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Best Supplements for IBS

1. Heather's Tummy Fiber CAN Organic Acacia Senegal (16 oz) for IBS
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5.0 - I have terrible IBS-D and found this product a couple years ago
I have terrible IBS-D and found this product a couple years ago. It is wonderful and helps with my IBS a lot. I use it in my yogurt in the morning and then later on with liquids. It is a little hard to dissolve but that is a small problem compared to the relief it provides. Heather's IBS products are really great and I would also recommend her Peppermint and Fennel teas too.
4.0 - whatever helps my wife must be good.!
My wife who has IBS, says it helps...whatever helps my wife must be good. !!!
1.0 - very disappointed
I always read other reviews when purchasing items. I bought this tea hoping to relieve IBS C. It made my constipation so bad...I was miserable. I would send it back but that means costing me another $6-7 in shipping to send it back. A waste of $21.
5.0 - I have IBS-C and rarely D. This worked for ...
I have IBS-C and rarely D. This worked for me the next day ( soon .... after every time I ate) but I use it with a probiotic and enzymes. I also drink 4 - 8 ozs of Kombucha most days. Just 1/2 tsp feeds the probiotics. I also have a hiatal hernia so the enzymes and fermented tea help me so much with acid reflux. Life changing. I lost 5 lbs my first week! I got this advice from the book: "The Skinny Gut Diet". It's a must read if you have any gut issues or brain fog.
5.0 - Works great!
Works great, with no grit and no taste! I love it, and am happy I found it. Helps with IBS-D!
5.0 - I still get flare ups occasionally but this fiber has definitely made my life 100x better. I take one teaspoon with water before going ...
I've been suffering from IBS-D for ~20 years. This fiber has helped me a lot, it makes my bowel movements regular. Don't get me wrong, I still get flare ups occasionally but this fiber has definitely made my life 100x better. I take one teaspoon with water before going to bed.
I have suffered from IBS-D for many years. I have been using this powder sprinkled on my foods for a few days and was actually regular after day 1. There's is no taste so it's perfect on everything. Add it for everything I cook now to sneak fiber into my families diet. Foods that would send me running are no longer a problem.
5.0 - Great product!
This is great for IBS. Helps calm gutvproblems.
5.0 - I absolutely love this powder
I absolutely love this powder. It has made my IBS nearly disappear (when I regularly take it), and I had suffered with sever cramping for years!
5.0 - Great for IBS
So glad I tried this again. It really keeps my IBS from flaring up and keeps one regular! I wish it was safe for my cat.
3.0 - No improvement for me
Easy to use and tasteless, but I have been taking this for at least 1 month now and have seen no improvement in my IBS symptoms. Was really hoping for a change in my symptoms based on all the positive reviews but not working for me.
5.0 - I have been using this daily for several months now ...
I have been using this daily for several months now. It does help controlling my IBS symptoms. The only time I have issues is when I am more stressed than normal (which I don't fault the product for).
5.0 - Five Stars
Any IBS sufferer would understand these two small words 'It works'!
5.0 - Five Stars
Best thing on the market for any type of tummy problems But the best for IBS
3.0 - For me, worked to a point but then stopped.
I started experiencing IBS D in Sept 2015 after a combo of a bad stomach bug and too much stress at once, and all of my tests have come back normal. I started this in Nov 2015 and took it for about 6 weeks, gradually increasing my dosage. It seemed to help at first with the quality of my BMs, not sure if it affected the quantity or not as I also started taking the antispasmodic Bentyl around the same time. But after an initial improvement, it never improved any more even though I kept increasing the dosage. It seemed to get me to 60%-70% and stop there. I kept taking it until a dietitian recommended I stop all fiber, even though I explained to her this was a soluble fiber. I did stop, just to see what would happen, and my symptoms didn't get any worse. Then, they actually got better for a while, but I can't completely say they got better because I stopped. I just think it took me as far as it was going to.
5.0 - Tummy fiber
Still using this product. A little bit goes a long, long way! It has helped my IBS.
5.0 - It helped my bloating and pain with IBS
I have IBS and my son has severe IBD with Ulcerative Colitis/Crohns and we have found this product to be helpful. For the IBS is works well to calm the bloating and pain. For a severe disease like the Colitis, it mostly helps with calming the nerves of the gut.
5.0 - You brought my IBS under control (with some help from a better diet too)
Thank you Heather's Tummy Fiber. You brought my IBS under control (with some help from a better diet too). I can tell if I missed my morning serving of your fiber, in a couple hours my IBS symptoms start coming back. Wonderful product.
4.0 - Organic goods
This fiber is one of the healthiest ones on the market. The reason behind it is where it comes from. From organic Acacia. It's 100% natural and besides helping with constipation it also natural prebiotic and helps with IBS. It is tastless and odorless. Lasted ok :).
4.0 - Works great!
I was diagnosed with IBS and this fiber really works, with no gas. It ha also really helped me from being constipated. I take it everyday
5.0 - Five Stars
Great product. No more issues with IBS!
5.0 - First time user
I decided to try this as I need more fiber in my diet and I have many of the symptoms of IBS so decided to give this a try. I couldn't believe how well it actually works! No grit, no taste. I mix this with plain water and no problems at all. I love it and will definitely be ordering again. Highly recommend this product!
5.0 - Excellent Source of Soluble Fiber
My doctor recommended I work up to three tablespoons a day of this particular brand of acacia senegal fiber. In my case, the goal would be to lower my LDL and Total Cholesterol and to stabilize my blood sugar. I jumped right into the 3 T per day without easing into it and had no problems with gas or anything else. But I don't have IBS or a sensitive digestive track. It dissolves nicely in room temperature water. I'm sure it would do the same in room temperature juice. And it could be mixed into yogurt, oatmeal, etc. I just put it in water and stir it with a fork (yes a fork works better than a spoon) - or else I put it in a shaker bottle and shake it. I usually put all 3 T in a shaker bottle and drink half of it in the morning and half at night. It's practically tasteless and disappears into the water. No mush! I've been taking it daily for 10 weeks. I'll know if it is effective when I have my next blood work done in a couple of months. I expect it will be. I've read a lot about it. Most Americans need additional fiber in their diets - and I'm sold on acacia senegal as the source of fiber to use. It's all soluble, by the way. Insoluble fiber has its benefits but from what I have read does not have a cholesterol lowering effect. I highly recommend this as being very easy to take with no negative side effects. It doesn't dissolve as well in hot or cold liquids, though, if that is important to you.
5.0 - Has no taste- great!
It works great and has no taste. A little difficult to dissolve but that is minor. I love that its organic and use instead of my psyllium capsules that are not organic. I have IBS and it keeps me regular.
5.0 - Great product!
This works very well. I have suffered from Irritable Bowel (IBSD) for many years and this last year it had become the worst ever. It was getting to where I could eat most anything and have issues until I tried Heather's Tummy Fiber. I got several of her items and I must say this is the item that made a huge difference in my life after about a month of using it. I only take a Table Spoon before bedtime and it has mad life much easier. I have not increased the dosage yet and have been using it a few months now. It is not full proof but I honestly can tell you it has taken about a 100% concern of frequency down to about a 20% which is a huge difference! This is what I use with Heather's Tummy Tamers-Peppermint Oil which I usually take once to twice a day. I did not notice the Tummy Tamers being any better with a larger dose for me but have found a pretty good balance now. Everything I have read from people and myself included seems to indicate everyone is a little different but these items can and do help me that I am sure of. **** If there is one piece of advice I can give to anyone it is that I have tried many things and this has worked the best for me. It does not have all the harmful ingredients the other products like prescription and other over the counter items we have grown up with do. I purchased the items I mentioned on my own and do not do product testing for anyone so this is an unbiased opinion. Hope this helps. ****
5.0 - Solved my issue
I really like this fiber. Have been using for 3 months now with really good results. While I have not been diagnosed with IBS, I have suffered some of the symptoms through the years, mainly constipation in recent years (usually once a week at least). And, if I traveled, I could count on suffering with constipation. About a year and a half ago, I started a healthier diet (no processed foods or sugar, dairy free, gluten free, increased veggies and fruit, organic when possible, organic meats, drink mainly water) and exercising several times a week, and as result, lost about 30 lbs. I also started taking a probiotic as well other vitamin supplements, including a multi, magnesium, Vitamin D and calcium. While there was definitely some improvement in my overall digestive health from these changes, the occasional constipation continued, so, most weeks, I would still experience that "bloated/backed up" feeling for a day or two, which also contributed to hemmoroid flareups. I had tried some other fiber supplements that didn't help (psyllium husk being one that actually gave me cramps). This left me frustrated, since I had made so many changes already, but determined to find a natural remedy. I then stumbled upon this Acacia fiber on Amazon and decided to give it a try. I followed the directions by starting with 1/2 tsp twice a day, gradually increasing by 1/2 tsp. increments to a point where it seemed to be working for me. I now take 1 Tbsp, twice daily (morning and evening). Adding this fiber to my regiment seems to have been the missing piece. I have never been so “regular”, and being “regular” also helps to alleviate hemmoroid flareups. I even went on a trip recently and had no issues - that was amazing! (I took the Heather’s Tummy Fiber travel packets with me - they were really convenient for traveling.) I usually dissolve into about 8-12 oz of room temp water and, yes, sometimes it gets clumpy (if water is too cold), but, I just let it sit for a little while and it always dissolves completely, and I don’t think it has any taste. If that is an issue, then I’d suggest dissolving in some juice or tea. I will definitely continue to order this and actually set up the refill pouch item as a “subscribe & save” item because I want to ensure I don’t run out!
1.0 - Waste of money
I didn't notice any improvement with this product. I've since changed my diet (no fried foods, no heavy meat like beef or pork, more fruits, no spicy foods, etc) and I eat avocado just about everyday. My IBS seems under control unless I eat something unhealthy again. Also, not stressing about it helps tremendously. I used to panic every time I had to be around other people, and that only made it flair up worse and worse.
5.0 - ibs
have used this product for years--anyone with ibs will be thrilled to see what a difference this product will make in their health--cannot reccommend it highly enough===really works wonders=======
5.0 - Great stuff
I began using Heather's Tummy fiber for my IBS. Now my husband with type2 diabetes uses it to help with.
5.0 - Life Saver!
I have been suffering from an awful reoccurrence IBS for 6 months with diarrhea, constipation and spasms that made me cry and scream in pain during the diarrhea attacks which were occurring 2 - 3 times a week. I started this product two weeks ago. Started with 1/2 tsp 2 x a day. Am now up to 1 tsp 2 x a day. I also take two probiotics: Culturelle and Florastor as well as Librax and am eating a fermented gluten free diet. I have not had an attack in 9 days! I am putting this on my Pantry order because I never want to run out of this amazing product. I have had no clumping. I put a tsp in a small juice glass and fill it half way with tap water and stir w a fork. I drink it in one gulp.
1.0 - Made Things Worse
After reading all the reviews, I was hoping this would work. It didn't. It actually made things worse. I followed the directions exactly, starting only with 1/2 tsp and slowly adding another 1/2 tsp every 5 days or so. It never started helping. It gave terrible gas and stomach ache and made diarrhea more frequent, and more urgent. Not pleasant, at all. Wish it would have worked but it didn't even come close to helping any symptom of IBS-D. The search for a solution continues...
5.0 - Finally, help for IBSD!!
I've been using this product in conjunction with VSL#3 for a year or so now. It works fantastic with no negative side effects! The combo has been a lifesaver!
5.0 - Great product
Great source of fiber. I mix it with oatmeal and you can't tell. I started using it during pregnancy (which tends to created problems with human plumbing) and it helped keep things moving. I don't have IBS normally or other problems in that area, but I am going to continue to use this daily.
3.0 - no effects
I bought this after viewing a Dr. Oz episode which recommended this for IBS. I have yet to see any beneficial results so I do not know if this is working for me.
5.0 - The product is tasteless as it says and easy to dissolve
I ordered this mainly for my husband since he has many gastric problems, the main one being bloating. He has had this problem for years along with IBS and digestive yeast infection and I am thinking all three of these are connected somehow. He started taking this product and about 2 weeks along, he realized he didn't have any bloating or any other problems with his digestion. We are so relieved. The product is tasteless as it says and easy to dissolve. Just follow directions and it works great. We received it over a month ago and we still have plenty for next month. Very inexpensive.
5.0 - Helpful Fiber!!
This fiber is really helpful for my IBS. This company has lots of helpful tips. Packaged nicely too, and I leave the can on my counter.
5.0 - Works wonders.
This is our second purchase of this item. My husband has IBS. He had lost so much weight he looked sickly. I had him try this product. He has been using it since June, 2013. His symptoms have subsided and he gained all his weight back. He feels better, eats more and does not suffer with the pain anymore. Great product-especially if pills do not work and/or you do not like taking them.
5.0 - Five Stars
I love it. I’m on my 2nd container. Helps IBS!
5.0 - IBSD
I have had IBSD (microscopic colitis) for years, explosive, smelly diarhrea. Within a few days of taking the fiber, I noticed the smell and the explosiveness were greatly reduced. Now after a few weeks I have great improvement. I started gradually and am now taking 1and 1/2 teaspoons a day which I will probably increase in a few days. I have had a few bad days like yesterday when I ate too much chocolate which seems to be a trigger for me. Very pleased with this product, easily dissolved with no taste. Highly recommend that you give it a try.
5.0 - Five Stars
The best fiber out there for IBS.
5.0 - Awesome
Thanks to Heather's Tummy Fiber Organic Acacia Powder I have not felt this good since before my IBS. I have very little stomach pain and have regular bowel movements. I definetaly recomend this fiber.
5.0 - This stuff is amazing. My mom uses it for her IBS
This stuff is amazing. My mom uses it for her IBS. She has almost no symptoms after using your product.
I love this product. I have used it for about 8 months now and I can tell a difference in my IBS-D. If you follow the directions on how to gradually increase the dosage, you should avoid any typical "fiber" reaction like bloating or gas. I am up to 2 1/2 Tablespoons a day and it has relieved my tummy problems - it hasn't stopped the IBS, but certainly has slowed it down. You can also order this from Heather's on the internet, but I have found that Amazon is a little less expensive.
5.0 - Five Stars
Really works for the IBS , changed my life , simple approach worked,
5.0 - It's a miracle!
Can't even begin to describe the success I've had with Heather's! Having been blessed with Crohn's + IBS-D, I normally spend half my day running (literally) to the bathroom. At a heaping 1/2 tsp per day - in my morning hot tea and before bed in a glass of ice water, the improvement is nothing short of a miracle. I noticed gradual improvent over the first 3-4 days and then voila! One trip to the bathroom every morning and that's IT!! I will continue at 1/2 tsp to maintain unless and until I need to increase the amount. This fiber is life changing!!
5.0 - Cures IBS-D
This fiber is the only thing I've found that reliably keeps my IBS-D at bay. I've tried over-the-counter remedies, prescription meds, diet changes, food avoidance, etc. and nothing works like this tummy fiber to prevent IBS-D episodes before they happen. This is a very effective, preventative measure. In order for this to be effective, you must use it consistently. If I get lazy and take a few days off, then I can have intestinal troubles again. I've had IBS-D for 20+ years (since I was a kid) and nothing has worked better than this. I swear by it!
5.0 - Excellent product
I need to make sure that I have enough soluble fiber because of IBS. This is great because it has no other ingredients. Increase your dose slowly. It dissolves best when room temperature water is added to the fiber and stirred with a fork. I usually let mine sit a few minutes to dissolve. It has no taste. It doesn’t thicken.
5.0 - Good Product
If you have IBS this will help, a lot! I am on my second can of this and it has improved my syptoms of IBS, I will continue to buy. I like that it is tasteless and can be mixed in food or into drinks. I have used other otc products but none have helped me, Heather's works! Give it a try, I think you will be glad you did!
5.0 - The Lord used this to give me my life back
miracle product.gave me my life back.start slowly and increase every few days..after month and a half I can eat whatever I diarrhea.i had horrible diarrhea prior to finding this product..cant say enough about it! I was never dx with ibs I did the research and knew that is what was going on with me and the Lord used this to heal me.
