 - Seems promising
I got bottle for free, I'll update if my memory improves.
5.0 - I love it!
I felt the effects after first pill , it took about an hour but I was so focused and felt very positive, was in the zone as far as my memory, I will defintely buy this product again. I love it!
5.0 - purchased for my 93 yr. old mom, don't ...
purchased for my 93 yr. old mom, don't know about improved memory yet, however, the St. John's Wort sure takes the edge off her anxiety and depression
5.0 - Good stuff
A free sample of this product improved my memory and concentration. I can finish my daily work better. I want to buy it.
5.0 - Wonder Pill
I am in love with this product. My focus, mood, and short term memory have improved substantially since adding Neuro Clarity to my daily regimen.
4.0 - I took this supplement six months ago and this supplement ...
I took this supplement six months ago and this supplement helped me recover my memory and then I stopped a couple months. I reordered 3 bottles for me and my mom.
5.0 - Clearer head
My friends recommended neuro clarity to me because when we are together and are doing something I tend to forget what we were doing. They told to try it out and I did for a week and I have a clearer head and my memory is doing better.
5.0 - It Does Bring Clarity
I received a free product. So far so good. Product has helped my wife and I with our memory. Works as advertised. Have used for several weeks now.
5.0 - Feel more alert!
I agreed to try this product without cost if I write a review and even though I haven't been on it long I'm pleased to say I've seen a difference. Stress ,years, and life has taken its toll on my memory and this supplement has improved my attitude, mental quickness and my ability to focus. Try it.
3.0 - Neuro Clarity is good, and at first I did not feel any ...
Neuro Clarity is good, and at first I did not feel any changes. But as days progressed on, I felt less sluggish, less fog, and a better attitude. I decided to do an experiment were I get off of it, and I noticed my mood is a bit down and more lethargic. The memory improvement aspect only helped a little. I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to have a better mood and to feel energized. Oh and since I said energized, it's not the jittery type feeling. More of awake and able to think clearly.
5.0 - Helped my memory tremendously!
I noticed a difference in clarity and memory the first day I took it! THEN I received an offer for a free bottle. Yay! I recently recommended this to a friend who's experiencing memory issues. She's planning to order based on my excellent results. If you're having memory problems, this is a great product to try.
5.0 - Still new but I think it's a good product.
I've been using product for a couple of weeks and I feel like I have more focus and clarity. I remember things better it seems like my memory is improving somewhat. After a month I will be able to tell Better but so far so good.
5.0 - Try it for yourself too
My grandma has some memory gap problems, she sometimes forget to go to the comfort room, forgets my name and almost forgets anything she do today and then I started to try this for her to see if this is effective or not and guess what after a month of taking this everyday I see a big change in her, she remember my name and was active nowadays.
2.0 - Did not really help me
When I first took it, it made me hyper vigilant and made me think super quickly, but it did not improve my memory or how my brain functions, just the speed. I also got a canker sore inside my mouth for several days, because it thinned my blood a lot. Not to mention, I felt so dizzy and weird. I would like to return it, because I'm afraid it will happen again.
3.0 - It's Okay
Like the three stars mean: it's okay. I bought this for my aging father whose memory is getting pretty bad. We've been using Neuro Clarity now for about two weeks. I don't think that's really long enough to be able to see legitimate results, but at least there haven't been any bad reactions from the supplement. I've tried other similar products with my father as well. It's always difficult to tell if and how much these supplements help (I'm obviously not doing a scientific study), but I'm happy even if they help moderately. I hope to see more results after we've used this product for 6-8 weeks.
1.0 - One Star
Did not help retain memory at all.
5.0 - It works!
I never thought I'd say this about a tiny pill- but after one short month of taking Neuro clarity my long-term memory significantly better.
5.0 - This stuff is awesome! I've been taking this for 5 days now ...
This review is based on a free bottle. This stuff is awesome! I've been taking this for 5 days now and I can't definitely feel a difference in focus and memory...I highly recommend this product to anyone interested in improving focus and energy.... I purchased the probiotic formula first through Amazon and I am very pleased with that product as well...This company manufactures good stuff for daily life...I will buy again...
4.0 - Better Memory
I remember names better and don't lose my keys as much.
5.0 - Five Stars
Awesome Product! I was a bit skeptical at first but WOW! Amazing memory! Thanx
3.0 - This is okay so far changing my star.
I came back in to redo my review. I am doing okay on the Neuro clarity. I tried a different brand which seemed to work better. So I decided to do some research on the vitamins in this bottle. These are great vitamins but the milligrams are so little. So I was thinking maybe this is why I am not doing as well as the other brand I was using. So I am going to increase from 1 to 2 a day to see if this makes a difference then I will come back in to let you all know how I am doing. I have been on this for about 40 days with 1 a day per directions on bottle with just a little improvement. Per research on the amount of milligrams that should be taken to get the best benefits would be about 2 or 3 a day. The reason why I went from a 4 star to a 3 star is because I was on another brand which was still in my body and changing over to Neuro Clarity. I felt the decrease of my memory as the time went by.
5.0 - good effects
Test out this nootropic and recorded down a log for 4 weeks, this stuff is very effective and much stronger than the other stacks on the market. It helps a lot with memory because I can pull numbers out of my head easily.
5.0 - Seems like a fantastic product.
These pills appear to be top quality. I have been taking these for over three months and my memory absolutely appears to have gotten better. I was having a hard time with short term memory retention / retrieval and since I have been taking these, I am having a much easier time remembering things, paying attention, and understanding what people are discussing with me. I think after a full 6 months of use, I will be able to provide a better review. So far, so good!
4.0 - good product for mental health
event hough I will receive a free botlle of neuro clarity, I'm writing this review as to how the benefits of this product have help improve my brain functions over the course of two week. Memory, focus, clarity improved. You should give it a try.
5.0 - Five stars
I feel great and more clear headed. I notice when I forget to take my vitamin, my memory is not as good either.
5.0 - I Dig It! Great Product!
I tried this product about a month ago and am very happy with the results. In return for a free bottle, I am writing this review. The results are not drastic by any means but I definitely notice a rise in short and long term memory. I can recollect details I normally would have forgotten which is a huge help since I'm in grad school! Also a huge help when my girlfriend brings up something from weeks ago and I can actually remember (Quick side note, I share this account with my mother so it's her name that is up there). I am able to focus a bit more on things I typically zone out with. Overall, i have to say the name is appropriate, you will gain some neuro clarity!
3.0 - I received a free bottle of this product under the ...
I received a free bottle of this product under the condition that I would review it. After a week of taking this product I did not notice significant change in my mental functioning in terms of focus, memory, and mental clarity. In my experience, it seems to have more of a placebo effect on my mentality.
5.0 - Love It!
This product is amazing! I highly reccomend to anyone needing to improve their memory issues
5.0 - ... and can honestly say that my memory's a bit better so far
I'm going on my 3rd bottle (wanted to give it a little time before I wrote this review) and can honestly say that my memory's a bit better so far. I'm hoping that if I continue to take the booster that overall improvement will be significant.
3.0 - Pretty good. Definitely recommend to you guys.
I love this stuff. It works great and is really quality stuff. I’m getting up there in age and can really notice a difference in my thinking and memory and it’s not what it used to be LOL, but now that I have Neuro Clarity All Natural Brain function, I really have brain function now for my college classes and I finally have my smart back. I would forget things and get my math all wrong and have brain drain and my friends were starting to wonder (out loud) and no matter how much coffee and energy drinks, I still felt confusion. At night I would see things that looked like beams of light and hear sounds that were a lot like car horns. Not any more, though. I’m on top of things and getting it back together thanks to these babies. I’m gonna be OK now.
5.0 - Anti Stress
I've been experiencing lately too much stress because work as I just got hired few weeks ago in a certain company, and I'm afraid that it can affect my performance so I decided to buy this one. Not only it relieves my stress, it also enhanced my memory and concentration at work. As of now my supervisor is quite happy with my performance that's why I usually got some bonuses from them.
5.0 - Great product
I was given a free sample of this product in return that I posted this review. I've been using this supplement for the past few days and I can always feel a difference. My thinking is a lot clearer and my memory also seems to be improved and hopefully will continue. Will definitely purchase this again in the future!
4.0 - I like the product!
I like the product, It seems to help with my memory and thought process. I did receive a bottle for my review. I think it is worth trying and I add it to my daily vitamins.
5.0 - It starts working within 30 min and effect lasts for 2 hours
It works. I was looking for memory booster, because I have forthcoming test in foreign language and have to memorise extremely large vocabulary, approximately 100 words per day or more. I do not have particular time when I am taking pill. I take it when I need to concentrate or to before momorization session. It starts working within 30 min and effect lasts for 2 hours. Normally I study at night and in the morning I call recall whatever I learned at the eve.
4.0 - Seems to be helping but will it continue?
I have noticed a little difference in my memory. It seems to have improved slighly. I started a new job and I think it is helping me remember things a little better. And I'm not forgetting little things like where my cell phone is or where my car keys are. I'll update again in a few months as I think it wears off after a taking it for a while.
3.0 - Ok
It as hard for me to tell if the product was doing much or not. I think I felt a subtle improvement in memory and recall but is hard to say. I received a free bottle for writing this review. They highly suggest you leave a 4 or 5 star but I don't think it made that much of a difference.
5.0 - Neuro Clarity Works!
First of all I must mention that I will be receiving a free bottle of Neuro Clarity. With that being said, I have been taking this for about 2 months and it works! I feel more relaxed, and it improved my memory and mood. I tried this particular one because of great reviews so now I am happy to add to those reviews because it works!
5.0 - Improved Memory
Really a solid product, helps me remember things better! I received a free trial bottle for leaving this review, but would have left it regardless.
2.0 - A waste of Money?
Been taking these every day for a few days and don't seem to notice any thing....perhaps I'll keep taking them until they are depleted to see if I can tell a difference in mental clarity, short term memory and all the other claims this product is supposed to do.
5.0 - Good for memory improvement
Very helpful for clearing the mind, and improving memory.
3.0 - its okay but Ocean Better brain and Neuro MAX WORKED WAY BETTER FOR MY ...
its okay but Ocean Better brain and Neuro MAX WORKED WAY BETTER FOR MY GRANDM WITH EARLY ALz but every person different. maybe try this and Oceans Better brain since it has the fish oil and more memory beneficial ingredients
4.0 - Clearer thinking
I feel like I have more clear thinking and maybe better memory recall. I have only been taking it for about a week and a half now, twice a day, and it seems be benefiting me. I will continue to use it longer and if I see more change I will add to this comment later.
5.0 - It’s never too late.
I recently became a granny and I need to keep my mind sharp and protect my babies. I needed a strong memory so it would not make me forget any single detail. It’s all possible today when you start taking this supplement on time.
5.0 - I am amazed by the result
I am amazed by the result .Since I have begun taking them,my memory hasimproved dramatically.Not only that,but my stress level has gone down a lot,and my energy has greatly increased.
5.0 - This stuff is amazing!!! It Really Works!
I was having memory issues so bad I thought maybe I was having early onset dementia or Alzheimers. Since I just recently turned 50, and it doesn't run in my family, I was truly concerned. Then my friend told me it might be from menopause and since I take stuff daily (black Cohosh) for hot flashes, I didn't realize that Meno could mess with my memory. I immediately did research and it lead me to Ginkgo Biloba and that lead me to try this brand. I mean the name itself "neuro clarity" seemed to be talking my language. It is amazing!!!!!! After two weeks of taking this everyday I can see a major difference. I no longer walk into a room and forget the reason why I walked into it. I no longer forget what I was about to say in a middle of a sentence like before. It has really helped my focus, a lot! Now I must admit after my research, I found out that daily exercise would help me out also, but I'm working on that. Then to make matters ever better the company offered a free bottle of another one of their product if I left a review for that product. I got the probiotic and after a couple of weeks of taking that, I will leave a review. But this has been a game changer for me right now. No more being embarrass, because my mind went blank in the midst of a conversation. This stuff really Works!!
4.0 - inspired to boost memory
Enjoyed reading the Amazing reviews on just what i am inspired to start taking. Can't wait for results. Also got free bottle Of different product. They truly are looking for a lifetime customers. :)
1.0 - Cant believe I wasted my money again on another memory supplement
Does this actually do anything because I'm not seeing any difference. I am forgetting way more quicker than I ever have. Cant believe I wasted my money again on another memory supplement.
5.0 - Working...
I have been taking this product for about a week now and I don't really know the immediate difference but I do know when I'm taking the Lumosity app test (exercise for the brain) I tend to react much faster than before. With that said...I guess I should say it's working? I will continue to take this and hopefully it will improve my memory even more.
5.0 - Brain awake after baby bearing years
Okay, first let me say I received no compensation or free product for this review. This is my own experience. Powerful stuff. On the heels of having been pregnant & nursing (2+yrs x 3 children) for the past, oh, 7 years, I was struggling with major Baby Brain: tired, poor memory, mental capacity diminished (I used to make straight A's at night school while working 40 plus hours and volunteering at a hospital). And I am no slouch when it comes to nutrition. People told me that it's just what happens when you have kids and oh well. Sorry, but that's not good enough. I have 3 active kids to raise and I'm in my mid 40's so I kept looking until I found this.
4.0 - But I felt little bit different like i can more focus and memory
Ill give 4 star. Bc i been trying 6days sofar but not that big difference so i gotta wait more. But I felt little bit different like i can more focus and memory. People said, best result is after 1 month
4.0 - Better focus in a bottle
I was looking for a supplement to help with memory and focus. At 51, I was noticing difficulty from time to time remembering little things. I can't say that I noticed an immediate difference after I started the supplement, but after a week or so started to notice I was getting more done at work, staying on task, and not forgetting as much. It's worth the investment to see if this works for you.
4.0 - I'm 77 and had been noticing memory problems so I ...
I'm 77 and had been noticing memory problems so I decided to try natural brain supplements. After checking out the different ones on, I choose Neuro Clarity. I've been taking it for two or three months and it seems to help.
5.0 - Awesome
I bought this for my husband who has an anoxic brain injury due to being dead for 30 minutes!! He has made miraculous recovery from the doctors saying he was brain dead to significant brain damage to he is just about back to normal! He still has some slight speech issues and some right neglect and memory issues. I have to say, we both feel that this has helped in his recovery! Since taking it, his memory has improved, not leaps and bounds but in an obvious way. Thank you for your product!
5.0 - It works.
I was skeptical I must admit, but have read enough about the natural ingredients in this product helping with mental sharpness and memory I thought I'd give it a try. After trying it for a week I don't need to write a long review here, its a pretty simple outcome... For me, it works!
5.0 - I recommend the product and the seller highly
This was a free bottle offer after purchasing other bottles from the same seller. I have noticed sharper thinking and awareness/memory since having begun taking this product over 6 months now. I recommend the product and the seller highly.
5.0 - Works very well
Awesome product. My concentration is very sharp and my memory is better than before.
5.0 - Great supplement for Early Dementia
Great supplement. My mother in-law who is 78 years old has been taking this supplement for 5 months now. She has been suffering from early signs for dementia. Since she started taking this supplement, her short term memory has improved tremendously. I.e, she used to fidget with her purse looking for items inside the purse for minutes at a time or opening drawers arranging and re-arranging things or looking for things. This obsessive behavior has diminished tremendously. She now remembers, for instance, where she put the keys, or her cell phone. I would recommend this product to
5.0 - Pure energy.
I don't know about this stuff helping memory and mental clarity.. I have yet to find any product that helps me with those issues.. What this does give me, however, is energy. Not the jittery kind of energy with a crash that a cup of coffee or an energy drink would give, but sustainable, tangible energy that lasts a decent time. Now, the photosensitivity warning is correct, it does change the way the sun feels on your skin. Also, I feel like my need for water increases quite a bit after taking this product, but overall it is well worth it if you need an energy boost.. Unfortunately, for me, it doesn't help with my "brain fog"
5.0 - Great product !!
I simply love this product. I have terrible memory and just forget things and being a student that's something that doesn't work in my favor. I did my research on various supplements that claim to have a brain boosting capacity but I decided to go with this one because I liked the mix of ingredients better. I have been taking brain clarity for almost 3 months and I really really love the results. It took approximately 2 weeks for my body to really feel the effects of it but once that happened the results were great. I take one pill daily, not two, in the morning along with breakfast. I remember more, I'm focused, i have energy to do things now, I can concentrate and it even helps my mood. I have forgotten to take it in a couple of occasions and I have noticed how miserable and lazy I am on those days so I will continue to take brain clarity because, it truly does work.
1.0 - I am still in a brain fog. I was ...
I am still in a brain fog. I was hoping at least my short term memory would improve. Nope. Still losing IQ points. You probably have to take it a long time and start when you are a child.
4.0 - What works for one, may not work for all..
I have mixed reviews for this product for several reasons. When I personally tried it, I followed the directions and never missed a day. I honestly didn't feel any different going on my third bottle. I figured it might take some time for my body to properly put its benefits to use. Being a full time college student myself I was convinced after reading all of the positive reviews. Unfortunately the only thing I did notice was an energy boost when I took it, no 3 o'clock slump; but I can get that from a cup of coffee. I then offered it to my sister, she also goes to college full time and interestingly enough she in fact did notice quite a noticeable difference. She said it helped her through finals and was showing improvement in her memory, and mental & physical stamina. It just goes to show what may work for one, may not work for all. I'm sure she'll be repurchasing in the future, I on the other hand will continue to search for a product that does work with my individual system.
5.0 - Works
My Mother has dementia and I got this thinking it would help her and it certainly has helped with her memory and I must say the doctor that is treating her asked for the formula and was pleasantly surprised. with the formula of the ingredients. and added that this ok for her. I received a free bottle of Neuro Clarity with this review. Thank you very much.
5.0 - Four Stars
Very good product. took 2 weeks for me to notice memory improvement.
4.0 - I'm a very skeptical person about products that aren't consumed ...
I'm a very skeptical person about products that aren't consumed naturally. My sister got me these because I'm usually under stress studying for a 8 hous test which is going to be in one month. So far I've taken the pills for one week and I've noticed am improvement in my memory. Waiting for my free bottle
3.0 - No way to tell if this works; it may.
As with others, I got a free bottle if I write a review. So when I did research on the web about memory enhancers, there were no scientifically verified products. From what I saw the only supplement that may help, has been used for many years, and is somewhat recognized in Europe, etc. is Ginko Biloba. Since Neuro Clarity has Ginko Biloba, and has seemed popular, I decided to try it. So does it work? I have no idea. I mean, it would take a scientific study to determine that. Do I feel pretty alert? Yes. Is my memory better? No idea. There is no way I can correlate the way I feel with the use of this product, given all the other things changing in my life. I am 73, and have had bad memory my entire life, and I just recovered from a cold from around Christmas. I have been taking this now for about 3 weeks. So do I expect to continue on this? Probably... I mean it does no harm, and I do feel sharp.. and it does have the one ingredient that is recognized as possibly helping memory. If I determine any side effects or I feel less alert, I will likely discontinue this. Do not expect a night/day difference from taking this, based on my experience.
5.0 - Best in the market
I have tried hundreds of brain formulas in the last 3 decades and I can honestly say that after using this product for 4months that it's my favorite. The results are immediate and gentle. It helps me focus and strengthens my memory, helps me deal with anxiety and stress, and a general feeling of well-being washes over me. I take 2 in the morning and feel its effects all through the day. You may be able to find lots of products with almost the same formula that boast the same, HOWEVER, this is hands down the BEST price point for the quantity. Research for yourself; you'll find the same. My subscription is set for life!!
4.0 - Good product
Great product concentration is way better. And sorry term memory is improving
5.0 - Trying to enjoy my memory before i lose it
I’m getting older and memory loss runs in my family and it scares me. My brother works for this amazing doctor and was telling him about this supplement. We decided to look into and research it and well obviously we bought it. Best investment I have made to protect my future as long as I can, my mind is clear it is like a fog has been lifted, my stress levels are down, and it also seems to be helping keep my migraines at bay,
5.0 - Really works!
I have been taking the Neuro-Clarity for about 2 weeks now and I am definitely starting to see improvement in my mental clarity and even memory. That's a huge thing for me since I'm over 60 and really irritated by my forgetfulness ie. 'Why did I come in this room for?', forgetting names, forgetting what I wanted to add to a grocery list and on and on. I will keep taking the supplement and hopefully, it will continue to benefit me. I'm pleased so far since there aren't really a lot of good options out there. I'm also sensitive to vitamins and minerals but have not had any problems with the ingredients in this supplement.
5.0 - Has helped me
I was starting to wonder if I had beginning stages of alzheimer's. Nope. Within one week of starting to take this I noticed a difference in my attention span, memory, and mood in general. I will always take this as part of my regular routine.
4.0 - Little more clarity than regualr day.
I got this during black Friday deal for free. I have never tried before any memory boosters or brain clarify things.
5.0 - As of now I think it WORKS- Will report next month
I have been using this for a month and short term memory has improved. This is the same as Previgin but much less expensive. I just ordered my second month supply and am recommending to the people I care for.
5.0 - Boosts my energy
Boosts my energy levels so I can get a lot more done in a short period of time which is great. It enhanced my memory skills which is useful so I can intake more information quicker.
4.0 - Excited to see more results
Just started taking it in the last few weeks, and it does seem to help me focus. I can't tell if it is the placebo effect, or if the supplement is doing its intended job, but in any vein I am seeing a slight improvement in my mental faculties, as far as focus, for a few hours after I take the supplement. However, I have taken gingko in the past, and I do believe that does help improve long term memory, not just when you have taken the pill. Also I got a free bottle just for writing the review which will last me about two months. Not bad for the price I'd say.
5.0 - Try, it works.
I have used this product for 3 months now. I noticed that both my concentration and memory have improved. I think faster and retain more information, which is very important for me as a student.
4.0 - I purchased this product to help with focus and memory ...
I purchased this product to help with focus and memory but have only been using it for a couple of days so I have no details on effectiveness at this time. The product arrived quickly and without damage.
5.0 - ... sooner if I see a positive affect thanks and good luck with your brain functions I know it can ...
I just receive the product I've only took it once today so I can't honestly say that I notice an improvement in my memory ability but only time will tell I read somewhere on here it can take approximately 2-3 weeks to see a dramatic improvement so I'm hoping I don't hand to wait that long lol will see but the product to show up in the mail very promptly so that's the reason for the 5 star rating so again I hope this product does the job for me and others I'll try to come back on here in couple of weeks top give & update or sooner if I see a positive affect thanks and good luck with your brain functions I know it can be frustrating but hang in there may be this is the vitamins that will help solve that problem.
4.0 - Don't expect it to produce miracle results like top reviews suggest
Here's what I believe to be the honest truth about this product (I did not get the offer some say they did for a free additional bottle if they place a review). It doesn't work wonders for me like the top reviews, for some people it seems to work better. It's no limitless pill, everyone's looking (me included) for a miracle pill and I just don't believe they exist. Good diet, proper amount of routine sleep, exercise, proper hydration (8 glasses of water a day), and very little or no alcohol/other substances will provide you will more energy, focus, clarity, memory, etc than any other product.
1.0 - Doesn't work
Does not work what so ever that's probably why it's so cheap. I gave it a few days of taking it & did not notice a difference in memory or focus. Don't waste your money.
5.0 - Everything!! Even for the young !
This made was everything! I’m in my late 20’s and I have brain fog. Sometimes the word is at the tip of my tongue or I’ll forget what I was saying. I have awesome long term memory tho - almost scary. But this is like Adderall (never took it before) but it keeps you focus on your task!
4.0 - Four Stars
Great product, works well, I feel like my memory has improved since I started using it
2.0 - Unnoticeable Change in Memory, Clarity of Brain Functions or Anxiousness
I was genuinely excited to try Nuero Clarity. I'd read many of these reviews, was confident that it would be one of the more effective nootropics on the market, and felt like I should notice some small impact once I began taking it.
5.0 - It works great!
Great product! I did notice a change in my brain, better sleep, clear dreams, help me in my concentration . People with IBS ...I did notice a change in a positive way. I will highly recommended for people who works with their brain and need avoid the crash moment in the afternoon. I took only pill everyday and help me with my memory. During the first week going to bed my brain will fell very clear , powerful like a computer. I was afraid that this wouldn't let me sleep but ...was great! Female 40"s ,healthy (minus IBS). I only take vitamins . I will advise to consult with a Doctor otherwise.
5.0 - Brain Booster
I've used this for a few days and notice it makes me more alert. I don't know yet if it improves my memory, but will add to the review when I've used it a little longer.
5.0 - Happy purchasing experience
This is a good product to my mother who is age of 86. She told me that she can't focus on activity and lost memory. She is glad to try on it. By the way, this is awesome to have a free bottle of alphamale XL male enchancement for my husband to try. This is happy experience to purchase from this seller. Thanks.
5.0 - and my concentration is better.
I feel more alert and short-term memory seems to be improving, and my concentration is better.
2.0 - Didnt work for me.
It didn't work for me. I've tried other memory enhanceing products, and this one didn't reach my expectations. May just not be balanced for, so I would try it for yourself and make you own judgment.
5.0 - Five Stars
I'm enjoying an increase in energy and mental clarity wirh this product. Memory recall seems easier as well!
5.0 - Five Stars
Already feel like my memory is coming back and more clarity throughout my day!😊
5.0 - Five Stars
love it, works well with memory.
4.0 - So far so goood
I've been taking two pills in the morning for a couple of weeks now. I can't say that these pills have greatly improved memory as yet, but I do feel calmer and a bit happier..less irritable. I'm not sure if that was an intended side-effect, but I like it none-the-less. I don't experience the sleepiness that others have posted about. I'm going to give this product a 90 day trial to see if I can determine if it helped my memory issues.
1.0 - Doesn't do anything.
I have been taking 2 pills for almost a month now. I notice no difference in clarity or memory.
4.0 - Helping to slow my slipping memory
I had been noticing my memory slipping a little bit for a while. So I decided that I had better do something about it. I did a little researching and Neuro Clarity contained many of the ingredients recommended to help rectify my problem. I have been taking them for about a month and I have noticed some improvement. I will continue to use this product.
5.0 - I buy these for my husband and he says he ...
I buy these for my husband and he says he notices a difference when we run out of them in terms of memory and the ability to think quickly. Purely anecdotal but it's enough for me to keep buying them.
5.0 - I have been looking for quite some time for a ...
I have been looking for quite some time for a supplement to help improve my memory. I was impressed with this product because within a short period of time, I noticed an increased difference. Thank Goodness!
5.0 - Great product! Delivers as promised.
Bought this for my grandmother who is experiencing pre-Alzheimer conditions. She has had a excellent experience using this Nutrition Essentials product as opposed to the higher priced Prevegen. Better clarity, focus, and memory!
4.0 - Great Supplement for Improving Memory and Focus
I have been taking narcotics for the last few years due to multiple back surgeries and chronic pain. I noticed after the last surgery that the narcotics were having a severe impact on my short term memory and my ability to quickly process information. I have been using Neuro Clarity for the past 3 months and it makes a huge difference. I take 2 capsules every morning. This product has helped me a lot.
It actually works pretty good, I feel more focused and I know for sure that my memory is definitely noticeable better when taking Neuro Clarity.
4.0 - Hoping for improved memory!
I received this as a free trial since I already use their probiotic. After taking this for a week or so, I haven't yet noticed any dramatic change, but will continue for the remaining 60 days. Since I am turning 74 in December, I have a bit of a problem with short term memory and am hoping this product will improve my memory. The capsule is rather large, likely in order to get the necessary dosage to be effective. Since I like the probiotic, I am looking forward to a good result with this product as well. I will update my review after completing this trial.
5.0 - Five Stars
I believe this product helped me get some better memory function back.
5.0 - If you're a college student like me, it Is ill advised to try these ...
You know that film "Limitless?" Yeah, it won't do that, if that's what you hoped for. Nonetheless, Neuro Clarity does work to improve alertness, memory, and most of all, focus. If you're a college student like me, it Is ill advised to try these out, especially if your grades have plummeted. Thank you for reading my review, and hope for the best of you. Good luck, and enjoy.
4.0 - Ordered product and so far like the results as there are no jittery feeling or ...
Ordered product and so far like the results as there are no jittery feeling or racing heartbeat. Instead, the effect is gradual and long lasting. To compare this to a drug prescription would not be fair as one is a supplement and the other is produced by big pharma. I have never been diagnosed with any type of attention disorder so I take Neuro Clarity for a memory retention edge.
1.0 - Zero Results, No Improvement
I bought two bottles, paid double the amount of purchase to get it cleared from custom office here in native country pakistan, I've been using it since 3 months, unfortunately no improvement in memory or focus, wasted my money and time, will not recommend it unfortunately! It's just placebo medicine.
5.0 - better memory
Would have take a picture when ever I park my car when I go to the mall or supermarket because of how bad my memory was. This changed all of that and it's quite incredible how much it improved for me.
5.0 - A little helper.
I'm always skeptical about promises from supplements but I struggle with attention, and memory a lot. Even at 26 years of age. It has actually helped me. It's not a miracle pill, but I seem less distracted, more focused, and that little help that I didn't have before. It's hard living with ADHD, it's eased the burden. Without the dependency of pharmaceutical drugs like adderall/Ritalin. Highly recommend. Great price too. I take one per day in the AM when I wake up.
I bought this hoping it would help me with my brain fog and memory. Well It has helped me be more awake as well! Soon after I started taking it I was able to just jump out of bed in the morning instead of laying there groggily trying to wake up! That right there is enough reason for me to continue taking it. I never need naps anymore! I have been able to pick up on my piano as well and memorize songs quicker! Has helped with my learning Japanese too! Well worth the buy! I also am getting a free bottle for the review! Score!
5.0 - A strong mind forever.
When I’ll be old, I know I’ll have tons of memory problems. It won’t be my problem, because, I’ve started getting ready for it and now my mind is at it’s finest.
3.0 - Good but not great...
Not a miracle drug, but does assist with memory and focus. Could be cheaper based on results which is why I'm giving a 3 out of 5.
4.0 - ... using this product for a month now and feel like it is a good product
I have been using this product for a month now and feel like it is a good product. I don't feel the "Limitless" experience by any means, but I do feel like it has helped with mental focus, memory, and gives me a better sleep. I am able to remember things after only hearing, reading, or seeing them once, for the most part. I feel like it helps my mind rest at night and helps me get to sleep quicker. Before my mind would not shut off and I would have trouble getting to sleep sometimes. They are also very nice in sending me a free bottle with free shipping that arrived very quickly from Amazon.
5.0 - Definitely a product I will continue to use, helping to restore focus and memory recall, great product.
The product definitely helped in memory recall and focusing. Prior to using the product I was sometimes a little bit foggy when choosing words and descriptions in order to complete a sentence or thought. It was like I was more focused and "in the moment" in just two weeks of taking the supplement.
5.0 - Five Stars
Great product! Definitely notice a difference in my ability to think more clearly and improved memory.
5.0 - Working long hours, Nuero Clarity will help you stay focused and motivated. Memory / Focus stays sharp.
Nuero Clarity has really help me stay focused during my 16 hour shifts. I have also notice my my memory / recall has greatly improved especially under tiresome stressful situations.
4.0 - Great Customer Service
I have rated this product a 4 star rather than 5 star because I really am not sure if it is helping my memory or not. But what can you expect from a middle age lady. I guess a pill can only be expected to do so much. However I am persistent & will continue to take these for awhile & see how it goes. Now as far as the company..... excellent customer service!!!! I would highly recommend them if there is any products they sell that you are wanting to try. I have put Nutrition Essentials on my favorite list.
5.0 - glad I found it
As a nursing student I was looking for something to help me with clarity, focus and memory retention....glad I found it.
4.0 - Sleeping Better
I purchased this to help me feel better and more awake...possibly improve my memory. It didn't do ANY of that. What it did do, however, is help me sleep better and longer. This was a surprising side effect and I would continue to take this even if this is the only benefit.
5.0 - Try it
Improved mom's memory
3.0 - Can’t say if I my memory improved but it did ...
Can’t say if I my memory improved but it did make my dreams very vivid. So that means I’m getting more oxygen to my brain which is a positive result
5.0 - It works for me!
I've been using this along with a few other supplements for improved mental functions and I gotta tell ya, it's working for me! I go to several trade shows for work and I've often struggled with remembering details about meetings, but most importantly, names of the people I've met. Now I can clearly recall the names and often the surrounding settings of where we met and what we talked about with ease. It's like I'm swimming through my memories and am able to go just about anywhere I want to within those memories. Now, I'm not saying I've developed a photographic memory, but I am saying I can now recall details like I've never been able to before.
Due to my painful neuro-muscular disability, in conjunction with a multiplicity of health challenges, – it plays a role in degrading my memory’s ability to recall recent events. Especially when in a social setting which can add additional stress when meeting someone for the first time.
5.0 - This is interesting. I've been taking this just a ...
This is interesting. I've been taking this just a week, but have noticed a difference in memory recall and clarity. I will definitely continue to take this supplement and will be excited to see where I am a month from now.
5.0 - My absolute favorite!!
This is by far my favorite fireman for boosting memory and focus and clarity I see a difference within the first few days of taking it! Highly recommend this product!
3.0 - Hopeful
I didn't notice better memory or an alert feeling. Sorry.
4.0 - Smooth motor running
I would have given it five stars because the product works fantastically. Brain fog...gone, short-term memory....drastically improved, and best of all FOCUS. The thing we all crave. It just takes a couple of days to build up in your system to start feeling the full effects.
5.0 - It's happening
Well, I've been trying this product for a month and I must say I thought the effects of noontropics were just a myth. I was wrong, Neuro Clarity is a real BRAIN BOOSTER!!! I haven't tried any other noontropic, and I think I won't because I already got the effects I was looking for: mental clarity, memory enhance, awareness, energy boost... I usually don't take the time for reviewing products I this one deserve my special attention. I do recommend this product. Try it and don't trust just my words, then you'll know what I'm talking about.
5.0 - Solid product
The product is solid. The ingredients in it are great for memory and cognitive function.
4.0 - It might help you with something else instead
I'm not quite sure if I have been using this supplement long enough to truly reap its benefits, but I definitely notice a significant difference already in just the first few weeks I have been using this. I can't really say this has helped me become better focused or "smarter" if you will, my memory is pretty much the same for the most part, I have not yet experienced any changes in that department anyway, but what this product did help me with was my anxiety. It has made me significantly calmer and less stressed. Since taking this I am much more relaxed and I deal with adversity whether on the job or at home, so much smoother now. I sincerely hope that my review doesn't put anybody off though because I can't thank Neuro Clarity enough for what it has done for me so far despite that it is not really improving my memory or focus but what it is doing for me (calming me down and relaxing me) is even better than what I bargained for in all honesty.
4.0 - Seems to be helping my wife who has suffered memory ...
Seems to be helping my wife who has suffered memory issues after a brain tumor operation. Too early to tell.
5.0 - like I said
Received on time. I'm no scientist, so there are no instruments to back the claim of memory boosting.. what I will say, is that most of the ingredients listed in production I researched. Ginkgo Biloba, and St. John's Wort are most known for their uses as memory enhancer and as soon as I got my bottle, I cracked it open and got this really strong herbal fragrance. Now, like I said.. I'm no scientist but I'm pretty sure that the herb smell was coming from the listed ingredients, which was good for me!. Also would like to add that on first day using it, I was finally able to figure out how to add my youTube URL to my twitter acct.after 2 years.. coincidence?, definitely. But, it's an coincidence that happened THE same day that I took Nutrition Essentials(Neuro Clarity)brain booster, and that's a score in my playbook!.
3.0 - works great
Great product it helps me focus better and it helps my memory so I won't forget things.
5.0 - Great
This Neuro Clarity change my memory completely. Great Product
5.0 - For me, it made my memorizing skills better.
If you need some brain power to improve your memory skills, this supplement is here for you to rely on. Perfect for everyone and any kind of use.
1.0 - I threw them away.
I began taking these pills one a day as instructed about 3 weeks ago. I believe my memory was better. It seemed that I could recall things a little quicker. Then I noticed I would have anger issues. I actually would lash out at people. It seemed uncontrollable. I quit taking these pills and the next day I felt like my old self again and the anger was gone. I threw these pills away. I hope nobody else experiences these feelings. I do not drink, smoke or do drugs.
3.0 - Not as potent or cost effect as others
Not as effective as I hoped, effects don't last long if at all. Would take on an empty stomach right after my morning coffee and would feel amazing and be able to focus. However without coffee I would have no difference. After receiving this I looked up recommended dosage of the ingredients and they were lower than the values I found, so I started to take 2 at once or 2 one in the morning and before dinner. I can confirm that my short term memory improved while taking 2 a day. Not as effective as AdderRx and Optimind.
5.0 - It was recommended to me by my brother who also felt so ...
This is the second order for me. Saw a improvement in concentration and memory shortly after I started taking it. It was recommended to me by my brother who also felt so much better after taking it,. I have recommended to friends who also saw improvement!
3.0 - Good for Focus
This is my 2nd bottle. I am easily distracted throughout my day and unable to focus on 1 task. I noticed the Neuro Clarity helps in organizing my thoughts and putting tasks in perspective. I feel there are days where it doesn't help when I only take 1, so I've had to take 2 to gain from it. I'm not to sure about it's affect on memory, my memory doesn't feel enhanced in the 3 months that I've been using this supplement.
5.0 - GREAT memory formula!!
Best Memory Product I've found! Approaching age 60, the 'Teflon brain' jokes are common, but I am still employed in a position that requires mental sharpness. Over the past 5+ years I have tried countless formulas for mental acuity to boost my other herbal regimes and am careful to compare ingredient formulas, finding this to contain all the items that have proven effective for me. Now into my second month with Neuro Clarity, I actuallykeep catching myself thinking "wow, I remembered that?!".
4.0 - Worth the money
I have been using product for 2 weeks and have noticed an increase in memory. Would recommend this product to friends. 27 year old male.
5.0 - Better than my old pill
Its my second try using a brain booster pill because the first one I used failed and I only ended having serious headache. But this time its really different because I notice that my memory becomes clearer and my alertness also increased. Well I'm happy that I don't need to try another product because I'm already satisfied with this.
4.0 - Improved Short Term Memory Loss
I have been taking this for a couple of months and I saw an improvement in my short term memory loss in about 2 weeks. Also, the St. John Wart has helped with evening out my mood during stressful situations. We are an older couple so I ordered it again because I believe in this product plus I ordered it for my boyfriend and I have noticed he is more even tempered. He doesn't fly off the handle over, say for example spilling something, nearly as bad. I will continue using this product...and so will he.
5.0 - I think helps not a super pill but noticeable improvement
this seems to be good products and helps with memory a little only problem is if I don't take it I forget that I need to take it lol
5.0 - Highly recommend this product it is worth it
I have been taking this product for 3 weeks and noticed a difference in my memory both short term and long term the very first day. I don't want to be without it now. Highly recommend this product it is worth it.
5.0 - Problems sovled!
After using this product my mind feels clearer and more active! This is the one that you want to be using. I’ve been having way less memory farts and I don’t feel fatigued anymore. Even my anxiety has been reduced significantly. I feel better than ever!
4.0 - Great Memory Pill
I have used 2 bottles of this product and it makes me remember things i normally forget.
5.0 - No more mood swings here
I was looking for something for my moods, and since i had a good experience with St,John's wort in the past i figured i would try this, Boy am i pleased, not only am i back to being chipper and happy my concentration and memory have improved incredibly as well
5.0 - Overall I feel really GREAT!! THANKS for the FANTASTIC product new customer ...
I have been taking Neuro-Clarity along with Alpha GPC and I must say I'm clearer more focused and my memory is sharper! Overall I feel really GREAT!! THANKS for the FANTASTIC product new customer for LIFE😍😍😍
4.0 - I would recommend anyone who is wanting to improve their mental capacity ...
. I would recommend anyone who is wanting to improve their mental capacity for focus, memory and mood to try it . You won't regret.
4.0 - After taking 1 bottle i forgot to reorder. I ...
After taking 1 bottle i forgot to reorder. I noticed a difference with memory and realized that I was not taking the
5.0 - So does this product make me like the movie Limitless the answer is no
This is my first review for a product on Amazon. So does this product make me like the movie Limitless the answer is no. Did this product help my memory the answer is yes. After a couple weeks using the product I would no longer walk into a room and forget why I was there. I noticed little changes that really helped me in my day to day. Like I would be out and about and decide I wanted to grocery shop, but my grocery list would be at home. So I would go shopping and just try to remember what I put on the list and in this instance there were 15 items. I only forgot one item, before this supplement I would forget 4 or 5 items. Last thing I noticed is after a night of drinking the mental fog that followed no longer lingers until Monday like it did before the supplement. Hope this helps. Thank you
2.0 - I've been taking this for about 3 months. In ...
I've been taking this for about 3 months. In the beginning, I thought I could see some improvement in short-term memory, but now I'm not so sure. I will continue to use the remainder of the bottle but probably will not purchase again.
5.0 - Very good product. I noticed a significant improvement in my ...
Very good product. I noticed a significant improvement in my memory.
4.0 - Four Stars
So far so good. My short-term memory is slowly coming back.
5.0 - loves!!!
I use daily and I love it. The results are definitely there. Better memory, less brain fog.
5.0 - My memory was embarrassing
I noticed results within 24 hours. I've been taking 1 pill a day for the past 2 weeks and I have much better memory power! I am thinking about upping my dose to 2 pills and seeing what happens but my memory has improved so much now with NO side effects I have hesitated on upping the dose. My memory was so bad it was embarrassing, now it's so much better its almost scary. I have tried these ingredients before and they never worked, I think it's the combination of the of ingredients that has worked for me.
5.0 - Bottom line ~ IT WORKS!
Fibro-Fog, fatigue, stress, and chronic pain requiring medications... all these play havoc on my memory and thought processes. Nothing is more frustrating than to forget simple words or find that one is no longer capable of expressing the simplest of ideas! I am an avid researcher and an ametuer herbalist. I had a list of herbs and plants that would support clearing of my brain fog and set about to find the best source, fully expecting to have to blend my own capsules. Then, I stumbled upon Nutrition Essentials' Neuro Clarity!! BAM - there it was! Everything I would have used to formulate my own supplements at a MUCH lower price than I would have had to pay for all the contents and supplies.
5.0 - clearer thinking
So far so good. too early to tell how much it will improve my memory. fast delivery, will update later.All in all AAA"s, thank you.
5.0 - I also liked that Neuro clarity lists the amount of each ingredient ...
I decided to try Neuro Clarity to improve sharpness & memory. I looked at many products before choosing and this product contained the highest number of ingredients I was looking for (after a bit of research). I also liked that Neuro clarity lists the amount of each ingredient instead of just listing them all as a proprietary blend. I have taken one a day for a little over a month and I do feel it has made a positive difference.
5.0 - REcommended
Great product.This boosts your memory helps you concentrate and makes you feel better. Recommended for anyone specially teachers and students that require memory.
5.0 - Mind fog is gone.
This is been helping me a lot at a call center I can think better and my memory is less fuzzy. Been taking it for a month now I could tell the difference when I don't take it but it doesn't taper off as quickly as bupropion.
5.0 - Strong mind waiting for challenges
Memory failure can occur once every while and you need to be prepared. I took precautions and I’m well prepared for what’s to come in the future.
5.0 - Quality product, did help with memory and mental agility ...
Quality product, did help with memory and mental agility. As I've gotten older my database is a bit over loaded at times. Purchased it once again ~
5.0 - Really great product!
I am amazed by the results. Since I've begun taking them, my memory has improved dramatically. Not only that, but my stress level has gone down a lot, and my energy has greatly increased. I know these ingredients together are powerful, and can feel the effects kicking in strongly.
5.0 - Amazing product.
I bought this for myself (57) and father (90). We both would walk into a room a couldn't remember why. For him it was understandable, but not me. Surprisingly never of us do it anymore. I am actually amazed at how well this works. I feel like I am not only thinking and functioning better, but I'm also protecting my memory for decades to come.
5.0 - Love the product.
I am in the early stages of menopause. My short term memory is becoming worst. I research for a product that could help me with mental clarity. I found Neuro Clarity-All Natural Brain Functions. Since I started using the product. I have better focus. I purchased 2 bottles. One for my husband and one for myself. Thank you Nutrition Essentials for the free bottle. I look forward to trying addition products in the future.
5.0 - The results brought me to tears with its effectiveness
This product works. I struggle with ADHD, am medicated for its use, but have most importantly noticed that my memory has been declining - someone could tell me their name and even after putting in effort to remember, I couldn't recall it 20 minutes later. I have been using this product on and off for months, but finally have committed to taking it every day for the past two weeks and I cannot TELL you the difference it has had on my memory. I found myself close to tears because of the results.
4.0 - So far so good
Love the fact that this product is made with all natural ingredients. It definitely has seemed to help me with staying focused ... Hoping to see some memory and recall improvement with continued use.
5.0 - This thing really works
This supplement really helps, I take daily 3 pills, which increase my concentration ability and memory very significantly. It does not cause any side effects. I take them first thing in morning, it creates a huge energy boost, you turn to an unstoppable person, improves stamina and ability to handle task very strongly. I will continue to buy. I was prescribed Nvugil for same reason, I could not tolerate side effects more than one pill. Than I tried other supplements which did not work. Neuron clarity helped me so much.
5.0 - It's not like an energy drink where you notice the affects immediately
It's not like an energy drink where you notice the affects immediately, but rather over a course of time. I am on my second bottle now and take one a day and occasionally two and I feel like it has really improved my short term and long term memory. I am able to retain things faster than I was usually able to and I can feel it help my performance at work and in school. I'll have to consider some other products from this company considering the positive effects I've had with this specific supplement.
5.0 - Satisfied with product
Works great. I definitely feel and notice a difference in my concentration and memory
4.0 - Memory getting better!
Im 3/4 through my first bottle and am beginning to see some progress. Memory is becoming better although I think it may take more time to really feel a difference
4.0 - but it does a great job at helping to improve my concentration
Some claim this helps their memory. I have not found this to be true, but it does a great job at helping to improve my concentration.
5.0 - I can't believe this worked
I didn't think this stuff was going to do much for me but it really works! I can do homework and study for a lot longer then I could before, I can also recall stuff a lot easier. If you were iffy about this product like I was you can try out a free bottle at! If you're having problems with memory or just need a brain boost Neuro Clarity is a must try!
5.0 - Alpha Brain alternative
Not bad I feel like my mind is more clearer than before. My memory seems like it got a decent boost. Good price for the amount of pills.
5.0 - Works Great!
Noticeable difference in short-term memory. Haven't had any unpleasant side effects. I would definitely recommend this product!!
5.0 - Works!
Seems to be helping my memory, no side effects.
2.0 - No noticeable changes in brain function.
I observed no noticeable changes in cognitive ability, memory or anything of the like. I have use mutiple Nootropics and this is not my favorite. So far Optimind has been my favorite.
5.0 - Five Stars
I have started using it sometime back and notice appreciable progress in my memory and clarity...
4.0 - Four Stars
not sure if this helped my memory or not but I can start remembering phone numbers again
5.0 - Greatly improves memory
Before, I couldn't remember stuff from just a couple days ago. Now, I can remember exactly what clothes I saw someone wearing at a restaurant from two weeks ago! It truly is amazing and my memory is really at it's best. Try it for yourself and you'll see!
5.0 - always on edge
I was always on edge and in a bad mood. I was just miserable. Having exams in two weeks didn’t help matters out much. Now that I have started this supplement I am more relaxed and collective. I am on point and sharp when it comes to my focus and memory.
5.0 - Product arrived on time as expected. Today is my ...
Product arrived on time as expected. Today is my 3rd day using this product and I can already notice some improvements with my thinking and memory retention. A+
4.0 - neuro clarity for mother in law memory help
Bought for my mother in law, who is having memory issues. Within 2 weeks, her memory
4.0 - Working Well So Far
Been taking this product for about two weeks now and can already notice a definitive increase in recall and memory retention. I'm also feeling more motivated and engaged. I'd recommend this product to my friends.

2. Havasu Nutrition Extra Strength Brain Supplement for Focus, Energy, Memory & Clarity - Mental Performance Nootropic With Super Ginkgo Biloba
View this supplement on →
5.0 - Great Product!
Excellent! I've been purchasing this for a couple of months now and have noticed a distinct change for the better in my memory. I seem to be more focused than ever too, thank you!
This product is simply AMAZE BALLS with a side of AWESOME SAUCE! Because of this product I'm much more focused, I'm getting a lot more accomplished and memory has increased as well!!!
5.0 - Seems to work for me, but I haven't approached it scientifically
So far, I'm near the end of my second bottle and I will likely continue, though I might cut back a bit to see if I notice any major difference. I'm giving it five stars because I'm attributing much of the recent changes in my memory and focus to this even though I'm always testing different combinations of vitamins/herbs. I should be more scientific, but oh well. I've reached the point where I'm hesitant to stop because I need to maintain my current level of performance for the next five months, at least. Overall, this stuff seems to be working for me.
5.0 - It works really good for me
Before I was taking some pills for my migraine and those pill made loose concentration and my memory was going down, I found this product and it's really helping me a lot. Now I can remember things that before where difficult. It works really good for me.
5.0 - Five Stars
Really has helped my dad's memory his diabetes has caused memory issues and this sure works for him
5.0 - Great results!
This is one of the best focus and memory pills I have ever tried. I have tried prescription and subscription focus alternatives and I have found this to have a great results with out the side effects of some prescription focus pills. JD
5.0 - Great supplement to stimulate the mind!!
My memory and cognitive thinking has improved so much from taking these supplements. I feel so good that I can have conversations and not have any brain fogs!!! Will continue to use this product and as I age I know my mind will not suffer.
5.0 - I got my first real A in class after using this product.
I just started nursing school, and have used this product for about a month now. Along with couple of other products from Havasu Nutrition, I definitely have noticed more clear cognitive performance, better memory, and I've been kickin ass in school!
5.0 - It works! It really works!
So, I must say, I was totally surprised by the efficacy of this product. I thought that, perhaps, it would provide me with greater mental clarity, if I was lucky. It's done that and much more! I feel far less foggy and have noticed a definite improvement in my memory. It's a wonderful product that I intend to keep using!
5.0 - Packaging and shipping was excellent too and customer support was outstanding
I got my second last week and I must say this product is a real deal. My memory, focus, alertness has greatly improved and I actually felt the results just within few days after starting my first bottle . I have tried two other brands but this is the magic pill . Packaging and shipping was excellent too and customer support was outstanding .
5.0 - Great Product!
I really like this product. I have only been on it for 2 weeks, but my memory seems to be clearer and I am in less of a "brain fog". Will report back later, when I have been on it longer.
5.0 - It's already working
Bought this for my partner. After about 2 weeks, it already seems to be helping with his memory and mood. I'm picky about supplements. I like the ingredients, and the quality assurances. It takes time for a supplement like this to fully kick in, so I'll update this after a while.
5.0 - Short term memory improvement
My short term memory has always been lacking but since I've started using neuro ignite i've noticed a significant improvement, definitely happy with the purchase
3.0 - I recommend this product
I've definitely improve my memory and focus. After a few weeks using Neuro Ignite, my brain becomes more powerful and thoughts clearer. I recommend this product
5.0 - Clear the cob webs and recall better.
Pleasantly surprised by the clarity of thought and memory recall. I decided to try this after years of not being able to think clearly and not being able to remember something five minutes later (simply being in a fog). I take 2 capsules every morning to start my workday. I will continue to take these. I only buy supplements after researching and have taken supplements of some form or another most of my adult life. I decided to try these without great expectation simply to avoid the placebo effect and also realizing that not everything works the same for everyone. I have a few different supplements with mixed results. It is important o recognize that a supplement may be ineffective for a given individual, but that does not make it 'junk' or bad and does not warrant a bad review. What works for one person may not work for another, or as well. With supplementation it is about finding the product that works best for YOU. It takes a small bit of patience and willingness to try a couple of brands with appropriate research. Know what your body needs, what it does, and what you are buying. Be educated about your body and your health. YOU will benefit.
4.0 - Off of Adderall
I think this stuff really works, I've been off of Adderall for 1 month, afters years of being on it, and before Adderall, years of Ritalin. I couldn't stay focused enough to be on top of things at work without Adderall but Adderall will fry your heart and now that I'm 56 and my memory isn't getting any better, I'm thinking I don't want to have a heart problem, but I don't want to screw up at work, especially since I take care of patients. I've tried several times to get off of Adderall, but I just wasn't the same. So I saw this stuff online and decided to try and get off of Adderall again and use this stuff. I can tell you honestly, it doesn't physically feel like Adderall at all, but I'm staying focused at work and in my home life, but I do have to take two at a time because of my Adderall I think, it takes a lot for me to stay focused and on top of things. This stuff does not make me feel speeded up, nor does it give me the jitters, just makes my mind feel very alert. So I'm staying with it, no more dry mouth from Adderall, my blood pressure is down 10 - 15 points too, and my Dr is happy about that. She asked me how I was doing it, and I told her I was taking this supplement, and she just advised me to be careful with supplements and criss-crossing them, but she didn't think anything was wrong with this stuff.
3.0 - Try again
I’ve been trying to find something. I am desperate. I have ADD and horrible brain fog, memory loss, lack of concentration. I know it is age, but so far I have noticed no difference. I’m not sure if it is something I am doing wrong since others notice right away. I do not want to go back on adder all Going to give it a few more weeks.
5.0 - Awesome product!
awesome age 60 helped my memory / energy and focus! Very grateful to have this product available on amazon!!!!
5.0 - Perfect for Focus and Memory!!
My husband has been having a lot of memory and focus problems lately. The change in him has been amazing since I started him on the NeuroIGNITE. I thought I was going to have to drag him to the Dr. for tests. We are extremely happy with this product. I put it on Subscribe and Save. Best way to buy it. We will never run out.
4.0 - So far so good. I have been trying this product for a ...
So far so good. I have been trying this product for a couple of weeks. I recently started working the graveyard shift and wanted a confidence boost. Also, while I'm still fairly young, I sometimes have issues with memory. I started out as recommended with one pill but quickly went to two. I take one when I first wake up and one before lunch. I tried two when I first woke up but I felt sick after. Spaced it out and I was fine! Now, it's certainly not a limitless brain pill but it doesn't claim to be. I simple feel it makes it a bit sharper. I have taken it long enough to take a few days off and, personally, felt like I felt a difference. I noticed some people are phasing out there coffee and replacing it with this. I can't do that....Not yet, I love my coffee too much. However, as I said, I feel that, generally, I preform better, quicker than I do without it. The BIGGEST perk, probably from the St. John's wort, my anxiety feels more at bay. The job I do involves, not only a lot of fast paced costumer service, but accounting. I can get anxiety before going to work, during the multiple crisis' I run into or even when I get home and prepare for sleep. I wasn't expecting it but this has helped with that anxiety...a lot. It's not gone, but hey, I'm very thankful for the help it has given me. This might have helped a lot with the sharpness I first spoke about. We all know the havoc that stress can cause. Why did I not give it a 5? Well, I was honestly hoping for a bit more. I was hoping a bit more aide with my recall, memory, etc. However, I've seen felt enough of a change in my performance that I will continue to order Neuroignite. The anxiety factor alone keeps me interested. I really feel it's not that expensive for what you are getting. If you're questioning, I say give it a try and see. Thank you to Havasu Nutrition and good luck to all my fellow shoppers.
5.0 - Very happy with the product!
I am a senior and noticed signs of memory loss lately. It bothered me. I noticed improvement practically in a day or two!. Memory, mood,...improved immensely. What is even more important - is the ADHD kids this product helps. A preschooler had serious problems with focus, concentration and moved a lot in class. The mother gave him one capsule of NeuroIgnite in juice before bed and the next day he came from school a happy kid because he didn't struggle with his English in class! Big Thank you from me and those ADHD kids and adults who finally found help with no harm to the body.
5.0 - This works!
After a few months of taking this product, I don’t have as many “foggy days” as I used to and my wife says that my memory seems to be better, especially when recalling driving directions. 🙂
5.0 - "Lit up"
Talk about being "Lit"...this stuff is the truth. My demanding schedule (Active duty enlisted Army) in a deployed combat means I have to be at peak 14 -16hrs per day. I have been talking this over 21 days now and have seen and felt notable increase in xlarityand memory. Coupled with my Tribulus (Testosterone booster), it carries over into the gym as well, I have never felt so focus without using other supplements which unfortunately raise my blood pressure.
5.0 - That it works!!!! a+++
Our daughter has EDS and it effects her memory and this product has helped her to stay focused and her memory is so much better on it. We tested her and had her go without for a few weeks and she had memory issues again. Once back on she is much much better. Thank u for creating such a wonderful non rx product to help.
4.0 - He says he feels great!
My husband has some memory loss, and this has really helped him. He says he feels great !
5.0 - Great product!
I've only been using this product for a few days and already notice a difference in my memory recall and cognitive function. Things that used to take me minutes to recall now take seconds. I'm a visual person and I work in an environment that requires immediate recall of complex projects I oversee. I'm looking forward to experiencing the full effects once more time has passed.
5.0 - This is the best brain supplement I've every taken
This is the best brain supplement I've every taken. It helps me with focus specially at work looking at numbers all the time. I'm able to think clearly and my memory has gotten better. I highly recommend this product specially for those who are struggling with the same issues I have.
3.0 - Supposed to help memory
I’ve been taking this for about three weeks now. I can't tell yet for certain the effects, but I will continue taking a second bottle to give it a little more time.
5.0 - This definitely works. Stacking with Piracetam, Aniracetam, ...
This definitely works. Stacking with Piracetam, Aniracetam, and Alpha GPC made my concentration, memory, and mental clarity even more pronounced.
4.0 - I started taking these pills and find they help with ...
I started taking these pills and find they help with memory, now I take a pill each day. I am 78 years old.
5.0 - I love it
I've tried many of the "brain supplements/boosters" out there and this one is the best, in my opinion. It gave me immediate results. I have more energy, better memory, think more clearly and it doesn't make me jittery. Ordering my 4th bottle now. I just take 1 a day and make it part of my morning vitamins.
5.0 - Five Stars
I have noticed improved focus and some improved memory function.
5.0 - Increased alertness and mental clarity!
I’m a working college student and this helps me get through long lectures with increased concentration and improved memory. No more dozing off and no more brain fog. I've noticed quicker memory recalls. This helps me survive my long commutes to work as well. No jitters and no nasty feeling afterwards. Customer service is amazing too! Worth a try!
5.0 - Good value
I can definitely tell a difference in focus and memory. This supplement uses ingredients commonly used focus and memory and for considerably cheaper than competitor supplements. While it does seem to provide the advertised benefits, remember you will likely not find a miracle in a bottle and this will not suddenly make you remember everything you have ever encountered and never forget anything again.
5.0 - Better Recall
I have been amazed at how much my cognitive abilities have changed for the better. I am 62 years old and I have been a teacher for several decades now. My memory of past events, things I'd forgotten about, I have been able to recall with acute clarity after taking NeuroIgnite for just a couple of weeks. This is a great product and I am thankful to have found it.
1.0 - Didn't Notice A Difference
I just finished my first and last bottle of this product. I honestly didn't notice any difference in mental clarity, focus, memory, cognition or energy. However, while this product did not yield the desired outcome for me, it does not mean it will not work for others. I strongly encourage folks to do their research to ascertain what will work best for them. Honestly, you won't know if something works for you unless you try it for yourself.
5.0 - Take consistently and you'll see the difference!
It definitely helps with focusing, and memory. I've been taking it for about 3 weeks and can tell the difference, especially while at work (currently short staffed, so me working double and triple amount of work).
5.0 - Great memory supplement
Excellent product for helping to focus and retaining memory. I’ve used it for almost a month now and can already feel the difference in my thought process. Thanks NeuroIgnite for this wonderful creation!
5.0 - Amazing results !!
I'm a big fan of natural supplements as they are part of my everyday fitness regime. This is my first supplement that helps with brain-health and concentration. I have been taking this for approximately two weeks and I have noticed a remarkable difference in my short term memory! I have been able to concentrate throughout the day and I didn't experience a crash in the afternoon. I have also noticed a marked improvement in my energy level.
5.0 - Worth it.
I went to GNC to look for a supplement that'll help improve my memory and help me focus more with my school work. I have been taking this for about a week straight and I have noticed a difference. It's easier for me to remember little things that I would easily forget before. It's also cheaper than the supplements that I saw at GNC so I think that it's worth trying.
5.0 - Five Stars
I have been off my prescription for 3 months now. Focus and memory much improved.
5.0 - What an amazing product! I’m able to concentrate and focus and ...
What an amazing product! I’m able to concentrate and focus and the memory is so there!!! Will definitely be buying again!
5.0 - Definitely Makes a Difference
Excellent product. I have needed something to help with memory retention, focus as well as deal with aspects of anxiety and depression. After researching many different "stacks" this stood out as a quality product. I have been taking it for about two months now and have definitely noticed a difference.
5.0 - My favorite smart pill
Awesome product! I've tried dozens of similar products, and this is by far the best. My memory is noticeably better. Thank you!
1.0 - Made me forget things more than remember things
Terrible. I've been taking the pills since June 14th and my memory has gotten worse. I remembered more things before I started taking the pills. It didn't help my memory at all.
5.0 - It really works!
I bought this product after reading the reviews on Amazon and the results great and got even better! My memory has improved. My focus is much clearer. It’s great.
5.0 - Great Product!
I have truly seen a difference using this product. I have seen an improvement in my focus and memory, which is helping me do better in college. Another plus is I am getting a nice tan by using this product. I recommend this product and see myself purchasing this again!
5.0 - I have been using this product for two months and ...
I have been using this product for two months and I can see the difference in my memory & brain thoughts. I couldn't believe the difference in just one month. I've been able to focus more on what I'm thinking & saying, heck I even went back to work at a part-time job at the age of 70. Thank you Havasu!
5.0 - I think it is the best product
I am enjoying your product now, while it helps me to strengthen memory. Actually, I am preparing my GRE test, which I have to learn a lot of vocabularies which are not used commonly. I think it is the best product I have tried. Thanks!
5.0 - It is great stuff.
I read somewhere that Trump was using these pills. Maybe fake news? Anyway, since with age I have some memory decline and slowing of cognitive function I thought there was no harm in trying them. From the start I found improvement in memory, cognitive function, general alertness. The only thing that has not improved is very short term memory: I still forget names, but I find I recover them faster than before. It is great stuff.
5.0 - This stuff is great!!!
I ordered my first bottle approximately A month ago. I noticed after about two weeks great results. I found myself able to focus and sensed a clarity I haven't had a very long time. I've noticed an improvement with my memory and concentration as well. I totally recommend it.
5.0 - Five Stars
helps with memory
1.0 - No change in my cognitive abilities or mood
I’ve been looking for some brain supplement that can improve my cognitive abilities and mood positivity. As a PhD student in engineering, I’m constantly under stress due to the amount of work and requirements the department places us in. After reading the reviews for this product, I went out and tried it. Just as the directions said, I took one capsule a day for 30 days. Since then, I have felt no improvement in my memory or focus. Also, maybe it’s just the weather, but I’ve recently been losing the energy to do things, as if I’m not motivated to accomplish anything. I did not feel this way a month ago. If anything, this product may just be a placebo to give an idea to buyers that their cognitive abilities are improving. I think I’ll just stick to my natural abilities..
5.0 - It works!
neuroIGNITE has given me significant improvement in memory, focus, and clarity with no side effects. It really works for me. I recommend it without reservations.
5.0 - My memory is as good as it was in my 20's!
I was already taking the Ginkgo Biloba so I thought I'd give this a try. I started a new job and had to travel out of town for two weeks for a very intense training. In addition to that, I have a very busy schedule. I must say that I am able to juggle things and recall information that I would not normally be able to remember. My memory is as good as it was in my 20's! I will continue to take this. You can take one or two a day. I'm fine with one a day most days.
5.0 - Excelent
I loved it, has helped me a lot , it has increased my focus span and memory
5.0 - Noticable memory improvement
Have been taking one dose twice a day with breakfast and lunch.
5.0 - This product really works!
This is a great product to help with focus and memory. I wish that I had known about this years ago!
5.0 - Hoping for the best!!
Definite increase in energy, too early to tell regarding memory or focus, I just started my second bottle so I am hoping they will start to take affect.
5.0 - Improved cognitive performance
After about a week, I noticed some memory improvement and better focus and energy levels.
5.0 - recommended for focus and memory
I have tried many brain supplements, so far this was seems to be the best with maintaining focus and memory.
5.0 - Five Stars
I love it helps me lot with mood,energy, and memory.
5.0 - Amazing! Definitely worth the investment.
Amazing! I've been using this for about two weeks now and have noticed a huge increase in my mood, memory and overall concentration.
5.0 - Had a stroke approx 6 months ago and lost a ...
Had a stroke approx 6 months ago and lost a lot of memory. Started taking the supplement and beginning to get a lot of my lost memory back. Works as advertised and I'll be ordering more.
5.0 - Feeling focused
Effects aren't as instant and prominent as supplements containing aniracetam/choline which I like. Neuroignite has me feeling more relaxed and focused, less anxious, and motivated after a week of use. Memory feels sharp and I feel no side effects.
5.0 - Good supplement for brain works
It's quite obvious this supplement works greatly for me. I feel ability of memory and thinking having been more active since I started to take this supplement. I consumed two bins so far.
5.0 - Worked for me!
After a few day of using NeuroIgnite I started noticing both my focus and memory increase. I will continue to use this product.
5.0 - Excellent for boosting memory and clarity of thought
I've tried many "brain-boosting" supplements, and I'm most impressed with this one. It enhances my ability to quickly recall events, names, dates, definitions, virtually any minute detail; a must-have for those whose workplace performance depends upon the ability to think on your feet. Eliminates brain fog and hesitation. I haven't noticed much on the energy side of things, but definitely a noticeable difference in cognition. Would recommend without reservation.
5.0 - Great product!!!
I really like this product! I helps me with concentration and memory! I have not been paid to give this review.
5.0 - I give this product 5 stars primarily because it does its job and customer service is much better than the massive supplement companies out there
I've been taking nootropics on and off for the past 3 or 4 years and can definitely vouch that they have positive effects on memory and overall sharpness. I've tried the expensive products not on Amazon as well as a handful available here and in the big box warehouse stores all with similar results. Overall, I've found that neuroIGNITE holds its own against any of the products on the market and typically has a price point at or below those available, the key factor for me. While I didn't notice a measurable difference between this and Focus Factor, a direct competitor, the price, convenience and overall customer service from Havasu was what kept me coming back. I give this product 5 stars primarily because it does its job and customer service is much better than the massive supplement companies out there.
4.0 - Four Stars
Poor memory can always use a boost. This seems to help.
4.0 - I've noticed an improvement with my short term memory,
I've noticed an improvement with my short term memory, which is important to me so I will be purchasing more
5.0 - Worth a Try
The change is gradual so you may think it's not really working, until you stop taking them. Taking one NeuroIgnite a day has made an incredible difference in my memory. I use to have so much trouble remembering names, or why I walked into a room. Now I don't have that problem. I thought a lot of my memory problem was due to high stress and so many things on my mind. My lifestyle has not changed, but my memory has. I would highly recommend giving these a try, but you really need to give it a few weeks before you will see the difference.
5.0 - must try if you have brain fog or memory issues
It took about two weeks to see ANY change however I can tell a noticeable improvement in my memory and brain fog. I honestly was getting very concerned because the most basic things I was forgetting. You could tell me your name 5 times and I would forget it.Now I feel like I am 50% improved which is huge. I will absolutely continue to use and get my spouse to use also!!!!
5.0 - My memory has improved and I can easily recall events of the day without pause
I'm 64 years old and sometimes have trouble with my short term memory. I started taking neuro Ignite and didn't really notice a difference until about two weeks later. I take one capsule in the morning after breakfast and one late in the afternoon. My memory has improved and I can easily recall events of the day without pause. An added bonus is their excellent customer service. I would recommend neuro Ignite to anyone who is experiencing a mild brain fog or having trouble with short term memory. This product worked wonders for me.
4.0 - Slight increase in mental awareness
I am a 49 year old male and was experiencing fogginess and memory loss. I was a little skeptical when I bought this as my initial thought was that it is probably a placebo effect. I have been taking them once a day for a little over a month and I can def tell a slight difference. It isn't something you will notice immediately like taking the "limitless" pill; but my mental sharpness has certainly been better.
5.0 - Going on two weeks and feeling more energetic, short ...
Going on two weeks and feeling more energetic, short term memory seems to be improving also. I believe it takes about three weeks for you to feel the full benefit. Will write another review and another week.
5.0 - Noticeable change in memory!!
I ordered Neuro Ignite Natural Brain Function support for my grandfather who suffers from memory loss and dementia. I like that it’s all natural and there is no worries of complications with other medications he is already taking. After a week of the described dosage I was impressed with the results we experienced. My grandfather did not repeat questions as often and seemed to be more alert.
4.0 - Five Stars
Recommend this product for Focus and Memory but not for energy. This product has gone up in price it was 22.00 2 weeks ago I think 27.00 is way too much.
5.0 - Excellent product! Works as advertised.
Been taking this for several weeks now, and it does have a noticeable effect on mental clarity and memory recall. It's helped me cut back on my caffeine intake, and still stay focused.
5.0 - Helps to concentrate and memory
The customer support is superb. They replace my lost package right away.
5.0 - Neuroignite works!
I've used this product for several months now and have definitely seen an improvement in "brain energy" and memory recall.
5.0 - Improved Processing Speed, Memory and Overall Focus
I ordered these for my daughter who is a senior in high school. She has a high IQ, but has always struggled with slow processing speed and had trouble especially with reading comprehension. She had a pretty severe concussion a couple of years ago and has since also struggled with memory. She plans to be a doctor and though her grades and work ethic are good, her ACT and SAT test scores were not reflective of that and she had not completed a single section in the allotted time on either test. With one last shot at the SAT's, I did some research on improving brain function and processing speed in general as well as post concussion which lead me to these pills.
5.0 - Great product.
I have noticed a difference at work, it seems you be helping with my lack of focus and has improved my memory as well. Putting me in a better mood throughout the day as well.
5.0 - Very satisfied with this purchase
Very satisfied with this purchase, I've seen a noticeable improvement in both my memory and focus. I have been looking for something to help me with school and though this is not a magic pill that fixes all your problems, it definitely does what it says it does.
5.0 - Empowered and ignited!
I'm absolutely enjoying the supplements. I feel and see the difference. I have more energy and am able to focus more on tasks at hand and also complete them. I am a believer and have decided to make NeuroIGNITE a part of my daily diet as my thinking capacity and memory retention have significantly improved and I have only started using this on September 1, 2017.