5.0 - Heather Tummy is the best.
This is a great product for the belly. I recommend it to all ibs sufferers and anyone that has trouble with constipation and gas.
3.0 - It does what it says, it helped balance out ...
It does what it says, it helped balance out my ibs quickly. However it also caused the most awful gas, even on the tiniest doses. I had to discontinue use.
5.0 - Heathers Tummy Fiber
I started taking this product just over two months ago and it has made a significant improvement to my digestive health - and to life in general! I seem to have IBSd which has crept on me over the last few years and was making me pretty damn miserable. Luckily i stumbled upon this product and took a chance on it along with the teabags and mint capsules. Pretty much immediately things improved and Ive stabilized at one teaspoon of fiber 3 times daily (before every meal). I have not had diarrhea since I started taking this!!! Ive had some stomach pains but a couple of cups of tea and/or mint capsule soon knocks it on the head. After one month I added Culturelle to my regimen. For about 10 days I felt pretty lousy but I was told to expect this. The combination of these products has made me feel so much better. Thank you Heather! Very much. :)
5.0 - Great product, effective for IBS-C
First of all, once you read some of the reviews here, I want to point out that the user really needs to read the product label on this item. It does dissolve very well in water or juice, but you have to put the fiber in a dry cup, and then add the liquid. If you don't, then no the product does not dissolve well. It does dissolve, but will take extra time and stirring. Follow the directions.
5.0 - Very good product
This is the only thing I've found that helps keep my IBS-D under control. If you've got IBS-D you know what a trial everyday can be. This has been a great help and I highly recommend it.
5.0 - IBS control.
A product that eased my discomfort and allowed me to leave my house with confidence. It controls IBS effectively.
5.0 - After you've tried all the other fiber products out there...
Metamucil, Miralax, Benefiber, Ducolax, prunes... Been there, done that. My IBS doesn't respond well to any of the usual suspects, but Heather's hits the spot. It's very gentle on the system, and doesn't have any acidic flavored additives. It's also gluten-free, which is fantastic. I like it much better than the acacia fiber chews at Whole Foods. I keep this original tin & then refill with the 3-packet bulk deal.
5.0 - I love this stuff!
I love this stuff. I've been using it off and on for several years now. I have ibs-d and when I feel a flare upcoming on I put a spoonful of so in my instant oats in the morning and I'm not kidding after a day or two I am good to go. I've told many people about this including my gi dr.
5.0 - Most helpful thing ever!
I've been a long time sufferer of IBS-C. I've tried numerous "therapies", including a low fod map diet, as well as medications, and this is the first thing that has been truly helpful. Ive also been hospitalized twice for this condition. I've followed Heather's recommendations to drink more than 8 glasses of water a day (I drink 12), and GRADUALLY increased the amount of tummy fiber to see what works best for me. I take 1 teaspoon twice a day in room temperature water. That, combined with 12 glasses of water, is what works for me. I fill a pitcher of 12 glasses of water in the morning and make sure I drink it. I just can't understand why you can't get this advice from a doctor...very frustrating, but I'm so glad that I've found this because it's made a huge difference in my life. I am able to "go" every morning and feel completely bloating or gas. It's just so much better than taking a laxative or medications. I could not recommend it more!
5.0 - Life-Changing!
This soluable fiber, along with the information at [...], has changed my life. Doctors constantly tell us to "eat more fiber" but for IBS sufferers, all too often that leads to bloating, horrible gut spasms, abdominal pain, and constipation. The trick is getting SOLUABLE fiber into your digestive tract first, before eating anything else. This is the most convenient form of soluable fiber ever -- it has no taste, no texture, and no smell. Add water (or any cold beverage -- I find it does have a tendency to clump up in hot ones) to it slowly while stirring with a fork, let it sit a moment, stir it again and you wouldn't know it was there. I've been using this product for about 4 years now and am stabilized on a 1/2 tablespoon dose every morning; if having a really stressful day may take an additional dose in the evening, or have some before eating a trigger food (the tomato paste in pizza always wrecks havoc on my innards otherwise!). It helps immediately for diarrhea attacks; you have to build your way up slowly for some time for constipation relief, but eventually it gets there.
1.0 - expensive & ineffective
This stuff wouldn't dissolve - very lumpy. Did not help my IBS at all; may have even worsened it. Never buying any of Heather's products again. Very disappointing.
5.0 - Get the fiber you need without the side effects of other products
How to get enough fiber in your diet when you have IBD, IBS, or Chron's or just a busy life? This product has been very helpful without some of the side effects I have had using over the counter products. Mixed as directed, you don't even know it's there.
5.0 - Great for spicy food lovers
I don't suffer from IBS, but I do eat a lot of spicy food that sometimes upsets my stomach. This product is great for alleviating that. Just drink some dissolved in juice afterward or before you go to bed. No more worrying about whether or not my stomach will start burning. I have gone through 2 cans so far. With the first can, for some reason, the powder wasn't dissolving well, but it still worked. The second can was much more soluble. Either way, it works!
1.0 - Made my IBS worse than before
Made my IBS worse than before. Used it for a couple of weeks 1/2 teaspoon. I stopped using it and I still have almost full container wasted.
1.0 - aweful on the stomach
I love love love Heathers peppermint capsules for my IBS. So i figured this is a fiber I can trust. WRONG! I only did the 1 dose of half a teaspoon. I couldn't even do the second one to get a full dose in for the day. I had cramping and nausea and felt ill so badly i couldn't stand straight. I thought well maybe it's just me. My fiance tried it who has no stomach issues and has no issue with fiber at all. In fact I swear his stomach is like a goat. He can endure anything well not this fiber. He took the same amount as me and had the same reaction. We both swore off this fiber and threw the whole can away. Waste of money for me and him. And he is the type that will eat something again that made him sick before. Sorry but I will never order this fiber again.
5.0 - I'm amazed by how much better I feel!
I'm amazed by how much better I feel taking Heather's Tummy Fiber! It's so easy to take and it works so well. Honestly, there is zero taste or texture. I mix mine in water and I cannot tell it's in the water! Like the reviewer R.A. Gibson suggested: "When mixing the fiber with water, it helps immensely to put the product in before you add the water (counterintuitive I know)." That advice helped me a lot! I've also found it helpful to mix the Tummy Fiber with a fork, which tankascribe recommended.
5.0 - This stuff has worked miracles for me.
Long review so BUCKLE UP. This stuff has worked miracles for me. Period. For some background: at about 16 years old I started to experience IBS symptoms. It started out as what I thought was just indigestion, then I developed what I thought was a lactose sensitivity. For a decade the symptoms got steadily worse. Gas, bloating, extremely painful cramping, cold sweats, straining diarrhea. Rinse and repeat. Then I'd go for months with constipation so bad I wouldn't go for five, sometimes seven days at a time. Increased exercise didn't help. Yoga didn't help. Drinking more water didn't help. Meditation didn't help. I saw a GP and several internal medicine specialists. I had allergy tests done, I was tested for colon cancer and gluten intolerance and every GI/bowel issue under the sun. I went on elimination diets for weeks to the point where all I could bear to eat was plain grilled chicken and rice. I was put back on diazepam with little effect. I was afraid of going anywhere where I might be forced to eat outside of my own home for fear of an "emergency".
4.0 - I am in love with Heather's tummy powder
I am in love with Heather's tummy powder. I dont have IBS but this product is great for irregularity issues. I use it everyday, mixing it with warm lemon water. My digestive system has never felt better. It can make you a little gassy at times but overall, it a great product.
3.0 - Review of Heather's Tummy Fiber
I gave this a review of three stars because altho my IBS has improved, I still have to use Miralax about every three days. I am hopeful that as time goes by the IBS will improve even more. Well worth the money for the result. I think the trick is adjusting the amount that is taken for each individual.
5.0 - This is great for non-IBS sufferers too!
I do not have IBS but this was recommended to me by a friend who does as a fiber supplement. I have been very pleased with it. I have been working on finding the right dose for me and following the directions to increase it gradually. Right now I am at 1 teaspoon in the morning and 1 teaspoon at night, and that seems to be about right.
5.0 - It works and yes I'm surprised.
Problem solved. What more can I say. There was a problem with IBS and now there isn't. This product works.
5.0 - Finally relief after Gastric bypass, IBS, SIBO
It took 2 weeks of slowly increasing the dose as directed, but it is working! Terrible gas pains and extreme bloat have subsided. It was so bad my GP sent me to the ER several times thinking it was gastritis. I tried everything else, am totally amazed this is working! I also did the Worm wood treatment for SIBO along with this product. I am sure that was a factor in the quick recovery.
5.0 - A Godsend... but you HAVE TO use it regularly
I have suffered from Irritable Bowel(IBS) for the last 18 years )have tried a litany of products to minimize the symptoms. So let me be clear when I say, NOTHING, but Nothing works better to manage the symptoms of IBS than this singular product (I've used the product for 9 years now). That said, at a minimum, it must be used at least twice a day (morning & evening) to derive any benefit. Otherwise, your results will be haphazard and mixed at best.
5.0 - Five Stars
Helps my IBS quite a bit!
5.0 - ... with anal fissures caused by constipation and a REALLY bad doctor who had no idea what was wrong with ...
I went through more than 6 months being in agony with anal fissures caused by constipation and a REALLY bad doctor who had no idea what was wrong with me. I live in a small mountain community with only two doctors so I was kind of stuck, but finally went outside and got a decent doctor who diagnosed IBS, but he didn't know anything about the need for soluble fiber. Things got so bad I just wanted to die, and then I found this phenomenal product and it absolutely saved my life. So.... after a few years of using it I thought...maybe I don't need it anymore... after all, it's kind of expensive. So I went for three weeks without it and the anal fissures came back. If you've never gone through this, it's the most painful thing imaginable. Thank God I knew about nitro-glycerine cream, which treats the fissures very quickly, but I will NEVER stop using this product again!
5.0 - Thank God for Tummy Fiber
After years of chronic issues with IBS-D that I would try to control with diet and probiotics, I finally have relief with adding Tummy Fiber to my regimen. Relief through diet helps but some days it seems every food causes issues. I take 1 tsp of Tummy fiber in the morning and at night and I've never in my life had this much success with an IBS self treatment.
5.0 - Very pleased!!!
High quality product. Has been very effective in keeping my IBS under control and keeping me regular. Tasteless-and not gritty or anything. (I sometimes swallow clumped in juice or on bother at all! Can't tell you're eating it-great product!
5.0 - I love this product
I only wish there were more than 5 stars to give this product.....I've had IBS since I was 16 and I just turned 51, I love this product, I only have to take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon a day and I feel better than I have in a very long time.....
5.0 - Life changing.
This fiber is life changing for those of us who suffer from IBS. No aftertaste, no added sugar and it WORKS!
5.0 - Five Stars
works great for IBS! better than anything else i've tried! received on time and in great shape.
5.0 - This is the first product review I have ever been ...
This is the first product review I have ever been motivated enough to write, but Heather's Acacia Powder seriously changed my life. I have spent most of my adult years trying various combinations of fiber powders and laxatives, and nothing seemed to work. I started to get IBS type symptoms, with pains in my lower abdomen and went on the FODMAP diet and introduced pre- and probiotics. This helped somewhat, but the constipation was still an issue. After scouring the internet I came across an IBS website, and there were quite a few people who swore by the effectiveness of Heather's Acacia powder. I take 1 TBSP twice a day with an additional TBSP of ground flax seed (to provide both types of fiber), in a 12 ounce glass of water and all of my issues have cleared up! I won't miss a dose, and it truly is life changing. As an added bonus, it really does help with weight control since the fiber helps keep your appetite and cravings at bay. Definitely were a try if constipation is an issue.
5.0 - Miracle Cure
No exaggeration, this completely cured my IBS-d within a week. I have a normal life now thanks to this product. Living with IBS is the absolute worst. You get anxiety about going anywhere ever, just in case you get "sick." I would never leave the house except for work and I would spend most of the day at work sick or crying and embarrassed. I would skip functions with friends because I was terrified of having diarrhea in public. It's gone now. I want to send a thank you card and a hug and flowers and everything I can think of to Heather or whoever made this product. It completely changed my life. It gave me a life! I have spent the last 4 years searching for anything to help, including changing my diet entirely. Now I just have this normal life and I can eat or drink whatever I want without getting sick. For me, it's a miracle cure. Thank you so much for giving me my life back.
4.0 - It works, but slowly
I've searching for products which will help with the IBS-D rather have to take the medication the doctor prescribed. The medication only soothed the symptoms but do not really relieve it. With Heather's Tummy Fiber it slowly helped with the symptoms but still not completely control or stable. That's why I give it a 4 stars. It is tasteless and easy to consume either by liquid or add to moist food. Hopefully, when time goes by, my symptoms will be controlled. For anyone who has IBS-C or IBS-D condition, definitely has to try this product.
5.0 - helped
really helped my ibs c . will keep purchasing.
4.0 - IBS-D; Does Seem to Help
I have IBS-D and I tried the Fiber35 Acacia Fiber by RenewLife. I checked with RenewLife and they use both the Senegal and Royal fibers. I felt that their fiber didn't do that well, so I tried this. With Heather's, which is pure Senegal and is the higher grade (do the research and you'll see it is the highest grade), I notice that I do not have gas, I do not have immediate needs to go to the bathroom, and this stuff really helps soothe my stomach and GI system. Also, the fiber really helps to keep my blood sugar levels lower so I have found I do not crave sweets as much when I use this.
5.0 - Five Stars
Works well for those of us with IBS with constipation.
5.0 - Such a difference in my life
I was diagnosed with IBS two months ago after roughly six months of having *no idea* what the HECK was wrong with me -- Horrible constipation and gas for months on end. I was at the end of my rope. My doctor gave me a print-out about IBS that was last edited in 1994. Not much help. I found Heather's site and purchased the acacia fiber. It was about a week before I saw any results, but when I did, WOW! I feel 1000x better then I have in almost a year. My constipation is about 80% gone; I still have some bad days but overall I feel great. It lessoned my gas dramatically, but hasn't completely eliminated it as of yet -- I'm thinking of trying the fennel tea next. If anyone is reading this and wondering "Can it help me?" YES! You should give it a try. I felt myself slipping into depression over my inability to control my body. It was really awful. I feel as if this fiber saved my sanity. I never had pain, but I had plenty of embarrassment and no matter how much time I spent in the gym my stomach was always bloated and distended. I was too young to feel so old (39) I feel as if I have my life back under control. I cannot say enough about Heather's website or her products.
5.0 - Love this!!!
This fiber is the best if you have IBS. It alleviates my symptoms and is such a great product. I highly recommend it :)
5.0 - Bladder Safe Fiber
A great fiber for IBS. It's also safe for interstitial cystitis sufferers...won't irritate the bladder. I use this daily by adding it to my oatmeal. It dissolves fine and is tasteless. The price on Amazon is the best.
1.0 - Caused excessive bloating, gas, and cramps
Caused excessive bloating, gas, and cramps. Unable to sleep from the pain. Didn't relieve my IBS symptoms. Made them worse.
5.0 - It mixes well in liquids and is the best for IBS sufferers
My wife has used this fiber for a number of years. It mixes well in liquids and is the best for IBS sufferers.
5.0 - After suffering with IBS all of my life, I ...
After suffering with IBS all of my life, I have finally found a product that relieves the bloating, abdominal pain and keeps me regular every morning. No more suffering and frequent or difficult trips to the bathroom. Its been an answer to my prayers to find this product.
5.0 - Try this...... It works!!!!
Love it!!!! I've taken so many prescription pills trying to calm down my IBS to the point that I've become very medication sensitive... My mom found this online and told me to try it. It has been a life changer. I can't take fiber powder like Metamucil without feeling major stomach pain but this stuff makes me feel so much better. I forgot what it was like to go a day without being in IBS pain. Thank you Heather!!!!
4.0 - This will help
I have an IBD, not IBS so this isn't a cure but it does significantly reduce the symptoms which consist of running to the bathroom a lot. I should take 2 doses a day but for now I take just 1 and it still makes a difference.
3.0 - Ok product
This product is okay, I don't really have IBS, I do have heartburn and acid reflux and constipation issues so I bought this for my constipation issue, at first, I'm going to say the first week, it did give me uncomfortable gas but then it got better, but really didn't see much improvement, I stopped taking it, maybe I stopped to early, not sure.
5.0 - Improvement for my IBS! and better results than Metamucil
I switched from Metamucil to Tummy Fiber in January. This product provides more consistent results and is very easy to use. I read some reviews saying it didn't dissolve but in fact have had no issues at all. Follow the directions on the package. Using this fiber I have less bloating and gas than other fiber products. I have also had fewer IBS episodes since switching. I have gone from 1/4 teaspoon 3 times a day to 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day and may keep this dosage as I am having fewer IBS episodes now than I can remember in a long time!
1.0 - Too hard to take.
I tried this to help my IBS. Very difficult to take. Does not mix well in cold beverages so it is very inconvenient to take. It did not work for me.
5.0 - Try this fiber for IBS-D- it may change your life!
Heather's tummy fiber has helped my IBS-D more than anything else I've tried!! I gradually increased the dose until I found my perfect dose of 2 teaspoons twice a day. Now I have normal consistency bowel movements twice a day, sometimes only once! I can't say enough how grateful I am that I tried this fiber. I have not had any negative side effects whatsoever from this and I am very sensitive to fiber in my diet (I can't tolerate raw vegetables, nuts or high-fiber cereals) so I think there is something about the acacia senegal that really is special. Occasionally I do still have attacks if I am sleep deprived or stressed, etc but they are not as bad as before and don't happen as often. If you have IBS-D you have to try this fiber!
5.0 - works great!! thank you Heather for your products
I have been suffering with IBS almost all my life (49 yrs old). Very painful with the bloating, constipation, gas and nausea, shakes, sweating, faint at times & my face turning pale. I've tried everything I could find with no luck.ive been to the doctor about it and tried what they gave me & nothing worked (it would make me nauseated). I have always been health concious eat very good and exersise (P90X) regularly, unless i was so nauseated that i couldnt exersise. I was told exersise would help with IBS and Im sure it did but it wasnt enough. I tried Heathers acacia senegal tummy fiber (rounded teaspoon 2x a day) along with Solaray Gutshield (rounded teaspoon 2x a day) and Pearls probiotics multi-strain formula (1 per day). Ive been doing this for a couple weeks an can already tell a huge difference!!! Minimal bloating & gas (hopefully will be totally gone soon), no nausea, and going to the bathroom daily. It took a couple days to get things going at first. I hope this helps someone else
5.0 - Can't live without it
I originally bought this product when my daughter was struggling with IBS-C as a teenager, after reading about it on the "Help for IBS" website. Not only was it a godsend for her, but also for others in my family who suffer from digestive problems. My elderly, sedentary mother has experienced tremendous relief from a problem with slow motility, and my cousin has achieved complete remission from diverticulosis, narrowly avoiding the surgery recommended by his doctor (he thanks me every time he sees me). I have no idea why the medical profession hasn't figured this out yet - they recommend "fiber" for constipation, but don't understand that *soluble* fiber is the key to bowel regulation in both constipation and diarrhea. We refer to it as our "magic powder," which I know sounds silly but the relief this has given my family is deadly serious. Note: the powder takes a bit of time to dissolve in hot liquids. My mom uses a tiny cappuccino "stick mixer" to blend it into her coffee - I find it easier just to sprinkle it onto soup, salads, etc., making sure to drink plenty of liquids in addition.
5.0 - If you have IBS you really should try this.
This all but cured my IBS-C, I was never getting enough fiber daily. For me the perfect amount was 3 teaspoons twice a day, mixed in room temperature water, I mix it in a 16.9 oz water bottle 3/4's full and shake it well. I try and make a couple bottle at a time because shaking it creates lots of foam, if the bottles sit over night most of the foam is gone by morning. It does have a slight taste to it, to me almost like a very very weak coffee.
4.0 - This product has really helped my problem.
This Fiber has really helped me. It has worked better than anything I have tried for my IBS-D.
5.0 - Easy Friendly Fiber
I've been using this for many months now. It really is a very gentle fiber, and it has never seemed to upset my stomach. It always melts into the food with no problem. I mostly use it in hot food. I have to use it pretty regularly to notice any difference in my constipation though, I have IBS-C. But I try to get enough fiber in my diet and this helps when I remember to use it. I would definitely recommend it to anybody looking for a fiber that doesn't cause digestive pain and is very easy to use. Who doesn't need more fiber?
2.0 - Disappointing results
Didn't help my daughters IBS symptoms
2.0 - Didn't work for me...
I was really really really hoping that this fiber would be helpful for my IBS, especially after reading all of the great reviews... the only reason I am giving it two stars is because it did not work for me. I am happy for everyone else that this has worked for but it just didn't do it for me. It arrived on time, it dissolves nicely in water, it doesn't have any weird taste or after taste, and it is odorless.
1.0 - Very disappointed in product. Wish I could get my money back.
So far the smallest dose gives me more diarrhea. Not good for my IBS.
5.0 - Does what it says it will do
I have done as Heather suggests, which is work my way up on this product. Right now, I am at 1 tsp. twice a day. I have had IBS troubles for a few years and only recently found this product. It did work to remedy some of my tummy troubles. Great product!
5.0 - Undetectable Taste - Would Recommend
I don't have IBS which is what it is recommended for... I purchased it as a supplement intended to help me feel fuller. So far it works for me and keeps any bloating down. I don't have a health problem - but I heard it will help keep you full and help lose weight - I cannot guarantee it will work for everyone - but it seems to be curbing my appetite a bit and the taste - undetectable!
5.0 - Works great for me!
Heathers has become an essential part of my diet for controlling the symptoms of IBS. I've tried several different fiber supplements but Heathers worked best!
5.0 - Love this fiber!!!!
Excellent product! It immediately gave my tummy relief from the bloating and discomfort. I think it took about 24 hours then the relief came. I am so thankful I found this amazing product. I have IBSD and it gotten so much better.
5.0 - I recommend this stuff
I had stomach issues (diarrhea) for months. Went to the doc and got a bunch of tests, doc said IBS-D and to take immodiuM (which didn't even work) I started taking this and finally it stopped. I also went to the Heather's website and started eating simple carbs with every meal instead of salad, and stopped drinking coffee, which probably helped. Anyway, I recommend this stuff. It will probably help you.
5.0 - KUDOS
I've been using Heather's Tummy Care for years to control the loose stools with IBS, and helps slow spasms, somewhat, to get through the food preparation time to the meal. Try this before ANYTHING else. Helps feed Bifidus in the colon, unlike prebiotics that give you gas;This also made my stools sweeter;AND helps slow hypoglycemia as a bonus. Great stuff.
5.0 - Heaven sent!!!
This is a heaven sent. My IBS symptoms are under control and have good energy with this!! I will be buying this again!!!
5.0 - Fantastic Product
I have IBS and have tried many other fiber products. None of them worked. All of them made it worse. This works. I followed the directions on the can, starting out with just a little each day and gradually adding more. My IBS was severe at the time, so It took several weeks, maybe a few months, for things to even out a bit. Now I take a smaller amount every day for maintenance and it helps. My IBS is not entirely under control, but now it's manageable and livable. I also sometimes add it to baked goods. This is a great product. I can't imagine living without it.
5.0 - Five Stars
Best fiber ever!! Solved my IBS problems.
5.0 - Works as promised
I used it to treat a post infection IBS along with mint capsules and I feel great now. I however do not require as much fiber as mentioned in the label. Maybe cause I get a lot of the fber I need from the fruits, veggies and whole wheat breads I usually eat. A lower sporadic dose works best for me. Yet it is great that it is tasteless, I do recommend it.
1.0 - It made me miserable
I love the peppermint pills, so I thought I'd try this. HUGE mistake. I tried it for four days, and got bad stomach pains every day. I stopped for a week and tried again, just to make sure. After two days I was so miserable I had to stop again. Now I'm dealing with the after effects. So far, I have been going about a week with cramping and diarrhea, alternating with constipation. I also have very painful random stomach cramps. My IBS is now worse than it's been in a long time. I threw out the rest of the container, and I hope this normalizes soon. I'm miserable. Never again.
5.0 - Tummy Fiber has made a HUGE difference in the quality ...
Tummy Fiber has made a HUGE difference in the quality of my life. Now I can manage my IBS with diet and Tummy Fiber. It took a few months to work up gradually to a dosage that works for me. I tell everyone with 'tummy troubles" about this remarkable product.
2.0 - Didn't help with IBS-C and caused cramping
The jury's still out on this. I got it to see if it would help with my IBS-C. After the first use, I had the worst cramping the next day without much in the way of helping with elimination. I will try it a few more times to make sure, but I think this may be more useful to those that suffer with IBS-D. I will update after trying a few more times, however, just to be fair.
2.0 - Acacia Powder
I have IBS-D for over 20 years. I have tried fibers. This too did not work. I gave it about a month.
5.0 - Good stuff
I am 33 and I have been battling IBS for 15 years. This product combined with a low fodmap diet has given me my life back. Thank you Heather's Tummy Fiber!
5.0 - Ahhh relief
I have horrible IBS-C. This stuff got me off of (and works better than) daily sauerkraut juice and apple cider vinegar enemas ( yeah, I was that desperate). Thank goodness for this product. It took about a week before the 1/2 teaspoon 3 times daily started to have an effect, so be patient. I just put it in a plastic water bottle and shake vigorously until it dissolves. It doesn't thicken the water, or make it gritty, and you can't taste it. I find that this works better for me than the NOW foods version, but maybe it's psychological. I use this in combination with a Goodbelly probiotic shot. Did I mention I can tolerate cheese again? Can't praise this product enough.
2.0 - Doesn't make me go #2
I wish this worked for my IBS C. I have been using 2 teaspoons in a smoothie daily and it doesn't help me go to the bathroom. Kind of pricey for fiber but it would have been worth it if it worked. It does not. No diarrhea either.
1.0 - Diarrhea City!
Followed instructions, gradually increasing dose, but gave up after one week. Today had the worst diarrhea, and decided to call it quits after a week of generally watery stools, worse than I've previously experienced. Prior to this I was using Costco Brand of psyllium husk and that was working pretty well for my IBS symptoms. I thought I'd give the Heather's a try based on the positive reviews, but I'm going back to the psyllium husk. Additionally, when you read that this stuff does not dissolve (yes, even in warm liquids), believe it! Stuff just clumps.
5.0 - Heathers Tummy Fiber
I've had IBS for years, tried this product and got almost immediate relief.
5.0 - Five Stars
Recommended by a nutritionist for IBS and works well to "slow things down".
5.0 - This product is fantastic! After suffering from IBS-D for more than 6 ...
This product is fantastic! After suffering from IBS-D for more than 6 months, Heather's Tummy Tamers provided some relief of symptoms, but I still was not able to eat as I normally did before IBS-D. Finally, I tried taking Heather's Tummy Fiber and in less than 10 days, all symptoms were gone and I could eat my normal, healthy, high-fiber diet once again. It's the best!
5.0 - Large container
I just got this yesterday so its hard to give a full review but I will update as I go along. haven't been diagnosed with IBS but I have allot of the symptoms. After internet searching I found Heathers web site and tummy fiber. The container was much larger than I expected. This will last a while. I have taken acaia before and it really upset my stomach but I was taking a much higher dose than she suggests. I started last night with 1/2 a teaspoon in room temperature water. I read many comments were they couldn't get the powder to dissolve, follow the directions because it does dissolve but takes following the steps given on the canister. I put it in the cup then added the water and stirred, let it rest then stirred. I had to do it three times but it completely dissolved and I couldn't taste a thing. I cant say its done anything but it didn't cause any discomfort or IBS issues. I will keep updating as time goes on. I will try this in my morning smoothie as well.
5.0 - Incredibel product
I tried this product for the first time this week and I am astounded with the results. I cannot remember when I did not suffer from IBS and I have not been without abdominal discomfort of some sort for years. Within two days of using HTF I am symptom free ...I will forever be a faithful customer.
4.0 - Appears to help
I have had IBS for almost as long as I can remember, and while I knew that watching my diet and trying to avoid foods and situations that could cause me problems helped, I wasn't aware that there was a product that could help. Although I was skeptical, I decided to give it a try. I already consume quite a bit of fiber, so I find that I don't need to use too much of this product, but the small amount that I use has helped much more than I ever imagined it would.
5.0 - Amazing Product
these products are absolutely fantastic! the fiber and the teas are a godsend to IBS sufferers. I was cynical but decided to give it a try and I am amazed at the results. in 6 mos of using the fiber, once I was stabilized with the fiber and diet (took me only about 3 weeks), worked up to 3 tblspns daily as my comfort zone, I've only had like maybe 4 instances of IBS-D !! AND not "bad" events that kept me home that day. It's a natural product, not all chemicals as in a script, that you just need drink or sprinkle on your hot meals, and your good to go. It has made such a difference in my life.Do yourself a favor, try this, get stabilized, and you too will be thankful!
5.0 - I found something that works!
I have issues. I won't say I have IBS because I've never been diagnosed. But I have problems with constipation and abdominal pain that keeps me up all night and leaves me in tears the next day until it dissipates. So I looked around the Internet and found this stuff. Reading the reviews, I thought it was definitely worth a shot. I started out with 1/2 tsp in the morning and occasionally a 1/2 tsp at night though most nights I'd forget. I started going to the bathroom every day and had no abdominal cramping! Now I forgot the last couple of days to take any of it and what do you know? Here I am constipated and feeling stomach pains. I will not forget to take this stuff again because clearly it works! I'm so glad I found it!
5.0 - My symptoms are SO MUCH better. Nearly nonexistent if I am consistent about taking ...
This is a miracle product for anyone suffering from IBS, or simply has foods that consistently give them gas and bloating. I use this every day. My symptoms are SO MUCH better. Nearly nonexistent if I am consistent about taking it.
1.0 - Did not work for me
I have IBS-C and this made the constipation worse. Unfortunately, I now have this huge amount of fiber that I can't use. Heather should provide a trial size.
5.0 - Five Stars
Really helps symptoms of IBS
5.0 - Love it!
I've been using Heather's tummy fiber for only 4 days, and I am already feeling some relief from my IBS-D. I also highly recommend the peppermint tummy tea, it's very soothing and tastes wonderful. I haven't had any problems with the fiber dissolving, I simply add 1/2 tsp. to a little water, stir with a fork, wait, stir some more, and then add more water. It has almost NO flavor. A work friend recommended this product, and I'm very grateful that she did. She claims that it completely resolved her gas and bloating issues due to IBS.
5.0 - Five Stars
I have mild IBS and I can feel this product working shortly after using it.
1.0 - Didn't work for me
I suffer from IBS with constipation and this made me very painfully gassy, bloated, and did not alleviate the constipation. I loved that it would (eventually) dissolve completely in liquid, but after a month of feeling miserable from it, had to give it up.
5.0 - Excellent Product, very happy with the results!
I was researching for a while something natural to help my IBS, i found and try many other products that really did not work, until i came across this one and decided to give a try, and it worked, i used this product along with intestiNew, and i can say for sure that it help to cure my IBS, believe me i sadly know first hand how awful, uncomfortable, painful and terrible IBS is, wouldn't be saying it works if it didn't, IBS is NOT something that i would play with, i am very happy with the results and i truly hope other people can benefit from this, like i did.
5.0 - A God Send!
I have IBS A (Alternating) and have really suffered for years until my gastroenterologist suggested trying this product. Each morning I take a low dose and very rarely do I now have serious flare ups. I tried Benefiber which made my condition worse. Those with IBS might consider that less fiber is better than more...what the new studies are saying ..but some fiber is necessary. Great product!
4.0 - his body acts like he has the stomach flu and goes at least ...