5.0 - Thankful to have found this product. Been taking one ...
Thankful to have found this product. Been taking one capsule a day. It's indeed a brain booster! Helps me focus and that I have sharper memory! I need this in my current profession as an Accountant.
5.0 - Great Product!!!
I have chronic fatigue syndrome and sometimes it is very hard to stay alert, focus and my cognitive skills were not very good . The over the counter vitamin supplements "fish oil" omega3 etc give me a very bad headache. After two weeks of taking Organic Stride neuroIGNITE, I noticed a big difference. I only take one a day. My cognitive skills have noticeably improved and I don't mentally fatigue (get tired after about 15 minutes) and it has definitely improved my memory. I will continue to purchase this product.....and I LOVE the fact that all the ingredients are natural., and there are no side effects. The price is reasonable and the results are worth it. I absoluteley love this Product!!! It has definitely improved my QUALITY of life.
5.0 - works for my Mom
it really works for my mother 70 years old lady. it helps increase her memory
5.0 - I Haven't Realized the Full Effects Yet, but Getting Better Everyday. Can't Wait for Full Effects.
Good product. Recommended dose is 1-2 a day. For me 1 did not do it,but now that I have increased to 2, I am feeling better everyday.My memory is improving and my thoughts are more focused and clearer.
4.0 - Wife Approved
I skeptical about this at first but I needed to try something since I am always forgetting something. I have been taking these for 3 weeks now and any doubt I had has been validated by my wife. She doesn't know I'm taking these but she said yesterday that my memory has improved. There you go, wife approved :-) love how it's worked and I look forward to seeing more results.
5.0 - It works...!
So I ordered the product to try it and see if there's a difference with my focus and memory retention and I kid you not after 2 weeks.of taking it I can actually feel yhe difference
5.0 - Fantastic product! I've been taking this for two weeks ...
Fantastic product! I've been taking this for two weeks to help improve my memory and have noticed a difference. I would definitely recommend.
5.0 - So far so good!
So far so good! This product has helped reduce my fogging memory and helped me get better sleep. I will continue to purchase this product.
4.0 - Something that works for me.
After two bottles I'm still waiting for the effects on memory but the focus and clarity have really improve. I don't feel any mental fatigue at the end of the day.
4.0 - Overall this is the best brain supplement that I've tried
If taken consistently, it starts having effects after about 10-12 days. Improves my focus and concentration. Helps with memory. Overall this is the best brain supplement that I've tried. I've tried about 4-5 different kinds and NeuroIgnite is the best.
5.0 - Improvement in memory and ability to focus
So far I am really liking the product I wanted to wait a full two weeks before reviewing. I am currently studying for the GRE, and I have always had a problem with English. Before taking these pills I was only memorizing about 120-150 words a week. After taking them I have been doing about 170-200 a week. It might be a placebo, but whatever it is it seems to be working for me, and I will be taking this as long as it's available.
5.0 - Yahoo! My 80 years old husband memory is back.No more Namenda XR 28 mg doctor.
My husband is 80 years old and its normal right, forgetting almost everything; his wallet, his glasses his keys, cant remember what keys on the car to start the engine.We argue about his money he cant write a check he was very confused.So we went to the doctor then the doctor prescribed him and put him on Namenda XR 28 mg which is very expensive one.Because he told the doctor he is forgetful already he was been taking almost a year of that Namenda XR 28 mg hoping will help his memory but I was very sad he was getting worse he cant remember what day is today? even and months and years and no destination of his driving .He don't know where to go?Very disappointing and the side effects was very irritable keep asking one question over and over again every 2 or 3 seconds I just told him the word then he asked me again of that same question it make me Lord help me to understand him and give me more patient and help him Lord, and when he is the house sleeping all the time dont want to get up on bed dont want to do nothing .So I keep praying and ask God about it what can I do I hate to have him in nursing home so I try to searched and searched and most of all I prayed to God.I'm almost given up and put him to nursing home but;
5.0 - Actually works
Works pretty great in improving memory and comes with a big quantity
2.0 - Dont waste your money
Been taking this product as described and as recommended but don't see any noticeable changes or benefits. I feel this is a placebo pill. I have been taking this for about 3 weeks or so and nothing has changed. I don't have any more focus or clarity then I did before taking this supplement and I don't have any boost in memory either as it states. I would NOT recommend anyone wasting their money of this product
4.0 - Not bad
I started taking this and within a week I noticed a slight increase in memory and a fairly decent improvement in concentration and focus. For the price it is a good supplement in my opinion. I still take my multi's and eat a well balanced diet. But in conjunction with my daily routine this did slightly improve my cognitive function.
5.0 - It works, period.
My husband is 86. In the last several months, there has been a frustrating glitch in short term memory, from remembering why he came into a room, searching for the right word, remembering where he last used a tool. He has been taking Neuro-IGNITE for about two months. Both of us have noticed a remarkable improvement. Our supply is short, so I hope this marvelous supplement is in stock soon.
5.0 - ... is my second time ordering and the company is awesome. I enjoy these supplements and have noticed a ...
This is my second time ordering and the company is awesome. I enjoy these supplements and have noticed a change in memory and focus. I'm currently a full time student and I've noticed when I'm in class, I'm processing the information much clearer and I don't seem to forget what the instructor has taught in class. I will definitely keep ordering these supplements from now on.
1.0 - I'm absolutely certain this product LITERALLY does nothing at all ...
I'm absolutely certain this product LITERALLY does nothing at all for focus, clarity or memory. I took it for 20 days and have noticed no difference at all. Take a look at other brands, this one just isn't worth it.
4.0 - Four Stars
It's helping with my memory and other mental function. My mind seems sharp.
5.0 - Clearer Thought Process.
Great product! I feel more alert and have clearer thought process. My memory has also improved.
1.0 - Don't waste your money
I took this for 6 weeks and didn't notice any changes in mood, memory or focusing.
5.0 - No more brain fog!
Great product! Actually works. I don't feel like my memory has greatly improved although I do see improvement. The biggest change is that I can focus better I feel like. No more fog!
5.0 - I miss it when I am out
I noticed that I am more focused when I take this supplement. I can concentrate better, and think more clearly. I have a type of photographic memory so I can remember numbers and pictures, written information in bulk, but I tend to forget things like "I am driving", or " I am cooking", "the dog is outside and it's raining". I have noticed that since I started taking these pills, I remember those kinds of things also: I remember to set the alarm when I leave home, I remember my son's bus drop off times, and other important daily events that I used to have to have post it notes all over the place and alarms in my cellphone to remember. I am more present and aware, which is quiet nice. I know everyone's birthday dates but I never could remember that it was the day of the birthday, so now I am way better at that.
4.0 - So far so good!!
So far so good. Its only been a few weeks but is definitely making a difference. Memory is clearer. Will reorder.
5.0 - You may need two pills
Tried this product now for three weeks almost. I have had noticeably better focus and memory retention for sure. I will continue use to see if my results are sustained throughout use. I have had no harsh side effects of any kind while this product. This product has made me feel happier and able to function better through daily activity. I have found that the daily dosage that O have needed for myself has been two capsules in order to sustain myself throughout my work day. Other wise, I have dip and start to lag. Taking one pill with breakfast at 5A.M. and one with lunch at noon usually keeps me going until I done with my day. It gives me just enough that my brain can shut down and go to sleep. I hope that this helps.
5.0 - If you pay attention, you will notice the change
As other reviews have mentioned, it will take about a week or two of taking this before you begin feeling the effects. I started taking this primarily for memory, which it has helped with. I'm better able to recall names (which I'm absolutely horrible with), as well as facts and figures from my graduate school readings. I have also found that it helps me focus better while reading, and I'm better able to make connections with other readings.
4.0 - so far so good
been using this product for a month now. seems to be helping in areas of memory & focus.
4.0 - Noticeable effect
I didn't notice any sort of drastic change in my level of focus or mental clarity or memory, but I thought I might have noticed some very slight improvement. I did feel like my memory and focus were just a little bit sharper than usual, though perhaps this could have just been attributed to the placebo effect.
1.0 - A waste of money
Finished the bottle. This did nothing for me. I did not notice a difference in cognition, memory, or focus. A waste of money. I would of given it o stars but it doesn't allow me to.
5.0 - Great For Memory
It is great. Has really helped me remember in the short term.
5.0 - This is a pretty good supplement
This is a pretty good supplement. I notice a big change in my ability to focus and my memory seems to be much better. The best part about this supplement is that I do not day dream as much as I use to. 5/5
5.0 - Five Stars
This has helped my memory so much... on my 7th bottle
5.0 - Great so far!
I've only been taking this for a short period, but I can tell already that I am more alert and can focus more at work. I know it will take some time, but I want to see what it does for my memory. I will continue to take this wonderful product and hopefully see even more results in the upcoming weeks!
1.0 - It seems that if you take it for long time it can cause more damage to you than good.
I've been taking this supplement for over 2 months already and I must say at the beginning it improved my memory and mood, but i wish i have done more research on this. I never suffer from High blood pressure before in my life, i eat very healthy but i end up in the ER because my blood pressure was extremely high. my ER doctor he said that some of the ingredients on this supplement may rise your blood pressure and cause fast heart beating. I did feel my heart beating faster sometimes after taking this supplement but i thought it was normal. It seems that if you take it for long time it can cause more damage to you than good.
5.0 - It works. It's amazing. I promise.
I have multiple sclerosis and am always looking for supplements that help offset cognitive decline. After a few weeks of using this product I almost gave up, because things seemed actually worse. I stuck with it, though, because of all the good reviews here, and after 4 weeks I noticed a definite improvement. I'm seeing big results with word recall, memory, alertness, and a general sharpness that I was lacking. I've recommended this product to everybody in my family and all those with MS that I know. If you have MS you really should try this. Maybe it's the St. John's Wort, but I also feel just overall better.
5.0 - Love this product and results were obtained within a week
Love this product and results were obtained within a week. It improved my short term memory where i can remember long numbered sequences in just a glance
5.0 - Powerful stuff with few side effects
I'm 50 and work as a software engineer during the day and software tinkerer and musician at night. I'm able to focus all day and at my job and have plenty of energy to do my own work at night. I see a noticeable difference when taking this supplement. I also notice increased memory and retention in my daily life, extending to mundane stuff like grocery lists, phone calls to make, etc. If you're looking for something that can assist in concentration and mental energy, this stuff really works. It does not have the same jittery effects as caffeine. However, I only take it in the morning, as I do need to unwind when I go to bed.
5.0 - Noticeable improvement!
I have been takin this for two months with success. I have noticed better memory recall and retention along with the ability to focus for longer periods of time. I have noticed any changes in mod - but I am generally a happy and content person.
Have been on NeuroIGNITE for about 6 weeks (2 capsules daily). My clarity and short-term memory has improved, and I seem to have more get-up-and-go! NeuroIGNITE has become and will continue to be a part of my daily regiment, for sure!
1.0 - I can't believe this product has good reviews!
I can't believe this product has good reviews!!! It's Not work for me!! Very disappointing. I've been taking this pills over a month not helping my memory at all!
5.0 - Becoming great again!
I seemed to have developed a mild "brain fog" after turning 40 a few years back. This left me feeling half witted and total out of focus more than I was comfortable with. I gave this product a try and really like it. I've only been taking them for a week, but have noticed an improvement in my memory and focus. I do stay within the dosage and haven't noticed any side effects.
5.0 - I bought this because I am taking 6 classes for ...
I bought this because I am taking 6 classes for engineering with 2 jobs. My dad who is suffering from memory loss has been taking it too and we both feel more focused and sharper.
5.0 - The first bottle I received was great. Naturally
The first bottle I received was great. Naturally, I reordered near the end of my second week because I didn't want to run out and also ordered one to be sent to my son at his school. However the 2nd bottle had a label that was a different texture than the first, so I compared the two bottle's ingredients. Different, of course. I took it for a few days, but I didn't feel anything, like I did with the original bottle. I sent an email to seller about the 2nd bottle having different ingredients than the first, and they said they did in fact change the formula. I told them I liked the first bottle so much I wanted one for my college student to help with memory and stress, and they sent him the original formula (no charge). That was nice. Very responsive by email as I had a response the very same day when I originally asked about the formula. I am continuing to use up the new bottle, but I am trying to obtain the original formula since it really helped me with my stressful job as I was having memory problems, focus issues, and energy issues. I will search for a new type of supplement with ingredients similar to the original bottle. I have to say, these guys are top notch service. My photo shows the labels side by side. The bottle on the left was my first order, and the right is my second order.
5.0 - I would recommend giving NeuroIgnite a try
I started taking NeuroIgnite a couple months ago and I have reordered 2 times since. It really helps my focus which helps memory and thought clarity.
3.0 - My memory is still slow. I have trouble remembering ...
My memory is still slow. I have trouble remembering things that I know I know. I'mean hoping the pills help me and that's why I'made continuING to take them.
5.0 - Clarity, focus and memory all in one bottle!
I purchased neuroIGNITE to help with being focused and staying on track, as I start school on the 14th for Information Technology. At first I really couldn't tell the difference as I do have ADD, and like to take a lot of stimulants such as caffeine or B12 during the day to keep my focus.I can now tell a big difference during the day. I now lay off the caffeine and take one pill in the morning and depending on what i'm doing in the afternoon I may take another. I have more energy during the day, my focus has gone up, eliminating energy drinks, or supplements besides nueroIGNITE, I feel calmer during study, or listening to people speak. Information retains easier, there is no big rush, which I wasn't looking for, i'm not over energized, nor do I have an increased heart rate, which is great! Like I said it took my body about 1-2 weeks to adjust to this supplement but let me tell you it is in the best of ways. I love neuroIGNITE and just as advertised, better clarity, focus, and memory all in one bottle!
5.0 - Neuroignite has given me better focus and memory
I saw difference after a one month. Neuroignite has given me better focus and memory. I feel better.
1.0 - Does not work for me
I was very excited to test this product out. Sadly, after taking it for a couple days, I noticed zero change in my mood, focus, memory, or motivation. This product was ineffective for me.
4.0 - Value vs. cost, value is higher.
This stuff actually works, (At least for me). I have no vested interest in this product. I'm not family or friends. I am fair about my evaluations, good or bad. I don't know what the ingredients are, because I haven't read the bottle. I will be buying this again as long as it continues to work. I have noticed an improvement in my memory, focus, and ability to process a little better. I always judge things as value = cost. This passes my comparison. Good job guys/gals.
5.0 - Great supplement! I've tried two other brands and find ...
Great supplement! I've tried two other brands and find this to be a great product at a great price. I find it helps me with both memory and clarity.
5.0 - Great Product
I have used this product for a few months and it woks. I would recommend it for anyone looking for a memory boost.
5.0 - After that (I started taking two) it's been great! Memory
I had my doubts that it would work but it was definitely worth a try! The first three day - nothing. After that (I started taking two) it's been great! Memory, energy, clarity is so much better! Wish they made a stronger one so I wouldn't have to take two but I love it! Just ordered my second bottle. You don't feel it starting to kick in, if fact, I didn't notice anything except I started to get more done because I was able to focus on what I was doing and not get scattered. Loving it so far! My energy level is up but I think that's only because I'm not frustrated by getting distracted so much!
4.0 - It's only been a couple of weeks but I do feel like it may be helping already
I started taking just St Johns Wort for a couple of weeks. Then I found this product. It contains the St Johns Wort plus more supplements to improve my brain fog and memory. It's only been a couple of weeks but I do feel like it may be helping already. I'm going to go through at least 2 bottles before making a determination either way. It is definitely worth a try.
3.0 - Give it Time
Just like any nutritional supplement, it takes time to work, and the results are often subtle. With this, it's no different. I need to give it more time, but already I am noticing slight shifts in my ability to focus, and my memory. I think it's a great supplement to help combat the struggles of adhd -It's not a fix, but it's a helpful (and more importantly, SAFE) addition.
5.0 - I'm in medical school and I was having a terrible time focusing and remembering all of the information that ...
I've been taking NeuroIgnite for two weeks and I can tell that there is a big difference. I'm in medical school and I was having a terrible time focusing and remembering all of the information that is required of me, this is why I decided to try NeuroIgnite. After a week of taking it, I have improved my ability to retain information and learn complex concepts more rapidly and easier due to increased focus and memory. My brain is able to make neurological connections and refer back to them quickly. I love NeuroIgnite and I would recommend it to everyone.
1.0 - Not for me
These do not work well with my system, and I'm not sure why because I do well with vitamins. . But once i tried this ingredient Ginko Biloba? years ago and it made me feel weird too, so I think its because of that. It makes me like irritable and depressed somehow lol.Ill just stick with my Rosemary Oil diffuser for sharp memory function.
5.0 - Great for helping with college studying
I've been taking this to supplement my studying for my upcoming MCAT test and really noticed a difference right away! My memory has seemed to improve quite a bit and the better mood was just an extra positive effect.
5.0 - I LOVE this product!
This product is amazing! I can already see a difference in mental alertness and memory. I will continue to order and make updates.
4.0 - I do feel more alert and gradually I am feeling that I have a better recall of my memory
I just ordered my second bottle, I do feel more alert and gradually I am feeling that I have a better recall of my memory. Overall it has worked for me, I know this because I actually remember to take it... And believe me that's a big leap.
4.0 - great product for the price
As far as focus, clarity and memory - this is a good bang for your buck if you are just starting off with nootropics in my opinion.. try nootrobox sprint with this stacked.
1.0 - A bad purchase--it does not work and it will let you down and surprise you. It delivers blank spots in your brain.
I used it instead of my Ginkgo-Mega Memory and discovered that this Brain Supplement "NeuroIgnite" was bad--bad--bad. Don't use it if you expect to be out and about. I had a blank spot--truly! I took it around 8:oo P.M. and around 2'oclock I had a horrible blank spot. I was buying gas and could hardly find the door. I had to pick up prescriptions and could not remember why I went to Walgreens. I drove back home in a state of blankness. Don't use it if you are going out, in fact don't use it. If you were just curious like me--forget it. I will stay with my Ginkgo-Mega Memory by Well Roots that you can buy at Walgreens or anywhere just about. It seems to do the trick for me. I am no longer taking a shot in the dark. I tossed the bottle in the garbage. I did not ask for refund--just got an education for under $20.00.
5.0 - Excellent for College Students
I have been taking this since I returned to college in September. It took a little over a month for me to notice a difference but my memory has definitely improved. I highly recommend it and will continue taking it until I graduate (and possibly long after that). Just be sure to read up on St. John's Wort as it can have interactions with some medications and not everyone tolerates it well (that part you won't know until you try it).
4.0 - ... purchasing this product but I can honestly say I'm glad I did
I was a little skeptical about purchasing this product but I can honestly say I'm glad I did. I'm almost through with my first bottle and my memory, clarity, and focus has improved. Thanks Havasu Nutrition for providing a product that works for me!
5.0 - Clear Mind
I love these pills. I used to take addrrall but stopped after feeling addicted. These do the trick. My memory is so much sharper & I think just as clearly as w the prescription med. Energy is good also. I’d definitely recommend these pills to anyone seeking the same effects as described. Two thumbs UP!
5.0 - I can focus!
Love this stuff! It takes a few weeks for you to notice a difference but, once this supplement is in your system you'll definitely be able to tell. My co-workers and friends have seen a difference in my ability to remember things. I have TERRIBLE memory and this is just the thing I needed.
4.0 - Hopeful about this Brain Booster
The company that makes this product encouraged me to review it, so her goes. I am hopeful about this product yet have taken it 1 x day for less than a week. I also like the fact that AARP mentioned it positively. I think I my word retrieval might have improved a bit, but it's too soon to tell. At this point, I like trying something that holds the possibility of improving my word retrieval and memory for words and new details. I'll try to write by the end of September when I'll know more about its effects.
4.0 - Four Stars
Amazing effect on my alertness and memory.
5.0 - Works as advertised at a manageable price
I've found Havasu's neuroIGNITE to consistently improve my focus and memory. The pills are a manageable size and the quality control seems decent as I've yet to have a marginal or ineffective dosage (anecdotal evidence of course). If you haven't tried a nootropic this is a good place to start.
5.0 - Helps with inattentive ADD
This is my first foray into brain enhancing supplements and it has been very positive! I have inattentive type ADD and for the past two weeks I have been able to not use my medication when taking two capsules (one in the morning and one at lunch)! That by itself is incredible. I've also noticed that my processing speed (careless errors) is slower! Did mention my memory is better? I did a lot of research before taking the plunge and the reason I chose Neuroignite is 1. It is not overly expensive 2. They list how much of each supplement is contained in the pills 3. It has a real dose of Bacopa Monnieri.
5.0 - Five Stars
This product is great! It helped me improved my focus and my memory to perform well in college!! I really like it!
5.0 - Noticing mood positive changes, focus and energy
So far the most noticeable change has been my mood. I feel more positive and handling stress with a different attitude. As far as memory, minor changes here and there so far, but I understand is a process and it will take time and consistency. I do feel more focus on the task at hand though. I'm still on my first bottle.
5.0 - I ve been taking this product for more than a ...
I ve been taking this product for more than a month, I didnt notice side effects tills now,, but so far, i ve noticed enhancement in my short term memory and i can call back names and numbers faster than before. i take one pill everyday at the morning and sometimes twice a day.
5.0 - Seems to work!
I just received this supplement last week and already have seen an improvement in my memory and by ability to focus.
5.0 - Better Mental Clarity
I noticed better mental clarity and improved memory while taking this supplement. I recommend this product and will purchase again.
5.0 - Happy with this product
I see a difference in my memory and attention. I am PhD student and I have to concentrate for long amount of hours at a time and this product has helped me to improve my memory and attention span.
5.0 - Awesome all natural brain boost!!
I suffer from chronic migraines and have lost some cognitive function due to them, such as concentration, memory and processing. The doctor told me that once stabilized on medication I will get this function back, however I don't want to wait so I searched for holistic alternatives and found this. It works!! I am so much better off when I take it. I did an experiment and did not take it for a few days and my memory declined quickly. It just helps, I cannot tell you why or how, but it does
1.0 - No results
Finished my first bottle, I can't feel a difference unfortunately. I have been trying to find something to help with memory loss and I haven't noticed anything yet. I really hoped for a difference but nothing so far. I don't want to continue using these as I can't see the point. It might be different for others though. I don't know.
4.0 - I think its working like 60% of my expectation
I think its working like 60% of my expectation.. need to improv its effectiveness on memory. Price also still high... if thy could lower it a bit... in General its better than other brands that's I've already tried them.
5.0 - It works!
I can tell a difference in my memory, its better with this!
4.0 - Works well.
Works as it says... helps with focus and memory.
3.0 - Three Stars
Good product, help your memory and focus, reasonable price for quality.
5.0 - Suprising results so far
Only on day two and feel like this product is helping with my memory and focus, it gives me energy to last throughout the day, fast delivery too. Will leave a review in another two weeks.
5.0 - Good product !!
Good product!! Appears to be helping my husband with his memory. We have tried several types of these products, and so far this is doing the best job. It hasn't miraculously cured his memory loss, but he is so much better taking it than not. The company is also very attentive and helpful. They have continuously checked up our how he is doing. That is another sign of a good company and product. We really like neuroIGNITE.
4.0 - ... been using it since 2 weeks and have noticed good improvement in focus
I have been using it since 2 weeks and have noticed good improvement in focus. I would wait for few more weeks and see any further improvement in memory and focus. So far it is working good.
5.0 - Great product! Even has improved my sleeping!
Great product. My wife and I can tell the difference with my day to day memory and overly happiness and energy by the end of the day. I also noticed I've been sleeping better since I've been taking it.
5.0 - Passed a certification exam!
I believe taking Neuroignite helped me to pass a ceritification exam! I am 57 years old and my memory and concentration isnt what it used to be.
4.0 - It certainly seems to be working!
I'm reserving the fifth star for my next bottle. I think I'll be able to absolutely love it then. I'm still in my first month trial, but I believe I'm seeing improvement in focus and both long and short-term memory. Since everyone's different, your results may be quicker. I recommend you try it, for sure.
5.0 - Five Stars
This product has helped me greatly with concentration, clarity, focus and memory.
5.0 - Best neurotrophic supplement I've ever used
I've tried a few neurotrophics in the past and nothing has had an effect on me like neuroIGNITE. My brain feels ten years younger. Better memory recall, information retention, concentration, and mental stamina. Highly recommended!
4.0 - Good product, takes some time work
After 4 days I received some mild headaches and stomaches, but noticed I could focus better. Strangely feel confident about my thoughts and memory. Cons so far is a strange feeling of anxiety.
4.0 - Remember things easier
Feels like my memory improved but it might just be a placebo effect. I will have to keep using this product to make a real judgement.
4.0 - Definitely would recommend purchasing.
Purchased for my 89 year old mom who had a stroke. what a big difference I've noticed in her cognitive awareness and memory. Definitely would recommend purchasing.
5.0 - I love this supplement and I'm not gonna go without it ...
This product has changed my life! I LOOOOVE IT. It gave me energy, improved memory and focus, but no jitters. I even bought some for my adult children. I love this supplement and I'm not gonna go without it ever again.
5.0 - Five Stars
Noticeable improvement in memory recall speed and mood. Vocabulary recall is much easier as well.
5.0 - helps with memory
good product overall - gives noted memory boost
4.0 - Increased attention span
I started taking this on 2nd December and was a bit skeptical given the claims. I purchased this supplement as I am a part-time University student who works full-time in my own business and needed something extra to assist with memory. I also suffer with Hasimoto's which affects my short-term memory and anxiety. I have noticed a different studying this week, my attention span is longer when reading and I feel more focussed when studying, will update again if I notice any other improvements or otherwise, as I think it's too early to completely give a proper review.
5.0 - Effective, caffeine free brain power supplement...
I suffered a mild head injury four years ago. It has affected most parts of my life. My memory, ability to stay focused for an extended period of time and mental lethargy are the most significant. I’ve have removed almost every chemical for my diet, so my mind is less cluttered. I’ve tried virtually every supplement out there, and found high prices and limited results.
5.0 - Five Stars
Better Memory function and focus.
5.0 - Definitely try this!
I was looking for a good supplement to take to help my focus/memory. I read all the great reviews about neuroIGNITE and decided to try it. I've been consistent about taking it each morning and within just a few days I noticed at work that I was staying on task better and seemed to have the focus I was looking for. A few weeks on it my focus still seems to be improving. It's a subtle change, not like drinking caffeine which never helped me with the 'focus'. I am a project manager and staying focused and keeping up with all the tasks of a huge project can be challenging so this product is a winner in my eyes! Thank you Havasu Nutrition! (Oh, and one more thing, their customer service is amazing!)
3.0 - Increased Focus naturally
Increased Focus naturally but nothing extraordinary. I think taking two at once was maybe too much in the beginning. But I do remember taking two did help with memory function.
5.0 - This product does indeed work,,, give it a try
First time trying this product. The very first day I took it, within 30 minutes, I felt my mind was more focused and concentrated. It kind of has a similar feeling to that of a caffeine high or for anyone that took a pre-workout supplement, that focused light headed feeling. I feel that I retain information better when I am studying which is the reason I wanted to try it. I do not know of potential side effects but as far as the results for the product's effects of clarity, focus, and memory? I think it definitely works.
4.0 - Wow, this product really works
I was skeptical at first and even more skeptical after I was asked to do a review 15 days into using the product. I couldn't do a review without really feeling that the product enhanced my memory; after 30 day of taking 2 capsules per day I was amazed how much my recall became more precise, effortless and quicker. I'll be using this product for a very long time.
5.0 - Five Stars
I notice some improvement with my memory. Will continue to take it/ use.
5.0 - Highly recommended
I have noticed a definite improvement in my overall cognition from this product; my focus, memory, and concentration specifically. I have noticed that over time I have been dealing stress better since taking this supplement, as well. This should be a part of your daily supplementation.
4.0 - Subtle Improvement in the Areas Claimed
I have been having way too many senior moments (I technically don't qualify for senior discounts yet but the young checkers at the super-market frequently give it to me anyway) lately and issues with focus and memory at work and at home. So, I thought I'd try a "brain supplement" on for size. Most of the way through the bottle and it seems to help some I still have the same issues but at a reduced frequency and with a little less severity, I think my mood is a little improved too (not enough to get all the house chores done but making a little more progress a little more often).
5.0 - My memory has improved!
I started using Neuro Ignite about a month ago & I love it! It took a couple of weeks to notice a difference in my mental clarity & memory. But both of those things have improved so much that Ive already ordered a 2nd bottle for me & a bottle for my husband to try. I highly reccommend giving this product a shot!
5.0 - Loved it!!!
I absolutely love it. I felt a difference, my mood improved and my memory was better. I highly recommend it
5.0 - Outstanding
I've tried so many products to help me with my memory and depression. This is an outstanding product it's handled both issues. I will never go without it.
5.0 - Five Stars
I think they are helping with memory
5.0 - Great for Memory and for Focus
Been using neuroIGNITE for a couple of months now and am able to stay focused and my memory is improving. I highly recommend this product.
5.0 - Great product!
Fantastic product. Noticeable improvement in focus and short term memory
4.0 - Great product
I am giving 4 instead of 5 because I have not experienced any benefits from the memory side, but I am not moody and my energy level has improved. I feel really good with this product. This is my 4th week and my family has noticed the difference also. I will purchase another bottle just for the noticeable change but I sure hope it begins to work on my lack of memory. I am very pleased with this product.
5.0 - Excellent Product
My wife and I started taking this product with very positive results. Better memory with a great reduction in procrastination. Recommended
5.0 - Feel more balanced
Makes me feel generally more balanced, like my brain is working the way it's supposed to. My memory has definitely improved and I feel more clear-headed. Since I feel more sharp, I also find it has improved my mood and general sense of well-being. Another unexpected side effect is that I have found I've actually been able to nap again, when it's needed. I've been unable to take naps for the past several years, to pick me up for the rest of the day, even when I've felt tired. This product has changed that, and I'm able to power through the rest of the day. Again, I just feel like my brain is working more like it's meant to.
5.0 - It works!
Certainly works as advertised. Enhancing memory is a real gift!
5.0 - Great for gaming!
As an avid gamer and social media personality I find that staying focused all the time is hard. I've seen a huge improvement in quick recall memory during competitive and ranked games. I would recommend to anyone trying to improve their game.
5.0 - It takes a minimum 3 days to notice any effects.
This product does everything the description states. I have been using Neuro Ignite for about 2 weeks and notice a big difference. I have more energy, less brain fog, clearer thinking, and better memory. Though I still struggle to remember some details during work, but overall my daily drive has increased. This has also boosted my moods for the better. I notice more enjoyment and laughter throughout the day. I will continue to use this product. The best part is that I only take one pill a day (2 per day for the first 2 days) compared to other products I have researched that require 4-8 per day everyday it's taken.
5.0 - Seniors - give this a try.
I like this product. My memory and retention has improved over the last 4 months (don't expect overnight results). I've tried others, but this seems to have the best result. I am a senior and still work full-time in administration - memory and learning are essential. Of course check w/ your doctor is you are taking other medication.
5.0 - It works for me. Mentally sharper without negative side effects.
I've been using Havasu Nutrition Extra Strength Brain Supplement for 2 months now, and I can truthfully say I feel mentally sharper. The St John's Wort (130 mg) is a good dose of natural anti-depressive which seems to lift the weight of the world off the shoulders of a 64-year-old man like myself. All the other ingredients (Ginkgo, Bacopa, DMAE, etc) work together to improve memory recall, retention, and alertness. Some days I take 1 capsule, other days I take 2. I am very happy with this product so far. It works for me!
4.0 - Solid, affordable nootropic
I've been using neuroignite for a few months now. I switched to this from another, similarly priced stack that had extremely high B vitamin levels and some ingredients that didn't seem necessary/helpful. Although this formula doesn't provide B vitamins at all, I get those from a multivitamin and would prefer none to several hundred times RDIs. That just seems unnecessary for a well-studied group of nutrients and my doctor actually advised against that in a supplement. Other ingredients seem well chosen, if slightly low in dosage, based on the somewhat limited research I've done. I have noticed increased mental clarity and maybe some increased memory retention and recall. Hard to attribute cause and effect or exact results IMO, I've also had better sleep hygiene lately and some of my increased cognitive performance may be related to that as well. I certainly notice some improvements while taking the stack though, and for seemingly safe quantities of relevant ingredients it's well-worth the price (although please don't raise it any further!). There are likely better formulas out there, but the top of the line supplements are just not affordable for me.
5.0 - Helping me concentrate..
After reading the reviews I decided to give this a try, and the price is lower than a lot of other products that make similar promises.. I've noticed it's easier to concentrate on a single job, I'm usually doing three things at once, and my memory seems to be better. I'll keep taking it for a few months to see what happens, if I notice anything else I'll update the review..
5.0 - Excellent memory support!
Excellent memory support!
5.0 - Mental Clarity
This blend of my favorite herbs as we dietary is just what I needed. My occupation requires Me to retain a lot of information, and notes are not always available to recite from. After a week of using this product I've noticed sharp short term memory, targeted focus, and serene mental clarity. Which says when your consistantly being asked questions all day, have to remember dates and events from moments to months to years ago. Mental Clariry helps Me perform with sniper precision and executive professionalism while encapsulating the serenity of a guru.
1.0 - Headaches and can't sleep
I have been taking this for couple weeks now. I don't feel it's helping with my memory or focus. I still have problems to focus and get homework done. I haven't been able sleep for days. Usually wake up around 2am and can't go back to sleep. A lot of dreams sometimes nightmares. I'll stop taking this and won't recommend...
5.0 - Five Stars
This is the best brain supplement and it really helped for my brain memory, focus I highly suggest it.
5.0 - It Works
I have been using neuroIGNITE for over six months and I can definitely feel a difference in my memory and other cognitive functions.
5.0 - Wow.. works just as described!
Item came perfectly packaged, the bottle even have cotton inside.. working long hours can have its side effects especially with memory.. I have noticed that I am more focused at work and I always had the issue of searching for words during my conversation.. no more.. since I've started taking neuroignite my conversation flows also words I want to use just comes out fluently.. thank you neuroignite!
5.0 - ZAPP!!
This stuff works ! Helps with all memory/brain functions including focus and drive. It is worth the investment.
I take this along with several other Havasu products, DHEA, Ginkgo Biloba, Apple Cider Vinegar and I have noticed a big difference in energy, clarity, memory and just overall feeling good. Don't expect to see results in in a few days. Allow at least 30 days and you should notice a difference.
5.0 - Fantastic product!
Great product and amazing customer service. Already feeling memory improvement just after a week of using! Highly recommended!
5.0 - I cannot express how great this has enhanced my memory
I've been taking this for 1 months and a half and meant to write about it but life happens. I cannot express how great this has enhanced my memory. Before I could not remember 4 straight numbers in a row or even a sentence without looking back several times; today I can do more than just that. I am so glad I dived in and purchase. I highly recommend trying this. I will definitely be ordering more 😀
5.0 - It really works!
I have tried many products similar to this one and stopped them all after a couple of month as I couldn't feel a difference. After about 2 weeks of neuroIGNITE , I definitively felt a difference in memory and attention, but the most apparent one was with the ability to find my words faster! My verbal fluency has improved greatly. I have also noticed that my brain functions more efficiently.
5.0 - I must say I went into this expecting minimal, ...
I must say I went into this expecting minimal, if any, cognitive improvements, but was quite surprised with the results. After about 2 weeks I noticed increased energy levels, quicker vocabulary/memory recall, and a little less "fog" in my brain. I would say some of this may be a bit of a placebo effect, but I tried a similar supplement and noticed no changes at all. Do your due diligence and give this supplement a few weeks to really kick and see if you notice any changes!
5.0 - Worth giving a try
I purchase this product for my wife because she was starting to have short term memory loss and there is a family history of this. She says she feels like it is helping. As time goes on I will update the progress on this product. Also Organic Stride has been great to work with.
4.0 - Definitely worth the $
Having brain damage since birth has impacted my life tremendously.... I struggle with short term memory loss and focusing due to ADD.. I looked everywhere and have been taking these for about a year now. Personally, I only take 1 a day due to blood pressure and heart rate increases and lasts roughly about 6 hours but it is very worth it. I am able to focus, complete tasks, comprehension is much quicker and noticed more energy as well. Definitely worth the $
5.0 - Memory boost
So far it's been good. I do notice an increase in my memory. I've also had more vivid dreams and can remember details from those dreams.
4.0 - More on the way! I realized a difference in ...
More on the way! I realized a difference in my memory for sure Going to see how consistent it is if i keep taking it.
5.0 - Solid product
Definitely helps with mental clarity and short term memory improvements
5.0 - Absolutely amazing
I've been taking this vitamin for 2 months now and I absolutely love it. I was having major memory loss to the point that I didn't know how to get home or do my daily banking job that's when I checked myself and my B12 was extremely low, I was very tired and moody, I'm good now the difference is 200% I'm very focus, I remember things now and more energetic. About 2 months ago I started combining it with Brain YOLO, another memory vitamin and I saw a bigger difference, I see myself smarter and just different in overall. Highly recommend both.
5.0 - Five Stars
NeuroIGNITE has been very helpful in keeping me focused and improving my memory skills in general.
5.0 - Five Stars
Great really does work My short term memory improved in looking forward to trying another bottle
My husband is amazed at the noticeable difference with his memory and clarity since starting neuroIGNITE
5.0 - Kudos to you Havasu!
NeuroIgnite has been working wonders for me. I would always lose my keys but now I remember to check my pockets first not last! All joking aside, I can tell a noticeable difference in my memory. I've been working six 12 hour days per week for a month now and this little supplement has made a world of difference. No more zombiefied dazes! Havasu is also great about giving discounts and promotions.
5.0 - We've Found Hope
My daughter was born prematurely and suffered a brain bleed that I was not aware of until I noticed she'd stopped retaining what she was taught at age 6. We had a number of tests done only to find out the bleed had resulted in a lesion that caused memory, concentration, focus, comprehension and motor skill issues. Needless to say, school has been an uphill battle for us but now that she is entering her senior year of high school, I want her to benefit from the experience now more than ever. I ordered this three weeks ago and can already tell that she's sharper and more aware of things, and she also responds more quickly. I am hoping this is just a preview of things to come as the treatment to help her involves stem cells and I don't know that it is even possible for her yet. Right now, we are on 1 a day but will increase to 2 on the next bottle. This is a keeper.
3.0 - I don't notice a dramatic help to my memory, ...
I don't notice a dramatic help to my memory, but there seems to be a subtle effect. This is only my first bottle and it's probably too early to draw any conclusions.
5.0 - There is a difference
I has made a distinct difference. I was somewhat surprised. It is difficult to explain but it does seem to help with clarity and memory.
5.0 - Awesome stuff!
Works as it says it does! I've noticed I'm more focused in class and my memory has improved on the job and class! :)
2.0 - Easy review to write
Easy review to write. Didn't do much for me. No additional feeling of concentration or memory improvement after 30 days. Perhaps someone else's body chemistry would work better with it. For me, it's a pass.
5.0 - Great choice if you want 1 single brain supplement (or >1)
This is a product I will continue to buy. I take about 6 supplements daily that are said to promote brain function, memory, clarity, mood, alertness, etc. Because of that, I can not specifically associate my noticeable improvements with any one particular supplement. Some supplements I rotate in to my regimen just a couple of times a year, but the NeuroIgnite is a supplement I'll continue each month because I prefer having a supplement with a variety of popular and proven ingredients. I also like: that it doesn't contain caffeine and vitamins that I get from other sources anyway; that it's produced in the USA with GMP designation; and that the suggested dose is just 1-a-day. For those reasons I give it 5 stars.
5.0 - The customer service is great they provide full details about the product and is ...
As a engineering university student sometimes you need a booster to help with concentration, memory sharpness and retention. The customer service is great they provide full details about the product and is there to answer any questions (thumbs up emoji), 5 stars here. I'm a new customer and recently got my first bottle. Classes start soon so getting a head start with the product. Will see when the work load comes on if it give an aid
5.0 - I have been taking neuroIGNITE for about a month now ...
I have been taking neuroIGNITE for about a month now, and have observed a positive change in my mood, focus, concentration and memory. I think it is important to mention that pairing supplements with holistic care for healthy brain function (eating well, sleeping well, exercising your brain etc ) is the way to go. I plan to keep it up!
3.0 - My apologies will not buy this product again
I take this everyday 1 pill a day and didn't notice anything until 2 weeks later but it was very small not much of a boost. I bought this to help me with my memory as I am studying in school. I do see that it helps me remember things studied before however its like it'll work then it wont work. Its like random bursts through out the week. It isn't constant or shall I say keeps doing it's job it works one day it doesn't work another day its random. Not just my study habits I need help with.. I am forgetful where I leave things and I end up not finding them till end of the day or days after that's how I knew the pills were not working certain days. I'm not sure how this supplement is suppose to work.. is it the way I do things in my life in order to kick in the neuro Ignite?
4.0 - Four Stars
Consider it nutrition for the brain! Sharpens focus, memory, concentration.
5.0 - Loving it!
I am really liking this so far! Used about two weeks so far. No side effects which I love and memory/focus seems so be better! Can’t wait to see how it works after using a moth or more 😊
5.0 - I am in love with this product
I am in love with this product! recently I have felt like my memory was getting worse and worse, not sure if that happens after you turn 30 or what. So I went out in search of a product and found this one. The reviews were good so I figured I would give it a try. After only one month of taking the neuroIGNITE both myself and those around me notice a difference in my memory and recall. I have subscribed to this product now for regular delivery. Absolute game changer for me!
4.0 - Four Stars
Been using for 4 weeks now. Seems to be working for clarity, and memory
5.0 - It really works!
I have been using Neuroignite for 2 months and I have noticed an improvement with my concentration and memory recall. I recommend it.
3.0 - Ehh...
I am about 2 pills away from finishing my first bottle of Neuroignite and can’t say that I’ve noticed a huge difference in the way I think or feel. I am 28 years old and memory has not been an issue at this point in my life. I began taking NeuroIgnite to see if it would help at my new job. Like I said, I have not noticed a significant difference in my mental processing speed, but I can sense a greater level of energy, albeit small. To be fair, I have been lacking the amount sleep I prefer (7.5 hours) and this deficit may not have given Neuro the opportunity to excel. I just placed an order for a free bottle (excellent customer service so far), because I want to possibly start taking 2 pills instead of 1 per day to see if I can promote a better result. I also plan on making sure I get adequate sleep. Once I complete the next bottle I will update my review.
5.0 - Sharper Memory
Memory is already sharper after a few days using this product. So far no noticeable side effects.
5.0 - Improved focus
I've tried a couple of other products: most of them were multi-vitamins packaged as brain boosters. There is nothing wrong with multi-vitamins--your brains needs them in order to focus properly--but I was looking for something more. It's been about a week since I started using this supplement and it feels different. I can't speak about its benefits on the memory, but it certainly seems to help me focus better. I feel more alert and even my emotional state seems to have improved (note: I wasn't depressed or anything of that sort, but now I feel more vibrant).
5.0 - Helps my memory.
I have been taking this for at least a few months now. I noticed right away my memory was better. I can think more clearly and my decision making is much quicker. I have subscribed for this to show up every month based on the results.
5.0 - Recommended! It works!
I've bought this product twice now and I am on my second month. I definitely have noticed more mental clarity and my memory has gotten better. It is easier to recall things and, because of that, my communicate has improved. This product is a good value and works for me. Give it a try!
5.0 - Awesome!
I just started my second bottle not too long ago. All I can say is, it's amazing! I feel like my memory is getting better and better. And it helps a lot because I'm back to school.
5.0 - Really works!
I have been using this product for over a month and have definitely noticed an increase in my memory and concentration. Additionally, the best results for me relating to this product is its helping in increasing my anxiety which i struggle with almost daily. Although, it doesn't completely remedy my anxiety i definitely notice symptoms has decreased when there are situations which would normally cause me to go into panic mode (i.e public speaking, crowds etc).
5.0 - Great
Improved memory
5.0 - ... had to reorder this again because it was so good for my memory
I had to reorder this again because it was so good for my memory, I could notice the difference when I wasn't taking it. Love it!
5.0 - Must have for busy lifestyles
I have a busy schedule and tried several natural supplements but most of them did not work for me. I'm not saying this is a magical pill but it does help with memory and staying focus for extended periods of time.
5.0 - Really makes a difference!
After trying several supplements to try and clear some of the brain fog I was having, as well as improve short term memory function, I happened upon this product. The reviews don't lie - this stuff really works. I knew it when this happened: I was on a trip in a very large city that I've only visited 2 other times, the last time being 5 years ago. I'm not too familiar with the lay of the land, only have a general idea. I took an Uber from one side of the city to the other and then decided to walk back to my hotel since it was a nice day. I was able to recall the route taken by the driver without a problem, and didn't have to use my phone for directions!
5.0 - Great For Students
As with most people, I typically get distracted fairly easily when I am trying to study. This product does a great job of helping me reign in and focus my excess mental energy into the task at hand. While I have not used it over a long enough period to vouch for its effect on memory, it certainly does sharpen my mental acuity and allows me to think with a clearer mind.
5.0 - It really helps!
This product really works! Since I’ve been taking it, I feel more energized and especially, more clear. I am more focused and I notice I can more easily complete brain games, which is refreshing! You have to ensure you take it consistently and not expect overnight results, be realistic, but you will notice a welcomed difference in memory retention, focus and ability to recollect.
4.0 - Quality Ingredients for Brain Support
I have not yet used this product but it has a very efficient list of ingredients which are all responsible for better supporting healthy brain function. It contains Gingko-Biloba, St. John’s Wort, L-Glutamine- it is responsible for mental clarity, Phosphatidylserine, and Bacopa mannieri. All of these ingredients together can help improve memory, cognitive function, mood and concentration. It seems promising. I will give an update after taking for a few weeks.
5.0 - Clears and Sharpens
I've been using the product to help keep me sharp between work and college. It has helped clear brain fog and improve improve my memory as well as sharpen my mind overall. It definitely has a noticeable effect. It seems to be a cumulative effect. The longer you use it, the more you notice the results.
1.0 - 2 bottles, got nothing
Took two bottles, had no change at all in focus, energy, memory or clarity. Just less money in my wallet. Went back to my caffeine pills.
1.0 - Upper Jaw pain (side effects)
I used this memory boost pills before and I had no problem. But I ordered again and for some reason, maybe bad luck or bad formulation, I don't know, but I started to get a upper jaw pain so hard that I had to visit my dentist and after an emergency room visit same day, I realized that the problem was the pills.
5.0 - I am so thankful for this product amazing results my memory and concentration levels are awesome I ...
I am so thankful for this product amazing results my memory and concentration levels are awesome I won't go a day without it. Will continue ordering don't want to miss the way that I feel !!! Thank you so
3.0 - Three Stars
Memory helper
4.0 - Pretty good!!!
I really liked this program. After my work-related concussion my short term memory has been shot, which has made nursing school super hard, compared to my previously effortless straight A record. This has helped me through my day, not only with school, but with daily life things such as remembering conversations and short grocery lists. I did receive this product for free for this review, but stand by the product as well. I only gave it 4 stars for the simple fact that I have also tried Neuro Peak, which was even better for both memory and energy.
5.0 - Good stuff
Pretty good stuff, I stack with Lions Mane and I've noticed a boost in memory and cognition.
5.0 - Great Nootropic
Great product. Noticeable increase in memory and mental focus.
5.0 - Holy cow huge difference!
The product took about two weeks to kick in. I didn't say anything to family or friends because I wanted to see if they'd notice. It has boosted my mood tremendously and I'm the bubbly upbeat person I was five years ago. My brain no longer has that "Lag" effect (giving myself a task to do then forgetting what that task was). My short term and long term memory has improved, I have to cram less for exams and my grades have improved. Whatever is in this has also reduced my impulsive speech and actions. Perhaps I had ADHD this whole time and was never medicated. Whatever the reason I want to continue taking throughout med school.
5.0 - Worth a try
Not a huge noticeable difference right away, but over time I have noticed better longer term memory retention as well as a slight boost of energy, I did not notice so much of a help in short term memory but I am only half way through my first bottle, I am aware this is not a miracle pill or some magic over night brilliance drug so I am impressed that there has been any noticeable effect.
5.0 - Wow! Fountain of Youth ... Bacopa Monnieri!
To find an extraordinary product like NeuroIGNITE for brain and memory health with Bacopa Monnieri the miracle brain herb called the "Fountain of Youth plant" with DMAE, Ginko and the "P" brain stuff... Phosphatidylserine ... was exciting. I was also looking for Bacopa in a form that wasn't terrible tasting (as in alcohol).
1.0 - No difference
Did not notice any difference in memory or concentration. Although this product did not work for me, it may work for others as per other reviews stated they noticed a difference.
5.0 - Have seen a bit of a difference in everyday life ...
Have seen a bit of a difference in everyday life using this. Only been taking for a little while but I can see some positive changes already that being memory and less stressful and other things. Will get back on here for more reviews after we take it down the road a bit longer. Thanks.
4.0 - • I got this product to try myself before having ...
• I got this product to try myself before having my Dad try it for his short term memory deficits. I usually have t have a few cups of coffee before starting my day for focus and clarity, but thought that this may be more healthy and beneficial for my Dad as well. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I have noticed that I am definitely not as “foggy” in the mornings after taking this supplement for the last 4-5 days, and have only needed a cup and half of coffee verses my usual three cups. I am very anxious to see how it affects my Dad. I have divided the bottle with him for testing purposes. He tried taking a prescription for his memory loss, but had negative side effects and discontinued the medication. I hope this will be a safe and effective alternative for him as well- at least there is nothing in it that could cause any of the negative side affects he experienced with the prescription medication so it is worth a try. He just started taking it, so I cannot give any feedback on his experience just yet, but I have had some positive results with the product, and have not experienced any negative side effects. It is also reassuring to know that this product is all natural and non-habit forming and that you only have to take one pill daily. Disclaimer: I am required to inform you that I am a reviewer; I get discounts, but rarely get anything for free. In exchange for my reviewer discount(s), I am required to post my honest opinion of a product within reasonable time frame. I am required to be as detailed and thorough as possible in order to be helpful to Amazon customers. I am under no obligation to post a positive or favorable review for a product I don't feel is worthy of one- it has no negative effect on a reviewer to do so. I hope my review was helpful.
5.0 - Excellent!!!
I love this product!My thinking is clearer,my memory is better and it gives me more energy without keeping me awake at night.Delivery was fast,so I will stick with this supplement.
4.0 - Still Evaluating..but so far so good!
I'm still evaluating my personal outcomes, but so far I have had some noted improvements in memory. I am planning on continuing the product for my 3rd bottle in hopes for continued positive outcomes.
This does not work me. Yes I feel my short term memory slipping away and I had hoped that I might have found an elixir with this one. NOT!
5.0 - Helped me a lot to increase my work productivity.
I am extremely happy with these supplements. I have fibromyalgia and other conditions that cause focus and memory problems. I work at an Amazon warehouse and the first day I started taking the pills I doubled my productivity. My memory is a lot better as I for
5.0 - Wow...super terrific that I can get these results without caffiene!
This is my third order...this is the first non-caffeine product I have found that really works for me! I have been very happy with the quicker thought processes and quicker memory response. I have been so happy with this supplement that I have offered free sample to my coworkers and supplied them with the name of the seller I am happiest with (Organic Stride).
5.0 - Happily Surprised!
I just finished taking NeurIGNITE for 1 months. As other people said in their reviews, it does take about a week and a half to 2 weeks to notice the difference. After that time of taking one pill ever day I noticed (I was actually shocked because I hoped that this product would work but I honestly didn't expect much) a big boost in memory recall! I'm terrible with names, but now I can recall probably about 50% more names than before, they just roll right off my tong! So much less of me going "Ummm, what was the name of that movie..I can't believe I forgot we just went this weekend." Now names will come out as they should with no extra effort or embarrassment. I can't say that I could sit down and master a new language in record time but it has helped to improve an embarrassing aspect of my life! I'm going to give it 2 more months and if the results stay the same or get better I will sign up for the monthly auto delivery.
5.0 - I have ADD and depression and this does help
Customer service is superb, above and beyond. They actually care about your personal experience with the product and send handy guide to go along to produce optimum health. I deal w/ADD & depression. Along w/a healthy diet, exercise, & general work on myself, this product has helped me w/focus, energy, multi-tasking & processing. Not sure about memory, mine is pretty bad in general. I've been using Neuroignite for about 2 months. I did a lot of research on components & this has all of the important ones, in my opinion. I definitely recommend trying it, especially for price.
5.0 - Seems to have a positive effect (on me) !
So far, this has been doing me some good. I am more alert, and I my short term memory is getting better.

3. Mind Enhancing Supplement - Improve Memory + Boost Brain Power + Enhance Mental Clarity - Pills with Best Top Natural Vitamins for Better Cognitive Function + Concentration + Focus
View this supplement on →
5.0 - If you are having memory issues I urge you to try this.
I’ve been having issues with my memory since I’ve been getting older. I started taking Neuro Health about 3 months ago and l have noticed an improvement already. I work from home on my computer and can definitely see an improvement in my focus and memory recall. I strongly recommend this product to anyone who wants to improve their memory and to be able to think clearly again.
5.0 - I can "think" and feel the diffence!
I have suffered with sort term memory more and more with age.
5.0 - Increased efficiency in studying
Felt a substantial difference in my memory and concentration within two weeks of starting the supplement. Highly suggest it for students and adults preparing for exams.
5.0 - memory enhancing product
There a lot of thing I must remember every now and then but because there is a lot of information in my head, I am having difficulties remembering specifics but thanks to this product, I stopped having troubles remembering the specifics, it isn't 100% accurate but at least I get to improve my memory even at my age. This supplement is amazing. This review is 100% honest and unbiased
5.0 - Love this product, cuz it works!
Excellent product for memory and focus! It has really made a difference for my husband! Plus it has all the needed vitamins.
4.0 - Helps improve memory
Helps bring clarity and unity to brain
2.0 - Didn't feel any change...
I was really giving it a try because I really wanted to spend a few time taking it before making any judgement. I would not recommend this since I did not feel any change or boost of brain power, improvement in memory or mental clarity... I would not buy this again. Plus, whenever I took these pills I would make it hard to fall asleep at night which is something that very rarely occurs to me.
5.0 - Focus and Mental clarity
I've been using this for about a month now and I've noticed some changes for the better especially in my memory and mood. I have been able to focus more at school without feeling groggy or jittery in the morning. I feel it's positive effects more when I take it twice a day which is the recommendation. I am glad that it's taste/smell isn't awful either like lots of vitamins, however, I find the size of the tablet to be slightly bigger and difficult to swallow but it's all good when I take t with plenty of water, Overall, I'd recommend this if you're looking for more mental clarity and focus especially if you're a student.
5.0 - So far, good results
My dad is 76 and his memory has been slipping a little for the last year or so; we have tried a few different focus vitamins and so far this has helped him quite a bit since day one. He has started with only one capsule in the morning before breakfast to see how it affects him...i guess time will tell. We are keeping our fingers crossed, we will love him regardless, but it's worth a try.
5.0 - Clearer thinking.
Really like this product. I have clearer thinking and better memory since using.
5.0 - I really love this product
I really love this product, it makes you so much more alert. I get up at 4 a.m. everyday, it is the best product I have found to help keep you focused all day & my memory has really improved. It is an excellent product.
5.0 - Gain confidence knowing that you won’t be as forgetful.
I like how it improved my short term memory.
5.0 - Exactly What You’re Looking For!
The results were better than I expected - I have more energy, able to think more clearly and my memory has improved. Highly recommend!
5.0 - I loved them - would definitely but again
There is a noticeable difference while taking these neuro supplements. Every essential vitamin necessary for memory boost is incorporated into it. I loved them - would definitely but again.
5.0 - Mental Clarity
Great product, short term memory is getting much better and I feel focused and less likely to procrastinate!
5.0 - It actually works.
Within a week I started to notice I was remembering better, especially things in long term memory. Not seeing any adverse side effects. Definitely continuing with this product.
5.0 - Five Stars
Nero Health helped with my memory and slightly helped my Tinnitus. It reduced the ringing in my ears somewhat.
4.0 - It works as advertised.
It really does seem to help with mental alertness and memory. I'll be ordering more so that pretty much says it all.
5.0 - Exellent!!!
Wonderful product. Help my memory and overall brain health. Will buy again!!!!!!!!!
5.0 - Great product!
Great product! As a result of long term pain killer use to treat chronic back pain, it's seems I've been in a "fog" and my short term memory has been significantly impacted. However, after using this product for a very short time, I am much more focused and my memory has greatly improved. It's hard to put on paper what this supplement has done for me, but I am absolutely amazed at how much it has helped me out! I highly recommend.
4.0 - Some improvement
I have seen some improvement with my memory but I would like to try this more long term to see if it can do even better for me.These were smooth on me without any jittery effects. I will be ordering another bottle to see.
4.0 - Helps make you a better person
This product helps with focus, memory, but most importantly overall health. I don't notice a difference every time I take it but when it works I am grateful.
5.0 - It works!
This was my first experience with natural supplements. I am a believer. I can think more clear and my memory has improved. I'm hoping with continued use it will get even better!
5.0 - My moms memory is better than before
I ve brought it for my mom. My moms memory is better than before . The best
5.0 - Five Stars
It worked great. It helped improve my memory and concentration a great deal.
5.0 - Works Great!
Loved this product. Helps with memory. You can really tell the difference.
5.0 - Seems to be helping
My husband has Parkinson's and we've tried several supplements for his memory and this product seems to be helping. He's been taking it for almost a month. Thanks
5.0 - Memory booster
I’ve been taking this for almost a week. It’s a good product I usually forgot a lot of things like car keys, doing or remebering basic stuffs and when I’m studying. It helped me a lot in retaining the things information that I have read. It’s a good product trust me. I helped my memory a lot.
5.0 - Five Stars
Awesome product. I enjoy how it really helps my memory and cognitive. I will recommend it to anyone.
5.0 - I was very happy to find this product
I was very happy to find this product. This has improved my focus and my memory. I am able to stay alert at work on my varying work schedule and feel energized and ready to tackle any task. I highly recommend Neuro Health for anyone seeking a mind enhancing supplement.
5.0 - My memory has encrease
I have three or more having this pills in the morning before breakfast .
3.0 - I like the promise of improved memory
I like the promise of improved memory. I am 70 and notice small changes in short term memory. Your product sounds promising
4.0 - Great product for memory and clarity
Bought this as a gift for a friend and they said they could tell the difference in a few days. Memory was better and clarity.
5.0 - Great for memory and focus!
I bought this for memory and focus and it works! After taking it just one time, I could tell an immediate difference. I have brain fog and forgetfulness sometimes, so it's great to have this. I've tried other products, which helped, but this product stands above the rest. I would highly recommend it for focus and memory.
5.0 - Great for short term memory.
I've used Neuro Health for a month now. I feel more alert and rested when waking, which is a big change. My short term memory is better because I can remember my appointments and other commitments without constantly referring to my calendar.
5.0 - Five Stars
I love this product. It improved my memory and helps me think clearly.
4.0 - Helpful
I think this has helped - was preparing for an exam so decided to try it (along with alot of coffee!). Seemed able to focus on reading and analytical problems although I can't say difinitively if it helped my memory or not (yet). Will monitor and update review after 4 weeks.
5.0 - Improved Focus and Quick Thinking
After taking for 2 days I have noticed an increase in focus and improved memory. I'm also taking about 350mg of DMAE powder. I do not have any issues falling asleep at night and so far have not noticed any negative side affects. I'm generally sensitive to caffeine. In the past I would drink 6-8 ounces of coffee if I felt like I needed a boost in retaining information, but would only do this 1-2 times per week and was looking for a substitute. I've found similar results to how coffee affects me by taking 2 of these pills per day around lunchtime. I will update after taking the pills for a few weeks.
5.0 - It works!
These did help my memory. I am 79 years old and was having a hard time remembering certain names and events. After taking these for 1 1/2 months, I could definitely see an improvement. Great product.
5.0 - Must try!
Very pleased with neuro health. I noticed a difference with my thinking and memory within 2 weeks!
5.0 - improve memory
i got this a few days ago i really like it really seams to do a great job on helping your mind out
5.0 - love this product
love this product! , it seemed to keep me more focused and I've noticed some changes for the better especially in my memory. highly recommend it!
4.0 - Great product
I have used for a month and I see a big improvement on my short time memory. I'll order more.
5.0 - Impressed
I am so far very impressed with Neuro Health. It is only a week since I started using it. I do seem to be able to concentrate better, my short time memory seems better. I will continue to use it and post the results as time goes on.
5.0 - Great supplement to add to daily regime!
Great product, see marked improvement in memory and sharper thinking, will continue to use!
5.0 - My fave smart pill
After taking these for about two weeks I noticed that my memory had without a doubt improved. I am a waitress and always write down every order, but I could memorize orders so much better. I'll definately reorder, Thank you!
5.0 - Great product
Great product really enhances memory and recall
5.0 - I'm at the age where I get "foggy brain". ...
I'm at the age where I get "foggy brain". I used this product for a full 30 days before giving my opinion. I can honestly say that I did see improvements with my lapses of memory.
5.0 - Great for focusability
I use this product for improving my ability to focus. I am a college student so this helps me to be able to focus in classes & when studying, be less stressed (I feel less overwhelmed with the work when I take them), & have a better memory. It also helps me by providing a healthy amount of energy. I love it & plan to continue using it through the rest of the school year! Highly recommended to anyone who is thinking about trying it. It has lasted me months since I mainly use it for school. I have tried other products (in liquid form) that were nowhere near as effective as these & tasted terrible.
5.0 - Works great!
Only been using it for one day but I can already tell my memory and focus are as sharp as it's ever been!
5.0 - and my memory is getting better. I really like this product
I feel more alert, and my memory is getting better. I really like this product.
4.0 - A real "feel good" supplement.
I switched to this as a multivitamin because the one I used to take was no longer available. I do believe this vitamin is a little better. I can't, as yet, determine whether there is an improvement on the memory function aspect (because I haven't been taking it long enough for that assessment), but physically I feel a little improvement over & above what my previous vitamin provided.
4.0 - Easy to use
It does help with memory
5.0 - great product
Ive used the product for close to a week and it does as advertised would recomend this to my friends and family. I really like how quick i saw a difference in memory.
4.0 - Helping memory
I can't be sure Neuro Health is helping my memory, but I seem to be able to recall words better than I have.
5.0 - Clearer thought
Takes few weeks, but, have better short term memory.
5.0 - Five Stars
This supplement was certainly effective. I noticed improved memory and focus, without feeling hyperactive or on edge.
5.0 - Works!
I feel these pills improve my memory and give me mental clarity.
5.0 - nice memory supplement
don't expect to become super productive, but it definitely has an effect!
5.0 - I found this product to be amazing. It helped to improve my memory and to ...
I found this product to be amazing. It helped to improve my memory and to think more clearly! I would purchase this product again for myself as well as for a friend or family member.
4.0 - Helps remember dreams
I started taking this vitamin on Monday as of Wednesday I was remembering my dreams. It is very rare for me to remember my dreams. I am also in school and I feel that my memory is getting better so I dnt wait to see if I notice more improvement the longer I am on it.
5.0 - Big help to me
I like this product. I have been using same products like this, but different brands, and so far, this product help me a lot. i'm already on my 50's and i started to feel that my memory and cognitive function is not a sharp as it was before.when i started using Neuro Health, i notice right away the big positive change. I will be ordering more of this...
5.0 - Better then ever.
I used to have brain fog often, until I started taking these pills. Improved my memory and clear thinking.
5.0 - works wonders for our 12 year old son
My 12 year old son was having trouble focusing on his work at school and his grades were definitely starting to suffer. He also having memory difficulties. We really did not want to put him on any medications, so I started to look for vitamins that might help. After starting the vitamins, my son noticed a difference in his energy level pretty quickly. He also said his focus in class was much better, now his grades have improved and we are on the honor roll!!! I would encourage anyone who does not want to use prescription medications to try this. We will continue to purchase this for him as we have seen much improvement in his focus, energy and grades.
5.0 - Wonderful improvements!
These keep me focused and clear. I've noticed improvements with my memory as well, I find myself being less forgetful than I normally am. Excited to see what the long term results will be.
5.0 - Five Stars
Happy with neuron health product did notice lmproved memory and thinking
5.0 - It such a great aid!
I've been taking this product for about 9 months now, one every day in the mornings, and I can tell it makes a difference in my focus and concentration, particularly when I need to write detailed reports that require remembering facts. I recommend it for people who work on activities that require the use of memory. It such a great aid!
5.0 - I've read many good reviews for the product
I've read many good reviews for the product, and decided to buy some for my mom to try. I'm going to visit her in two weeks, hopefully it works for her and her memory.
5.0 - Great product, I plan to continue using
I could feel my brain and mind working faster along with my memory. Great product, I plan to continue using.
5.0 - What works with your health diet plan and supplement use.
Great supplement, enhanced my memory and boosted energy. As a 72 year old lady, I keep a healthy diet and supplement with herbs and this neurohealth product. I will continue its use as part of my health regime. Thanks for this product and keep up the good work! A satisfied customer.
5.0 - because my poor memory is horrible at times
I must start of stating I never do reviews or order supplements, but these supplements are working for me. I work full-time, in college full-time, and a full-time grandmother/mom. I really notice the difference in my concentration after taking these supplement for 2 days. I have more energy and is more motivated and focused to get simple task completed, especially homework assignment. I not sure with the memory as of yet, that review will be a come back, because my poor memory is horrible at times. I am going to highly recommend, I haven't had any side effects as of yet.
5.0 - I Notice a Difference!
I love that these contain many good ingredients for the brain and body. I’m at the end of my second bottle and definitely notice a difference in my brain function. My short term memory is much improved, and there's a significant difference in my mental clarity. Thanks~+~again!!!
5.0 - capusules
Easy on the stomach, does help with memory, I think.
5.0 - No negative results just memory improvements
Have been using this product (one capsule daily) for over 6 weeks with very negative results, memory improvement, after the first two weeks ... No negative side effects! Happy to have this product.
4.0 - Four Stars
Easy to take. Appears to be helping with memory. Will continue using product. Price is good.
5.0 - Improves my mood and memory
I'm usually very sceptical about supplements claiming to improve memory, but after taking this for a month I feel a big difference. My thinking is more clear, I can recall names and events faster. Even my solitaire games have improved. I have recommended this to my ageing mother and my niece who is in college.
5.0 - Do you want your memory back?
I feel mental clarity and sharpness improved. I feel you must continue to take Neuro Health for ultimate improvement!
5.0 - It does work
Like others have said, I really can notice a difference when I take them and when I don't. I'm 51, take a statin for cholesterol and CoQ10 to protect my heart from the statin's side effects of CoQ10 depletion. However, I seem to notice a difference about how the statin also strips my brain of cholesterol, which it needs. This supplement really helps me with recall and not just memory. By recall I mean that I'll stumble for a word I'm looking for but can't quite pull it up into thought. I swear this supplement helps with all of that and plus, I haven't been sick with a cold or anything while taking it regularly, either. It's almost like a multi-vitamin. It doesn't make my stomach upset nor does it make me feel loopy or spacy. It's good stuff and I'll continue to use it.
5.0 - VERY helpful!
I am actually having medical problems with my memory and while there is no cure, mu Neurologist recommended Neuro-Health and honestly it seems to be helping me quite a bit. I have found that since Ive started to take them, I am again able to read books and follow the plot on TV shows and movies. Thanks.
5.0 - Nothing fun about losing short term memory.
I am on the 3rd day with Neuro Health using 2 per day with lunch and already feel smarter. I already have way less frustration caused by losing thoughts and trying to recover them. At this rate of improvement I'm looking ahead and seeing me coming up with E= MD squared; but at this point I still have no idea what that will be. :)
5.0 - Five Stars
It help with memory
4.0 - Decent product
I did not feel any mental clarity or memory improvement as shown on the label. However, when taken before breakfast, I did notice an energy boost. Decent product, I’d buy again.
4.0 - Memory
Since I been taking this supplement for a week now I have been seeing changes in my memory. I use to not be able to keep track of my phone, now I can at least remember where it might have ended up. It also helps me to focus when I'm studying for school, before taking this supplement I wouldnt have been able to stay focus on the tasks at hand.
5.0 - Does it work
this product works for you after about a week - it helps your memory - I will keep using this product
3.0 - I took these capsules as directed for almost a week ...
I took these capsules as directed for almost a week. While I felt more alert & focused, I also had stomach cramps with diarrhea shortly after ingesting the supplement. I suspect I was sensitive to the Chromium in the product. The cramps and discomfort cleared only after discontinuing the supplement. I have reordered a similar product to enhance focus & memory and will send the NeuroHealth supplement back for refund.
This product turbocharged my memory with ease! It definitely improved my cognitive faculties. I'm a little bit surprised, considering the low price of this supplement and the equally effective results.
1.0 - I couldn't read on the website the ingredients.
I couldn't read on the website the ingredients. When I got the item it was not really benifical for memory
5.0 - Incredible
Right away I started to use them as I waited anxiously, in these days of hard and constant work has helped me incredibly, I have not felt exhaustion my memory and concentration has remained 100% really exceeded my expectations!
5.0 - Started taking these and after using them I love them. I recommend this product
I was having issues with my memory. Started taking these and after using them I love them. I recommend this product. I will continue to buy them. Glad I found them on amazon!. I love this product. Since I have been taking this my memory has improve. I will continue to buy this productt
5.0 - Excellent product.
Excellent product., Have experienced a noticeable improvement in my memory and mental acuity after only one week., Highly recommend.,
4.0 - So Far, So Good!
So far, although it has only been a couple of weeks, I think there is a marked improvement in my memory. I will continue to take it, to confirm!
4.0 - Have been taking this for a month. It seems ...
Have been taking this for a month. It seems to be helping with my 68 year old memory. I understand any supplement will take a while to show any improvement. Most improvements will show up from 60 to 90 days so I will keep trying it until then and report back.
5.0 - 5 stars!
I have been using it for a couple weeks and it has improved my memory so much! I am astounded at how well it is working! I highly recommend it to anyone that needs to improve their memory!
5.0 - Very effective supplement. Helped my memory a lot and ...
Very effective supplement. Helped my memory a lot and was especially helpful whenI used before tests in school. It also helped alleviate some of my brain fog.
4.0 - slight fishy smell
Haven't used memory supplements in a while so don't have a recent baseline to compare these to but I'll say I'm a little more focused and clear when I take these.