This did not work for my husband who has suffered from IBS for the past 30 years. I rated 4 stars because I believe it may have helped him under different circumstances. He tried taking for two weeks with no relief but we really wanted this to work for him. My husband was 15 when he had half of his intestines taken out due to mecklesdiverticulitus. After that surgery, he's had issues ever since. We were looking to replace a prescription that he's been taking for approximately 20 years that inhibits constipation. Without the medication, his body acts like he has the stomach flu and goes at least 15 times per day depending on if he eats or not. We thought to give this powder a try but unfortunately did not work for my husband with his specific intestinal condition.
5.0 - A live saver!
I have used Heather's Tummy Fiber off and on for about 10 years. It works very well for me and does not cause cramping or pain. My IBS problem is with constipation. When I use other types of fiber I get severe bloating and cramping. I've finally learned to stick with Heather's Acacia Senegal.
5.0 - Amazing
I have been using the travel packets for more than a month now. I bought this container for home so I can save the travel packets for when I am out. I have been thrilled with this fiber. It has literally changed my life after almost twenty years of trying many different products for IBS. I can only tolerate other fibers in certain quantities and at certain times of day but I feel I can experiment with this with little or no risk and have had really great results. Many thanks to Heather's.
5.0 - IBS-C helped by this
Wow, product does exactly what it promises to do! I couldn't be happier. Being gluten soy and dairy sensitive, getting enough fiber has been hard for me and caused a lot of issues. I have been searching for 5 years for the fiber that is right for me. I can't tell you how happy I am with this product! Delivered fast, price is just right, I've taken it every day since it arrived a week ago I can't tell you how much better I am feeling. This has really helped correct a wrong in my body that I've been battling .
5.0 - This tummy fiber was reccomended to me about ten months ...
This tummy fiber was reccomended to me about ten months ago. I'm have been using it and it has controlled my swings from diarrhea to constipation although I still get some cramps. I have suffered from IBS for years, but finally at 87 i I have my life back.
1.0 - didnt work foir me...
Didn't work for me! maybe if you are the kind of IBS suffer that gets really constipated Than I could see made me go too much when that was my problem to begin with
5.0 - Love this product, highly recommend!
I have suffered from IBS my whole life and have tried various fiber supplements but they hurt my stomach. Then I tried probiotics which at first worked a little but not long term. I've been taking Heather's Tummy Fiber for 30 days now and its been a slow process but I have seen an improvement. You do have to take it slowly and increase your dosage, which they recommend, and don't expect results overnight. I am still in the process of finding the right dosage for me, but I have already ordered another 30 day supply and I am very happy with my results so far.
5.0 - I love this product and drink it summer and winter
I love this product and drink it summer and winter. I use the peppermint along with the fennel because the fennel does help with bloating. This is the best tea I had ever found and drink everyday. Heathers products and diet have helped me tremendously. Border the book and u can read in a couple of hours. Everyone should read. I have suffered with IBS most of my life and these herbs have been a life saver. Thank you and God bless Heather and team. Sincerely, Brenda Perrone
4.0 - When regular fiber supplements are contraindicated.
It helped after a painful IBS flareup when I finally decided my colon had rested enough and I could add a little fiber. Not the easiest to dissolve, but follow the directions and it will be OK
this is lifechanging. i have tried everything for my ibs (prescriptions, teas, fiber cookies, etc). this is the only thing that works consistently. i even bought a jar for home & for work. i take it twice a day and now i feel like a 'normal' person again. i even take it when i go on vacation !
5.0 - Better than Metamucil by far
I use this fibre supplement because of recurrent IBS. It's so much nicer than metamucil, because it has no artificial flavor, and it dissolves completely. If you stir it into a glass of water, the water still tastes like water and is not thick or gummy, nor does it clump up after it sets for a few minutes.
5.0 - Thank you Heather ...Bye Bye Bathroom visits
I've been taking this for awhile but was on the fence about it.I have IBS-D badly but I've been reading a lot of reviews here and on Heathers web site and I learnt that people with D need to keep building up the amount you are taking Now while doing this your gut hurts but keep going I'm up to a tablespoon and a half and can now say its under control.
5.0 - the best $18 I have ever spent
This is... the best $18 I have ever spent. And this is only the second product review I have ever written on Amazon. If you are debating buying this product, just buy it! I was skeptical at first, and I had really just reserved myself to the fact that I would be in pain every day of my life, for the rest of my life. After just 5 days of using this product, I am no longer doubled over in pain by the afternoon. If you suffer from IBS, this will change your life.
5.0 - Works for both constipation or diarrhea!
My doctor recommended Miralax to help settle my gastrointestinal (GI) troubles. I prefer to use more natural products, organic food that does not have psyllium. What is amazing about this product is that you can use it to treat symptoms of constipation and also of diarrhea (FANTASTIC for those that have Irritable Bowel Syndrome- IBS, or just have occasional GI issues. I love that it completely mixes clear with any liquid. Now that I have the canister, I am going to order the pouches which are a little cheaper and fill the canister.
5.0 - Subtle Miracle
I've suffered from IBS for years, and over time I had developed a coping process that was usually effective. Heather's Tummy fiber has improved my process! The amazing thing is that you feel no side effects. No sugar rush or bloated feeling from fiber bars. It feels like nothing, and yet I really sense an improvement. I used to start my day with two slices of high fiber toast and then a granola bar. I honestly think I could do well on the Acacia packet alone. Great product!!
5.0 - Amazing...Wish I would have found this sooner..,
I am a long time IBS sufferer, recently (finally) diagnosed. I have a pretty bad case of IBS. I couldn't eat anything really with out rushing to the bathroom or getting stomach pains (so bad I was curled up in fetal position most of the time). I was diagnosed this past January was immediately put on Amitriptyline. The meds helps,but I started getting crazy side effects. So, I decided after 8 months of being on an RX I was gonna find a more homeopathic way to control my IBS. I was doing all kinds of research and came across Heather's Tummy products. Oddly I had picked up her book "Eating with IBS" a few weeks prior and didn't even realize it was the same person. I read the reviews of the products and what would work for me. I ordered the fiber and peppermint capsules. It has been 6 weeks and I feel great and I no longer take an RX. I wish I would have found these products sooner. I told my GI doc how great these products so he could tell other IBS patients who don't want to be on am RX. If you are on the fence about these products...don't be...they work!!!!!
4.0 - Terrific Tummy Fiber
This product is worth your consideration. Honestly it does work and it is easy to use. It dissolves in water and tastes like water. Amazon had it delivered to me here in Australia in such a short time I was amazed. For most of my life I have suffered from IBS and other tummy discomforts. I have struggled to make sure I take in enough soluable fiber but not anymore. I strongly recommend this product to anyone considering it.
3.0 - Tummy fiber
I like it because it dissolves nicely and doesn't taste bad. It also doesn't hurt my tummy. It's another fiber to add to my collection for my IBS problem.
3.0 - Frustrating product to mix. Does NOT blend well.
I suffer from horrible IBS-C. I've spent the last four years or so with constant nausea and gut pain. When I read the reviews about peppermint oil, I figured I'd give this a shot as well. So far, it has done nothing for me other than frustrate the hell out of me. Who has the time to sit and wait for this stuff to mix into whatever beverage you are using? I certainly don't. If you are only using a 1/2 teaspoon, you can deal with it. But to take the required dosage is a nightmare. It does not mix well no matter what the directions say. I fight with it every time I take it. The last few times I've just swallowed big clumps of slimy fiber globs. Rinse and swirl, rinse and swirl until all the sticky blobs are gone. I can't recommend the product at this point because I've seen no help from it and it takes far too long to get it to mix up... not that I've ever actually had it fully mix into anything.
5.0 - Ibs-c
Best stuff in the world.
5.0 - Wow, What a Difference!
First off, I have been drinking Heather's Peppermint and Fennel Tummy Teas for a couple of years now. I thought those helped my IBS. I decided to try this stuff out, and what a difference. I started out using this every other day, but I decided to cut my dose in half and use every single morning. I use half a Tablespoon, and just mix it with some hot water; a very small amount. I use a small whisk and it mixes easily. It doesn't really have much taste, but I don't bother mixing with juice or anything else. If I use more than half a Tablespoon, I honestly feel "sick" to my gut. The half a Tablespoon is perfect, and my IBS has been so much better the past month I cannot believe it. I hope this product continues to help me, so my IBS doesn't interfere with daily activities again. The dose it recommends you build up to would be way over the top for me. Try the smaller dose, and I think you will notice improvements.
5.0 - Useful for IBS sufferers
I love this product as much as you can love a fiber drink additive! It has helped soothe and keep control of the IBS symptoms that keep trying to control me!
5.0 - Painless and Amazingly Effective
It's great because it's painless, no side effects at all! other than the wanted effect of healthy stools. I have IBS-C with flair ups, and this last one from hospital IV antibiotics (post knee replacement) was the worst ever- severe cramping and not being able to eat food. I also have fibromyalgia so maybe because of that sensitivity which i've noticed I only need low dosage of anything to work, is why I began with 1/2 tsp 2x/day, then when it helped my bowels in 1 day swinging from C to D, I backed off to 1/2tsp once a day. Much below the normal dosage. Just thought this might help anyone else who typically can't tolerate normal dosages of meds or supplements, but if you use much less it works.
5.0 - Five Stars
Great product for those who suffer with IBS.
4.0 - Works well for IBS
My husband has irritated bowel syndrome, and I believe that this fiber works really well for him. I was looking for fiber that would be gentle for his stomach. You have to wait a few minutes before it actually dissolves in water. Just put in however much you want in a glass water stir it up for a bit and wait about 5 to 10 minutes before you drink it and stir it again before you drink it
2.0 - NOOOO !! :(
I purchased this with high hopes of alleviating my ibs-c. I didn't work. It made me painfully gassy and bloated. I followed the directions and increased my fail dosage and I got the same negative results. Expensive and it dissolves well on water , milk or juice. However, there is a terrible taste when mixed with water. Taste like medicine. SMH. Gave two stars because the shipping was fast. Other than that there goes 15 bucks down the drain.
5.0 - Stopped my symptoms! Helps to heal your gut!
So to sum up my issues I began having all sorts of digestive/IBS type issues about two years ago. My symptoms were getting so bad that nearly any food I ate would trigger intestinal bloating/cramping, constipation, and diarrhea. Not problems a guy in his late 20s should be experiencing.
5.0 - Best product out there for people w/IBS!!!! 3 months and still doing great. Thank you Heather...
I have been using this product for 3 months now and am truly impressed. I have IBS and suffered with not only diarrhea 10 to 12 times a month but constipation. I had missed numerous days of work because of the diarrhea. My doctor always said metamucil and Miramax which never worked. I cried and prayed about it and I truly was led to this. Had never heard of it before. I thought it couldn't hurt to try. Reading her book as well gave me insight into IBS along with some of her recipes. At least 90 percent is because of your diet. I started out slow because I'm the 1 percent that would end up with side effects. 1/2 tsp in morning and 1/2 tsp at night for a week and then 1 tsp in morning and 1/2 tsp at night and wait a week and you get the gist of it. Anyway, within a few weeks and a change in my diet to chicken and turkey I started to see results. Second month i started to add back some of my red meats and did fine. Don't get me wrong there are some foods that still trigger IBS symptoms so be careful. But, I have yet to have diarrhea. Constipation is slowly getting better but hey I can go to work at least and not feel like I can't enjoy activities outside the home. I'm not worried anymore of having an accident in public. Room temp water is best to dissolve powder in. If you let it sit a few it will dissolve. I put mine in bottled water and take with me. I truly believe in this product. Also, by the way, if you have questions go out to her website and the will answer your questions by the next day. If you get diarrhea it's not because of the product. Check your diet first. I don't use a probiotic with this but you can or just use this alone. It's a probiotic. I truly thank the Lord for Heather's product. Oh, by the way, I no longer have acid reflux either. Great product and I tell everyone about this product.
5.0 - Helps Tame IBS with one Additional Supplement...
Leave this fiber/prebiotic in water for five minutes, stir and it almost disappears and almost becomes tasteless - leaving all the benefits to be easily taken! It's no cheap fiber - but it keeps diarrhea under control! This 16oz size goes a long way - 30-35 days for me, a tablespoon at a time. If you have IBS like I do, try this and Heather's Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Capsules for IBS! The two have a synergistic effect that truly helps calm my IBS.
5.0 - Tummy Fiber, Heather's
I've been using this product for years, but I couldn't find it on any local shelves, so I ordered it thru AMAZON. Love the packaging, which is hard round cardboard with a tin top, it has an additional top inside that keeps the moisture out, & the can stands about 19 inches. The label has a lot of good information about Heather's founder, product usages, a "USDA/Organic" seal, & a 'best used by' date. Phone number, website, & a money back guarantee are also on the label, which is reassuring. The powder is cream colored and fine, it sprinkles well, and I've never had any problem with clumping or feel like I'm choking it down. The label says no sodium, no fat content, use for IBS, but I think it's just a good form of fiber to add to one's diet plan.
1.0 - ... first dose I tried (even after reading all the great reviews but other ibs sufferers) I had HORRIBLE stomach ...
I have ibs with constipation and the very first dose I tried (even after reading all the great reviews but other ibs sufferers) I had HORRIBLE stomach pains. Would not recommend
5.0 - Love this product
If you suffer from IBS this is the tea that will get the job done. I have tried many things with no luck. I have purchased several times.I will continue to do so. Love this product.
3.0 - Caused Allergic Reaction (Difficulty Swallowing)
I began with 1/2 tsp once a day then increased to 1/2 tsp twice a day. I have been taking this product 13 days and I have had an allergic type reaction three to four days over the past 13 days, with difficulty swallowing and thick feeling in my throat. I took an antihistamine, which helped the first 3 times this happened but today the antihistamine is not helping relieve the symptoms. I now realize that it is this "Acacia Senegal" that is causing the allergic reaction. Apparently some of us cannot take this supplement which in unfortunate because it was relieving chronic constipation caused by my IBS.
5.0 - Great stuff for IBS-D
This is simply terrific for IBS, and I highly recommend it. I increased it gradually, and ended up using just one teaspoon every day in my smoothie, and that is all I need to stay normal (whatever that is for a healthy person). I had IBS-D with really bad flare ups, but so far no more flare ups! With this and the usage of other vitamins and supplements, and not eating any FOD-MAPS (yes I am on a highly restricted diet), I was able to get better without drugs.

2. Probiotic 40 Billion CFU. Guaranteed Potency until Expiration - Patented Delay Release, Shelf Stable - Lactobacillus Acidophilus - Gluten Dairy Free for Women Men - No Refrigeration - Digestive Health
View this supplement on →
5.0 - Please try it! :)
I have IBS problem for years. It did help me to getting better day by day. Thank you very much.
5.0 - Very glad I tried this product!
I am so happy with the results of the probiotics. I had my gallbladder removed two years ago and after about a year I was really having a hard time digesting my food. It seemed like it would just sit for hours and I was so uncomfortable and bloated. I decided to try these probiotics after reading the reviews. Wow! I started noticing a difference about 10 days into them and I am so pleased! Not only am I noticeably less bloated, I feel better overall. And not to be indelicate but I am back to being more regular and things are moving smoothly. I have recommended this to my daughter who has IBS, so I am curious how it will help her. I plan on staying with these for quite a while.
4.0 - Four Stars
This product has helped my cholecystectomy induced IBS.
5.0 - Excellent!
My wife has been taking this probiotic morning and evening to help with her upset tummy and IBS. She hasn't had any stomach discomfort since she started, and she says her appetite is also suppressed. Lots of foods used to bother her, but now she can eat whatever she wants without fear of upsetting her stomach.
5.0 - tried this for my wife who suffers from IBS-D. ...
tried this for my wife who suffers from IBS-D. she has noted a decrease in her post-prandial diarrhea since taking this product, and now makes sure she takes it daily.
5.0 - Five Stars
No side effects and this minimizes my IBS symptoms to nearly none at all!
5.0 - As a 48 year old woman, I've suffered from ...