5.0 - I am very pleased with this product
I am very pleased with this product! It keeps me more focused and alert during the day!!! I feel as if my short term memory is better since I have been taking this product. Great supplement!!!!
4.0 - Works for me, only taking 1 pill every 2-3 days.
I'm not sure if it has helped with my focus but it definitely has helped my memory, and my dreams are a lot more vivid than they used to be. I can wake up and remember the dream I had earlier in the night which used to be a problem. These effects came from me just taking it once a day every 2-3 days. The pills are mostly vitamins and their propriety blend. I wish they put the dosage of the blend considering that even these pills dont require a prescription they are still drugs. The main ingredient in the blend is DMAE, its been shown not the best for those under the age of 21, and pregnant woman. It can cause problems with those who get seizures or other problems with those who are schizophrenic. If you have anysort of neurological disorder I would talk to a professional. I also wouldnt recommend taking more than the recommended dose of 2 a day. 4 stars for its effects, competitive pricing, and good customer service.
5.0 - Try It!
I have tried other products like this but this one is my favorite. It seems to help me with memory gaps (trying to find a word) now that I am officially of senior age. I saw how many stars it had in Amazon and thought I should try it. I am happy it did!
4.0 - Helps clear the fog..slightly
Used single dosage instead of two-pill serving. Seemed to be somewhat effective in aiding memory and information recall, especially coupled with morning exercise.
5.0 - Most to memorize and to focus with
After taking Neuro Health I have found that I can study and focus more. It is awesome if you need to study.... I would recommend this for anyone who needs to focus and improve memory
5.0 - This product works for me
I have been using Neuro Health now for a couple of weeks now and I have noticed a difference in my memory. My short term recall seems to be better and my thinking is clearer. I will continue to use it.
5.0 - I highly recommend.
This product has been very helpful. I am 63 yrs old. and have a problem with memory and clear thinking. I have seen a change quickly. I can retrieve answers more easily, and thinking is much clearer. I can't wait to see how much better it can be after continuously taking this supplement. I feel it is reasonably priced, too.
5.0 - Superb Focus with No Side eefects
I take this on a heavy meeting day when I want to be on my game. This helps me focus, concentrate and filters into other areas of my day event helping me focus during my workout. One bottle in and I'm getting another, in a day where I work 17 hours this keeps me sharp and helps my memory and recall functions. I'm a fan!
4.0 - I have found it difficult to retain easily. I was using another product but felt I ...
I have found it difficult to retain easily. I was using another product but felt I needed a change. I started using Neuro Health and I can tell a difference in memory retention.
5.0 - Think smarter
after taking these pills my mind is more open and I think better, and also my memory got sharper.
5.0 - Great memory
love this product it has helped improve my memory. Easy to take. I will be telling friends and family to buy thus product.
5.0 - It really works
Promotes clear thinking and improved my memory after about two weeks for me. Make me feel better all over. You have to take two pills so 60 caps is only one month supply. I use it as a one a day vitamin pill.
5.0 - More Focus, More Alertness - no side effects or jitters!
This product is a miracle! I have purchased it TWICE because it is so helpful with my memory and cognition. I bought this product because I needed to strengthen my memory and focus, and I wanted to be awake when I did it! I had just switched to a job that is second shift (2PM-11PM) and it was very difficult to adjust to those hours AND learn all of the new technical systems required for my new job. But after taking this supplement, I noticed a HUGE difference in a few days! I was awake and alert like it was 11AM everyday. But it wasn’t like the jolt you sometimes get from caffeine, more like an alertness after a good night’s sleep. No jitters, no headaches, no stomach upset. Just energy and the feeling of being AWAKE. I am now telling all of my co-workers about it!
5.0 - Restores memory
After taking neuro health I've noticed that my short term memory has been much better.
5.0 - fine motor skills improving
This product really works! I have MS, and have experienced decline in functioning. But since using neuro health, memory and cognitive function is so much improved. Neuralgia is nearly gone, fine motor skills improving. And I feel better--more alert and positive! A real blessing!
4.0 - easy on the stomach
I loved how easy it was to swallow. product did not upset my stomach. I saw a boost on my memory.
5.0 - I like it
I really did feel a mental clarity taking these daily. I can’t say for sure if it was a placebo effect or a genuine improve in cognitive memory, either way I will continue to purchase bottles
5.0 - Best product
I loved my product! It could tell that the supplement was really helping my mind and memory, will continue to purchase this product! Thank you so much!
4.0 - I think it's working
Since starting this product, I haven't noticed any drastic changes but I do overall feel more attentive with some improved memory recall.
5.0 - improves your memory and focus
This supplement helped me a lot for college midterm. I got better grades as a result of taking this supplement.
4.0 - It Works as Needed for Memory and Focus
Used this product for one month when I needed to stay up an get a few school assignments completed. In addition to assignments I also was required to memorize a few things, being a little tired from always being active ie. Work, Family, Fitness repeat I needed all the help I can get. I believe this product helped boost my memory a little more than if I would not have tried it. I recommend this product as the price point and quality was above average.
3.0 - Caffeine Not Needed
I would say this product does well providing clean, non-jittery energy but has not improved my memory.
5.0 - Definately feel better & better memory
I've tried a bunch of products and I must say my mental clarity and memory are better. I'm able to focus much better and I feel calmer. I will keep taking this to see how good things get. The mix of vitamins and minerals is very healthy.
4.0 - Overall a pretty good product
Memory, retention, and mood have all significantly increased and continue to improve. After daily 2 capsules for one month, I started to see an increase in cognitive performance. I am able to stay more focused and alert during my long shift hours now. Overall a pretty good product.
4.0 - A good try
I enjoy it so far to help me prepare for an important exam. However, it tastes really bad and makes it more difficult for me to swallow. No adverse side effect was observed so far. I can’t give it a 5 star yet cuz I don’t think my memory was enhanced at all, but I can concentrate well with the supplement plus caffeine.
5.0 - Five Stars
Feel much better after taking this supplement. It has definitely helped my memory! Plan on purchasing again.
5.0 - Works for me!
Tried numerous supplements for memory but biomuch has worked the best for me.

4. #1 Energy Boost Nootropic Brain Foods - Focus Mood Memory Natural Nerve Tonic Anti Anxiety Stress Support Sport Enhancing Pill Stack Ashwagandha Bacopa Ginkgo Ginseng Phosphatidylserine DMAE Vitamin B
View this supplement on →
5.0 - Happy Pill?
I haven't been able to get Neuroflexin for awhile. Neuro Optimizer, Neuro Clarity are okay I guess. But this AdderPlex rocks for me. It really elevates my mood. Joking around a lot at work. Just a really good mood, happy frame of mind. Does seem to improve focus too. Memory? I forget! Seriously, I didn't really test that.
5.0 - I recommend it highly
I bought this for my Dad who has had some symptoms of memory loss and being a bit foggy. He's been taking adderplex for about a month and is noticing a definite improvement in his thoughts being less cloudy and as for the memory loss, it is helping him be less forgetful about daily things - but we will see if his long term memory improves as well. I'm very happy about his improvements and so now I am taking it. I was skeptical of herbal formulas but now I recommend it highly.
5.0 - Must Buy product in Amazon
Good thing I did not believe with those fake reviews on amazon. Some of the negative reviews were all made up This is a must buy product. Very effective to improve brain health especially when it come to memory and concentration. I love the results.
3.0 - Not bad, but could be better
Not bad of a brain supplement. It does contain St. John's Wort, so you shouldn't take this with a SSRI without your doctor's approval. The ingredients with help with memory, focus, and mood stability, so it's not that bad although I have tried more effective supplements in the past.
5.0 - excellent supplement for memory enhancement
I am very satisfied on how this supplement boosts my memory. It has no side effects and affordable. x
5.0 - Excellent!
This product I highly recommend for anyone suffering from brain fog, memory loss and the need to focus. From the first capsule I took there was a definite change that I had been looking for. I've tried other products even the "Jelly Fish proven to work advertised on TV" and found those to be no comparison to AdderPlex. This product worked from the first day to the last day. Would order again.
5.0 - its a great supplement
My family can testify that It increased mental alertness and improved memory. Whe used these for 2 months and planning to conttinue for a long time. This is worth it and a pill that is a must taking every morning. I was able to google all the ingredients and see that it all works.
5.0 - Memory booster
I would give this more than 5 stars. It help me recall things easier and made me energetic. another thing that I appreciate is that it has no side effect I loved this product. I got it as a discounted trial for my opinion and couldn't be happier.
5.0 - Adderplex for Memory
I really enjoy taking AdderPlex. It makes a huge difference in my life. It really improves with memory. It helps me so much as a full time server.
4.0 - It Did Improve My Focus and Concentration-Memory Sharper Too
After 45 days I can say Adderplex did improve my concentration and focus up to a point. I did accomplish many tasks while being repeatedly interrupted and was able to return to the projects and finish them without losing too much of my focus and drive. It didn’t give me tunnel vision so sometimes my mind did wander off point but with determination I was able to bring it back to the matter at hand. It did improve my memory as I have a very bad short-term memory and sometimes it can take me hours to recall some particular thing I wanted to accomplish. (I write almost everything down to avoid this, but sometimes I test myself to see if my memory is better or worse.) I did not have very many episodes of losing my tract of thinking while taking Adderplex and was able to recall within minutes what my mind couldn’t grasp right away.
4.0 - Great ingredients, great product...I like it!
I have been taking Adderplex for a week now and I definitely feel a positive difference. At first, I almost felt like I was slightly sedated, yet had more energy. I soon realized that what I thought was sedation was actually a lack of stress and anxiety--it's a nice feeling. I felt the calming effect, yet I had more energy to do things and I had more focus. My memory seems to be improving as well. To my knowledge, I've never had ADHD, but I've always suffered from mood swings. My wife was the one who noticed my mood swings subsided. In the past, I had taken Ginkgo Biloba and also Ginseng supplements, but not at the same time. This formula, which I believe is different than older forms of Adderplex, is very good and contains quality levels of Ginkgo Biloba and Panax Ginseng, as well as 7 other ingredients I researched below.
4.0 - Brain power.
This is it. I gave it as a gift to my friend. The result is that she is doing is way better. The ingredients are top quality and that's so important to her when it comes to supplements her brain and memory.
5.0 - Awesome result from Clarity.
It truly improves memory and stimulates brain function even during the most stressful days at work. I will keep taking these for positive benefits.
5.0 - Want a bright idea? Adderplex is where you start.
I've been taking this product for over 2 years now and have tried many focus supplements. Adderplex is by far the best one on the internet. I received a bottle discounted as a trial offer, which also made me eligible for one free bottle. This product has no sudden crash nor any jittery effects. It provides energy as well as mental focus which a lot of memory & focus supplements do not. With a healthy diet & regular exercise, Adderplex puts you on a new level of higher self awareness & surpasses the boundaries that you've established in your past.
5.0 - Works well
My Brother has ADD and having increased memory problems. He had recently tried other products with unstable outcome so he decided to take this one and waited two weeks. He said he had more clear head and more focused with no side effects at all. He recommends this product for loss of concentration or distraction.
5.0 - best supplement for memory booster
This memory booster just made my life easier than ever. I easily tend to recall things. Ive been looking for a supplement that would help me with my forgetfulness. Finally this worked for me. Thank you.
4.0 - Great product
I really like this product. Ive been using it for about a week now and can definitely see improvements in all the things advertised. My mood especially has increased as well as my memory. this has also helped make me less anxious. The reason I am not giving it five stars is because the results aren't a super big increase. If you need something short term, over the counter, and affordable though then this is a great product
5.0 - Long term its been very effective for me
I love how much this helped me to be able to relax and calm myself where I am usually a person who worries a lot. It also definitely has helped my memory. Honestly I was a bit surprised. But I am definitely looking forward to the long term effectiveness. I anticipate only more good results in the future.
5.0 - Amazing Energy Booster
It is a very effective supplement and easy to swallow. Unlike other herbal supplements, this one does not have any aftertaste. It has improved my memory and made me feel refreshed especially on a busy and stressful day. This saved me from losing my job.**
5.0 - Natural alternative.
We are very happy wth the result of this product because it improved the progression of Alzheimer's of my grand mother and it improves her memory. The shipping was very fast and could not ask for a better product.
5.0 - Memory Improvement Product
I am 30 and I am not even that old to forget things. But I am awfully forgetful. There is one time I brushed my teeth and forgot to turned off the faucet. I forgot that I have my dentist appointment. The worst one was leaving for work without my wallet with me. All these are not making me happy. I decided to drink brain memory supplement and I am very very happy of the results. I just love how Adderplex helped me with my memory and it is safe.
1.0 - No Effect on my Attention Span, or Ability to Focus
This product had no effect on my mood, attention span, memory, or ability to focus even after taking it regularly for a month. Unfortunately, I would not recommend this product.
4.0 - Adderplex one month review average 4.5 stars
My review of adderplex over one month usage averages four and a half stars. Memory and mood were harder to put a finger on but attention, clarity, and focus were easy.
4.0 - I remember
I've only been using for about a week or so, but I do feel my mind is sharper and memory is improving.
5.0 - 57 and protecting my health
I'm 57 and it just isn't enough to eat well anymore. I take my health as the gem that it is and I am protecting it to include my nerves and my memory! Two of my main supplements now are adderplex and moringa because they both have high levels of super nutrition that you can't get without eating as much as a horse. So if you are like me and that doesn't work for your waist line this is the next best thing. My review is that it feels uplifting, doesn't upset my belly, and has only good stuff for my brain.
5.0 - Very natural and no side effect
Adderplex is a great brain supplement that IVe been taking for 2 years now. I am glad they have discounts for loyal customers. It is very safe, natural effective product of Wiselifenaturals. I am really recommending this. My friend recommended Adderplex since I wanted to improve my memory and it did not fail me. I love the results. It helps me withmy studies.
5.0 - 100% safe and effective
I ordered this product and was very excited to try it because I have a bad memory. Something that impressed me was that it was 100% Herbal Supplement. I have been taking these pills for a week now and I can already tell the difference in my memory. I also have more energy.
5.0 - Amazing energy.
I am confident that it does what it says. It has high ginkgo biloba which improve focus and memory. Works so much better than anything else and i've been using it for a few weeks now.
5.0 - Definite improvement in memory.
It has a proprietary ingredient blend of Ginkgo Biloba that's why I trusted this supplement easily and my stress level has gone down and my energy has increased. It's a great product that has been well throught out.
5.0 - If your feeling dull, this will sharpen your pencil
OMG I'm the worst at losing my car at the mall. That said I can testify this stuff works for better memory. It's like the proverbial trail of crumbs in my head back to what I needed to remember. That may sound silly but its true that my memory is far better since taking adderplex. I am much more on it according to my kids and husband which is I guess good and bad for them, since they can't get over on me so easily!
5.0 - Keeps me on my toes
I was wanting a brain booster primarily for my memory. I got very inspired after my boyfriend pointed out I was absent mindedly calling him by my Ex's name! The memory improvement comes with the clarity it gives, like I can easily access and keep my train of thought where before I would skip a beat and get off track easily.
4.0 - This is a good alternative for a natural and over the counter mood ...
This is a good alternative for a natural and over the counter mood and memory supplemental. It seems to work well but I do need to take 2 a day for me to feel that its working. doesn't give you any mood swings while wearing off or jitters and does help me concentrate at the task at hand! I would recommend this product to help with everyday motivation and focus
5.0 - All Natural Product Helps With Attention, Memory, Clarity, Mood, & Focus
I have a medical condition which gives me brain fog at times. I was looking for a supplement with the potential to help that when I cam across AdderPlex from Wise Life Naturals. I was given the opportunity to try it in exchange for an HONEST review at a discount. It came to me well packaged in a bubbled envelope. Inside that envelope was another envelope identifying the LOT and giving a clear expiration date. I received a bottle that is still good for 2 years. It comes in a bottle of 60, easy to swallow, gel capsules with a recommended dosage of 2 capsules per day, so it is a 1 month supply. I took my 2 capsules mid-morning with no problems. I had no stomach issues or jittery feelings at all and I am prone to those, so this pleases me. The directions also state that 1 capsules after dinner makes the active ingredients available during the regenerative phase of sleep. I will try this now that I know they do not make me nervous or hyper. Wise Life Naturals produce their products in the USA and provide a 100% money back guarantee. I always search out American made products first. I am very pleased to see that these are doctor formulated and safe using no weird chemicals. I will definitely be completing the bottle and will provide an update. I do feel as if this is a quality company producing a quality product and I do believe I will be reordering.
5.0 - Great!!
I was skeptical but I really feel like my memory has improved.
5.0 - Clear headed and better memory.
Normally I'm a very easily distracted person, who forgets to do things immediately, am normally very anxious, and can't focus for long periods, but ever since I started taking this I feel that I do pay attention more, my head feels more clear and less jumbled, I remember to do what needs to be done even if it's not immediate I still remember later in the day and get it done. I have been taking this product for over two weeks now and even though it doesn't have the same effect as when I first started taking it because it was new to my system, I can tell it still works. This is a great product and I'm very happy with the results.
5.0 - Improved my Mood and Alertness
The moment I started taking it each day, I do feel a lot better. I feel more focused and improved my mood. My memory seems to be a bit better. I will continue to purchase because of the better mood and alertness that I get from taking it each day. I can tell a difference when I don't take it.
5.0 - Glad I found this all natural product
I loved this products. Tomorrow will be a week and i cant wait to get more. I feel in a better mood. Focus. Better memory. I take the in the morning and 12 hours later I am still in "get things done mode" I wish it gave me the energy since I am staying away from caffeine. No downsides.
5.0 - It achieves its claims
First, I should say that this review is personal and I am I've not been coerced in any way to provide this. I'm giving Adderplex a 5 for a couple of personal reasons- bearing in mind that nothing in the world really is perfect. Adderplex claims to improve 5 functions: Attention, memory, mood, clarity and focus. Did it do that? Yes. This is not a miracle drug, if you are a student and you want to see results, you will have to put in the work and there is no miracle drug for discipline. I noticed when I would take 2 and start studying waiting for the effects, I would not even notice any "feeling" because I would zone in to a point where I would realize only after I've zoned out that I was being productive. I can't really say it helps in terms of energy however (and it does not claim to anyway) so if you want to pull an all nighter, you might want to couple this with caffeine.I gave my sister to try and she experienced the same thing I did. Finally, the only side effect I experienced (which could be a coincidence or something) would be that my eyes would sting after a while. Either this could be because of the level of concentration where your eyes get tired or something in it causes it but I generally have tired, dry eyes (but taking this makes it worse it seems)... I won't really blame this product though unless I try a second bottle which I probably will after trying other nootropics.
4.0 - The best part is the product.
My concentration and memory is not the greatest at times so I take this product. One in the morning helps throughout the day in keeping me energized. After taking these pills regularly, my mind feels much sharper and less tired from my daily responsibilities.
5.0 - My Brain Likes It!
I found a great increase in my alertness and memory while taking this supplement. It allowed me to focus and complete tasks. The capsules are easy to swallow and I feel the effects almost immediately. Great quality product, my brain likes it!
4.0 - I like the balanced ingredients.
I have had some memory issues and problems focusing at the task at hand. feel this pill kept me sharp with mental clarity. It just makes me an all around happier person and I can't wait to share my results with all my friends !
5.0 - A Definite Improvement in my Memory and Clarity.
When I entered my menopausal stage, I tend to forget things easily, but since I am taking these pills...there's truly a mental boost for me from all the natural ingredients of this product I feel that my memory has improved because i'm not forgetting too much now. Overall it's a great brain supplement and worth the money. I am very pleased with the result
5.0 - improves Memory
Finally! a health supplement that has bacopin that improves memory. After taking it for 5 days I noticed the changes how I easily remember things. The great things is it is all natural. Great product.
5.0 - Excellent brain tonic
My naturopath highly recommended these to me as a memory booster as well as a general brain health tonic. They are easy to swallow and I like that I can divide the dose as I feel like it. She said they have all the herbs she usually prescribes for people suffering from memory lapses or brain injury, etc.
5.0 - Better option than prescription drugs
Clearer mind, sharper memory. This is as good as it gets. If you are like me and don't want to go the pharmaceutical route for better attention and focus then I recommend trying this first.
1.0 - Not worth it..
I tried these pills hoping it would improve problems i have with memory and focus but it didnt change anything for me. I didnt expect a miracle just an improvement. I changed my diet and started taking fish oil but that didnt seem to change anything either. Im still very forgetful, get distracted easy and leave things unfinished. Im sad these pills weren't helpful.
5.0 - Excellent Brain Memory Booster.
I'm more level headed now since taking this product and I don't seem to be stressed so much. SO I shoud say this is a worthy purchased.
5.0 - great value...
I have absolutely noticed a stronger focus and mental clarity since I have added this product to my daily diet. The ingredients list, all are great choices with proven track records of brain and memory support.
4.0 - brain nutrients
I'm in an extremely stressful days at school most especial when exams are fast approaching and this pill gives more focus and helps me stay alert. I plan on sticking with it for a long time. Definitely can tell a difference in memory and sharpness now.
5.0 - Brain Fog remover
If you suffer from an ever present form of 'brain fog', I'd suggest trying this out. I've been taking it every day in the morning for about 2-3 weeks and I feel significantly better. I can't attest to all the claims it makes regarding attention, memory, mood, and focus, but it sure as s*** clears up the fog which has been hindering me my whole life. Adderall can only do so much, and it isn't exactly heart healthy, so if you're looking for an alternative that may take some time but will be better for you in the long run, try this s*** out.
5.0 - Natural anti depressant
I've had a low since I lost my parents over the last two years and that is why I tried the adderplex. It does give me a clear head that helps me get my head right and stop myself from going into depression. As a natural anti depressant I can vouch it works well. I don't have any issues with memory so I can't say if it helps that. God bless.
1.0 - Waste of money
Horrible, Excedrin works better with better memory and focus. Waste of money.
1.0 - One Star
Waste of money. Didn't do anything for memory, focus or energy. Total placebo.
5.0 - Excellent energy boost.
Seems to work well for helping with memory and energy level. It is a natural supplement and I am really satisfied with this product.
5.0 - Will use this forever
I can sense a improvement after the first bottle. Now my brother is using it as well. My memory has noticeably improved and I do feel more focused. It somehow works like an anti depressant too without side effects. I will use this forever.
5.0 - The Best Brain Food!
The best combination of brain nutrients I have ever tried. I used to take all of these brain nutrients separately. My long and short term memory are better and my clarity of thinking at 52 years has improved.
5.0 - better functioning
My husband and I have been using this for a few days now and we both notice a difference. I notice my memory: Im remembering names long forgotten and my husband said he has less stress and clearer thinking
5.0 - Five Stars
I seriously can't believe it really helped my memory. It does though!
5.0 - I have had ADHD for my entire life...
Review of Adderplex to Improve Focus, Added Attention, Mood, Increase Memory, Concentration, Mental Energy, DR Formulated Safe Anti-Stress Natural Alternative With Ginkgo and Phosphatidylserine
5.0 - Good for children and adults!
these pills help improve your cognitive memory and ability to recall and focus when taken with consistency ingredients are top quality and that's veyr very important to me and my family when it comes to supplements for th brain and memory. We have been taking 1 capsule per day, I recommend it! A++
5.0 - Feeling better.
I do rcommend this product if you are having memory or concentration issues. The combintion of nutrients in these pilsl are excellent. It works!! You will feel the difference. The results have been outstanding. it doesn't give me an anxious feeling like other products.
5.0 - Helped me in my Memory
after 5days of taking this supplement I felt the positive changes. I have better memory that helped me in my work. I give this a 5 star!
5.0 - Five Stars
3.0 - Less sleepy, less memory but not more focused
It's hard to say (is it coincidence? but then again all the reviews could be said to be possibly coincidences, like the ONE that said she got sick to her stomach and then the one who said you'll turn into a zombie. Except that there were two more who said they were also sleepy with it. Maybe it works different on different people BECAUSE it seems to TOTALLY make me less sleepy and i don't have any stomach problems. As for the focus, it could be worse as one customer said (i basically only read all the one star reviews). I've been taking it for about two months, except that i stopped for a week or two. But i never noticed that wow i can focus better and my focus IS still really bad. So it could be worse. My memory has REALLY gone downhill also. Is that from the pill? I don't know, but unless you have the ability to do a study on it i would say only take this pill if you have a strong mind (focus and memory) and if you need to stay awake. Cause boy IT REALLY DOES MAKE ME NEED A LOT LESS SLEEP. It's really awesome for that (unless it's something else making me need less sleep but i'm pretty sure the pill has something to do with it)
5.0 - Excellent for Mood.
This pill worked effectively well and I recommend these to older people but everyone should still try to buy and see the results for themselves. I have noticed my short term memory has increased significantly when using this for quite some time. I was in very good mood usually now and it helped me focus even when a tedious task at work. I will definitely order again.
5.0 - 5 stars
I tried some supplement that will help me with my memory or even support my concentration but it all failed. I gave it one month then I decided to switch to Adderplex and I am glad I did! This pill had amazing effects that benefit my mental health and I am really recommending it!
5.0 - I am very satisfied
It is an all in one capsule. The other supplements did not have much affect on me so I decided to try another product and afer all the thorough researched I ended up purchasing this pill and now I feel more energized and more productive. My short term memory are better and my clarity of thinking.
5.0 - Worked effectively!!
The bottle indicatedthat it promotes memory, concentration and supports oxygen flow to the brain and helps replenish neurotransmitters which I agree! It does what it says and that is in need to be recommended.
5.0 - Memory pills
My mother said this supplement is helping her cope with his stress and she is also not forgetting things as much. I was so impressed, that I encouraged my unlce to order a bottle as well.
5.0 - I love this product!!
I am very impressed about this supplement. I love that all I need is one pill a day. I am an architect and I often need to remember very specific details and I have found that this pill did the trick. This gives me the boost I need to focus and get things done. I like this product a lot! It really helps me to focus, improve my memory and be alert.
5.0 - Has helped me.
I was looking for something to help me stay focused and improve my memory during exams.
5.0 - This is for you.
It does exactly what has been descrived, it helps increase memory and focus. I have taken this for 1 week now and I have seen a drastic increase and focusing better on things to where before I have lost focus quicker. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone looking for a natural way to boost their mental sharpness.
5.0 - This company has a good quality product.
This is a very easy supplement to take with no aftertaste. Helps genuinely increase energy to brain cells and improved my memory. This really helped me to feel like I was thinking more clearly and able to focus on things better, especially at school. I believe in this supplement. I feel so fantastic amazing and positive about everything in my life now. This product meets my expectations.
5.0 - Great energy and focus product
It helps control my symptoms and increase my focus on tasks. It helps strengthen my memory and help me stay calm.
4.0 - Overall good product!
This product did improve my memory and focus. I was born with health problems, have severe ADD though, and just started getting treated recently for the adult ADD even though that's always been the main problem. So I have to try something to go along with this product. Overall this is a great supplement though, and I will continue to take it.
5.0 - Love the morning pick me up
Hmmmm, well its great as a pick me up and I'll have to see about the memory part because mine is not the best but I should be able to remember if I can remember more or less, haha. Seriously I like taking it before work so I'm not dragging into the office.
5.0 - Works wonders for me daily.
This is a great combination of excellent natural memory enhancers. I would totally recommend to anyone who needs help focusing! This supplement makes me more productive throughout the day.
5.0 - Excellent for focus and memory!
This makes me feel sharp all day and really energize me up and gets me going the whole day. I will buy for more for sure.
5.0 - It helps me feel alert and awake.
This product is working and it's worth trying. This supplement has Ginkgo Biloba extract which is a well-known herb used for memory disorders. I feel more alert and feel like my memory is better.
5.0 - Very Nice Stablizer
There are times I suffer with anxiety and because of age, I tend to have mood swings and struggle with memory. The Adderplex does help with focus and anxiety. I shared some with my son who has ADHD and he liked it as well. He shared that it gave him the same feeling/effect when he used to take Ritalin and Effexor. It helps him to stay focused at work and curtails his anxiety and mood swings. I definitely feel a lot calmer.
5.0 - Nourishing and supportive blend
Radical cutting edge stuff. I know enough about natural remedies for memory and cognitive enhancement to say that this is a perfect combo of stimulating and supportive / nourishing herbs.

5. BulkSupplements Pure Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract Powder (250 grams)
View this supplement on →
5.0 - Good Ginko from Bulk Sups
So glad Bulk Sups gave me the chance to try this. Just beware that this is stronger and more effective than you'd find in pill form. Not a bad taste when mixed in a cup of tea. Will continue taking and update with results, but am currently experiencing increased focus and memory from product.
5.0 - Great product...
This Ginkgo Biloba seems to work better than the pill I have bought at the drugstore. I started using this one a couple weeks ago and they've had a very positive effect on my memory. Funnily enough they make it easier to remember to take them every day.
4.0 - Bought for husband
My husband was really excited to order the ginko extract powder. He is looking for better memory, and decided this was the product to try after researching his options.
3.0 - Hope to improve memory
I have been taking this in pills for months with no results as far as memory goes, I will take this powder with Kaged coconut water for my during workout and hope it will help because sometimes pills have other stuff in them.
5.0 - I think I'll like it now that I know how it works
I purchased this Ginkgo Biloba because I have brain fog and fatigue and read it may help. When it arrived I used my Milligram scale to measure out the recommended amount. After a few hours I didn't notice anything positive or negative so I took a little more than recommended. A couple hours later, still nothing so I took a triple dose. It really doesn't make sense that I should try more than the recommended dosage but I'm sometimes a Mad Scientist when it comes to trying supplements on my self. After the third dose my heart started pumping a little harder than usual and I felt tired. My memory didn't seem any better so I gave up on it for a couple days. Well yesterday I noticed several times that recalling things was easier than usual. Enough so that I wondered why. Then it hit me. Maybe the Ginkgo did help! I started with the recommended dose today and have promised myself that I will stick to it. No pounding heart or other negative symptoms so far. I have trouble remembering to do things and so far the memory improvement hasn't had any effect on that, just on things that I'm intentionally trying to recall. Maybe it will if I give it time. I'm also hoping that it will help circulation to my cold hands and feet. Will this experience teach me to stick to the recommended dosage and change my over all 'if some is good, more is better' view of life? No, probably not.
5.0 - Very good quality product
Very good quality product. My memory and energy level has increased since I started taking it. I am very pleased.
5.0 - Very fresh, VERY effective. Use milligram scale. You will get your money's worth.
This product is very potent, it is definitely the real deal and not to be played with. I strongly recommend using a quality milligram scale, and even then I have found a comfortable dose at around 80 to 100mgs. I am narcoleptic and definitely struggle with memory and motivation, especially in the mornings. I take 80mgs of this using a 23 dollar milligram scale that I purchased on Amazon and the effect is noticeable immediately. My mind is much sharper, I am ten times as organized and motivated, and most days this one dose is sufficient for me, other days I will take a second serving of the same size around noon ( the first one around 8 a.m.). It does have a slight odor and taste that reminds me of certain teas, or other holistic supplements but nothing unbearable. I weigh it on a LabExtract weighing paper and just fold it in half and dump it in my mouth and wash it down with a sip of orange juice. I would warn against taking too much, or taking it if you have any sort of heart condition, it does seem to increase the pulse and heart rate. I don't consume caffeine very often; but I can say that it's less stimulating than when I consume a small amount of caffeine by accident. My package says that it expires on Jan. 15, 2018 and was manufactured on Jan. 16th 2015; so it is very fresh.
5.0 - Good for Brain and Memory help
This along with choline saved my nursing career. I took the NCLEX several times but had trouble with energy and memory. I started studying and took these while doing so. A total change. My brain fog was due to Anemia and other malabsorption problems. I would definitely recommend this to others, in fact I bought some for a friend. I added this to smoothies or took alone. Unlike the choline there was a bit of a less than pleasant taste but nothing you can't handle.
4.0 - Great for memory retention
Great for memory retention, as well as delivery of blood flow, and even a small test boost nothing to crazy just a little
5.0 - Great product
This is a great product. It helps a lot with memory, focus, and overall cognition. It is somewhat hard to measure out the serving size (since it is very small and in grams) but they give you a table on the front of the package that makes it easy.
5.0 - so far its doing a good job with my memory and I am more focus ...
so far its doing a good job with my memory and I am more focus and have a lot of energy
5.0 - Nice nootropic. I was interested in this because I ...
Nice nootropic. I was interested in this because I had been experiencing what I perceive to be memory issues. After about two weeks of using this (~800 mg twice daily) there has definitely been improvement. This elevates my mood and increases my focus which equates to better short term memory, at least in my case. I have also been able to recall events with more detail from over a week ago which has really helped with my work. I am eager to see if this holds up over the coming weeks and months.
5.0 - Great Mixability
I purchased this on the recommendation of a friend. I have been using 1/16 tsp 3 times a day for only a few days. I am not noticing any major differences in mental clarity or memory but I understand this may take weeks to notice. What I can comment on is, this mixes into my drinks wonderfully and there is no noticeable taste or residue. I have not had any side-affects from taking this either.
4.0 - BulkSupplements are awesome! Great quality and price
BulkSupplements are awesome! Great quality and price, I currently use four products and have ordered two other supplements. The Ginkgo product dilutes well in my smoothies and iced green tea with very little taste but I prefer it in capsule (which I load myself) which I take with my multi's in the morning. Being in my 50's and a full time student, I definitely notice more focus and improved memory. Difficult to notice mood change after two weeks except possibly a calmer presence but I'm still monitoring. Will definitely purchase on a regular basis.
4.0 - ok
good product for memory and concentration. i used it for few weeks and i felt some improvements in my concentration. recommendation
5.0 - A must have for short term memory loss!
I don't think I can live without my ginkgo. If you've ever had a head injury it's a must have for short term memory. This powder did not work as well as the pill form I was used to taking though, (which also had soybean oil in it), so I started taking it, (1/16th tspn.), with one tbspn. coconut oil and my fish oil supplement, as carrier oils, and that seemed to help.
5.0 - I've only been taking this for a short while however ...
I've only been taking this for a short while however I have immediately notices that my memory has improved significantly...I know longer have middle age brain fog! I no longer walk into a room and think "Why am I here?" If you are middle age and reading this review then you can probably relate. This Ginkgo Biloba has eliminated this issue. Just follow the package instructions as this stuff is really pure and potent!
5.0 - This supplement is the best booster for memory / cognitive function I have found
Note: I was sent this product for free to review after purchasing another.
5.0 - Ginkgo Biloba Extract
This is a great product and very pure. I put it in a brain-boosting mix that I make for myself and friends. Gingko is especially good for memory.
5.0 - Great affordable product
Great affordable product! The packing is simple, no frills, with all the information readily available. I appreciate the level of purity and knowing that its free of additives certainly places my mind at ease. I have been taking Ginko Biloba in pill form for quite some time, and have been enjoying the memory enhancing effects. I prefer being able to dose my preferred amount more easily and I feel like the potency mg to mg is greater with this powder. Plus it saves me money as well, very pleased with this transaction and will continue coming back.
5.0 - Excellent Brain Booster
I received this supplement from BulkSupplements in exchange for a honest review. I've always enjoyed the quality and pricing of BulkSupplements products. This Ginko Biloba is no exception. The quality of this supplement is superb and very potent. Ginkgo Biloba is commonly used for memory improvement and dementia. I took this supplement for a week and without a doubt, I could feel the effects from the start. I had less "fogginess" when it came to my thinking. Everything seemed very clear and my focus was increased considerably. My short-term memory was much improved as well. I'm not sure if this is a side-effect, but my body felt more rested each day I woke up, no matter how many hours I actually slept. All in all, this is a very good product and of very good quality. I highly recommend this supplement for anyone looking for a "brain boost."
4.0 - Still testing it out
I received this product free for the review. After only 14 days, I can't say that it has improved my overall well being or memory. It has helped some with word recall that previously took a bit longer. It definitely desolves best in hot liquids (coffee/tea) or smoothies, otherwise it's a clumpy mess.
4.0 - Memory retention.
Good stuff. Worked first time. Noticed a mild short term memory retention increase within 24hrs. That doesn't happen with the pills. Been using it for 72hrs. No complaints.
4.0 - Very pure and potent!
If you are looking for the purest form of ginkgo on the market, search no more, you have found it. For the money there's no better deal on the market, but be careful because it's very potent. Works as advertised, I would recommend it to anyone looking for a cognitive supplements to improve mental clarity, memory retention and speed of thought.
5.0 - Great for memory
I got this product about a week ago and so far I have noticed an increase in my ability to remember things. A little goes a long way and at half a gram a day even the smallest size will last over 6 months. Everyone could use better memory and there isn't any harm in trying it out. Great price and a good high quality product.
5.0 - Good quality good price
Second time I've used their product I can't find a better price for the quantity and I enjoy the quality as well I use it everyday for a memory boost. It's a staple in my nootropic cabinet
5.0 - Get it!
These are the reasons that made me decide to take ginko. Not only that, I never knew that it is also good for hypertension.. Although I might not have memory loss, I've discovered that when I DO seek out things, I find myself having to backtrack to bounce my memory. With THIS, I remember quicker and easily within seconds. I've NEVER taken ginko before now.
4.0 - Good results in a short period of time
Good results in a short period of time. I didn't think it would work so fast for me, but my head is clear and my memory has definitely improved.
5.0 - Ginkgoooooooo!
Ginko Biloba dilate brain blood vessels without raising the blood pressure. This phenomena helps for nutrients and oxygen gets easily to the brain. So it improves cognitive and memory abilities. Try it! it is cheap and helpful!
5.0 - Definitely a potent, high-quality product, kicks in fast ...
Definitely a potent, high-quality product, kicks in fast and definitely has a noticeable effect on wakefulness and memory. My only issue is the zip-lock on the particular foil pouch bag doesn't seem to work. I think it got clogged up by the powder. So you'll probably want to have a jar or other container on standby.
5.0 - Great memory improvement
This product is very pure. Great memory improvement. It mixes very well and the taste is ok. Will definitely buy again.
4.0 - but I possibly have better focus. Having said that
I can't say I noticed an increase in memory or "brain power", but I possibly have better focus. Having said that, I never have noticed an effect from ginkgo, but was hoping this kind would be more effective for me. It's definitely a cost-effective way to take it since the amount you use is so small. The smallest spoon size I own is 1/8th tsp, so i just made sure to fill it half full when taking my dose. The taste is kinda yucky, but the amount is so small that it's easy to down with water and the flavor doesn't stay in your mouth very long. The only problem I had with it is that the pouch will not re-zip so i have to roll it up & put a rubber band on it. No big deal, really.
5.0 - Good stuff, would buy again.
I received this to review. I will say after taking it for several weeks I do feel my mind is clearer throughout the day, my memory does seem to be better, and in the mornings my "zombie brain" (fumbling around for an hour) has been greatly reduced. I'm really not too worried about measuring it, I use a quarter teaspoon and just estimate. I'm taking more than the recommended dose and don't notice any side effects, it can't hurt to take more than you need it's just a waste of money but 100 grams of this stuff lasts forever even if you don't measure accurately.
5.0 - Improved mental clarity, ST memory, and mood
I ordered this supplement because I was looking for something to lessen my “brain fog, increase ST memory, and overall concentration levels.” My job requires a long periods of focus and attention to task and I was looking for a natural boost without the “crash effect” that caffeine has. I have been using this product for a couple weeks now and I have seen a mild to moderate increase in mental clarity, mood, and ST memory which I attribute to the ginko bilboa supplement. I will continue to take this supplement due to positive effects I have witnessed. Bulksupplements wins again with another good product!
5.0 - Increase in Memory
I received this as a free sample. I've been taking this with Rhodiola Rosea, and between the two, I've been experiencing an increase in memory. It was subtle, but I was recalling things off the top of my head with ease.
4.0 - Haven't noticed the effects on memory
It tastes fine and is easy to use, but I haven't noticed the same effects that other reviewers have experienced. I will continue to take this and will update my review if I notice improvements.
5.0 - I do take more than recommended and it hasnt seemed to bother me
Noticeable improvement in cognition and memory. Gives me a little energy boost.
4.0 - Seems to work! Pleased.
This seems to help my memory and mental clarity. I feel I can remember numbers more easily. I mix it into some lemonade or fruit juice since its a little powdery and icky.
5.0 - Five Stars
Excellent taste and great memory-boost food-supplement
5.0 - My clarity is improving and energy level is getting better. Memory is also starting to kick in better
Have been taking 3 to times a day. I do not weigh every dose but am taking about 200 mg doses. Is a strong extract and I feel that buying powder is the way to go. My clarity is improving and energy level is getting better. Memory is also starting to kick in better. Am very pleased and well continue buy is product.
5.0 - Ginkgo Beloba extrct powedr is excelant product
I purchased 500 grams of Ginkgo and shared with my family. Everybody is happy. Well focused, my short memory is much much better now.Thank you for the product
5.0 - Great price, great package, works well in tea!
This powder has a somewhat "tea" taste to it and I found mixing it into my hot tea works wonderfully. I also tried it in water which wasn't too bad. It did have the tea taste to it but, of course, didn't taste exactly like tea. I mixed it in a small portion of water (maybe 2 oz), so it would be easy to drink quickly. I believe this will work out for me during warmer weather when I don't drink the hot tea. I like the reasealable bag. I have been getting into it at least twice a day for at least two weeks and it still seals well. The bag is strong so it isn't going to easily be torn or have something poked through it. The tiny amount you are suppose to use means the bag will last for quite a while. I have the 100g bag and I doubt I have used a quarter of it in two weeks. I have to say, I feel like the ginko is already working as my memory seems better, we shall see!
4.0 - Natural Ginkgo
I tried it for the fist time in this powder form and I like the the fact that I can mix it with almost any healthy dink rather than taking it as a pill. I highly applaud it's quality and simplicity of no other ingredients added for it to be even more natural. The only downside of it and wish for Bulk Supplements to consider is a measuring spoon. The packaging states to consume 175 mg of if twice or three times a day. At first it was a hassle for me to calculate the amount suggested. I had to order a measuring spoon exclusively for that. Hopefully Bulk Supplement will add a measuring spoon in the packaging in the future. Other than that, once I am done with it I will be back for more. The ginkgo leaf powder really helps with the memory and mood.
5.0 - kind of like taking a baby aspirin everyday to prevent heart disease
I have been taking this everyday for almost 5 years to preserve my memory, kind of like taking a baby aspirin everyday to prevent heart disease. I do notice notice it takes a while to notice the effects. I usually take it in the morning before I drink my coffee, this looks, smells and feels no different than any other ginko brand I have used. I just weigh the powder on an aws milligram scale and toss it in my mouth then chase it with a glass of water. It taste a little bitter but for medicine, it's not to bad.
5.0 - Noticeable improvement in my memory
I have never tried ginkgo biloba before, so I agreed to write a review for a sample of the product. I was curious as to whether this could actually improve my moods and memory. After a little more than a week I have noticed a difference in my ability to recall things. I plan to re-order when the sample runs out.
5.0 - Great product!!
Mix into my morning shake daily. I have definitely noticed a difference as I feel a shot of extra energy and am more alert, my memory seems better as well.
5.0 - Great Stuff
I am a college student working a full time Job this product helps my memory during test and overall energy level to complete my tasks.I am quite impressed with this product. I've been using it for about a month now. I have much more energy and focus and really feel like working even though I get up at 0400 to be at work by 0600. I would recommend this product both for its positive affects and the relative low cost.
4.0 - So far, so good
So far, so good. I've been mixing it into hot tea using mini measuring spoons and can't taste it at all. I bought this mainly for its supposed focus benefits and it seems to be working. I feel more alert and can focus longer without getting distracted. I wouldn't say it's a miracle worker, but I think I definitely notice a difference. I've tried one brand of Ginkgo Biloba supplement capsules in the past and experienced headaches and irritability. Nothing like that has happened with this product, which I think speaks a lot for its purity and quality. It's too soon to say anything about its memory effects yet. Overall, a great product and looking forward to trying others from this company.
4.0 - So far I'm really impressed but I'd like to give it more time before I give it ...
So far I'm really impressed but I'd like to give it more time before I give it 5 stars. My memory has improved significantly and my speech is more fluent. I still misplace words but I'm able to get them back quicker. I'm looking forward to the next few weeks to see how it goes. I also think I have much more energy. I'm not taking as many afternoon naps. That, in itself is an improvement.
4.0 - It doesn't taste good at all
I received a free sample with a purchase of another product and was asked to review it. At first I didn't feel anything when I took this product but then I tried it on an empty stomach and took 1/16 th teaspoon and am really feeling it now! I will take 1/32 teaspoon next time; my head is buzzing. It doesn't taste good at all, but if you put a swallow of H2o in your mouth and dump the ginkgo in and swallow, then wash down with more water, it's not bad. I guess that buzzing in my head means it's working cause my memory can use some help! I also use this to help keep my blood thin as I have Afib and don't want to take blood thinner medication. Another good product without fillers!
5.0 - Mind over Matter
It is good for the mind. that about sums up Ginkgo. It probably would work best for someone older or with cognitive decline to better retain memory (I'm a few years shy of 30) but it seems to, for me, allow my neuro synapses to fire on quicker and on smoother cylinders. You wont be moving furniture around the room with your mind or convincing the authorities they still haven't found the correct droids but you will be on a good path toward giving one's mind a nice boost.
4.0 - Easy to take
Easy to take, I mix it with my maca root along with a slew of other bulk supplements products. I can't say it has improved my memory as yet.
5.0 - Great bang for the buck
Great bang for the buck! Stacking Ginkgo Biloba Extract with BulkSupplements's DMAE and ALCAR. My initial conclusions are a natural heightened sense of awareness, improved short term memory retention, and increased responsiveness/motivation towards the day-to-day work grind. So far very please and looking forward to the potential long term benefits.
5.0 - A definite buy for a bad memory!
This works very well for my memory. I've only been using it for about a week but I can already see a positive influence (I remembered to post this review :-) ). I usually take a full day's dosage in one dose as I don't have a 1/16 size spoon; so I may be taking too much at a time. It tastes like powdered raisins but when added to smoothies it blends well.
5.0 - Excellent Ginkgo Biloba
I use Ginkgo daily as part of my overall super health regimen. It has several effects, memory and energy, has a reliable report of the benefits. This is a very strong version, and I prefer this powder to pills, it gives me better control over dosage, and of course the cost is the real driver. I am a big fan of all of BulkSupplements products, I have quite a few of their powders, I always find they are very reliable, safe, and cost effective. They always ship quickly, and never had a hassle with any of their products, only positive experiences.
5.0 - Good price good product
Supposed to improve your memory. Hard to tell if memory is improving or not.
5.0 - Five Stars
5.0 - An excellent supplement for the brain and memory
I got this supplement primarily for my 94 year old mother who has dementia and aphasia, but, according to my research, it is good for anyone that is aging or possibly has memory problems. I like the BulkSupplements supplements because I can add them to our daily "health" drinks and my husband gets supplements whether he likes it or not. Also this helps to eliminate adding more pills to what we are already taking. Ginkgo Biloba, I feel, is essential for my mother's condition, but it is also beneficial or my husband and I as we are both in our late 60's. At this stage of the game, we need all the help we can get. Fortunately, my husband and I are both in excellent health and on not medications. My mother, since she has moved in with us, has had her medications reduced from 10 to 1. This in itself is a tribute to a good diet and excellent supplements.
5.0 - Good Product
I've noticed an improvement in my short term memory after taking this product. I'd recommend adding it to your daily supplements.
4.0 - Improved energy and focus for a few hours
I've been using this ginkgo biloba product every day for over two weeks. I initially did research to try to find a natural option to improve cognitive function and memory. I came across herbal ginkgo biloba and read about its ability to enhance or improve memory (by increasing blood flow to the brain), increase blood flow to the muscles, increase mental acuity and provide a clean energy boost. I was secondarily interested in the plant's bodybuilding applications. I am a software systems analyst and a "hobby bodybuilder"; improving brain health as well as enhancing physical work capacity apply directly to my interests.
4.0 - Great Product
remembering is always a good thing. This can help with memory and other health issues. The price is great and will recommend to others.
4.0 - Taste isn't too bad but it's a leaf from a tree
It's only been a week since I've been using this. Other reviewers are correct in that it doesn't mix well, so I just measure a tiny bit out, toss to the back of my mouth and chase it quickly with some pure fruit juice. Taste isn't too bad but it's a leaf from a tree, so I am not one to expect it to taste good anyway. I ordered this as my mother has dementia and I am terrified that I too, will get it so I'm hoping that between brain exercises, eating right and taking natural supplements, I can put off the inevitable for as long as I can (she got the dementia in her early 50's). Thus far, I cannot speak about the Ginkgo Bilboa helping in the memory department albeit I'm not as stressed about things and seem more relaxed, so I'll take that as a good sign.
5.0 - Highly recommended
Great Product! Definitely helps with memory and recall. I like the powder form. I have used the pill Ginkgo Biloba and I find that the powder works better. It's easy to use. No measuring spoon. Just have to eyeball the dose. Seems to give me better cognitive memory and being able to speak without stumbling on words that I've known for years. I would definitely recommend this to anyone.
5.0 - Powerful stuff!
I take a lot of supplements. More and more, I'm switching to the powders. I love this company's products. This gingko biloba -- wow. You open it, and the smell of it is strong! This is not diluted stuff. I believe the suggested amount is about 1/32 of a teaspoon. Not much! This little bag is going to last awhile. It's hard for me ever to say, 'THIS product made THIS difference,' as I take about 35 different vitamins supplements. I feel strongly that the powdered versions of vitamins is the better way to go, and as I phase out my bottled vitamins, I'll shift to powders. It's nice to know I'm not putting fillers and who knows what else into my body, when I take the powders. As far as this product goes? Anything we can do this sharpens our brain, our memory -- let's do it. And plenty of studies back up the effectiveness of gingko biloba. Very happy with this company, and this product.
5.0 - I am usually skeptical of the effectiveness of herbal supplements ...
I am usually skeptical of the effectiveness of herbal supplements, but thought I would try this ginkgo biloba powder for my memory since it claims to be "pure." I actually do feel a difference when I take the powder, and I'm certain it's not a placebo effect because I've tried herbal supplements in the past and have not felt anything. I feel less foggy and everything seems "brighter" and more clear when I take it. However, the effects do not last all day and I do have to take it multiple times a day to stay that way. But I still give it five stars because I actually felt a noticeable difference, which is more than I can say for other herbal supplements I've taken in the past.
4.0 - Who doesn't need help with their memory in this day and time?
This pure Ginkgo Biloba Leaf is finely ground and potent! It doesn't mix well with water, but blends with smoothies or can be capped if you find the taste a little overpowering. It is an excellent value for the money! And it will do wonders for your memory and mood!
Bulk Supplements' Ginkgo Biloba is awesome. It greatly improved my memory and has greatly improved my overall health f f.
4.0 - Great product for gaining focus!
Great product for gaining focus and memory boost. I don't like the taste but if you mix it up with some green juice, its almost like its not there.
5.0 - Love this product!
I love this product in this form! odorless tasteless blends easily. definitely helps with mental clarity ,with memory, might be a placebo effect but I feel calmer and less stressed when I'm taking my ginkgo. again just love it in this form as it so pure from bulk supplements! packaging is great and simple!!
5.0 - the best!
Great bang for the buck! My initial conclusions are a natural heightened sense of awareness, improved short term memory retention, and increased responsiveness/motivation towards the day-to-day work grind. So far very please and looking forward to the potential long term benefits.
5.0 - Gingo Biloba - It Works!
Overall, I was very pleased with this product. I actually felt more "with it" throughout the day and also seemed to have a bit better memory and a more refined thought process when taking Ginko. The taste was pretty brutal as the product is very potent, but it is bearable and well worth the effects I feel from the product. Highly recommend if you are looking for a bit more focus and overall mental capacity throughout your day.
5.0 - Great product!
I'd recommend this item to anyone who needs better clarity of mind and memory.
4.0 - Memory Improvals
It's always hard to tell if something is placebo or actually taking place. That said, since I've started taking GB my memory IS noticeably better. Is my attention stronger? Not sure. But I am remembering names at church like it's fresh, and I seem to be able to recall names much faster than I could before. So that's a plus! I'll ante up the dosage and keep taking! Will update!
5.0 - Great product!!!!
love this product! odorless tasteless blends easily. definitely helps with mental clarity ,with memory, might be a placebo effect but I feel calmer and less stressed, I mix it with tea or my smoothie drink.
5.0 - Best I've tried
Gave it five stars - four because it's a relief to find a pure powder supplement without all the filler junk and priced reasonably, and the aroma and texture is excellent - seems fresher than other powder I've tried. The fifth star is part response, part hope. I'm taking it for memory and brain heaIth longterm, not something one can tell about after a few weeks. Since I haven't felt anything with other brands, and do take variety of supplements didn't expect to notice a change right away, even if it is good stuff. To my surprise, the days I take it, I mostly do find it easier to focus. Not a guarantee of longterm benefit, but enough of a difference from other brands to make me want to stay with this one.
5.0 - Recommended
I've noticed an increase in my memory after using this and recommend it. It's very bitter so you'll want to put it in a capsule or mix it in a small amount of water and some flavored drink mix and slam it down quick.
4.0 - Had an effect but not what I expected
I can't say I'm any kind of expert on herbal supplements, but I tried this ginkgo, because it's said to have positive effects on your memory capabilities. The powder is very fine and has almost no taste for me - sort of slightly grassy. I used a "Smidgen" spoon to measure it out into my herbal tea in the morning, and I couldn't even tell it was in the tea, so that's good.
4.0 - No mental improvement yet but some nice energy!
I've been taking this for about a month. It definitely has a strong taste that comes through in the smoothie. 1/16 tsp. I wish I could say it's made a dramatic difference with my memory but It really hasn't. I do notice more energy though which is really nice. Hopefully the memory will come in time. If it does I will update this with the good news.!!

6. Nature's Bounty Ginkgo Biloba Pills and Herbal Health Supplement, Supports Brain Function and Mental Alertness, 120mg, 100 Capsules
View this supplement on →
5.0 - Five Stars
Great for memory and brain circulation.
4.0 - high quality capsules
very effective..recalls my memory somehow
1.0 - I did not expect that it would be so bad. I rather not to drink it at all ...
If only I can return it. This supplement did not work for me well. I took this Gingko to improve my focus and memory. However, it makes me sleepy that I would need to sleep. I was googling the side effects of taking Gingko Biloba and one of them is dizziness. I did not expect that it would be so bad. I rather not to drink it at all cos its not helping me.
5.0 - These are great. I bought these a few months ago
These are great. I bought these a few months ago, and have really noticed a difference in mental acuity, focus and memory. Feel mentally much sharper.
4.0 - Four Stars
It seems to be helping with short term memory. One a day. I have on subscription now.
5.0 - I think this works for me because I can notice ...
I think this works for me because I can notice some improvements on my memory while studying for my upcoming State Boards.
5.0 - As soon as I took this I remembered to write ...
As soon as I took this I remembered to write a review. Lol. Memory has improved quite a bit because of this product.
5.0 - Five Stars
Love this, helps with my memory. Getting ready to order another bottle
5.0 - worth it
Very good product.......I need these pills while going to school from dental had improved my memory a great deal..... will buy more in the future
5.0 - Great Product
This has always been a reliable brand. Still waiting to see if it will help improve my memory or any other brain functions.
5.0 - Helps you see clearly mentally!!
I've always liked Nature's Bounty products. I've never had any problems with them so for me it's a great product to help with memory.
4.0 - Four Stars
I think it is helping my ummmmm Memory!
5.0 - memory loss
My husband died recently, and I found I was having trouble concentrating and remember to do lots of little, but important tasks. My sister suggested I try this product. I've been taking one capsule one time each day for about a month, and yes, I think it has helped me focus more clearly. I feel as though I am not forgetting things and I'm more clear headed. I'd recommend at least giving it a try.
3.0 - This is a nice pure supplement for people who are recommended to take ...
I have not noticed any difference in health or memory by taking this product. Some reviews and websites say that Ginkgo Biloba can help increase memory, but for me I did not notice a difference. There are other health benefits to taking this supplement which are not necessarily on a daily basis. This is a nice pure supplement for people who are recommended to take a Gingo Biloba supplement,
4.0 - Placebo or for real?
I have not noticed extreme effects on short term memory, but supplementing this has definitely given me at least the placebo effect needed to continue reading at night :)
5.0 - If you have ADD or a learning disorder or any cognitive deficit disorder I would recommended it. All you need is to take one ...
This product helped my cognition. I was diagnosed with ADD with a learning disorder and I was prescribe medication for it but the medicine doesn't improve memory or cognition. If you have ADD or a learning disorder or any cognitive deficit disorder I would recommended it. All you need is to take one or two pills a day. This mixed very well with my medication, I take concerta. I notice the benefits as soon as I took it. My advice is to buy it even if you just have memory problems. Just give it a chance and I promise you, you will keep buying this product.
5.0 - Love it.
I have been taking this product ever since. It boost my memory.
5.0 - Five Stars
excellent for memory
4.0 - Four Stars
friend recommended this for memory.
4.0 - This stuff Works
Take twice aday and it will help farther lose of short term memory.
5.0 - When my doctor told me about this I didn't believe ...
When my doctor told me about this I didn't believe him but these pills really do naturally enhance my memory! My fiancé can tell when I haven't taken them lol
1.0 - Did nothing for me...
Did nothing for me. I've been taking these for 30 days now and still having bad ringing in ears. I read this could help, but it has not nor helped my memory or anything better. :-/
2.0 - This product may be good for your memory
This product may be good for your memory, but be careful before taking it. Do your research. This product can cause severe headaches, increase blood pressure and can cause bleeding which can be life threatening. I'm a law school student so I decided to try it. After two weeks of taking this product I started having severe headaches. I had so much pain that I couldn't do anything. I couldn't understand why I had those headaches. I'm healthy 29 years old female. I workout and eat healthy and I don't have any blood pressure problems. So I suspected that ginkgo biloba caused my headaches, and I did google research about this product. It has many side effects and headache was one of them. I stopped taking it and my headaches went away. So please be careful and consult with your doctor before taking it.
5.0 - Brain Flow
Ginkgo has significantly improved my overall circulation, which has helped with memory, reduction in inflammation , and just all-round sense of well being. I feel a lot more mentally alert when taking this. I also have fewer headaches and tension when taking this, probably due to better blood flow to the brain. Highly recommended.
5.0 - The products amazing!
I have been taking this vitamin for 3 weeks now, I was depressed due to some things that happened unexpected in life it happens. I started taking these the week of my first new job in a whole different field than I am used to. I didn’t think I would be capable bc of all the things I had going on at the time. Let me say on the 1st week of taking this I picked up so much new information on this is was crazy! My memory is so good it’s again crazy I’m happy as ever and im completing all of my goals! I love this product I feel like it has worked best for memory and depression I only take 1 a day every morning. I love this so much that I had to leave a review!
5.0 - Trusted Product
I trust this product brand. I have been using it for years. I take this for memory and circulation. Of course, I do not know if the product works for this purpose. But, it is not doing any damage, and I have not had any problems.
3.0 - Research it.
Taste a little musky. Taking at advice of MD. Hope it helps with memory.
5.0 - I could not say it did me any good as I keep forgetting to take those pills
My wife loves this item & says it helps her with memory issues she's been having. As for me, I could not say it did me any good as I keep forgetting to take those pills!
5.0 - Ginkgo Biloba
I've been using this Ginkgo Biloba for about 6 weeks now. I've noticed in the past my memory is not as sharp as it use to be. I was recently with a group of friends in conversation finding I was recalling names, dates and places easier. Normally I would be saying, " I don't remember the name" or say "It happened sometime last month."
5.0 - I like It
I like it.My brain work well and I don't have fog.My memory improved.
5.0 - For Tinnitus with Bioflavioniods Good Stuff
I use this in conjunction with bioflavioniods for my tinnitus. It is working quite well for me. As an aside I have noticed that short term memory (mostly noticed looking for familiar words) is a bit better.
5.0 - Good Quality & Value
Gingko Biloba is one of those supplements/herbs that I've used off and on for years in hopes of "sharpening memory retention" and "increasing mental clarity," and to be quite honest, I'm not 100% sure if it works. Given that most folks that use it take it alongside a multitude of other things, it’s hard to definitively say whether it’s one particular thing or another. I will say that in my case, I noticed Gingko more after I took a couple weeks off from taking a capsule every morning -- I felt a teensy bit more forgetful and fumbled over my words a little more often. After taking this particular brand for two weeks now, I do find myself keeping tabs on my daily tasks a little bit better and feeling a little mentally "clearer." Call it placebo if you want, but I do feel like it is a worthwhile addition to my daily supplements and vitamins.
5.0 - Helpful
Helps with my memory solid product
4.0 - Works for my heatburn
I cant say it helps my memory but it seems to help my acid re-flux. I used to wake up in the middle of the night with heart burn, since i started taking this i have had no heartburn in the middle of the night.
5.0 - but my thought process works so much better after taking this
I am going through perimenopause right now and one of the symptoms that I am experiencing is brain fog. I can't seem to remember things and I have trouble processing my thoughts. This product has helped me tremendously. I am still not back to my pre- perimenopause self, but my thought process works so much better after taking this. I went on vacation and forgot to bring this with me and I could tell within a few days that my memory wasn't as good. I make sure it goes with me now.
5.0 - Memory enhancement is why I takenthis. I am the ...
Memory enhancement is why I takenthis. I am the most forgetful person I know and these have helped me so much!
1.0 - Haven't noticed any improvements or really any changes at all ...
Haven't noticed any improvements or really any changes at all in memory, energy, etc. I may take it more regularly to see if it has a compiling effect.
5.0 - Enhanced my memory and general cognitive health
I was interested in trying out Gingko Biloba after reading an article that said as a supplement, they actually can produce results in enhancing your memory and general cognitive health. I have been finding harder and harder to remember small things over the past couple of years, so i’ve been looking for something that I can take to help with the problem. I went with Nature’s Bounty, as it’s a brand that I’ve used before for other products, and they’ve been around for quite some time so I sort of trust them. I tried the pills and after about two weeks, I wasn’t even thinking about it, but while out with friends they noticed that I was recalling things from memory really well, and I was also really sharp with trivia in a way I hadn’t been in a while. I’m still taking them now, and they’re actually working even better in conjunction with the supplements I take for focus
4.0 - I would recommend this product
I purchased this product to help circulation. Plus it helps with memory. I haven't used them long enough to know really how they work. It's a small capsule so it would work for anyone who has a problem taking pills. I would recommend this product.
2.0 - Might be a quality product, but did nothing for me.
This is more of a statement on the advertisement of Ginkgo Biloba as improving memory or clarity than the quality of this product, so realize that up front. So for me, after months of taking it I realized no changes in anything. Honestly, morning coffee did more to improve alertness and mental functions than this. So while the product might be very fine quality itself, it is ineffective in doing what is advertised. If you have success with Ginkgo Biloba, then I don't see any reason not to try the product.
1.0 - Not good
Doesn't do anything made my memory worth. Throw it to the trush.
5.0 - Helped me to pass my classes and improved my poor memory!
I have already noticed a marked improvement in my memory as I have been taking these! I was struggling in college as I could not remember when stuff was due, the content for the tests, etc. and now I am doing great! Everyone notices that I am more alert and aware then I use to be as well! I highly recommend these to anyone who struggles with remembering things.
5.0 - Good for memory
Needed somehthing else to get free shipping... had this before. Good for memory.
3.0 - I still forget where I left my eCig pretty regularly.
I started taking this because my memory seemed to be failing me.
5.0 - I have been using Ginkgo Biloba for years and all ...
I have been using Ginkgo Biloba for years and all I can say is, it works for me. Sharpness of memory is increased, for me. You won't know until you try.
5.0 - Good products from this company...
I don't know if it's working or not. Think I need to take it longer. Also, I don't think there is a magic pill for memory loss, but this helps, lol. Age, gotta love it!
5.0 - I really feel the memory and cognitive benefit from ginko bilboa and 'Nature's Bounty' is a great brand with the highest quality
I really feel the memory and cognitive benefit from ginko bilboa and 'Nature's Bounty' is a great brand with the highest quality.
5.0 - I forgot but I think it’s good
I’ve been taking these for short term memory loss but I forgot what I was going to say.
5.0 - I have been using this product for the last 8 ...
I have been using this product for the last 8 yrs helps with my memory. .oftentimes I forget things. .goes with age maybe. .
4.0 - Feel generally better after 3 months of regular use
They've made me feel better along with the once-daily men's vitamin. Doesn't hurt, only adds to my health and I've seen no negative side-effects. It effectively increases blood-flow throughout the body. ... *ahem* ... just sayin'. As far as memory assistance, I'd give it a light endorsement. I have ADD and poor memory as a result, and along with prescription medication for that condition, this assists.
3.0 - Works Sometimes
I bought this supplement after reading the reviews. I will say that I am rather disappointed after using it for 2 months. I got this product because I was having memory relapses at work which was kind of embarrassing. My boss asked me a couple of times if I was okay and needed to go home to rest. That’s when I knew I had to address this problem head on. Unfortunately this product did nothing for me. It worked for the first 3 days and on and off really. I didn't know what to expect from it until my sister recommend this product to me
5.0 - Memory enhancement.
Nice sized bottle. Haven’t used it long enough to judge if it works.
1.0 - Not working like last bottles
I've been using ginkgo for a few years for memory and ear ringing. Before I started using it ringing was loud I was about to stick something in my ear. After a few weeks with ginkgo, it was quieter, after a year, gone altogether.
2.0 - I'm not sure if there is a transition period necessary ...
I'm not sure if there is a transition period necessary before someone can experience any positive effects (namely, enhanced memory), but I noticed when I took these supplements for several weeks that I actually felt MORE spacey.
4.0 - Four Stars
I have noticed a difference with my memory, no other side effects.
4.0 - Helps some for sure
I cant say that it has helped with focus or memory but it has increased blood flow in my legs and reduced my feet and ankle swelling some.
5.0 - They works
Not sure if it's psychological or real, but I noticed a significant improvement in my memory when I started taking these suckers daily.
4.0 - I smoke A lot of weed,
I smoke A lot of weed, therefore im not able to tell weather this is actually helping me with retaining my memory lol
2.0 - Ok...not great.
It was ok, but I wouldn't say it was amazing. I bought this to help my memory for college math, but maybe I expected too much.
4.0 - I feel like my memory is still better than it was before ...
I do think this worked to improve my recall ability, but I'm not sure if it was placebo effect because even after I stopped taking it, I feel like my memory is still better than it was before taking it. Either way, four stars for jump starting my brain.
5.0 - Improve my dad's memory
Bought for my dad to improve his memory and it's good.
3.0 - Three Stars
Seems to help with memory
5.0 - Has some effect.
It seems to have some effect. I have a bit more energy and I don't notice my memory forgetting quite as often.
5.0 - Excellent Supplement
I take ginkgo daily and have done so for years; it is well worth the money. This does help my memory in combination with other products.
5.0 - Great Supplement
I think I've seen an improvement in the two weeks I have been using it. I chose this because of the price and mg. I really think it was a great deal and it seems to be helping my memory and brain function.
5.0 - How can you even tell if these work?
Cheaper than buying at wal-mart. I honestly can't speak to their quality. I take these along with ginseng for focus and memory boosts.
5.0 - Five Stars
Don't want to lose my memory! Everybody should be taking this unless their medication warns not to, mine doesn't
5.0 - Five Stars
Great for people going through memory lose
4.0 - help a lot
my memory level increased many time and this is help me a lot to do my work and remembering all my tasks.
5.0 - memory is good
have taken these for a few years and it works
2.0 - Each person must find a brand that works for him/her
I was using another brand of Ginkgo Biloba, which I could no longer find. I switched to Nature's Bounty, in large part because of all the favorable reviews -- so my experience is probably an anomaly. This brand seemed to have no effect on my memory -- in fact, my memory seemed to get worse, probably in part because I had been using a brand that was quite effective for me. So I think that each person must find the brand that works best for him or her. This one did not work well for me.
4.0 - Tinnitus reduced to nothing
I woke up one morning about 5 weeks ago with loud tinnitus and I have not yet had my appointment with the ENT to figure out if it was related to hearing damage, but after going to my doctor I was treated for an ear infection. I hoped the ringing would stop, but it kept going even after the antibiotics. At one point it was so loud nothing could drown it out. My mother convinced me to try this. I was skeptical but desperate, I bought this and foods heavy in zinc, magnesium, and foods to fight inflammation. After the second day the tinnitus was more manageable but still there. By the 3rd day there were moments I didn't notice it and times I couldn't hear it, and by the 4th day it was quiet except for the faintest of ringing. Today is the 5th day and I can only hear it if I'm in a quiet room and I really listen for it. I'm able to sleep and read again. I'm not sure if the ginko is what did the trick, but I do know that shortly after taking it, my tinnitus improved remarkably. I feel like at this point in recovery the hardest thing is going to be to stop checking my hearing to see if it's still there because other than that I can't hear it. The ginko didn't give me much in the way of side effects that I noticed but I also didn't notice any memory or cognitive improvements other than what could be described as a placebo effect. I've dropped my rating by one star because of that.

7. Jarrow Formulas Citicoline, Supports Brain Function, 250 mg, 120 Caps
View this supplement on →
5.0 - I definitely recommend.
Noticeable difference in memory and information processing. I definitely recommend.