As a 48 year old woman, I've suffered from IBS and ulcerative colitis for half of my life. About a year ago, I began taking this brand of probiotics daily, as well as began following a paleo diet, and I'm healthier than I've ever been! I no longer need additional medication for IBS and colitis.
5.0 - IBS user
After my gallbladder was removed a couple of years ago my IBS went crazy. I was sick daily for over a year doctors didn't know why. I did tons of research online and started monitoring my diet. High fiber foods affected me the most in large amounts. I found a probiotic a gastro doctor had created that worked well however it was $50 a month. I couldn't afford that. The probiotics in the stores weren't helping either. Then I came across this product on Amazon. I absolutely love it!! I have been using it for almost three months now and I will not change brands again. I have, on average, maybe 3 sick days a month versus 3 a week. They are not as severe as they were and don't last all day. I'm able to eat more high fiber foods and not have any repercussions and no longer have to get up two hours before work to see how my day is going to start out! I feel like a normal person again. I did find that two a day tends to be too much for me so I only do the two a day if I have a sick day. It helps tremendously!! Thank you so much!!
5.0 - They help me with my IBS issues.
I have more frequent bowel movements and less bloating since I started taking the probiotics..Had more bloating in the first week,but has subsided tremendously..So far I love the product.
5.0 - Best of the bunch
I really like these probiotics. I have tried several brands with no luck. These calm my gut and stop the pain from my IBS. I only wish I had discovered them sooner. I actually had them in the cupboard quite a while before I tried them, better late than never!!
5.0 - Helpful for IBS
I have IBS and this product seems to help with bloating.
5.0 - I Recommend!
I constantly battle with IBS, upset stomach, gas, etc. Since taking this Probiotic, my symptoms have dramatically improved. I highly recommend!
5.0 - If you have IBS, you need to try this product!
Love this product, helps so much with my IBS symptoms. Now less bloating and nausea. Highly recommend it.
5.0 - This one REALLY works!
This is the best probiotic I've tried, and there have been many! I have IBS and it has helped a lot with how I feel - if you haven't tried the BioSchwartz brand yet - go for it - you'll be happy you did!
5.0 - Great Probiotic
I have IBS with constipation and this probiotic has really helped with the gas and bloating. When I started taking it, it did make me a little more constipated but it is better now, I highly recommend this probiotic.
5.0 - So good
The BEST probiotics I’ve ever tried. Especially for the money. And I’ve tried a lot. I have IBSD and this really helps keep me regular
5.0 - Best probiotics I've ever tried!
I was very leary to try yet another probiotics formula because I've never found one that works great. Some were good, acceptable but not great. Of all those I've tried, this is by far the best one. I first used the Colon Detox & Cleanser. Immediately after the 15 days, I began this probiotic and so very glad I did. I have IBS and gut flora has been a huge issue for me for years. This product has made a huge difference so far. Thank you Schwartz Bioresearch. Please keep up the good work. My gut thanks you LOL!
5.0 - ... couple of months now for ibs and it's working better then other probiotic I've
I've been taking this for a couple of months now for ibs and it's working better then other probiotic I've tried
5.0 - Five Stars
Great product. Helps with IBS, weight loss and reduces bloat.
5.0 - Holy Grail for IBS
These only took two days to work. I repeat, TWO DAYS to drastically reduce my IBS symptoms. That means waking up with no bloat, tootin' and poopin' regularly like a champ, almost no cramps, and no more movements that smell like literal death. Everything just started *working* when I woke up after taking 2 a day for 2 days (4 capsules), and I'm SO impressed and pleased. Reduced bloating really means a lot when you're a gym rat and trying to look good in those easily un-flattering Lulu leggings and crop tops. I've already recommended this specific brand to everyone I know that has any level of IBS!
5.0 - I love them!
I have suffered from ibs symptoms and a more sensitive stomach as I've gotten older (along with some severe lactose intolerance). These probiotics have helped me so much since I have started them; even when on harsh antibiotics for an infection. I love them!
5.0 - Excellent product for half the price of those expensive probiotics you have to refrigerate
I used to spend 70-90$ on probiotics- until I found these. I struggle with leaky gut, an array of food allergies, and IBS. I decided to try these based on all the great reviews. I have not regretted my decision - I have noticed marked improvements in my IBS symptoms, and overall stomach discomfort. I am, and will continue to be a repeat customer!
5.0 - Change your gut health!
After a couple of weeks of getting use to this product, I noticed a tremendous difference in my gut health. I started having less gas and bloating and more regular bowel movements. Which for anyone with IBS is a really big deal! Good gut health also helps your overall health. I think because I was taking this, I managed to not get the flu or a cold while everyone else around me was.
5.0 - I initially had some bloating, but that subsided within ...
I initially had some bloating, but that subsided within a few days. I definitely feel a difference in my stomach. I have IBS but my symptoms have been reduced. I’ve actually even lost a few pounds. Going to keep taking it.
1.0 - Not good for me
I’ve been having stomach problems due to IBS. Doctor recommmende I try some probiotics. Read the reviews of this brand and decided to give it a chance. Took two pills a day and I noticed my face started to break out within a couple of days. I stopped taking the probiotic and I’m face cleared up. Wanted to see if it was really probiotic that was making me break out and not something else so I took one a day this time and sure enough I broke out again. This was my body’s way of telling me this stuff was bad for my stomach. Makes me wonder if the probiotics are legit.
4.0 - Four Stars
Great for ibs
5.0 - Five Stars
Great product! Helped with IBS symptoms.
5.0 - This stuff really works.....
Wow...I was taking another brand which I thought was the best. But if it doesn't get past the stomach it won't do you any good. 2 days after taking these I noticed a big difference. I'm 59 years old male and still had acne on chest and back. This stuff cleared it up. I guess the good bacteria is getting rid of the bad bacteria that was leaching through my gut. No more rosacia either...Amazing. Also improved my bathroom habits. Will not be caught with out this stuff. Was able to stop antibiotics that I was taking too. Also resolved my long term IBS issues. If your looking to heal your gut, this would be my first step.
5.0 - Good product that improved digestive problems
This probiotic has a higher potency than the ones that I tried previously, and it is the only one that has significantly improved my IBS-c symptoms. I would buy this again, and I'm very happy with my purchase.
5.0 - Five Stars
Seems to help with mild IBS symptoms.
5.0 - ... all my life and recently my stomach was getting worse and dealing with massive amounts of bloating
I have been dealing with IBS all my life and recently my stomach was getting worse and dealing with massive amounts of bloating. Since I have been taking this, I feel so much better and the bloat has gone away. I am very happy with my purchase and will continue taking these.
5.0 - Five Stars
Great product - really helped me with my IBS
5.0 - One of the best Probiotics!
I have been diagnosed with the IBS, so, I am constantly on the probiotics, searching for the best. This one appears to be working fine! It has the strains that my doctor mentioned. Will continue using it and later report the outcome. Happy for now with my purchase.
5.0 - Helped with IBS symptoms
I have IBS. Over the summer I was sick my with IBS symptoms for 2 months. I was in rough shape. My symptoms were out of control and there were days I couldn't leave the house. After taking this product every day I began to feel results in less than two weeks. My symptoms were definitely going away and I felt more in control of my body. If you have IBS get a GOOD probiotic like this one.
5.0 - Say goodbye to painful cramps and diarrhea
I have recurrent IBS. Taking 2 capsules daily, this product colonizes my digestive tract with all of the good bacteria my gastroenterologist recommends, along with additional strains for good measure. The painful gas and bloating associated with my condition has disappeared, with no more early morning cramps that used to cause me to agonize on the toilet for an hour before I could go. If you too suffer with these same symptoms, look no further!
5.0 - Goodbye Diarrhea! Much better than the probiotics of the past.
This is a game changer for me. I gave probiotics a try about 20 years ago back when you had to keep the bottle refrigerated and could only get them at really 'hip' nutrition stores. They were suggested by my doctor to treat my IBS. I did it for a month and had no results. I went on with IBS prescription pills which didn't work. I've been tested for gluten intolerance and there were no indicators that I had that issue. I've been basically dreading a diarrhea attack at least once every 36-48 hours for the last 30 years of my life. I thought I would give probiotics a try again after seeing this product on Amazon and ordering some for my daughter who was going in for kidney stone surgery. I wanted her gut in good working order before and after the surgery. Now I'm into my fourth week and I've been regular for the last 12 days. This is a miracle cure for me.
5.0 - Significant difference in a month
Been taking consistently twice a day for about a month and have seen significant difference! I suffer from IBS and if my diet isn’t completely on point, with even one meal, I suffer for DAYS! This has been a complete life saver for me. Eases digestion- no cramping, bloating, irritability! Forget the expensive, fridge life, probiotic- this stuff work!
3.0 - Mind the dosage
Followed recommended dose. Caused bloating within 2 days of starting it, I followed through for 5 days with the recommended dose thinking this is a positive sign of the product working. This led to heavy stomach cramps, rash and diarrhea. I had a healthy gut but wanted to see if it could improve, unfortunately I believe this caused IBS by increasing the number of normal bacteria in my gut. Ironically, I am now on antibiotics. :|
5.0 - Taking Bio Schwartz has helped me tremendously. Not only ...
Taking Bio Schwartz has helped me tremendously. Not only do I use the bathroom regularly, I no longer experience IBS.
5.0 - I've been suffering from mild to moderate IBS for over ...
I've been suffering from mild to moderate IBS for over 2 years and finally decided to try probiotics. I tried another brand for several months with mild relief of my symptoms. With this one, I've seen a huge improvement (not 100% )in symptoms after about 3 weeks. Definitely worth trying out !
5.0 - Five Stars
This has really help with my IBS
3.0 - ibs and digestive issues
I was not impressed with this product. I personally like Dr. Valeries Professional Probiotics better. I would suggest having them shipped on ice because they need to be refrigerated. I have ibs and digestive issues really bad and have been searching for a long time. I have spent a lot of money trying different products and finally found one that worked. I hope this helps.
5.0 - Works well
I suffer from IBS, and this product really seems to help in reducing discomfort after eating.
5.0 - Great for IBS
I was hoping it would help with my IBS and I was not disappointed. It helps regulate so much and I could tell a difference when I didn't take it a few days.
5.0 - It works
I had a lot of the same symptoms that occur with IBS, gas, bloating, and irregularity. About the third week on Schwartz Probiotic I had no gas, my stomach was flat, and I was finally back to my regular schedule. I am now on my second bottle and have included Schwartz Probiotics in my daily regimen.
4.0 - Digestive Issues Can Cripple Your Quality of Life
So far, I have seen small improvements with my digestion. It is still too early to tell. I am recovering from taking antibiotics and acid-blockers, which completely wrecks your digestive system. At my age, 32, it is a lot more difficult to make a full recovery, if a recovery at all. It is debilitating. I was told by the doctor that I may have GERD and IBS. He said it could just be H Pylori. I will be going in for a lab test in a week. Either way, I am using a holistic approach to self-heal through extensive research online. The information I have gathered is vast and stretches knowledge I have come across in some instances, but not nearly as profound as it is now since I have been suffering from digestive issues.
5.0 - Excellent product
love the product. Has helped with my IBS symptoms, and has lessened the stomach cramps.
5.0 - for my IBS
love them. they’ve helped with my IBS also much. need to repurchase soon, i only have two left. i take two every day.
5.0 - Fantastic product
Amazing product. I have ibs-d and this has helped significantly!
5.0 - A great aid for the digestive system!
This product has been a life saver for me. I had symptoms of IBS-D and with my gallbladder being removed, I was limited on medicine I could take. This product actually showed great results even within the first day of taking it. I am very selective about what supplements I take and this supplement has been wonderful
5.0 - Very helpful
This product has dramatically helped my IBS-D. It's worth a try, if you've been suffering with IBS issues.
4.0 - This actually works!
Recently, my IBS has been acting up so I️ purchased this probiotic on Amazon. After 3 days of taking 2 capsules per day, I noticed I had an unexplainable headache. I think it was due to candida die off. Within a week of taking this product daily, I had an increase in mood! My microbiomes in the gut were WAY off and this product helped me get on the right track.
5.0 - This is the best my insides have ever felt
Longtime IBS suffered. This is the best my insides have ever felt. No more living in the bathroom. No more agonizing pain stopping everything. Love it
4.0 - Four Stars
I have been taking them regularly for the past 5 months and my IBS has improved!
5.0 - Five Stars
seems to work with my wife IBS
5.0 - No more IBS
No more IBS! I feel great and I do not get bloated anymore.
5.0 - Love this probiotic
I have IBS and was able to stop taking the perscription Linzess. I have taken many different probiotics but Schwartz has been the most effective. It took about 3 months of taking the probiotic faithfully but I do not have IBS issues anymore. I am so happy to finally be off the Linzess and not always looking for a bathroom wherever I go. Amazing.
5.0 - No more stomach pain!
I've had issues with IBS for years and years. After 2 weeks of taking this, I no longer have to deal with a stomach pain and diarrhea after eating.
Quality product. Has helped address sour stomach nd issues from IBS
5.0 - Five Stars
Best Probiotics that I've taken. Helps with my IBS on a daily basis!
5.0 - Great for the Gut!
Excellent product - keeps my IBS under control
4.0 - Four Stars
Seems good so far. Helping my IBS and upset tummy..
4.0 - Four Stars
I suffer from IBS and this has helped me with a well balanced diet.
5.0 - Works great. I have tried other Probiotics and have had ...
This is the real deal!! Works great. I have tried other Probiotics and have had no results from it, but this one really helps. I have IBS and it really is helping with this and I have noticed my energy boosted quite a bit also from not having so many issues with the IBS anymore.
5.0 - Great product!!!
After a few weeks I realized I wasn't experiencing the miserable IBS symptoms that have troubled me for years!
5.0 - ... tried everything for my IBS and this is an amazing product. I haven't felt this good in over ...
I have tried everything for my IBS and this is an amazing product. I haven't felt this good in over a decade. It honestly helps the bloating and I've even lost weight. Glad I tried it because none of the medications over the years have helped.....without side effects much worse than IBS.
5.0 - Good for IBS Suferers
I've tried a lot of different probiotics to help ease IBS symptoms, and this product has by far helped more than anything else that I've tried. I take 2-3 a day (I've worked my way up to being able to tolerate this amount), and couldn't be happier with the results.
5.0 - Great probiotics
helps a lot with my IBS. I have better bowel movement and energy after using this regularly
5.0 - Five Stars
Great product. Helps with my IBSD
5.0 - and this seemed like a great choice for the value and amount of ...
I have been dealing with a sudden IBS problem. Doctors suggest to use a probiotic, and this seemed like a great choice for the value and amount of probos delivered internally. I have returned to normal and would credit using this product along with a careful diet, fiber, and enzyme supplements as bringing me back to normal.
5.0 - Amazing for IBS & Anxiety!
My husband has been taking these and it has helped immensely. Apparently health starts in your gut. His IBS problems have gone down and no anxiety attacks. A homeopathic dr suggested this with fiber supplements. Working fantastic. Before he would just not eat if we were going anywhere. This has helped so much that we can go out again without him being in fear of getting sick.
4.0 - so far ibs has subsided and i can tolerate a small amount of caffiene which is always a good sign.
i bought this to replace my gut flora after months of suffering from ibs.what draws me to this is the amount of acidophilus per unit compared to the other brands that cost twice as far ibs has subsided and i can tolerate a small amount of caffiene which is always a good sign.
5.0 - Feel great and my IBS have improved
My lower stomach inflamation is gone!! Feel great and my IBS have improved. I wont stop taking this!!
5.0 - I'm sticking with these.