5.0 - Stroke victims, take Citicoline as soon as possible
Google the latest research if you need hard facts. Citicoline has proven positive effects in preventing the cascade of brain cells dying after strokes and stabilizing the condition and helping to recuperate after stroke. I can personally attest to that as I had four subsequent instances of, admittedly, minor strokes (over a period of four weeks - not mere Ischaemic attacks but full strokes with long term effects like partial paralysis, lasting memory loss and experiencing psychological nightmare and deep desperation). I did research and found a few researched substances that I would not get prescribed by physicians. There was Citicoline, Piracetam and Distraneurine (good luck finding the last one and a doctor willing to prescribe it for that condition - the relevant research isn't well-known - but it was of major help, not only for the psychological trauma that followed in its wake but also in helping to keep the brain damage from progressing). What was the main benefactor of these three, I can't say, but they definitely helped. I don't think it was mainly Piracetam, though it might have contributed. But without doubt, what helped enormously was Citicoline, the effect of which could be felt almost immediately. Thanks to all this, now, two years after the events, most of the noticeable effects (except, probably, some memory defects) are gone, or, at least, below the level I can perceive (no more paralysis or muscle weakness, for example). The nervous systems ability to self-regulate and make other parts take up the job damaged parts can't do no more certainly has something to do with the improvement, but without Citicoline and, probably, Distraneurine, I don't believe I'd be anywhere as close to normal as I am today. But the earlier those are taken after the Ischaemic stroke events, the better. Some countries have Citicoline as pharmaceutical preparations and one could try one's consultant to prescribe it should one live in one of those location. Anyone (or their friends and relatives) living in parts of the "modern" world where this is not an option, procure yourself a good quantity of Citicoline as quickly as possible from other sources. Let the unfortunate stroke victim have twice daily 1 gram (best iv in the first few days but that may not be an option). Higher or lower dosages supposedly are also beneficial, but to a lesser degree. So more isn't better, in this case. I put my personal improvement entirely down to Citicoline (mainly). then Distraneurine and also other personal efforts in getting better I could fortunately still work on (like doing some necessary research to find out about these medicines). I definitely don't think any medical help I received (or, rather didn't) did anything to help (one prescription, actually, was rather by the book and didn't take notice of my particular causation at all. It was Simvastatin, a cholesterol-lowering agent. High Cholesterin levels have never been an issue in my long vegetarian life and these pills made me sick as hell. Couldn't take them more often than twice, on behalf of the side effects and that they made me feel more sick than anything. I did stick to low-dose Aspirin to prevent recurrences though, but that was something I didn't need a doctor to tell me to do. Perhaps you can sense my disappointment with the official help I received, but I am so glad and have a heartfelt gratitude I found out about Citicoline. I have no doubt it saved much of my remaining life quality and I feel deeply indebted for that - as if one could be indebted to a substance, but anyway.
4.0 - Promising
Citicoline was originally used in the treatment of strokes. Since then it has been touted as a remedy for age related memory lsoss as well as a treatment for everything from brain trauma to Parkinson's. the supplement itself is simple ato take. I observed no negative side effects. My mother had a stroke and I am interested in anything that could possibly prevent that happening to me. I have a good memory so I can't rsay I've seen any difference with respect to that. I have been sleeping better. I am an exceptionally light sleeper and it is rare for me to get uninterrupted sleep. This does seem to help with that. Jarrow is a reliable company and I have had good results with other of their supplements. so while I can't report any definitive benefit, I am not yet done with the bottle and it holds promise.
3.0 - I felt dizzy for a short time. Anyone else had this happened ? Or its working!
Jarrow Citicoline is suppose to improve your memory!
5.0 - Improved sorry term memory recall
My Psychiatrist recommended this product to me after I reported that I had noticed my short term recall had begun to slip a little. I have to say; I have noticed a marked improvement! It took about a month of taking a capsule in the morning and another in the evening before I noticed the difference
4.0 - Seems To Work - Recommended
These Jarrow "CDP Choline" capsules are marketed as a brain boosting supplement. I am coming off two years of chemo and steroid treatments that have severally damaged my short term memory, so I was interested in trying this to see if would help. While taking these I have noticed an improvement in my memory and ability to concentrate, but it is not really possible for me to quantify the results in any meaningful way.
5.0 - Beneficial For Seniors
My elderly Mom has had some memory problems lately and has tried this product in relation to memory loss. I think that Jarrow Choline has helped get things recharged and functioning on a much better level than she was previously experiencing.
5.0 - Pretty okay
What a nice little kick this gives you in the morning. It's a little rough on my lower belly. I noticed slight improvement in my memory and gives you slight motivation feeling. It's kinda expensive. I now get mine in bulk powder form.
4.0 - Helps improve memory and mental clarity
I was initially skeptical about this supplement. I'm particularly interested in its ability to improve memory and mental focus. My aging brain has really taken a toll on my memory and mental clarity. I have too many "why am I here" and "what's your name again" moments that I'm really eager to give this product a try.
5.0 - Cognitive improvements experienced
I began taking Jarrow Citicoline in conjunction with Jarrow Alpha GPC at the end of May 2014 because of cognitive symptoms that resembled those reported from long-term use of anticholinergics. I started the supplements based on reviews here on Amazon (thank you!) I noticed an improvement in short-term memory within 24 hours. I think my brain must have really needed the supplements. I take 1 capsule of each with breakfast daily. Am happy to report that I have seen cumulative improvements which continue in cognitive function over the past months since starting this regimen. My short term memory still isn't where I'd like it to be, but recall is vastly improved as well as being able to make abstract connections and come to creative solutions to problems. I am more than grateful for this supplement, as I feel more "myself" than I have for quite some time. My quality of life is much better. Someone mentioned that it made them feel irritable. I think that has been true for me. However, the benefits have been more than worth having to adjust my emotional response to the kind of hyperkenetic feeling I have. If I stopped drinking so much coffee in the morning that might make a difference -- but no, not willing to do that yet. Note: I also posted parts of this review to Jarrow Alpha GPC.
3.0 - I'm not a good person to review this product.
I purchased this along with other memory enhancement supplements. I have other health issues so I am unable to determine if this product does what it is supposed to do. Sorry
5.0 - This is an amazing product
I have been using this product for the last 2 years. I originally purchased it because I was starting to have problems with my memory. It was so bad I was in the Uh stage. You know you would be say uh trying to find the words. I found this product while researching on the net I saw the reviews and decided to give it a try. I order a bottle and started taking it with a regiment I put together through my research. Within 6 months I had my memory back. PRAISE BE TO GOD OUR FATHER!!!! It was kind of scary for a minute but that problem is gone.
5.0 - The best non-prescription memory enhancer
I participated in a several week clinical trial of this a few years back, after finding myself searching for words and forgetting why I had walked into a room. I felt it helped, so after the test I asked if I had been taking a placebo, and if not, what it was and at what dose. I've been taking 2 of these a day ever since...I know, it COULD be the power of suggestion, but when I skip a few days, I find myself having those old problems again. I'm 74, and want to hang on to whatever I can. This doesn't seem to the side effects or drug interactions of ginko biloba. I'm a fan.
5.0 - Works Very Well
I read a lot about citicoline before I ordered it, including all the flowery stuff about how it helps with memory, focus, and appetite. And even sleep. It wasn't so much that I was skeptical at first, but I figured, 'Hey, why not give it a shot? What do I have to lose?' There aren't any side effects and its not that expensive. So I bought it and started taking it...
5.0 - Helps my brain function
Just swallow one pill once a day (instead of two for me) and you will be good to go. I've noticed my verbal cognition become a little better and memory is better.
5.0 - Improves my memory
This has helped my short term memory quite a bit. When I ran out on vacation, I noticed the trouble I was having trying to have a clear head. I highly recommend to those trying to improve memory and have less anxiety doing so.
5.0 - Amazing results
I have been taking these Citicoline supplements from Jarrow Formulas for the past 8 months or so and have nothing a significant improvement in my memory and attention capabilities. I have impressed both myself and others with my retention--couldn't be happier! Take one a day along with eating a healthy, balanced diet and you will probably see similar results within a few months.
5.0 - Feeling more mental clarity!
I'm taking 2 servings a day in the morning and I genuinely think it assists with memory recall and mental clarity. I've had mom-brain for years since my 8 year old was born. A week after I started taking this daily, I recalled a full address from memory, just rolled off my brain. I was shocked! Definitely feel it was due to this product.
5.0 - Pleasantly surprised!
I am on my 3rd bottle and started taking this for cognitive functional improvement. At 61 years I have already noticed a short term memory decline. I have not noticed significant improvement in my memory, but my depression has lifted significantly, probably because it raises dopamine levels. As in pharmaceuticals, what works for one person may not work for another.
I have take this vitamin for several years and it really is a big help to your memory ! thanks !
5.0 - Great for Stroke Prevention and Memory
Great supplement for stroke prevention and memory. My father was having fairly frequent mini strokes. Since taking these twice a day he's only had one in the past year.
3.0 - Had insomnia whenI took these
Every time I tried to take this I got insomnia - the waking up in the middle of the night kind. I had been taking Bacopa to try and improve my focus and concentration. On the Bacopa I slept so well and had lots of interesting dreams. I gave it up in order to try the citicoline but both times I began taking two per day (one at breakfast and one at lunch - not even near bedtime) I had insomnia at night. So I must admit I didn't keep going until the whole bottle was gone because I do want a good night's sleep. Noticed no improvement in my focus or memory but perhaps for that effect you must take it over a longer period. I'm going back on the Bacopa and will see if it helps in other ways than better sleep.
5.0 - I really can tell a difference in my memory from ...
I really can tell a difference in my memory from this product! I've been taking this brand and dose for 3 years.
5.0 - I've been using this for several months, along with ...
I've been using this for several months, along with blueberry concentrate. I can honestly say I can tell a difference in my memory recall. Granted there still may be a moment I have to pause to find the word I'm wanting to use, but those moments are way less than what they were before. I'm half through with my second bottle and I'm going to continue to use this. It has definitely helped my immediate memory recall.
5.0 - Five Stars
Citicoline is one of the few supplements that have been proven to help memory.
5.0 - Citicoline is a nootropic that is supposed to improve memory ...
Citicoline is a nootropic that is supposed to improve memory for people in their 40's and beyond. It can cause stomach cramps if taken on an empty stomach, so take this with food. With that said, I personally haven't noticed any stomach upset taking this on an empty stomach. However, despite claims that it is supposed to lower anxiety, it actually increases my anxiety, not lower it. There have been reports of other people reporting this phenomenon. It can also cause leg swelling in some people (edema). If you have an existing edema condition, you should consult a doctor first.
5.0 - Excellent Choice
I've used this product for several months now and am grateful it's on the market. I'm 63 and work in an office and on several other projects like websites and writing a novel. I can't afford to be forgetful, foggy or too slow to respond. Citcoline has resolved these issues for the most part. Recently I added 100 mg of phosphatidylserine to my regime and the combination is great! I have my young brain back! I swear by this product and am glad to see that some people are taking it for Alzheimer's. I think it has great potential for people with serious memory impairment. I've never noticed any side effects either. A great deal when you subscribe!
5.0 - helps short term memory loss
Really improves short term memory. take coffe to enhances the effects of the choline.
5.0 - Improved memory
It seems to be improving my memory and I just turned 85.
4.0 - Not Sure About the Memory Improvement
So far so good. I feel happier after taking. I also have more energy. I feel more like myself after taking these.
3.0 - It was OK
This product is suppose to help with brain power and memory. I have taken other types of memory boosters before and did follow the instructions exactly. I did notice some improvement with my memory. I probably got 30% increase in memory power and that's being generous.. I notice the same improvement when I take my vitamins as well so this is not a miracle pill. It does work to a degree but don't expect to see results overnight.
5.0 - Awesome product, good price!
Looking for something to negate the short term memory loss associated with medical Cannabis? Here you go! This stuff works!
4.0 - Works for me
It does seem to help with my memory. I will continue to purchase
5.0 - remember your dreams
this product improves my memory. i remember my dreams again which makes sleeping more enjoyable.
5.0 - Works great for students!
I'm a college student and this really helps with my focus and memory! I find I can pay better attention in class and retain much more of it.
5.0 - Citicolene for memory loss
Citicoline is a product that is extremely effective for anyone having memory loss.
5.0 - Food for the Brain!
This stuff has done wonders for my memory. I have a reputation for having one of the worst short term memories of all the people I know. On a normal day I will forget where I park, leave my phone in the worst places, etc. It can be very embarassing.
4.0 - Good Product
I am using it to preserve memory.It is a little too early to say any thing difinitve
3.0 - This stuff will improve your memory and cognition, but ...
This stuff will improve your memory and cognition, but it does have a dark side, or at least it had one for me: after only a few days of taking it I started suffering from anxiety and insomnia, and these side effects were so bothersome I had to stop taking it. Now, I'm probably more susceptible to anxiety and insomnia than the average person, but I can't imagine CDP Choline is a long term solution to anybody's problems.
5.0 - Good.
Great memory enhancer! Really has improved my cognition and plan to keep taking it.
4.0 - Seems to be helping
It may just be the placebo effect, but I must say that I've noticed my memory not being as "swiss cheesey" lately. I've been using for about two months now, and the number of notes I often write to myself to remember various things has noticeably decreased. Preliminary research has noted this supplement can help improve mental focus and mental energy and could even possibly be useful in the treatment of ADD. As it seems to have helped me, I checked with my family doctor who didn't know of any reason not to, though she did ask me to thoroughly crosscheck against my current meds (which I did) to make sure it wouldn't have any harmful interactions. The pill is in a gel capsule, so it's pretty easy to swallow and doesn't seem to cause any kind of heartburn or upset like other supplements can. Check with your doctor, it might be worth a trial.
5.0 - Jarrow Formulas Citicoline is a great product!
I love this product! I've tried all kinds of supplements for different reasons. Among all the supplements I've tried so far, only 3 have met or exceeded my expectations. Jarrow Formulas Citicoline is one of them. I used to be absent minded and forgetful. This product has greatly improved my memory! I'm 57 years old and I have much better memory than my young colleagues!!
4.0 - Memory Boost
I have been taking this for several months and have not been able to fully see its results. My memory is somewhat better.
4.0 - Even Scrooge McDuck would give these a shot.
To be honest, my memory doesn't need much help. I have one of those freaky memories that lets me recall the most insane, small detail about things, no matter how long ago it was. Still, I wanted to see if these CDP Choline capsules from Jarrow would help it out even more. Amazingly, they did! I can't quite explain it, but the capsules have helped me remember to do things sooner than usual. An example being if I need to go back to an area at work for something, I'll recall what I need to do earlier than I do when I don't take these.
4.0 - awesome for memory enhancement but the downside is that it ...
awesome for memory enhancement but the downside is that it can increase cortisol levels leading to almost a "cushingnoid appearance" if taken for several days in a row for someone already experiencing stress. My recommendation is to cycle on and off. For diabetics please note that it can also increase insulin levels as well so take that into consideration to prevent hypoglycemia
5.0 - Worked Like a Charm for Me
My memory had been going to crap. Badly. As in missed deadlines and appointments because I completely forgot about them bad. This has really helped improve my memory as well as my concentration. It does take a bit to work so don’t expect same-day results but it’s worth the wait. No more missed deadlines. No more missed appointments. I can focus better on tasks. Definitely an improvement.
4.0 - I believe it helps
I purchased these as part of a vitamin and supplement regimen that I administer to my mother, in her 93rd year, who suffers from something beyond age-related cognitive decline. If I give her three a day, in conjunction with a few other memory aids (vinpocetine, huperzine A, bacopa, etc.) I believe it does have a positive effect on her. However to just administer one or two capsules per day doesn't seem to have any effect at all. And the positve effect never seems to last more than a few to several hours a day. The capsules are a small size so they are easi(er) to swallow than something like 200 mg Ubiquinol (which I also give mom in additon to Krill Oil and astaxanthin). Although I cannot take these myself, mom is on her second bottle, I may or may not re-order them based solely on the fact that mom's cognitive decline is probably beyond the use of over the counter vitamins and supplements; but I would recommend their purchase to anyone interested in increasing their cognitive function or that of a loved one who's decline is not too severe.
5.0 - Great product for memory
This is a great product with a very low price here. I am subscribed to get it every month. I researched it before I bought it. It is an easy capsule to swallow and I have noticed an improvement with my memory. I recommend this and this seller highly!
5.0 - Memory
If I run out - I notice it in terms of my short-term memory. A teensy little capsule, packs a big whallop when it comes to memory. Been using it for over 10 yeras. This brand. I take the amount recommended on the bottle with absoultely no ill effects.
4.0 - Helpful with Mood and Memory
I tried this product to see if it would help with me forgetting where I set my keys, my glasses, my debit card..etc etc. I have to say I didn't see a huge difference in my memory, but it did seem to help enough that I will continue to take this supplement. Additionally, It seems to help my mood somewhat. I have a little more motivation to jump out of bed in the morning (and I am no morning person!) and not dwell on the negative and worry about things quite as much. Another quality vitamin by Jarrow!
5.0 - Helps Clear Thinking
Citicoline has proved to be a valid treatment in patients with a cerebrovascular pathogenesis for memory disorders. I don't suffer from that yet but my mother died from complications surrounding vascular dementia. I don't want to take any chances. I'm not waiting to have a stroke before using.
1.0 - No Change in Brain Power!
I've seen no appreciable difference in my brain power or memory.
5.0 - Thank you for a great product!
CDP Citicoline has improved my cognition & my memory. My muscle weakness has also improved. Thank you for a great product!
5.0 - It does really work....
Citicoline CDP choline vitamin for the brain is an excellent product. I can really see the difference with my memory. I can retain more and think clearly. This product really work. I would recommended it 100%.
5.0 - Very Good Memory Supplement
I've used this product for about two weeks and I already feel sharper and more focused. I'll see how it goes after a month or two. I used phosphatidylserine for over a year and found that upping my dose from 300 mgs to 600 mgs a day (the maximum) became necessary. It was originally the only product on the market that helped my memory. Then I read about Citicholine and the research looked reliable. I have to say I highly recommend this formula over all others.
1.0 - Don't wast your money
I tried the product suggested by a friend.i couldn't see any change in my memory retention.the only thing I can call this product is snake oil sold off the back of an old wagon in the old west.
4.0 - Memory boost
In these heady times (pun intended) more brain power is necessary. This product gave me an initial boost and then a steady memory balance.
4.0 - Wanted Noticable Results, But So Far Not Sure
Well, I cannot remember when I first purchased this, but my doctor recommended trying it for better memory and brain function. I don't have a disorder that has been identified, other than really bad recall or memory, and I am not ADD. So, taking this for a month, after that time, I don't remember it working that well. He suggested I keep trying it, so I will order another bottle in hopes that I see a notable difference. Was hoping for a quicker affect, which is why I take one point off, though it may be doing something I am not aware of. Will post another review after one more purchase as recommended.
3.0 - However, I don't THINK my memory is any worse; but how are you suppose to know, if you can't remember?
I have been taking this for a long time at the suggestion of Dr. Oz, if I remember correctly (I have to quit watching that show). Now I forgot what I was writing about, oh yes, I can't tell ANY difference that I can remember. However, I don't THINK my memory is any worse; but how are you suppose to know, if you can't remember?
5.0 - Good for the memory.
Received quickly at a good price.
5.0 - I live by these
I have taken these everyday for the past 2-3 years now. I take only one capsule grouped with 1 alpha gpc capsule in the morning and I'm good all day. Memory recall is just 1 benefit I get from these, my whole thought process works better when I take these. Conversations more interesting, logical thinking, problem solving, I am a better person when I take these. No side effects yet. Great product for me.
5.0 - Thinking faster
Love this product. It really works. I am thinking faster and have better memory. Share with your hubby. You will love it.
5.0 - Supports Cognitive Function
I've been taking this for a few months and I did notice that my short term memory improved after starting it.
4.0 - highly recommend. Suffered car accident and from it
These help tremendously, highly recommend. Suffered car accident and from it, I now have memory issues, these have been a great help.
1.0 - Did zilch for me
I purchased this from Vitamin Shoppe after having some success with Choline Citrate. The problem I had with Citrate is that it hurt my stomach. I purchased this for $30 and used it for a week at doses of 250mg-1gram and found what while it didn't upset my stomach, it did zero in terms of benefits in cognition and memory. Don't waste your money on this. Try choline citrate or bitartrate which are way cheaper and work better.
5.0 - Memory improved!
This is a products I read a lot about and it seems to be working. I take it in conjunction with GABA and it works!
5.0 - Might be the solution for your middle age memory issues
I read some of the reviews here and they influenced my purchase. And I was not disappointed. This stuff works. It does take a few weeks, but you notice the difference.
3.0 - I, nor my wife have seen any improvements or ...
I, nor my wife have seen any improvements or differences. I purchased this thinking it may slowdown the memory loss my wife was having. I took it along with her as well to see if I could see a difference. Neither one of us could tell anything different after taking it a couple of weeks. We will continue for a while in case there is a delay, but my hopes are not too high.

8. Jarrow Formulas CDP Choline, Supports Brain Function, 250 mg, 60 Caps
View this supplement on →
3.0 - I, nor my wife have seen any improvements or ...
I, nor my wife have seen any improvements or differences. I purchased this thinking it may slowdown the memory loss my wife was having. I took it along with her as well to see if I could see a difference. Neither one of us could tell anything different after taking it a couple of weeks. We will continue for a while in case there is a delay, but my hopes are not too high.
4.0 - Helps improve memory and mental clarity
I was initially skeptical about this supplement. I'm particularly interested in its ability to improve memory and mental focus. My aging brain has really taken a toll on my memory and mental clarity. I have too many "why am I here" and "what's your name again" moments that I'm really eager to give this product a try.
5.0 - I definitely recommend.
Noticeable difference in memory and information processing. I definitely recommend.
5.0 - Thinking faster
Love this product. It really works. I am thinking faster and have better memory. Share with your hubby. You will love it.
5.0 - Stroke victims, take Citicoline as soon as possible
Google the latest research if you need hard facts. Citicoline has proven positive effects in preventing the cascade of brain cells dying after strokes and stabilizing the condition and helping to recuperate after stroke. I can personally attest to that as I had four subsequent instances of, admittedly, minor strokes (over a period of four weeks - not mere Ischaemic attacks but full strokes with long term effects like partial paralysis, lasting memory loss and experiencing psychological nightmare and deep desperation). I did research and found a few researched substances that I would not get prescribed by physicians. There was Citicoline, Piracetam and Distraneurine (good luck finding the last one and a doctor willing to prescribe it for that condition - the relevant research isn't well-known - but it was of major help, not only for the psychological trauma that followed in its wake but also in helping to keep the brain damage from progressing). What was the main benefactor of these three, I can't say, but they definitely helped. I don't think it was mainly Piracetam, though it might have contributed. But without doubt, what helped enormously was Citicoline, the effect of which could be felt almost immediately. Thanks to all this, now, two years after the events, most of the noticeable effects (except, probably, some memory defects) are gone, or, at least, below the level I can perceive (no more paralysis or muscle weakness, for example). The nervous systems ability to self-regulate and make other parts take up the job damaged parts can't do no more certainly has something to do with the improvement, but without Citicoline and, probably, Distraneurine, I don't believe I'd be anywhere as close to normal as I am today. But the earlier those are taken after the Ischaemic stroke events, the better. Some countries have Citicoline as pharmaceutical preparations and one could try one's consultant to prescribe it should one live in one of those location. Anyone (or their friends and relatives) living in parts of the "modern" world where this is not an option, procure yourself a good quantity of Citicoline as quickly as possible from other sources. Let the unfortunate stroke victim have twice daily 1 gram (best iv in the first few days but that may not be an option). Higher or lower dosages supposedly are also beneficial, but to a lesser degree. So more isn't better, in this case. I put my personal improvement entirely down to Citicoline (mainly). then Distraneurine and also other personal efforts in getting better I could fortunately still work on (like doing some necessary research to find out about these medicines). I definitely don't think any medical help I received (or, rather didn't) did anything to help (one prescription, actually, was rather by the book and didn't take notice of my particular causation at all. It was Simvastatin, a cholesterol-lowering agent. High Cholesterin levels have never been an issue in my long vegetarian life and these pills made me sick as hell. Couldn't take them more often than twice, on behalf of the side effects and that they made me feel more sick than anything. I did stick to low-dose Aspirin to prevent recurrences though, but that was something I didn't need a doctor to tell me to do. Perhaps you can sense my disappointment with the official help I received, but I am so glad and have a heartfelt gratitude I found out about Citicoline. I have no doubt it saved much of my remaining life quality and I feel deeply indebted for that - as if one could be indebted to a substance, but anyway.
4.0 - Promising
Citicoline was originally used in the treatment of strokes. Since then it has been touted as a remedy for age related memory lsoss as well as a treatment for everything from brain trauma to Parkinson's. the supplement itself is simple ato take. I observed no negative side effects. My mother had a stroke and I am interested in anything that could possibly prevent that happening to me. I have a good memory so I can't rsay I've seen any difference with respect to that. I have been sleeping better. I am an exceptionally light sleeper and it is rare for me to get uninterrupted sleep. This does seem to help with that. Jarrow is a reliable company and I have had good results with other of their supplements. so while I can't report any definitive benefit, I am not yet done with the bottle and it holds promise.
3.0 - I felt dizzy for a short time. Anyone else had this happened ? Or its working!
Jarrow Citicoline is suppose to improve your memory!
5.0 - Improved sorry term memory recall
My Psychiatrist recommended this product to me after I reported that I had noticed my short term recall had begun to slip a little. I have to say; I have noticed a marked improvement! It took about a month of taking a capsule in the morning and another in the evening before I noticed the difference
4.0 - Seems To Work - Recommended
These Jarrow "CDP Choline" capsules are marketed as a brain boosting supplement. I am coming off two years of chemo and steroid treatments that have severally damaged my short term memory, so I was interested in trying this to see if would help. While taking these I have noticed an improvement in my memory and ability to concentrate, but it is not really possible for me to quantify the results in any meaningful way.
5.0 - Beneficial For Seniors
My elderly Mom has had some memory problems lately and has tried this product in relation to memory loss. I think that Jarrow Choline has helped get things recharged and functioning on a much better level than she was previously experiencing.
5.0 - Pretty okay
What a nice little kick this gives you in the morning. It's a little rough on my lower belly. I noticed slight improvement in my memory and gives you slight motivation feeling. It's kinda expensive. I now get mine in bulk powder form.
3.0 - I'm not a good person to review this product.
I purchased this along with other memory enhancement supplements. I have other health issues so I am unable to determine if this product does what it is supposed to do. Sorry
5.0 - This is an amazing product
I have been using this product for the last 2 years. I originally purchased it because I was starting to have problems with my memory. It was so bad I was in the Uh stage. You know you would be say uh trying to find the words. I found this product while researching on the net I saw the reviews and decided to give it a try. I order a bottle and started taking it with a regiment I put together through my research. Within 6 months I had my memory back. PRAISE BE TO GOD OUR FATHER!!!! It was kind of scary for a minute but that problem is gone.
5.0 - Works Very Well
I read a lot about citicoline before I ordered it, including all the flowery stuff about how it helps with memory, focus, and appetite. And even sleep. It wasn't so much that I was skeptical at first, but I figured, 'Hey, why not give it a shot? What do I have to lose?' There aren't any side effects and its not that expensive. So I bought it and started taking it...
5.0 - Helps my brain function
Just swallow one pill once a day (instead of two for me) and you will be good to go. I've noticed my verbal cognition become a little better and memory is better.
5.0 - Improves my memory
This has helped my short term memory quite a bit. When I ran out on vacation, I noticed the trouble I was having trying to have a clear head. I highly recommend to those trying to improve memory and have less anxiety doing so.
5.0 - Amazing results
I have been taking these Citicoline supplements from Jarrow Formulas for the past 8 months or so and have nothing a significant improvement in my memory and attention capabilities. I have impressed both myself and others with my retention--couldn't be happier! Take one a day along with eating a healthy, balanced diet and you will probably see similar results within a few months.
5.0 - Feeling more mental clarity!
I'm taking 2 servings a day in the morning and I genuinely think it assists with memory recall and mental clarity. I've had mom-brain for years since my 8 year old was born. A week after I started taking this daily, I recalled a full address from memory, just rolled off my brain. I was shocked! Definitely feel it was due to this product.
5.0 - Pleasantly surprised!
I am on my 3rd bottle and started taking this for cognitive functional improvement. At 61 years I have already noticed a short term memory decline. I have not noticed significant improvement in my memory, but my depression has lifted significantly, probably because it raises dopamine levels. As in pharmaceuticals, what works for one person may not work for another.
I have take this vitamin for several years and it really is a big help to your memory ! thanks !
5.0 - Great for Stroke Prevention and Memory
Great supplement for stroke prevention and memory. My father was having fairly frequent mini strokes. Since taking these twice a day he's only had one in the past year.
5.0 - I really can tell a difference in my memory from ...
I really can tell a difference in my memory from this product! I've been taking this brand and dose for 3 years.
5.0 - I've been using this for several months, along with ...
I've been using this for several months, along with blueberry concentrate. I can honestly say I can tell a difference in my memory recall. Granted there still may be a moment I have to pause to find the word I'm wanting to use, but those moments are way less than what they were before. I'm half through with my second bottle and I'm going to continue to use this. It has definitely helped my immediate memory recall.
4.0 - Works for me
It does seem to help with my memory. I will continue to purchase
5.0 - Citicoline is a nootropic that is supposed to improve memory ...
Citicoline is a nootropic that is supposed to improve memory for people in their 40's and beyond. It can cause stomach cramps if taken on an empty stomach, so take this with food. With that said, I personally haven't noticed any stomach upset taking this on an empty stomach. However, despite claims that it is supposed to lower anxiety, it actually increases my anxiety, not lower it. There have been reports of other people reporting this phenomenon. It can also cause leg swelling in some people (edema). If you have an existing edema condition, you should consult a doctor first.
5.0 - Excellent Choice
I've used this product for several months now and am grateful it's on the market. I'm 63 and work in an office and on several other projects like websites and writing a novel. I can't afford to be forgetful, foggy or too slow to respond. Citcoline has resolved these issues for the most part. Recently I added 100 mg of phosphatidylserine to my regime and the combination is great! I have my young brain back! I swear by this product and am glad to see that some people are taking it for Alzheimer's. I think it has great potential for people with serious memory impairment. I've never noticed any side effects either. A great deal when you subscribe!
5.0 - helps short term memory loss
Really improves short term memory. take coffe to enhances the effects of the choline.
4.0 - Not Sure About the Memory Improvement
So far so good. I feel happier after taking. I also have more energy. I feel more like myself after taking these.
3.0 - It was OK
This product is suppose to help with brain power and memory. I have taken other types of memory boosters before and did follow the instructions exactly. I did notice some improvement with my memory. I probably got 30% increase in memory power and that's being generous.. I notice the same improvement when I take my vitamins as well so this is not a miracle pill. It does work to a degree but don't expect to see results overnight.
5.0 - Memory improved!
This is a products I read a lot about and it seems to be working. I take it in conjunction with GABA and it works!
5.0 - remember your dreams
this product improves my memory. i remember my dreams again which makes sleeping more enjoyable.
5.0 - Works great for students!
I'm a college student and this really helps with my focus and memory! I find I can pay better attention in class and retain much more of it.
5.0 - Citicolene for memory loss
Citicoline is a product that is extremely effective for anyone having memory loss.
5.0 - Food for the Brain!
This stuff has done wonders for my memory. I have a reputation for having one of the worst short term memories of all the people I know. On a normal day I will forget where I park, leave my phone in the worst places, etc. It can be very embarassing.
4.0 - Good Product
I am using it to preserve memory.It is a little too early to say any thing difinitve
3.0 - This stuff will improve your memory and cognition, but ...
This stuff will improve your memory and cognition, but it does have a dark side, or at least it had one for me: after only a few days of taking it I started suffering from anxiety and insomnia, and these side effects were so bothersome I had to stop taking it. Now, I'm probably more susceptible to anxiety and insomnia than the average person, but I can't imagine CDP Choline is a long term solution to anybody's problems.
5.0 - Improved memory
It seems to be improving my memory and I just turned 85.
5.0 - Good.
Great memory enhancer! Really has improved my cognition and plan to keep taking it.
4.0 - Seems to be helping
It may just be the placebo effect, but I must say that I've noticed my memory not being as "swiss cheesey" lately. I've been using for about two months now, and the number of notes I often write to myself to remember various things has noticeably decreased. Preliminary research has noted this supplement can help improve mental focus and mental energy and could even possibly be useful in the treatment of ADD. As it seems to have helped me, I checked with my family doctor who didn't know of any reason not to, though she did ask me to thoroughly crosscheck against my current meds (which I did) to make sure it wouldn't have any harmful interactions. The pill is in a gel capsule, so it's pretty easy to swallow and doesn't seem to cause any kind of heartburn or upset like other supplements can. Check with your doctor, it might be worth a trial.
5.0 - Jarrow Formulas Citicoline is a great product!
I love this product! I've tried all kinds of supplements for different reasons. Among all the supplements I've tried so far, only 3 have met or exceeded my expectations. Jarrow Formulas Citicoline is one of them. I used to be absent minded and forgetful. This product has greatly improved my memory! I'm 57 years old and I have much better memory than my young colleagues!!
5.0 - The best non-prescription memory enhancer
I participated in a several week clinical trial of this a few years back, after finding myself searching for words and forgetting why I had walked into a room. I felt it helped, so after the test I asked if I had been taking a placebo, and if not, what it was and at what dose. I've been taking 2 of these a day ever since...I know, it COULD be the power of suggestion, but when I skip a few days, I find myself having those old problems again. I'm 74, and want to hang on to whatever I can. This doesn't seem to the side effects or drug interactions of ginko biloba. I'm a fan.
4.0 - Even Scrooge McDuck would give these a shot.
To be honest, my memory doesn't need much help. I have one of those freaky memories that lets me recall the most insane, small detail about things, no matter how long ago it was. Still, I wanted to see if these CDP Choline capsules from Jarrow would help it out even more. Amazingly, they did! I can't quite explain it, but the capsules have helped me remember to do things sooner than usual. An example being if I need to go back to an area at work for something, I'll recall what I need to do earlier than I do when I don't take these.
4.0 - awesome for memory enhancement but the downside is that it ...
awesome for memory enhancement but the downside is that it can increase cortisol levels leading to almost a "cushingnoid appearance" if taken for several days in a row for someone already experiencing stress. My recommendation is to cycle on and off. For diabetics please note that it can also increase insulin levels as well so take that into consideration to prevent hypoglycemia
4.0 - I believe it helps
I purchased these as part of a vitamin and supplement regimen that I administer to my mother, in her 93rd year, who suffers from something beyond age-related cognitive decline. If I give her three a day, in conjunction with a few other memory aids (vinpocetine, huperzine A, bacopa, etc.) I believe it does have a positive effect on her. However to just administer one or two capsules per day doesn't seem to have any effect at all. And the positve effect never seems to last more than a few to several hours a day. The capsules are a small size so they are easi(er) to swallow than something like 200 mg Ubiquinol (which I also give mom in additon to Krill Oil and astaxanthin). Although I cannot take these myself, mom is on her second bottle, I may or may not re-order them based solely on the fact that mom's cognitive decline is probably beyond the use of over the counter vitamins and supplements; but I would recommend their purchase to anyone interested in increasing their cognitive function or that of a loved one who's decline is not too severe.
5.0 - Great product for memory
This is a great product with a very low price here. I am subscribed to get it every month. I researched it before I bought it. It is an easy capsule to swallow and I have noticed an improvement with my memory. I recommend this and this seller highly!
5.0 - Memory
If I run out - I notice it in terms of my short-term memory. A teensy little capsule, packs a big whallop when it comes to memory. Been using it for over 10 yeras. This brand. I take the amount recommended on the bottle with absoultely no ill effects.
4.0 - Helpful with Mood and Memory
I tried this product to see if it would help with me forgetting where I set my keys, my glasses, my debit card..etc etc. I have to say I didn't see a huge difference in my memory, but it did seem to help enough that I will continue to take this supplement. Additionally, It seems to help my mood somewhat. I have a little more motivation to jump out of bed in the morning (and I am no morning person!) and not dwell on the negative and worry about things quite as much. Another quality vitamin by Jarrow!
5.0 - Worked Like a Charm for Me
My memory had been going to crap. Badly. As in missed deadlines and appointments because I completely forgot about them bad. This has really helped improve my memory as well as my concentration. It does take a bit to work so don’t expect same-day results but it’s worth the wait. No more missed deadlines. No more missed appointments. I can focus better on tasks. Definitely an improvement.
5.0 - Helps Clear Thinking
Citicoline has proved to be a valid treatment in patients with a cerebrovascular pathogenesis for memory disorders. I don't suffer from that yet but my mother died from complications surrounding vascular dementia. I don't want to take any chances. I'm not waiting to have a stroke before using.
5.0 - Five Stars
Citicoline is one of the few supplements that have been proven to help memory.
1.0 - No Change in Brain Power!
I've seen no appreciable difference in my brain power or memory.
5.0 - Thank you for a great product!
CDP Citicoline has improved my cognition & my memory. My muscle weakness has also improved. Thank you for a great product!
5.0 - It does really work....
Citicoline CDP choline vitamin for the brain is an excellent product. I can really see the difference with my memory. I can retain more and think clearly. This product really work. I would recommended it 100%.
5.0 - Very Good Memory Supplement
I've used this product for about two weeks and I already feel sharper and more focused. I'll see how it goes after a month or two. I used phosphatidylserine for over a year and found that upping my dose from 300 mgs to 600 mgs a day (the maximum) became necessary. It was originally the only product on the market that helped my memory. Then I read about Citicholine and the research looked reliable. I have to say I highly recommend this formula over all others.
1.0 - Don't wast your money
I tried the product suggested by a friend.i couldn't see any change in my memory retention.the only thing I can call this product is snake oil sold off the back of an old wagon in the old west.
4.0 - Memory boost
In these heady times (pun intended) more brain power is necessary. This product gave me an initial boost and then a steady memory balance.
4.0 - Memory Boost
I have been taking this for several months and have not been able to fully see its results. My memory is somewhat better.
5.0 - Cognitive improvements experienced
I began taking Jarrow Citicoline in conjunction with Jarrow Alpha GPC at the end of May 2014 because of cognitive symptoms that resembled those reported from long-term use of anticholinergics. I started the supplements based on reviews here on Amazon (thank you!) I noticed an improvement in short-term memory within 24 hours. I think my brain must have really needed the supplements. I take 1 capsule of each with breakfast daily. Am happy to report that I have seen cumulative improvements which continue in cognitive function over the past months since starting this regimen. My short term memory still isn't where I'd like it to be, but recall is vastly improved as well as being able to make abstract connections and come to creative solutions to problems. I am more than grateful for this supplement, as I feel more "myself" than I have for quite some time. My quality of life is much better. Someone mentioned that it made them feel irritable. I think that has been true for me. However, the benefits have been more than worth having to adjust my emotional response to the kind of hyperkenetic feeling I have. If I stopped drinking so much coffee in the morning that might make a difference -- but no, not willing to do that yet. Note: I also posted parts of this review to Jarrow Alpha GPC.
4.0 - Wanted Noticable Results, But So Far Not Sure
Well, I cannot remember when I first purchased this, but my doctor recommended trying it for better memory and brain function. I don't have a disorder that has been identified, other than really bad recall or memory, and I am not ADD. So, taking this for a month, after that time, I don't remember it working that well. He suggested I keep trying it, so I will order another bottle in hopes that I see a notable difference. Was hoping for a quicker affect, which is why I take one point off, though it may be doing something I am not aware of. Will post another review after one more purchase as recommended.
3.0 - However, I don't THINK my memory is any worse; but how are you suppose to know, if you can't remember?
I have been taking this for a long time at the suggestion of Dr. Oz, if I remember correctly (I have to quit watching that show). Now I forgot what I was writing about, oh yes, I can't tell ANY difference that I can remember. However, I don't THINK my memory is any worse; but how are you suppose to know, if you can't remember?
5.0 - Good for the memory.
Received quickly at a good price.
5.0 - I live by these
I have taken these everyday for the past 2-3 years now. I take only one capsule grouped with 1 alpha gpc capsule in the morning and I'm good all day. Memory recall is just 1 benefit I get from these, my whole thought process works better when I take these. Conversations more interesting, logical thinking, problem solving, I am a better person when I take these. No side effects yet. Great product for me.
5.0 - Supports Cognitive Function
I've been taking this for a few months and I did notice that my short term memory improved after starting it.
4.0 - highly recommend. Suffered car accident and from it
These help tremendously, highly recommend. Suffered car accident and from it, I now have memory issues, these have been a great help.
3.0 - Had insomnia whenI took these
Every time I tried to take this I got insomnia - the waking up in the middle of the night kind. I had been taking Bacopa to try and improve my focus and concentration. On the Bacopa I slept so well and had lots of interesting dreams. I gave it up in order to try the citicoline but both times I began taking two per day (one at breakfast and one at lunch - not even near bedtime) I had insomnia at night. So I must admit I didn't keep going until the whole bottle was gone because I do want a good night's sleep. Noticed no improvement in my focus or memory but perhaps for that effect you must take it over a longer period. I'm going back on the Bacopa and will see if it helps in other ways than better sleep.
1.0 - Did zilch for me
I purchased this from Vitamin Shoppe after having some success with Choline Citrate. The problem I had with Citrate is that it hurt my stomach. I purchased this for $30 and used it for a week at doses of 250mg-1gram and found what while it didn't upset my stomach, it did zero in terms of benefits in cognition and memory. Don't waste your money on this. Try choline citrate or bitartrate which are way cheaper and work better.
5.0 - Awesome product, good price!
Looking for something to negate the short term memory loss associated with medical Cannabis? Here you go! This stuff works!
5.0 - Might be the solution for your middle age memory issues
I read some of the reviews here and they influenced my purchase. And I was not disappointed. This stuff works. It does take a few weeks, but you notice the difference.

9. Panax Ginseng + Ginkgo Biloba Tablets - Premium non-GMO/ Veggie Superfood - Traditional Energy Booster and Brain Sharpener - Unique Twin Supplement Combines Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba 60 veggie tablets
View this supplement on →
5.0 - Best product
Wow ....perfect can see significant change with in2-3week it l recommend this product who struggle for related memory amazing
5.0 - Memory Increased
I do feel an increase in my memory and mental speed. Since that is mainly what I am taking this for, I am very satisfied with the results!
5.0 - Great for memory
The product itself seemed to have noticeable effects. I started taking it to improve my poor memory in preparation for studying and an interview. I was able to concentrate more and ended up easily cramming information where I previously had issues with that. The product itself doesn't have a taste and is easy to take with water. I'm happy with my purchase.
5.0 - Why get addicted to coffee when you have this?
Over the month or so that I started taking these, I experienced a subtle, but constantly improving state of mental focus and awareness. Sure, it's not as potent as coffee (at least not at first), but it isn't addictive and doesn't leave you a total mess without it, plus ginkgo and ginseng both benefit your brain in the long run in many ways. I'd recommend this to anybody wanting to increase their mental capacity, because, compared to some other supplements, this one's effects appear relatively quickly: I, for example, can feel a sort of relaxed awareness a couple of hours after taking my daily dose, and I noticed better memory recall about a week or so after I started taking them.
5.0 - Boosts brain function, memory, and energy - helps with brain fog of menopause & seasonal affective disorder
This product is good for boosting mind and memory resilience. Helped me to counteract the 'brain fog' that accompanies the onset of menopause. Have been taking the product for three months and definitely improves energy. Also seems to ease my seasonal depression (SAD) that I get in the darker winter months. Previously I just took Ginkgo alone and that was not as effective as the Gingko +
5.0 - ... and ginkgo biloba supplements but none have worked as great for me as Intelabs tablets
I've tried a lot of ginseng and ginkgo biloba supplements but none have worked as great for me as Intelabs tablets! I'm in my 60s and I've been feeling my age. I started taking this product andmMy memory is better than ever and I feel great.
5.0 - I have not noticed any improvements in my cognitive memory ...
I have not noticed any improvements in my cognitive memory, although I've only been taking for about 4 weeks. However I do feel more alert and that's a plus...
5.0 - Superior Product
It really works! I quit caffeine and was looking for a good substitute. This fits all my requirements. The Ginseng beautifully and gradually releases calm energy boosts, while the Ginkgo helps my memory (especially word recall) and focus. This is an amazing product and I highly recommend it! Don't take it on an empty stomach though.
5.0 - Memory improvement
I ordered this product because I noticed a decline in my memory. This honestly gives me a little boost of energy in the morning. I am a teacher and it was the first time I remembered everyone’s name in the first couple of days. This seems minor but to me, it’s a huge improvement. I intend to continue using this product.
4.0 - Seem to work great. I'm more alert and my memory seems to ...
Seem to work great. I'm more alert and my memory seems to be a bit better.
5.0 - Great product!!!
For memory issues.
5.0 - Five Stars
Taking these daily has helped my memory tremendously
5.0 - Great Product!
I've got 3 beautiful children who can sometimes drain the energy from me. This supplement has worked great for me in the sense that it helps me regain that energy and even helps me focus when necessary. My memory has shown some improvement as well which is great because before the supplement, I had a hard time keeping track of things. I plan on continuing using this supplement because it really helps me out.
5.0 - ... for a few months now and I just feel happier and work doesnt feel as stressful
I needed something to help with my anxiety and lack of memory and tiredness so i did a lot of research on Ginko and i have been taking it for a few months now and I just feel happier and work doesnt feel as stressful. I felt like i was chemically embalanced but this stuff helps with that, im against prescription pills, so im glad i found this instead of getting back on my anti depressants which are addictive but using GreenNatr you don't have to worry about that and its all natural which is a plus for me
1.0 - Beaware of falsified product
This didn’t do any good for mind and memory. Waste of money
5.0 - Panax Ginseng + Ginkgo Biloba Tablets
These vitamins are great. I purchased them so I could have extra focus and energy at work. I was impressed not only my energy and focus ability after taking thees, but I have also noticed my memory has been improving too. I have been able to retain information when studying significantly better than before taking these. I can definitely notice a difference on days I forget to take them. Over all this is a great product I am glad I found it.
5.0 - Works
Memory is better and energy levels seem to be higher also.
5.0 - It was on the tip of my tongue. ..
Really does improve memory recall and I really notice feeling better after a few days. I run out at times wait to reorder for a while. Then is when I realize the memory isn't quite on it. This combination is the best in my opinion.
5.0 - Feel much better and has helped my short term memory.
Like this product helped with my day to day routine more alert and ready for the day.
5.0 - I loved this so much
I loved this so much. My doctor recommended it for me when I complained from loss of memory and weak concentration. I used to have difficulty in concentration While studying more than 5 minutes. Within a week of taking the pills, I found that I can focus in what I am doing for a longer time and remember more details.
5.0 - I have been taking the product for a few weeks ...
I have been taking the product for a few weeks now and I have noticed a difference in my thinking. it has increased my memory performance and I have been able to think more clearly and I have more energy.
5.0 - ... tell with all variables involved but my memory seems like it has improved after 2 months taking Ginseng + ...
Hard to tell with all variables involved but my memory seems like it has improved after 2 months taking Ginseng + Ginkgo Biloba.
4.0 - Hoping for a good result!
Just starting to use it with my mom who has had memory issues relating to anesthesia after surgery. She has been taking it only for one week and found out today she did not start with the recommended 2 per day. Asked her to start to use 2 as suggested. Too soon to tell results but will be happy to keep you posted as she gets closer to the full month and is taking the correct dosage.
5.0 - Memory
This is the first time I take this and I am trying it to improve my memory, so let's wait for the results.
4.0 - I'm trying anything to give better Memory, and Energy
Just started these. I'm trying anything to give better Memory, and Energy. So far these are working really good.
5.0 - Does what it claims
Ii purchased this product for my husband and he claims, and I notice, that his memory is sharper and he has more energy. I had been skeptical, but.....seems to do what it claims to do.
5.0 - Helps with memory!
Amazing product! Really works. Gives you energy and helps with memory.
5.0 - Love it
I bought this product because I needed help with my memory and energy. I have been taking it for a month and I love it!! I don't feel like I need a nap in the afternoons and I feel like my mind is more focused!
4.0 - Very good for your memory and give you energy all day
Very good for your memory and give you energy all day....if you fill a little down, this give a little boost and positive mood...
4.0 - I had a noticeable difference in memory after about 3 ...
I had a noticeable difference in memory after about 3 weeks or so. It wasn't a huge difference but, enough for me to keep taking it 5 months later. I'm a pipefitter by trade and do alot of piping layout and blueprint reading along with tons of math. This definitely helped.
5.0 - I also feel like my memory has improved
I've been taking these for a month now and have noticed some major improvement in my focus! This is exciting for me since I just had a baby and struggle to concentrate at work due to sleep deprivation and just being busy in general. I also feel like my memory has improved. I highly recommend this product!
5.0 - Good combination
Taking Ginkgo for some time now and feel it really helps memory functions. Love it combined with Ginseng.
5.0 - This works well my wife and I are both happy with the product more energy for sure
This works well my wife and I are both happy with the product more energy for sure, memory still pending
4.0 - Both the ingredients are listed memory enhancers.
I liked having ginseng and biloba in one tablet. I have not taken it long enuff to see any positive effect.
5.0 - Wonderful pills, will be ordering again.
I must admit that I love this stuff. I don't use it every single day but when I do I can feel the difference. It's been a few months so far and I have noticed an increase in energy, an increase in memory (not that significant but noticeable) but I also notices that my freezing cold feet issue went away. I always had freezing cold feet at all times, even during the summer, but ever since I started taking this it seemed to go away. I would assume that it has something to do with helping blood flow.
5.0 - Wkuld recommend to anyone!
I have MS so I have fatigue, trouble concentrating, and memory issues. This was recommended to me from another person with MS. I verified with my PCP I could take it with my urgent medications and she felt it was a good idea as well. I am also urgently in school for my Bachelor's degree so the lack of concentration was a huge obstacle. Within a few days of taking these I notice a significant difference with my energy level and concentration. I would recommend this product to anyone. The best part is its natural. With all the other medications I'm on, I glad I can take a natural supplement that is extremely helpful.
5.0 - Five Stars
The energy it supplied daily was amazing. It also helped with my short term memory.
5.0 - Got my memory back
‘I seemed to be forgetting simple things. I wasn’t able to find words to describe things. I’ve been taking the product every day and feel that it is making me more aware and I seem to be able to find my words ’
4.0 - Good for the memory and cognition
Husband uses this supplement every day. Good for the memory and cognition. Using it is a must for us.
5.0 - Good stuff
Not sure about the Ginseng yet but the Gingko is definitely helping my memory.
5.0 - My memory is better
I purchased my first bottle of Panax Ginsent with Ginkgo Biloba because I was looking for something to help me with being in high altitude on my vacation. I chose this product because of the good reviews and because research into studies of Ginkgo Biloba supplements showed that products from one lab were very effective, while products from others were totally ineffective. I took a chance that this Ginkgo came from the good one. My experience during my vacation in the mountains was that I was much better able to handle the altitude, and a very pleasant side effect is that my memory for names and places is so much better, it amazes me. I also have more energy, which is probably from the Ginseng. So I'll be continuing the purchase this product.
5.0 - Five Stars
I have been giving this to my husband daily. I have noticed an improvement in memory!
5.0 - I also noticed I did not get tired as easily or as quickly as before I started taking it
I bought this for energy and alertness for working out (running and cycling) and for increased circulation as well. I found a noticeable increase in pep and mental thought, I also noticed I did not get tired as easily or as quickly as before I started taking it. I also found that my mood was greatly enhanced and I just felt more happy and cheery. It for sure helps with memory and increase your thinking but dont take before sleeping as it is the opposite effect you want before going to bed because it turns on the old thinking cap and makes it hard to fall asleep. For morning and daytime use I cant speak more positive about my results with it and it performs just like the bottle claims it will. Highly recommend and of great quality.
5.0 - Panax ginseng+Ginkgo
I purchased this product because I'm in an intense graduate study program. This high stress program has lead to poor stress control and poor concentration and a decreased ability to focus. So far so good. I'm not sure about memory as of yet, but I can say that I've noticed a huge deference when it comes to studying, Im less tired and have decreased mental fatigue. I'm more focused and don't fall asleep during class. I also enjoy the smell of the product and if it gets on your tongue, it's pleasant tasting!
4.0 - Keep trying
Been taking 2 every morning for about 2 weeks now. No major changes but do notice my memory and energy stay strong during this long winter. I do feel like I have more energy and focus durning mid day
5.0 - Memory performance
Due to travel a lot sometimes, my memory became tired, and i decided start use this product and i can feel that my memory performance is getting much better now.
5.0 - I am one of those people who is very "in tune" with my body and I highly recommend giving these a try
I started taking these after researching supplements for menopause. At first I had trouble remembering to take them, so it took about 5 weeks to notice the effects. Suddenly, I was thinking more clearly! No more daily brain fog! I absolutely see improvements in my memory, too! I stopped having hot flushes. Now I only have 1 at night if I drank alcohol that evening. I am one of those people who is very "in tune" with my body and I highly recommend giving these a try. I take 2 a day in the morning. Give it at least 5 weeks before giving up. I just bought the 3 pack because my husband has started taking them, also :)
5.0 - Ginko Biloba is another supplement I like to take
As a grad student working two jobs, I can use as much help with energy as I can get. I've taken ginseng before, and it has helped improve my energy level. Ginko Biloba is another supplement I like to take, for memory and mental functions. Regarding energy, this supplement has come through! I have more energy, and am better able to maintain my focus and concentration, which means I'm able to get more done for school and work within my already limited schedule. Plus, having these two supplements combined into one means less pills and bottles overall, which is always nice. I also love that these are non-gmo veggie tablets, because most ginseng supplements I find come in gelcaps, which won't take because of the gelatin. Finally, I know some of the reviewers said that they had trouble swallowing the pills. However, I had absolutely no trouble taking them.
4.0 - Four Stars
"Taking this product keeps me alert and more physically sound. I feel my memory is more sharp also"
4.0 - Q: "do I really need these?" A: Yes.
I'd taken this last year and felt like it was helping me with my scattered memory ("What did I come in this room to get?"). Then I ran out and didn't bother refilling it. Typical of meds, when you feel better you think "I don't need them anymore". This is definitely a maintenance pill - must be on it for it to work. After months of not being on them, coping with falling energy and losing details I knew I used to remember, I bought these again. I've been on them about 3 weeks now and I actually DO remember the item I came into the room to get. That alone is totally worth it.
4.0 - Four Stars
Took a week but starting to see results with better memory.
4.0 - Hope the Gingko will help with my memory
So far so good, not sure about memory improvement yet
4.0 - This supplement does help. Not a magic bullet, but helpful.
After reading a bit I decided that adding ginko and ginseng to my daily oat grass would probably work better than oat grass alone. I added it after a week or so and I did notice an incremental improvement in mental sharpness. At my age I'll take all I can get, memory is the second thing to go...I can't remember what the first thing is.
5.0 - Fresh Nutraceuticals!
Prior to discovering this product I was using Ginko Biloba caplets. Before I could finish the product one of the caps broke coating the remaining caplets with an oily substance. I was happy when I read about and saw pictures of the Panax supplements in that they aren't coated or in capsule form, just straight up tablets. They are packaged well and were fresh when they arrived. It is hard to gauge the effectiveness of supplements designed to help your memory but I do feel they help me.
4.0 - So far so good!
Have been using this approximately a month. I have definitely felt more alert and clearer in my memory. I also drink a tea with ginkgo leaves in it but felt that i needed a bit more so I started with this product as well. I will keep using it!
5.0 - Good product no doubt about it
I have been using this product for about 3 months now and I have noticed a significant amount of improvement in my memory. The ginseng is helping with my overall mood too! Good product no doubt about it.
5.0 - I had surgery last year and the doctors found significant ...
I had surgery last year and the doctors found significant back up of spinal fluid in my brain. and a benign tumor on my pituitary gland. As the fluid began to dissipate I started having memory loss and I would often talk to people and forget what I was going to say in mid sentence. I also had extreme fatigue which did not help when communicating with others. Initially, I started taking the Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba in liquid form. I purchased this from another company. It helped for about an hour or so and then I experienced serious crash and the fatigue would set in again. I decided to try this product and within 2 weeks I noticed a very positive change in my memory, thinking ability, and communication with other people. No fatigue or energy crash. I actually finished my year long business plan!!
5.0 - I think it is a great product.
As a graduate student who is constantly up late writing papers I needed something to boost my energy level and to help me remember stuff. After one month I started to see results, I am much more alert and now I can stay up much longer at nights studying. I encourage anyone who is looking to increase their energy level or to increase that memory loss to try this product. I think it is a great product.
5.0 - It helps me wake up in the morning and helps ...
It helps me wake up in the morning and helps me remember things more clearly. I can recall things from memory that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to."
5.0 - Does its job!!
It really gives me enough energy for the day, without feeling accelerated. It also took away the watery feeling I used to have in my eyes, as if I were asleep.It improved my focus and my memory!!
I began taking this product two weeks ago and immediately felt renewed energy which lasted all day. My memory recall seems improved and I sleep well. So glad I gave this product a try !
5.0 - Memory Improvement
Felt memory improvement after a few days. Like the product very much. would recommend to everyone.
4.0 - Recommended daily supplement
It has been a little bit less than a month since I've started to intake these supplements. These slender pills were very easy to ingest. I feel like my energy level has been slightly elevated. I can't attest to the benefits of blood circulation or memory improvement yet. Maybe I can in a couple of months further.
5.0 - Vegan!
I love that these tablets are vegan (no gelatin)! I am looking forward to seeing benefits with memory and alertness; I also hope to see improvement with my vitiligo.

10. Support Healthy Brain Function, Improve Memory & Boost Focus with Nootropics - Alpha GPC, Lion's Mane Extract, Bacopa Monnieri, Phosphatidylserine, Ginkgo Biloba, Rhodiola Rosea, Huperzine A
View this supplement on →
4.0 - Great Focus
It's early on in my trial, but Brain Support seems to be helping my short term memory as well as my focus. So far, I'm really liking the results.
4.0 - Focus
I have felt better and my thinking has been clearer since I started taking it. I had had a hard time focussing and had memory issues prior. I definitely notice a difference.
5.0 - Five Stars
Does what I bought it to do help with headaches from racetams and short term memory issues are improved.
5.0 - Brain Support definitely improved my memory and focus!
I tried Brain Support because I was having difficulty remembering things and focusing. I know there are many older people who have sharp memories, so even though I am 65, I am not content to chalk it up to just getting older. I am a teacher and also have 2 year old and 6 month granddaughters whom I babysit while my daughter works as a nurse, so I need to be able to focus and be at the top of my game for keeping up with young children and teenagers.
5.0 - Five Stars
This product is good helps with memory and energy
3.0 - Seems to be having a positive effect
I have noticed a slightly better ability to concentrate and my memory does seem to have improved.
5.0 - It works!
My short term memory is so much better and I can remember why I walked into a room now!
5.0 - This product is uniquely fantastic.
I visit my local health store as much as anyone, and I have tried a few of these products in the past. A few have given me a noticeable amount of extra energy, and one or two had improved my memory. But, none of those did both. Not only did this product provide energy and improved memory, but also it seemed to increase clarity and focus. That is something I've never seen before. Truly, that was the stand out with this product.
5.0 - Hard to know for sure if placebo effect or not ...
Hard to know for sure if placebo effect or not, but I feel my immediate short term memory has improved
4.0 - It works
Improve Memory & Boost Focus Is what the product is sold on, and it does just that. I like it, my memory has gotten alot better since I started 15 or so days ago. It did take a week or so, for me to take notice.
5.0 - The real deal. I'm very happy with this sup!!
Mental stamina and focus are vastly better! Seems to help with keeping a more positive attitude. The effects of getting too little sleep, which I do a lot unfortunately, seem to have vanished. I mean, I might be tired still, but functioning isn't such a challenge anymore. I'm way more productive for sure. I think I might be speaking faster and more efficiently. I guess clarity is better too, but you don't realize what isn't a problem, so hard to say. No jitters or amped feeling, just noticeably higher cognitive energy and efficiency. Memory might be improved, but I can't say for sure. Unlike some others I've tried, zero side effects. I was skeptical when ordering, but now I'm just amazed. Ultimately, Brain Support is doing exactly what I wanted it to and I'm extremely happy with it. I've been let down and disappointed by several supplements, but not this time!
4.0 - Memory is better!
There were so many little things that I couldn't keep track of as I was aging. Some of those "little things" are getting easier to organize and handle again. It's not super evident, but subtle....
5.0 - This product really works. I was having diffuclty remembering ...
This product really works. I was having diffuclty remembering names and where I put my glasses but I have seen a real improvement in my memory since I started taking Brain Support.
5.0 - Awesome Supplement! Good mix of Alpha GPC & Huperzine-A
This my first review on after years of purchasing products on this site. Anyway, I've been working at a warehouse for the past 11 months and heavily rely on my short-term memory for counting & memorizing numbers quickly, as well as maintaining a high level of focus as we work with medical products and mistakes and errors are costly. Before I started taking 1 Body's Brain Support Supplement, I heavily relied on taking caffeine daily whether in the form of energy shots or pills, so much so that I reached a tolerance for it (>400mg of caffeine per day) after many months of taking it. I would sometimes if not often, feel dehydrated from taking caffeine, which is also a diuretic. Because of that very reason, I would sometimes, if not often, have to leave work for restroom breaks, which is not good at all on the job. Caffeine's effects on my body had become overall inconsistent overtime and my reliance on it was mostly unhealthy so I started looking at other products online that were healthier, natural, and more efficient alternatives to caffeine for my purposes. After doing some research on nutrients, herbs, and other "brain-food products", I settled on 1 Body's Brain Support Supplement, primarily for its blend of Alpha GPC & Huperzine-A. Ginkgo Biloboa Extract and the rest of the ingredients in the supplement are also pluses. Honestly, though, I will say this: I admit that I was a bit hesitant to make the purchase of this product primarily because there just weren't a lot of reviews of it on Amazon compared to several other supplements that had ton of reviews. Yes, I had some doubts about purchasing this stuff, even after doing research on some the ingredients in the supplement just wondering if it would actually work. To my surprise, this supplement is actually pretty amazing! Over the past 2 weeks of taking 1 Body's Brain Support Supplement, my short-term memory is a lot sharper, I have been able to process numbers much faster at work and I am able to think a lot more clearly. Overall, I love this stuff! It really has been making a difference in the quality of my production at my job. I will absolutely be purchasing more of this supplement in the near future. - Phil P.
5.0 - Boost in memory without the side effects
I used to use Focus Factor a while back but it always made me feel nauseous and light headed. I did not experience any side effects using this product and definitely felt it supported my memory.
5.0 - More focused
Long and short term memory is improved. More alert with more energy. Results noticed in three to four days.
4.0 - Brain Support
I have just started taking Brain Support; however I have found it to improve my memory, it appears to have increased my ability to focus on completing detail-oriented studies/research. In addition, I do believe that my mind performs complicated cognitive processes better.
5.0 - improve memory
very good product love it
5.0 - Worth a go
I Feel like I process things quicker with slightly better memory. Not 100% sure all is attributed to supplement but enough that I want to continue trying. Recommend
4.0 - Brain Support
Brain Support helps maintain memory and focus.
5.0 - I don't recommend products easily
Very impressed at just how effective this product has been working! My profession is in a demanding field that requires intense focus and energy for long periods of time. After just days of using it, my memory has been much stronger. Even my clarity and approach to projects has been notable. Started my wife on just today. I don't recommend products easily. Hands down.........AMAZING!! Thank you 1 BODY!!!!
5.0 - Improve your focus
Reduces brain fog while increasing short term memory retention
5.0 - I helps with memory issues
I love this product.
4.0 - Four Stars
Clear mind accurate memory.
5.0 - It has helped with my poor memory and brain fog issues
I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. It has helped with my poor memory and brain fog issues. I have not yet taken the full 3 pill dosage because my body is very sensitive to new things. So far it has allowed my to be more connected to my emotions.
5.0 - Five Stars
improved my short term memory!!!1 body brain support improved my cognition!!!
4.0 - Awesome Supplement! Good mix of all the supplements that focus on the Brain
I got this product for my 17 year old son for Brain support to see if it would help him focus help with his memory , concentration in the classroom plus mood improvement he has told he has noticed a difference .
5.0 - Five Stars
It's definitely improved memory and concentration
4.0 - I just started using this product, so give me ...
I just started using this product , so give me a few months and we will see if it helps my memory.
5.0 - Love this stuff
It’s gave me a sharp edge on memory and clear thinking! I was a little worried with being some random product and a lot of products make bold claims but brain support does work!
4.0 - that I can read and memorize more easily
for memory
5.0 - It’s good
I definitely feel as though it is helping my short-term memory. I can recall number sequences better. The pill itself does not have any nasty after taste, which is always a benefit.
5.0 - Helped after Concussion
I had a very bad car accident almost a year ago and haven't really got the "fog" out of my brain. I used activity books, puzzles, memory games...etc. The only product to really give me that push to get out of the fog was 1 Body Brain Support. I will be using this product for a long time.
5.0 - is working great for me
feel my memory improves. seen to be lack of some of the items in this vitamin. thank you I like to try something better if you have it. if not please resend me this same Brain Support
4.0 - Memory Problem
So far I liked it!
4.0 - Four Stars
Help to boost my memory. Help me to function properly.
5.0 - Improve memory
I am 59 and was having a lot of memory issues. Now I am able to focus concentrate thus I can actually study better ( I have always loved to read and learn a lot but because of the memory issues I was not remembering well what I was reading. I feel so much better and happier!!
5.0 - Surprised it DOES help!
I noticed that this has ALL the products that assist in memory in one product. It would cost a fortune and numerous pill consumption to equal this product. I prefer taking a product like this and still receive the benefits. I'm getting older, my dad has alzheimer/dementia, my memory was getting worse so I thought I'd start taking something that would help in memory loss. This product has helped significantly. I can say which ingredient is helping or all of them. But it does work on short term memory problems.
5.0 - Great improvements!
Increased attentiveness, memory, and mind clarity
5.0 - Great Value Awesome Nootropics
This product had all activate nootropics I was looking for at a great value. I was specifically looking for Alpha GPC, and N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine. But this had that and then some including Lion's Mane, Bacopa Monnieri, Huperzine, etc. If you were to buy these individually it would be quite expensive. I haven't seen any other product on Amazon with these many powerful nootriopics. I'd recommend this to anyone who's looking for a cognitive enhancers to improve cognitive function, memory, creativity, or motivation. I've been taking this for a month now and have noticed a change in energy and focus. If you're on the fence about this don't look any further best cognitive supplement.
5.0 - Improved memory
I have only been using the product a short time, approximately 1 month, and am already noticing some improvement in alertness and memory.
5.0 - Getting my edge back
Sharpens my memory. Not forgetting from task to task.
5.0 - Energy, memory, focus, and clarity!
This product has Ginkgo Biloba as well as other great ingredients that work together to even further increase brain function. In only a couple weeks, I have found that my clarity and focus are greatly boosted as well as a higher level of energy. Not only that, I'm finding my memory to be working better. This stuff is great!
4.0 - Need less sleep
I have seen any dramatic effects in the field of memory or thinking, but I have found that I need less sleep. An extra hour a day means a lot.
5.0 - My husband thinks this stuff works!
My husband is taking Brain Support and he thinks it makes his memory sharper and makes him more alert. He was getting frustrated that he couldn't remember things and thinks this is helping him remember things more quickly.
5.0 - Great mental clarity, memory, and energy
I feel a significant difference in terms of mental clarity, memory, and energy. I took these pills while coming off Adderall and it made the transition so much smoother. I'll definitely be purchasing this again.
5.0 - Amazing Product
After taking Brain Support for several weeks, I have noticed a definite improvement in my memory and overall cognition. This product is amazing!
5.0 - The best product I've tried
I started with using 1 Body's Brain Support and loved the results. I have minor memory issues, I am currently enrolled in college and memory is essential. While using this product my focus and clarity reading and problem solving for work is noticeably improved. My memory recall has also improved. When going to take a test I can recall the info so much easier. Most importantly for me, I can physically feel/ know the product is working. With the competitors there is no noticeable feeling. I thought I could find a better product, I was wrong. After trying three other competitors I am back to 1 Body. This is and will continue to be my brand. I can tell the clarity, focus, and memory are improved taking this product and would recommend it to everyone and give it a 15 out of 10 stars. Thank you for offering this product.
5.0 - I noticed a change for the better almost immediately
I noticed a change for the better almost immediately. The memory and not forgetting things were the major differences I felt. I have taken supplements for years and this one filled in all the holes..
5.0 - Great for 50 and over memory recall
Helps with the over the age of 50 memory recall issues. I am resting better also. The supplement is a great product.
4.0 - I've had issues with memory retention after several years of ...
I've had issues with memory retention after several years of spinal fluid in my brain. After the doctors took care of the spinal fluid I continued to have daily brain fog and lag in my thought process. I have been taking the brain support product for three weeks and I am more focused then I have been in a long time. I am still working on the slow thought process but I am confident that I will see success in that area as well, with continued use of the Brain support supplements.
4.0 - Some Improvement
I have been using this product for about three weeks and think I can see a little improvement in my memory, it's hard to assess. I hope that after using the second bottle that I will see a marked difference in my momory.
4.0 - Details
This product helps my memory of details day to day.
5.0 - Works for me
After taking the first 90 capsules I have noticed my memory has improved and i can think better and remember things,i must definitely will buy this Brain Support dietary supplement again.
5.0 - Better Mental Capacity All Around
I bought 1 Body Brain Support supplement capsules and must say that I had a positive experience. I noticed that after taking this supplement for 2 weeks straight, it started doing what it said it would do. I had better mental clarity, I could recall memory thoughts faster, less brain fog, and generally a better mental capacity in all regards. After I ran out, I noticed that the effects wore off within 3 days, so it's something to keep taking to keep the benefits. I will definitely buy more in the future. Thanks for making a quality product!
5.0 - Noticing more short term recall, and energy through the day
I'm noticing more short term recall, and energy through the day and and feel like I can stay focused at work. Yet TBD if this is helping my long term memory would like to continue trying it out!
5.0 - Too many naps on the couch no longer occur either because I feel like I have more energy
My go to line has always been "too many concussions" whenever I've forgotten someone's name or an important event I should've remembered. As a stunt man I get the bump on the head occasionally that messes with the memory once more. As a stand up comedian I would worry at times that the memory required to deliver a 20 to 30 minute monologue could some day slip. I'm not worried so much anymore. I've been taking this supplement for a couple weeks now and I can already tell a difference. Words that once eluded me come trippingly off the tongue. Whereas I once walked around in a cloudy haze on certain days, a clarity has returned. Too many naps on the couch no longer occur either because I feel like I have more energy. Tremendously grateful to have found a product that somehow returns me to my younger days when all things came more easily!!
4.0 - Enjoying better memory.
Better memory and overall alertness.
3.0 - No significant difference in Focus or Memory for Me
I took this supplement for about 4 weeks and it really didn't do much for me. Now, I didn't take the recommended dosage because my research showed it would provide far too much of many of the nutrients and nootropics found in this product. Overall, it didn't really work for me, but it may work for someone else.
4.0 - It helps improve memory
My memory has improved noticeably. I pay more attention to details in what I am working on.
5.0 - Five Stars
My mental clarity, focus and memory have improved significantly during the time while using this product.
5.0 - Great value
I started taking this to replace several single supplements I was taking that are ingredients of this product. It's done a great job increasing my memory and is much cheaper than buying the ingredients separately.
5.0 - A decent addition
My Mom is taking it and she suffers from mild dementia. I've noticed some mild improvement in her short term memory and she seems very happy.
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