I have suffered with horrible yeast infections since I had a partial hysterectomy 3 years ago. Then I had my gallbladder removed 2 years ago. I have had IBS for two years since that surgery. Which made the yeast infections even worse. I started taking these at the end of my last yeast infection four plus months beginning this summer while on vacation. At first I had a bad upset stomach but I knew my body was getting rid of stuff that it had to, so I hung in there and drank lots of spring water. I also found a prebiotic wash that I believe the two products work best together. The probiotics didn't fix the IBS like they did for someone else but they sure have gotten rid of the horrible yeast infections so far. My doctor told me to try probiotics but they didn't help. I found these and they work so well. She took the information down Incase someone else gets yeast infections like I did. I thought about getter stronger ones but realized that these are working so well for me, why switch? What a relief not to suffer all the time anymore. Customer service does just send an automated email if you messsge them. However, they sent a free bottle quickly after I sent in my review about my yeast infections clearing up, so that was a nice surprise. I plan on buying some for my grandma for her birthday. She doesn't have any health issues but as a preventive. Plus, she already has everything a person could want or need and more.
5.0 - Good
I have ibs and somerime feel bloated for no reason. Since i have been taking this, i feel less bloated.
5.0 - Best for IBS
This is one of the best probiotics I have ever taken.
5.0 - Five Stars
Love them! They seem to be working nice as I havent been having IBS issues while using
5.0 - Great for ibs
Helped with my IBS. Highly recommend.
5.0 - Wonderful Probiotic for Anyone Seeking Good GI health
I love Probiotics 40 Billion CFU. My GI doctor diagnosed me with IBS-C 3 years ago; it was recommended that I start taking a probiotic for IBS-C relief. I have shopped around, tried many other brands of probiotics but none have worked so well as BioSchwarts' probiotics have. I started taking them a couple of months ago at 2 capsules per day. It took a little time..maybe 2 feel a change for the better: signifigantly less bloating, gas and GI abdominal pain. BioSchwarts' probiotics really made that difference in my GI health.
5.0 - works!
these work great for IBS and also I didn't get thrush after taking an antibiotic while on these.
1.0 - Might as well eat ice cream!
I’ve taken 5 days worth and I feel horrible. It is nothing like other probiotics I have tried. It gives me the exact uncomfortable symptoms that I am trying to treat and avoid in the first place. Taking these has been like taking a pill to cause IBS. I know from experience that other probiotics help ease symptoms. But not this one.
3.0 - Three Stars
I gave three stars, cuz it helps with the IBS , but doesn't help at all with bloating/gas issues.
5.0 - Relief at last!
After a diagnosis of MS and developing What they dub "sick gut syndrome" I researched this product as I needed a good probiotic. Schwartz probiotic was a game changer in my life. All and I mean ALL IBS symptoms were gone and I now make this a regular part of my daily supplements. It literally takes away cramping, bloating, and helps regulate and reset the digestive system. Thank you so much! I am a life time customer and I am spreading the message!
5.0 - Try it, you never know. It’s doing good things for me.
I’ve been taking this probiotic for about a month now. I take half the dose which is one pill (20billion cultures) only becauss it is expensive and I need the bottle to last as I am on a tight budget. I’ve noticed a few things while taking this probiotic. Reduced heartburn and stomach upset, reduced GI discomfort in general and much less diarrhea than I am usually forced to deal with. I have IBS-D and colitis. This hasn’t been a cure for me, but if I am sure to take this before I eat breakfast in the morning and follow the rest of my vitamin routine (I also use BioSchwartz Vitamin D3 5000ui and just ordered Turmeric/Curcumin to try), while also being mindful of what I eat (I have lots of food allergies), then my day goes much better than it would without these things. I think it is too soon to tell how well this probiotic will work for me long term. After my next bottle I’m going to take some time off and see if the changes will last or if this will be something I’ll need for life. I also want to try the full dose of two pills and see if it improves things even more. It’ll be a slow process, but I’m confident in this product and I would recommend anyone with GI problems to at least buy one bottle and give it a try. I also had no ill side effects whatsoever from this product.
5.0 - IBS Go Away!
Bio Schwartz works fabulously to make my IBS less painful. I appreciate this product so much ~
5.0 - The Best Probiotic Out There!
I LOVE this product. As someone who suffers from IBS, this probiotic supplement has helped me tons, including areas such as intestinal irregularity and discomfort. I plan to keep buying this product as it works much better than any other probiotic supplement I have taken in the past.
5.0 - A+
I've had abdominal pain from IBS for over a year and my pain has been less frequent since using bioschwartz probiotics. I've tried other probiotics and none have helped my pain like bioschwartz.
5.0 - This is changing my life.
Amazing product. Ive suffered from IBS, kidney stones, constipation, had gall vladder removed, and most importantly an awful right lower quadrant pain that radiates to my back for years. Changing my diet helped in the past year or so; however, the problem came right back after i ate certain foods. I started a food diary and eliminated a bunch of food like peppers & onions, all dairy, etc. but still once a week or more, boom that severe debilitating discomfort that no doctor can explain to me comes back to haunt me - usually at inconvenient times. I’ve done coffee enemas and done the apple cider vinegar things, herbal teas etc. NOW found this. Wow, thought there was a difference day 1-2 but wasnt sure if it was my light eating. Well now 1 week unto it, im having more regular BMs and my stomach & back etc. are almost pain n pressure free. Im also less bloated & pass gas better now (before i would need to but wasnt able to). 1 week.... amazing product, I actually feel like I will once again have a semi normal GI system like i did years ago. This helped me a ton this week and im happy & hopeful for even more
5.0 - Like it
So far so good, helos with bloating an ibs
5.0 - Definitely worth trying
Recently I have been prescribed antibiotics to clear up an infection. I found that I should take a probiotic and I saw this fantastic offer on Amazon is lightning deals. I tried this brand out as my first probiotic and for once in my life I’ve actually felt better after taking a digestive product for a few days that benefited my IBS, and somewhat my anxiety. As a younger kid I also had a ton of ear infections and acne for years constantly given more antibiotics. A doctor never suggested a probiotic. I am 24 and this is the first time I have been using them regularly for a few weeks now. As the bottle suggests, I’ve been taking one in the morning and one in the evening with a meal. I suggest to try these if you wish to gain a chance at helping ease some of your digestive issues - as they are better for shelf life and have great reviews.
4.0 - So far so good. I struggle with IBS sometimes and these past ...
So far so good. I struggle with IBS sometimes and these past few weeks I have had no flare ups.
4.0 - Really happy with these
I take probiotics and prenatals daily. I do not like taking any other medications because of all the symptoms they cause. I have tried a lot of probiotics in the past with mixed results. I was happy to try these as they guarantee potency until expiration which has been an issue in the past. I have been using these for two weeks now, while we were on vacation. Now while we were gone we ate things that we would never eat at home. Very unhealthy past two weeks and I feel sick thinking about it. My probiotics help keep me balanced and keep my stomach in order. I have IBS, PCOS, and I am lactose intolerant so the foods I eat affect my body a lot. These were put to the full test in that aspect. After about day 3 I noticed these helping a lot. I did not feel sick like I have on some in the past. I would take one in the morning and one at dinner time. They are small capsules so they are really easy to swallow. No taste to it, did not cause gas, bloating, or anything else abnormal. I am very pleased with these and would definitely buy them again.
5.0 - Free from IBS
After more than 10 years of suffering from IBS, I can say I am free from its symptoms of bloating; always looking for bathroom. I did try one probiotic supplement but Bio Schwartz did the best things for me. I feel peace in my tummy! It is amazing!
5.0 - Five Stars
This product has really helped to manage my IBS. It really works!
5.0 - Fantantastic!
I have struggled my entire adult life with IBS and now thanks to this unbelievable probiotic I am on my way to enjoying life.
5.0 - IBS help
Schwartz Probiotics have helped diminish my IBS symptoms more than other probiotic products.
5.0 - Very Helpful for IBS symptoms.
I began to take Probiotic about a month ago to see if it would alleviate symptoms of chronic IBS. It has made an amazing difference, and I shall continue to use it.
5.0 - I have had painful stomach episodes due to my health conditions and acidity
This supplement has worked really well for my sensitive tummy and my monthly episodes of IBS that I suffer from when I get my period, as I have severe endometriosis. I have undergone several surgeries to have cysts and growths from the lining of my intestines and after that, I have had painful stomach episodes due to my health conditions and acidity. I have noticed that my immune system has never been the same as well. I get sick quite often and I am always plagued with the flu and sniffles.
5.0 - Five Stars
Helps digestion and smoothes out my intestinal cramps/IBS.
5.0 - and I took the antibiotics to kill the bad bacteria but it only caused my symptoms worse than ...
I had IBS symptoms for a long time, and I took the antibiotics to kill the bad bacteria but it only caused my symptoms worse than before, I had diarrhea almost every day and it's very painful. Every time I had bowel movements I felt incomplete. But after taking this product, my symptoms started to be less and less every day. It's a relief for me to rebuild my good bacteria colony in my gut. Now I have normal and healthy bowel movements.
5.0 - It works amazingly well. I used to have severe ...
It works amazingly well. I used to have severe IBS symptoms and they've practically disappeared since starting these a few months ago.
5.0 - I cannot say I have felt this good in my life
The probiotic 40 billion CFU has helped me tremendously. This probiotic has been the most effective formula for me. I have suffered from IBS all my life and have severe IBS flareups during the last year that it has impacted my regular life. After taking this probiotic, I no longer suffer from the pain, excessive belching, bloating, urgency, chronic diarrhea. Since I have taken these tablet, I now have 1 regular movement as soon as I wake up everyday and then peace for the rest of the day. I cannot say I have felt this good in my life. I feel like I am me again.
5.0 - Good stuff
Works well for IBS issues.
5.0 - IBS RELIEF...maybe
I've been told by the doctors that I have IBS in other words they don't know what's wrong with me but my bowels movements have always been either loose or hard and I was beginning to feel bloated more and more lately...After years and years of this I'm hoping this will help, so far it is, my course of action was this.. First I took a months supply of Super candida cleanse that I got from Amazon, it btw did its job very well ( could tell by my swollen lymph node glands which is what can happen when the gas of dying candida cells are released in the body ) after finishing that product I waited 2 weeks and then started using this probiotic along with a weeks worth of Activia yogurt. I am currently on my second bottle of these probiotics and with the second month of use I am currently going to say I am normal DOWN THERE, my bowel movements are more firmer without being constipated and seems to be on a more regular schedule also...
3.0 - I'm sure this probiotic is great for some people
I've been taking this for a few weeks now. I'm sure this probiotic is great for some people, but this doesn't seem to do anything for me. I think it's the lack of variety in the strains. I had noticed significant improvements from probiotics with 10+ strains. I purchased this based on the many great reviews and the 40 Billion CFU on the label. For some people like me with IBS, it's not the amount you get it's the right strains. I should have checked the strain description carefully, my fault I guess. This is probably good if the 4 strains in this are the ones you need.
5.0 - Very pleased with the product
Since I have been taking this probiotic, I haven't had any IBS episodes. Very pleased with the product.
5.0 - Five Stars
I have had fewer episodes of IBS.
5.0 - Good health
I have IBS and this probiotic really helps. I have been on it for 2months and I think that it really works good for me.
5.0 - It's helping
It works well for GO issues. It has helped my IBS symptoms
5.0 - It works great!
This stuff works great! As someone who suffers from IBS, this keeps me regular. This comes without and uncomfortable gas or bloating. Love this product!!
5.0 - Good stuff
It's great for me. I had tried some other probiotics before which were rather harsh. I recently had a colon surgery, and to get a colostomy for about 6 months. I was on heavy antibiotics for over a month and wanted something to help me rebuild a healthy gut, and my wife had used these after her c-section, so I gave it a shot and they are great. They help regulate me, without being harsh, after being opened up from my ribs to my pelvis and having a foot of colon removed, easy was what I was looking for. These are great!
1.0 - Make me worse
I can honestly say this product was a complete failure..... my IBS returned within a week stay on an extra week then realized it was this probotics. Changed for another and IBS got better! For me this was not good! Will never buy again! Would like to know if bio Schwartz is related to a big Pharma Co???????
5.0 - Great product
Overall health feels much improved with no bloating. Decreased IBS severity with more regular bowel movements.
4.0 - Helps with IBS and regulate bowel movement
I used to have IBS and tummy discomfort. After taking this for a few days, I started to feel it working. It also regulates my bowel movement yet with no bloating side effects. I will continue taking this supplement.

3. IntestinePro Intestine Support for Humans with NON-GMO Wormwood, Black Walnut, Echinacea + 15 More Premium Ingredients, 60 Vegetarian Capsules
View this supplement on →
5.0 - Helped my IBS.
Well let me start. Since I am IBS candidate. Some of the items listed I knew I had parasites all through my body. Day 1-4 nothing. Had to take laxatives to get things started. Never got the cloudy BM not any anything hanging from between my bums. Urine was cloudy for the first 4 days. These pills stop the bloating and gave me energy. So therefore I will purchase again.
5.0 - Works
If you have IBS or Traveler's Diarrhea.....these are where it's at. Take them 3 times a day to see full effect.
4.0 - Good quality product. Gentle yet effective.
I enjoyed this cleanse because it did not cause me any stomach pains or diarrhea. Very gentle yet I did feel it working. First couple days I experienced mood swings and lack of appetite. Then appetite returned but I didn’t feel the need to over eat. Bloat was gone by day 5 and noticed skin clearing up a little. I originally took this for bloat and to see if it would help my skin. Although it did not “ cure” my acne I definitely feel like overall there is less inflammation in my body. I’ve also noticed I can eat small amounts of certain foods again that would previously trigger IBS symptoms. I will do this cleanse again in two weeks and update this review.
1.0 - IBS or worse
I took the recommended dosage for 3 days. I know have the worst stomach pain of my adult life. I don't know what it is but I am in pain every night to the point of hospitalization. This product messed up my intestines and gut when I used to be known to have a cast iron stomach.
5.0 - Very nice and gentle
Very nice and gentle product. Helped increased the number of bowel movements and total detoxification throughout the body. A good tool in aiding weight loss and getting rid of un-wanted conditions in your GI (IBS, SIBO).
5.0 - best product yet!!
I am someone who suffers from candida/auto immune disease. I have been trying everything to get myself healthy, and let me tell you; nothing worked like this product. I don't have any anxiety, or I don't have that depressed feeling anymore, I seem to be smiling again, Not to mention, I lost a few pounds while on this product. I changed my diet for the 10 days and saw the biggest change I've ever seen in my health yet while combining this product with REALLY clean eating. I ate an all organic, no gmo diet with no sugars, starches, grains, meats. The only thing I seem to eat for the last few days was a lot of veggies. Having candida, I cant even eat fruit :( A few days into this, I SAW parasites YUCK- all the way till day 10 they were still there. I recommend this product to anyone whose tried everything and still cant seem to get healthy like myself. So many problems and no solution, till now. I also suffer from IBS so every time I go and take a poo my stomach hurts SO SO SO bad. After day one of taking this product, I didn't have that pain in my tummy, and I went poo at least 4 times daily.
5.0 - my belly feels ligher
this is my second purchase to continue the cleansing process and I'm seeing an excellent result. (I'd had IBS ever since I had food poisoning several months ago.) Definitely I feel the difference. My belly overall feels lighter and I just feel happier!
5.0 - Fast and furious intestine relief - impressive!
Super intestine clearer - does what it says on the bottle. Bought this for my wife, who's had long-standing IBS and other intestinal issues. Within a week of taking this, she noticed worms in her stool! We'd had no idea that these nasty parasites had been causing her issues and, thanks to this product, she is now parasite free and her intestines are functioning normally for the first time in a year (no more painful bloating after meals, etc.). Pills are fairly large with a strong smell and taste of cloves, which is not unpleasant (although might be an issue if you don't like cloves). Gentle on the stomach, providing you take them with plenty of water and a bite to eat. Didn't notice any side effects. I would recommend this to anyone who has a dodgy digestive system - can't hurt you and could potentially solve your issues for good.
5.0 - Dr. Diagnosed me with IBS. I did some ...
Dr. Diagnosed me with IBS. I did some research. Found this product. I only took 2 capsules once a day for a week. Did the trick!
5.0 - Seemed like each day has been a new biological adventure
Actual 2-day shipping with Prime. Started working overnight. A few pinworms, multiple kinds of ascaris, liver flukes and even a tape worm and tons of various other life stages without panning through poo. A few other tiny wormlike things worked their way to the surface through my skin. Seemed like each day has been a new biological adventure. Combined a dose of Reese's Pinworm in around day 3. Starting day 7 tomorrow. Minimal side effects. Definitely recommend and would love to do a follow-up cleanse in a few weeks. Already noticing fewer episodes with my IBS, which I'm hoping was 25 years of poor diagnosis and really just worms.
4.0 - Recommended by nutritionist; no adverse effects
I am taking this product in addition to a prescription strength antibiotic (Flagyl) to treat two potentially-but-not-necessarily pathogenic parasites. I suffer from multiple gastro-intestinal problems including IBS, GERD, and occasional gastritis. The parasites may or not be related to my symptoms since the CDC and NIH are not conclusive whether or not these particular parasites are pathogenic or not. But I am treating in case they are harmful to me. ParasitePro offers an herbal formula to combat the parasites and should these parasites be antibiotic-resistant, the herbal formula can help counter that since microorganisms generally do not develop resistance to herbs. I am normally very sensitive to any supplements, especially herbs. I was nervous to try both the Rx treatment and ParasitePro for fear of more G.I distress or rashes, which I often get from supplements. I'm happy to report that I've had no adverse effects from either the Rx treatment or ParasitePro. Taking ParasitePro after meals even seems to help digestion somehow. I will give it four stars because it has done no harm to me and has perhaps aided in digestion, but not five stars since I have not had any major reduction of symptoms. I will continue to take it (two bottles worth) in case it is effective against the parasites.
3.0 - Yes helpful but at a price.
I took it for 7 days and had improvement in my digestive function. However, I did have migraines 6 of the 7 days. I did not see parasites or anything in my movements but the consistency of them firmed up. I have had issues since y early 20s with my bowels. They call it IBS, but I call it plan B.S. The parasite pro did improve the texture and bowel movements to the good old days of "no wipe" really needed status. The cost was a migraine a day. This is why I give it a 3 of 5. My bowel movements were not stringer/dangling lol. If you do not get the headaches, then this is well worth its weight in gold. I have a great diet without this( 30-40+ grams of fiber per day). With all other factors included and things I've done in the past, this has been the only thing to help my bowel movements texture.
5.0 - so happy to report this worked for me.
I had parasites and didn't want to spend the ton of $$ it would take to get rid of them via prescription drugs. I looked up natural ingredients to fight parasites, and found that the recommended ingredients were in this product. I was desperate because I was really sick with symptoms just like IBS. I took the ten day regime and I am SO happy to report that my symptoms are GONE! I feel NORMAL again! Will continue to buy these and take them periodically just as a cleanse.
5.0 - It works!
I was suffering from "IBS" what I thought was Candida for over a year. Did all the allergy testing and other tests including stool test and everything came back as normal or only some irritants. No one could seem to help. One doc gave me antibiotics for a month and it helped for a few weeks then my symptoms came back. My symptoms were IBS-D and stools not forming correctly, itchiness, not being able to get clean after going, urgent bowels, never knew when it was coming. It forced me to become a hermit at home. I decided to try this after doing some research about parasites/worms and thought, hey what do I have to lose. Well I'm SO glad I did! After one full treatment, ALL my symptoms were GONE. After suffering for almost 2 years! I had a yeast smell in my hands and when I would sweat that made me think it was Candida overgrowth, but the smell is completely gone now! My bowels are back to normal! I cannot believe it really. I would highly recommend it to anyone with similar problems. Or anyone dealing with "Candida" "Leaky Gut" it might just be a parasite! This stuff actually made me constipated and I felt miserable on it, but after your done I felt awesome. Back to my old self. It's worth a shot!
4.0 - Looks like I did
This stuff works!! I have been experiencing fatigue, digestive problems, constant nausea, and dark circles under my eyes. The traditional medical system failed me time and time again, telling me it is in my head or that I have IBS. I knew something was up. Before meeting with my naturopath, I decided to take this product to see if I might have a parasite. Looks like I did. The first few days, I did not notice very much in my stools, although I was fatigued, very thirsty, and had a lower appetite than usual. Days 4 and 5, I noticed a lot of white stringy pieces in my stool, as well as some tomato-skin-looking pieces. (TMI, but from my research it looked like it could have been liver flukes or worm skins). I am done with my bottle and going to repeat in one week. I have a feeling there is still more to be eliminated. Worth a try!
5.0 - An essential for IBS
This stuff is great. I take three caps at bedtime almost every night, and it keeps me...erm...regular, but isn’t harsh at all.
5.0 - Amazing product! Got rid of loads of parasites I didn't know I had - scary stuff!
I've suffered with bad digestive and tummy issues for nearly 2 years, and have been told my multiple doctors I have IBS. However, I never suffered with IBS in the past, and there has been no major change in my diet in the last few years. After every meal I have terrible bloating, gas, tummy aches and I suffer with awful bouts of diarrhea (TMI). I came across an article about parasites causing IBS symptoms in people and looked online for some kind of a 'cure'. After seeing all of the 5 star reviews and reading A LOT of the comments for IntestinePro I decided to give it a go, and I'm so happy I did. I was shocked and extremely concerned to find out I do in fact have parasites, a lot of them. I couldn't believe that. On the last few days of the course I passed a lot of liver flukes (big red parasites that look almost like tomato skins), and some that look strangely like seaweed or algae, along with a lot of mucus and worms. I've never felt so gross in my entire life, but so happy that these things are leaving my body.
5.0 - Answer to Bowel Misery
I have been suffering with a bowel problem for six months...constipation alternating with diarrhea, gas, bloating and miserable. I would eat and not eliminate. At first I thought it was IBS and spent $525 on a pharmaceutical drug because I was desperate.. I just wanted my symptoms to end.. I then went to my alternative Dr. that said she wanted to do testing that would have required more time and I was miserable. She did say it might be parasites. I researched and found ParasitePro and decided to try it. The product arrived Tues. and I started to take it Wed. I'm keeping a log On the 2nd day I had my first elimination in one week and the bloating seemed to go down slightly day 4. I still have six more days till I finish the product but am amazed so far. I never had a bowel problem before and the amount of money and discomfort that was caused only to get relief so far from ParasitePro.
4.0 - Great product! After a couple more weeks may rate 5 Stars.
I have been taking this product for a week. I am not positive if I had parasites or not but I eat sushi a couple of times a month and have started having gastrointestinal issues/ IBS symptoms. After just a week I feel significant improvement.
5.0 - This stuff is the bomb!
The first three days I felt pretty bad, headache, body aches, brain fog & fatigue!!! However, realizing that toxins and parasites were dying off and my immune system was working over time to fight them those side affects are totally understandable! Maybe even welcomed as it shows its working!! I am only on day five but my belly bloat (which was huge) has been reduced abundantly and the majority of my symptoms have subsided. I do not think I have noticed what people are saying are worms or eggs coming out but I have also not been looking very closely. I will continue for then ten days as instructed take a two week break and go at it again. My gut is starting to feel balanced again, the nausea and pain I have felt for years is no longer there. I was diagnosed with IBS and went through an H. Pylori infection (which I do not think has ever healed) and also told I have overgrown yeast in my body. I have to honestly say that I have never used a treatment that has worked this fast or painless. I've been reading a lot about your gut being your 2nd brain and when the good flora gets over run by bad bugs, yeast, parasites etc. it really affects your entire body, thinking, weight may even affect depression & anxiety. I plan on following a low FODMAP diet after this to keep my belly healthy. I am willing to make a life change to get my life back, I'm sick of being sick, I want to enjoy life again. I also recommend the book "Gut Balance Revolution" by Gerard E. Mullin, MD & "Salt, Sugar, Fat" by Michael Moss. Both books will open you eyes!! Sugar is by far the worst, your bad bugs love it and its in just about everything! :( In the short if your willing to put up with some die off symptoms and get your gut back in order I highly recommend IntestinePro Intestine Support for Humans by Teraputics! It will change your life for the better!!
5.0 - Great Product!!
AMAZING! I was looking for something for IBS and I'm not sure how I came across this but out of the 600 some reviews I read about 60 and all positive. I have been using 2-3 laxatives a day EVERYDAY for the past year and I havent used one laxative in the past 6 days and I am passing everyday and lost 3 pounds so who knows where that came from lol. I will also look into the other products cuz this one can only be used for 10 days at a time.
5.0 - This product arrived quickly and even has a paper that ...
This product arrived quickly and even has a paper that says you can receive a whole bottle for free! I will update the review once I find out if that is true. I am on day 3 of my cleanse and my stomach is acting up, I have IBS so I'm not surprised. I will edit this review once I have finished my cleanse!
5.0 - Only half way through
Only on day 6, but so far I feel like it is flushing out somethings. Interested to see how I am when the 10 days is done. I am not sure exactly what is wrong with me, but I am having left side abdominal pain that comes and goes. I had a CT which came back clean so it’s nothing severe, also the regular blood and urine to rule out anything found in those sample, also came back clean? I think I may have IBS or just a kink that gets blocked up at times? The Intestine Pro seems to be helping as the pain is fewer and less often. I would recommend you make sure to drink plenty of water and “garlic breath” seems to be a side effect, but if it helps??
5.0 - ParasitePro
This item shipped fast and came on time as always, love shopping from Amazon. I decided to give this product a try as I have been having uncomfortable stomach issues for quite sometime now. Visits to the doctors often reveal no causes to my pains except that I have "IBS". I was recommended to try a parasite cleanse from a friend who said that oftentimes these little buggers can get inside of us and cause adverse effects to health and can go unnoticed by regular doctor visits. As many of the other reviewers have said there is a garlic burp that follows quickly after taking these pills but it really isn't too bad at all. It is defiantly important to drinks lots of water and to eat while taking these pills, as I took a round one day without much water and paid for it with really bad stomach cramps. However, that only happened once and every other time I did not notice too severe of side effects (except a slight loss in appetite). Now it is disturbing, but during movements I did check to see if anything could be seen and sure enough I did see some stuff. I have not experienced quite a dramatic event yet as some of the other reviewers with tons of worms or anything, but it certainly appears some parasites are dying and being removed. I plan to take another course of these pills in two weeks like it suggests and then would like to continue these every year or so. I cant say that taking these has fully got rid of my stomach issues but I have noticed a change in my energy level and focus after almost completing these pills.
5.0 - Helps with Babesia parasites Lyme disease etc
I suffer with Lyme disease and co infection, mold toxicity and other conditions which gives me many symptoms. I purchase this supplement because it has many herbs that are beneficial to several illnesses since I am not sure which one is affecting me the most at the moment. One of my main symptoms is tightness from the chest and ribs and this supplement is really helping me take the edge off these symptoms. I just wish I could take it for months in a row. I am very greatful with the company for this supplement plus great communication on their part by emailing me right after purchase. Thank you so much
5.0 - This product is awesome! I only saw suspicious activity twice
This product is awesome! I only saw suspicious activity twice, but that was enough for me. For over 3 years I have battled with what doctors say is IBS. I have had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, MRI and CT scan...yet the doctors have found nothing wrong. I know my body and I knew that something was wrong. I did months of research and found that my symptoms pointed to possible parasitic activity. I ordered IntestinePro and received it quickly via Amazon Prime. I have taken it now for 8 days exactly as directed. I feel so much better! No pain, no nausea, no cramping, no mucus, NOTHING. My tummy feels normal again. I am so grateful that I came across this product.
5.0 - worked after antibiotics and other things did not
had been having issues with pain in my right side, after many tests and doctors visits for everything from checking my Gaul blatter to my liver and may antibiotics and being told its IBS deal with it. i gave this a try, today was the last day of taking it but for the last several days have been feeling much better and believe it worked very well. will re-post in a few weeks after the 2nd round

4. Organic India Bulk Herb Triphala Powder, 1 Pound
View this supplement on →
1.0 - Orgainc India Triphala Caps gave me watery diahrea...!
I don't have IBS, but suffer from occasional irregularity (especially after pizza!)-
1.0 - Warning - made IBS symptoms WORSE.
Tried using it twice for two days. The first time took as directed (2 pills twice / day). They look and feel like taking capsules of dirt... some sort of effect but not the desirable results at all. Thought maybe they're low dose (based on other reviews) so I tried again a couple weeks later - 3 pills / twice day. This time terrible abdominal flare up, a feeling of fullness and was bloated all day - exactly the symptoms I dread with IBS to begin with. Worse, along with this a feeling like I might have a total blow out, which never actually happened thankfully. Dumped the rest in the garbage.
4.0 - It seems to be working so far
I was having trouble with constipation & my family has a terrible history of stomach issues (Crohns, IBS, colorectal cancer, etc.) so I've done my share of research & am always looking to a natural alternative to keep things moving properly. I started using this & maybe I'm just going through a "good phase" or this stuff is really working. I'll say this....IF it stops working I'll comment back but I've been using this for over a month (when I remember, I take one at night & one in the AM on an empty stomach). So far so good.
5.0 - Eat like normal, poo like heaven, lose weight healthily, be happy
High quality herb that cured ibs for me.
5.0 - I have recommended it to many of my clients in my Clinical ...
I discovered Triphala years ago when studying Herbal Therapeutics. Having had chronic constipation most of my life, it sure made a big difference for myself. I have recommended it to many of my clients in my Clinical Nutrition practice and for many with IBS with Constipation it has resolved that issue like nothing else. They don't want to live without it.
5.0 - Godsend for IBS!
I've been using this for quite some time; I found it on a recommended pinterest pin for stuff for people with IBS. It's helped me become more regular, and BMs aren't as painful (before, during, and after). I take it once a day at night, and I'm set. Can't live without it!
5.0 - I'm amazed!
I have struggled with IBS-C for years. I've tried everything from Milk of Magnesia and Mira Lax everyday to any fiber product you can name. I got tired of doing this because I know it's not healthy. I once again researched online to see if something new may be out there. I read about Dr. Weil's comments and then read other reviews. I ordered the Organic India brand and saw a difference immediately. I don't have the other issues I was before and I usually have a bowel movement each morning. Exercise and regular activity help, as well as water and other fruits like apples, pears, peaches, plums, prunes. I will be ordering this again. It also helps my husband. I take i2 each evening, and one each morning. I am concerned about the long term use or any other possible issues, but for now my life is normal again.
5.0 - Immediate Results
When probiotics and other supplements didn't seem to be doing much for my IBS symptoms anymore, I decided to give Triphala another try. Glad I did. Definitely, helps with digestion and regularity.
5.0 - Works....
I am on my second bottle of this. Needless to say; I have vicious IBS-awful cramps where you pray for them to stop! It took 2 bottles-and I have still had IBS attacks but they don't appear to be quite as vicious. I tried that: IBGuard-it did nothing; but that's me! So I do believe this product works. I take 2 in morning and 2 at night. I would recommend.
5.0 - really like this-ibs issues
If you have ibs then this will work well for you. I have tried a lot for my tummy and nothing has worked but this really has helped. It keeps you regular like twice a day and prevents you from getting bloated. I take one before each meal usually just twice a day. I am not sure if I should be taking more than 3 pills a day but I do not have to run to the bathroom. I think this really works. I recommend it! Thanks to health magazine and the article I read or I never would have known!!!!
5.0 - This works beautifully! I have IBS so I was nervous about ...
Wow. This works beautifully! I have IBS so I was nervous about this. Start with one a day because it is strong, and then work up to the full dose if you can. Feels natural and is very dependable like clockwork. Love it.
5.0 - Works fast!
I’ve been suffering from stomach pain for years. I’ve tried everything. I changed my diet to super clean eating, I haven’t had sugar in almost a year. No gluten, no red meat...I could go on. If I went to a dr I was told I had IBS. That’s code for you have a bad stomach but we don’t know what’s causing it. So if you’re reading this and you’ve tried food enzymes, diet changes, eating food is no longer enjoyable but solely to sustain life and you’re still in pain, try this! It worked after 2 days. I’ve only been taking this for a few weeks, but I want to cry because I feel normal, I have more energy and I’m not scared to make social plans for fear of being home with a stomach ache. This stuff is under $20, you have nothing to lose by trying it...other than a stomach ache!
3.0 - IBS C all my life
I have suffered with IBS C almost all my life. I am 30. I finally decided to conquer it, and noticed it's mostly related to the brain - yes, our brain controls our bowel movements and when something is not right it shuts it down. Well for IBS sufferers this brain gut relationship is even more noticeable..
1.0 - Disappointed
Suffer with ibs with constipation. Took whole bottle as directed. No change! Very disappointed.
3.0 - Not my favorite brand of Triphala
I'm taking Triphala on the recommendation of my herbal practitioner. I have suffered with severe, chronic, IBS-A for the past 20 years. When I'm constipated I can go sometimes 7-14 days without having a BM. I have tried many things to aid in this and none were successful...until I tried the 2nd brand I've used of Triphala. Because of the severity of my symptoms I believe that I am not your average Triphala consumer. I think I have a very stubborn digestive tract, that only responds to extreme measures. With this being said, this is not my favorite brand of Triphala (I've tried 2 so far). This brand did not work for me in regard to working as "a cleanse" or helping me with my constipation...even after taking 5 caps in the mornings and 5 more before bed for multiple days...after building up to that over the course of a week+. For the 2 weeks that I took these caps (before changing brands) I always took them with very warm or hot water. I'm glad it is working for other people!! I can say that I noticed that my age related aches and pains were slightly reduced while taking this brand of Triphala, and that my winter/dry/flaky/rough skin had moistened up a little bit. I admit I only took it for 2 weeks before switching to another brand but I really needed relief and didn't get it here. I changed to Banyan Organic Powdered Triphala and it worked immediately (12 hours), and continues to work as a gentle cleanse and seemingly permanent relief from constipation (I'm praying)!! I noticed that the Banyan Triphala has a finer powder than what is in these capsules (if you open them and look at the powder inside). The Banyan brand is also used powdered in hot water instead of being taken in capsule form with hot water. The taste of powder in water is one that many have problems with, according to the Amazon reviews. At the same time, if you need a's well worth the taste, IMO!! I gave this Organic India Triphala 3 stars because this brand clearly works for some people. Best wishes!
5.0 - Possible Help for IBS Sufferers
I have had irritable bowel syndrome since 2007. This supplement has been helpful in reducing some of the symptoms such as bloating and constipation, for me. If your doctor is like so many others, who shrug their shoulder at IBS, this might work for you.
5.0 - Cholesterol killer!
Excellent product! The week before i started taking Triphala my employer had us do a Wellness screening which included blood work. My total cholesterol was 242. After taking 2 capsules a day for 5 weeks I went in for my regular physical and had my cholesterol checked again; it was 202! It had been 239 to 242 for at least the past 16 years! This stuff is amazing! Makes my tummy feels a lot better too (I have severe IBS).
5.0 - Colon and Intestine Help
I had been diagnosed with IBS and decided to try some organic supplements to help keeping this condition under control. I tried Triphala and some other products. They are very helpful. I tried this brand - "Organic India" and it suits me. Good price from the Amazon site.
2.0 - ... my ibs which really helped but the taste was horrible and wanted to try this capsule
I was taking triphala powder from avs india for my ibs which really helped but the taste was horrible and wanted to try this capsule. After taking this for 3 days I started to have stomach pain and stopped it. My son also complained about stomach pain after taking this and he also stopped taking this.
2.0 - However my insurance doesn't like it and my out of pocket cost is over ...
I have IBS-C, and the only thing on the planet that works for me is Linzess. However my insurance doesn't like it and my out of pocket cost is over $100 for a month's worth of pills. One of my friends at work who has constipation tried it and loved it. It had zero effect on me and I took it daily until the bottle was empty. But I warned her I've had constipation issues for decades and it's basically wet cement in my intestines. If your gut is extreme like mine, I probably wouldn't get it. But if you have newer or mild constipation like my friend, you should try it.

5. ORGANIC INDIA Triphala, Digestive Support (90 Cap)
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1.0 - Orgainc India Triphala Caps gave me watery diahrea...!
I don't have IBS, but suffer from occasional irregularity (especially after pizza!)-
1.0 - Warning - made IBS symptoms WORSE.
Tried using it twice for two days. The first time took as directed (2 pills twice / day). They look and feel like taking capsules of dirt... some sort of effect but not the desirable results at all. Thought maybe they're low dose (based on other reviews) so I tried again a couple weeks later - 3 pills / twice day. This time terrible abdominal flare up, a feeling of fullness and was bloated all day - exactly the symptoms I dread with IBS to begin with. Worse, along with this a feeling like I might have a total blow out, which never actually happened thankfully. Dumped the rest in the garbage.
5.0 - Immediate Results
When probiotics and other supplements didn't seem to be doing much for my IBS symptoms anymore, I decided to give Triphala another try. Glad I did. Definitely, helps with digestion and regularity.
4.0 - It seems to be working so far
I was having trouble with constipation & my family has a terrible history of stomach issues (Crohns, IBS, colorectal cancer, etc.) so I've done my share of research & am always looking to a natural alternative to keep things moving properly. I started using this & maybe I'm just going through a "good phase" or this stuff is really working. I'll say this....IF it stops working I'll comment back but I've been using this for over a month (when I remember, I take one at night & one in the AM on an empty stomach). So far so good.
5.0 - Eat like normal, poo like heaven, lose weight healthily, be happy
High quality herb that cured ibs for me.
5.0 - I have recommended it to many of my clients in my Clinical ...
I discovered Triphala years ago when studying Herbal Therapeutics. Having had chronic constipation most of my life, it sure made a big difference for myself. I have recommended it to many of my clients in my Clinical Nutrition practice and for many with IBS with Constipation it has resolved that issue like nothing else. They don't want to live without it.
5.0 - Godsend for IBS!
I've been using this for quite some time; I found it on a recommended pinterest pin for stuff for people with IBS. It's helped me become more regular, and BMs aren't as painful (before, during, and after). I take it once a day at night, and I'm set. Can't live without it!
5.0 - really like this-ibs issues
If you have ibs then this will work well for you. I have tried a lot for my tummy and nothing has worked but this really has helped. It keeps you regular like twice a day and prevents you from getting bloated. I take one before each meal usually just twice a day. I am not sure if I should be taking more than 3 pills a day but I do not have to run to the bathroom. I think this really works. I recommend it! Thanks to health magazine and the article I read or I never would have known!!!!
5.0 - This works beautifully! I have IBS so I was nervous about ...
Wow. This works beautifully! I have IBS so I was nervous about this. Start with one a day because it is strong, and then work up to the full dose if you can. Feels natural and is very dependable like clockwork. Love it.
5.0 - I'm amazed!
I have struggled with IBS-C for years. I've tried everything from Milk of Magnesia and Mira Lax everyday to any fiber product you can name. I got tired of doing this because I know it's not healthy. I once again researched online to see if something new may be out there. I read about Dr. Weil's comments and then read other reviews. I ordered the Organic India brand and saw a difference immediately. I don't have the other issues I was before and I usually have a bowel movement each morning. Exercise and regular activity help, as well as water and other fruits like apples, pears, peaches, plums, prunes. I will be ordering this again. It also helps my husband. I take i2 each evening, and one each morning. I am concerned about the long term use or any other possible issues, but for now my life is normal again.
5.0 - Works....
I am on my second bottle of this. Needless to say; I have vicious IBS-awful cramps where you pray for them to stop! It took 2 bottles-and I have still had IBS attacks but they don't appear to be quite as vicious. I tried that: IBGuard-it did nothing; but that's me! So I do believe this product works. I take 2 in morning and 2 at night. I would recommend.
3.0 - IBS C all my life
I have suffered with IBS C almost all my life. I am 30. I finally decided to conquer it, and noticed it's mostly related to the brain - yes, our brain controls our bowel movements and when something is not right it shuts it down. Well for IBS sufferers this brain gut relationship is even more noticeable..
1.0 - Disappointed
Suffer with ibs with constipation. Took whole bottle as directed. No change! Very disappointed.
3.0 - Not my favorite brand of Triphala
I'm taking Triphala on the recommendation of my herbal practitioner. I have suffered with severe, chronic, IBS-A for the past 20 years. When I'm constipated I can go sometimes 7-14 days without having a BM. I have tried many things to aid in this and none were successful...until I tried the 2nd brand I've used of Triphala. Because of the severity of my symptoms I believe that I am not your average Triphala consumer. I think I have a very stubborn digestive tract, that only responds to extreme measures. With this being said, this is not my favorite brand of Triphala (I've tried 2 so far). This brand did not work for me in regard to working as "a cleanse" or helping me with my constipation...even after taking 5 caps in the mornings and 5 more before bed for multiple days...after building up to that over the course of a week+. For the 2 weeks that I took these caps (before changing brands) I always took them with very warm or hot water. I'm glad it is working for other people!! I can say that I noticed that my age related aches and pains were slightly reduced while taking this brand of Triphala, and that my winter/dry/flaky/rough skin had moistened up a little bit. I admit I only took it for 2 weeks before switching to another brand but I really needed relief and didn't get it here. I changed to Banyan Organic Powdered Triphala and it worked immediately (12 hours), and continues to work as a gentle cleanse and seemingly permanent relief from constipation (I'm praying)!! I noticed that the Banyan Triphala has a finer powder than what is in these capsules (if you open them and look at the powder inside). The Banyan brand is also used powdered in hot water instead of being taken in capsule form with hot water. The taste of powder in water is one that many have problems with, according to the Amazon reviews. At the same time, if you need a's well worth the taste, IMO!! I gave this Organic India Triphala 3 stars because this brand clearly works for some people. Best wishes!
5.0 - Possible Help for IBS Sufferers
I have had irritable bowel syndrome since 2007. This supplement has been helpful in reducing some of the symptoms such as bloating and constipation, for me. If your doctor is like so many others, who shrug their shoulder at IBS, this might work for you.
5.0 - Cholesterol killer!
Excellent product! The week before i started taking Triphala my employer had us do a Wellness screening which included blood work. My total cholesterol was 242. After taking 2 capsules a day for 5 weeks I went in for my regular physical and had my cholesterol checked again; it was 202! It had been 239 to 242 for at least the past 16 years! This stuff is amazing! Makes my tummy feels a lot better too (I have severe IBS).
5.0 - Colon and Intestine Help
I had been diagnosed with IBS and decided to try some organic supplements to help keeping this condition under control. I tried Triphala and some other products. They are very helpful. I tried this brand - "Organic India" and it suits me. Good price from the Amazon site.
2.0 - ... my ibs which really helped but the taste was horrible and wanted to try this capsule
I was taking triphala powder from avs india for my ibs which really helped but the taste was horrible and wanted to try this capsule. After taking this for 3 days I started to have stomach pain and stopped it. My son also complained about stomach pain after taking this and he also stopped taking this.
2.0 - However my insurance doesn't like it and my out of pocket cost is over ...
I have IBS-C, and the only thing on the planet that works for me is Linzess. However my insurance doesn't like it and my out of pocket cost is over $100 for a month's worth of pills. One of my friends at work who has constipation tried it and loved it. It had zero effect on me and I took it daily until the bottle was empty. But I warned her I've had constipation issues for decades and it's basically wet cement in my intestines. If your gut is extreme like mine, I probably wouldn't get it. But if you have newer or mild constipation like my friend, you should try it.
5.0 - Works fast!
I’ve been suffering from stomach pain for years. I’ve tried everything. I changed my diet to super clean eating, I haven’t had sugar in almost a year. No gluten, no red meat...I could go on. If I went to a dr I was told I had IBS. That’s code for you have a bad stomach but we don’t know what’s causing it. So if you’re reading this and you’ve tried food enzymes, diet changes, eating food is no longer enjoyable but solely to sustain life and you’re still in pain, try this! It worked after 2 days. I’ve only been taking this for a few weeks, but I want to cry because I feel normal, I have more energy and I’m not scared to make social plans for fear of being home with a stomach ache. This stuff is under $20, you have nothing to lose by trying it...other than a stomach ache!

6. George's Aloe Vera Supplement, 128 Fluid Ounce
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4.0 - Empirically, it seems to help!
I am a 64 year old licensed clinical laboratory scientist with a variety of bowel problems to include constipation and IBS. I do not know of a way to scientifically analyze this product fairly. However, like others I can provide empirical information. I can tell it has made a positive difference. From an analysis perspective, homeopathic principles have to be taken into consideration from the onset. Analytically, this product has about the same parts per million, odor, specific gravity and pH as tap water. It also has a trace of protein. My guess is that it has homeopathic properties based on my experience with this product.
5.0 - Five Stars
Taste like water, has helped with my son's IBS flareups he is 12yrs old
5.0 - The best aloe vera juice on the market
I have lower stomach problems and this aloe vera juice is the only aloe vera juice out on the market that actually works to healed me from the inside out. What they advertise is what you got it taste like spring water it's perfect there's no odor to it whatsoever and if you ever need something to heal your stomach if you have stomach ulcers if you have lower intestinal issues or IBS this juice is for you highly recommended product wouldn't go with anybody else
1.0 - No results
I haven't noticed any changes. I suffer for IBS and I was hoping this would be a miracle for me after reading all the positive reviews. Ive been using this product for a month.. So bummed it didn't help me.
5.0 - Great Product
I have been using this product along with Aerobic Life - Abc Aerobic Bulk Cleanse for IBS for many years now. It really helps. It keeps things moving smoothly in a very gentle manner. I love this aloe juice because it has no taste and no citric materials have been added. It's just like water. I have tried several other aloe juices in the past and could not handle either the citric content or the consistency of them. George's is the only one I will use.
5.0 - Best (No Taste) Aloe Vera Juice, Hands Down
I bought this hoping to relieve some self-diagnosed IBS symptoms. I didn't really notice a difference. The taste is by far the best. It really does taste like spring water.
5.0 - Perfect Product for Me
I have been using George's Aloe Vera Juice for over a year now. By combining it with Align Probiotics I am finally able (after 7+ years) to manage my IBS condition. It' may not be a perfect solution but very close and I'm healthier now than I have been in years. Best part about George's Aloe Vera Juice is that there is no taste - like drinking bottled water.
5.0 - Tastes like water.
This is the best aloe vera juice - tastes like water. I will definitely order again if it helps my digestion and IBS...I have high hopes.
3.0 - Doesn't work for everyone
I have had IBS and acid reflux for the majority of my adult life and have taken prescription medication (Nexium right now) for around 10 years. My wife bought this for me to see if it would help one or both problems. I was only able to take it for ten days, at 4 oz, twice a day before I started to have a generalized itchy rash on my arms and legs. I stopped on day 11 when I figured it out: i am probably allergic to aloe. Sure enough, the rash went away. Maybe if I had more time, it could have helped me, but there was no noticeable difference in any of my digestive problems for those 10 days. Tasted like water, so pleasant enough, but it just didn't do what I hoped.
5.0 - I've found that George's is the best for me
I've found that George's is the best for me. Not only did it clear up a mysterious rash that other products (many I tried including a doc's script) didn't help. Three applications a day of George's aloe vera cleared up the rash I was battling with for 3 months within 1 1/2 weeks. I drink it (unlike tap water, no taste) to help relieve constipation and soreness in intestines from IBS. I buy only George's because other brands were not as effective for me.
5.0 - The silver kills bacteria and the good bacteria in Silver will kill the Probiotic
We have IBS or Inflammed Colitis symptoms. Our homeopath put us on this and Silver Sol (silver solution by ACTIVZ) mixed together before bedtime and as far away from taking our pro-biotic in the morning as possible. The silver kills bacteria and the good bacteria in Silver will kill the Probiotic. User, be ware and informed. It is wonderful and we are thankful!
5.0 - Great Product
Use this for my dog that has IBS. I mix it with his food & it helps make it easier to pass his food.
1.0 - One Star
It is supposed to be good for IBSD but it wasn't.
5.0 - Great really works
Love this stuff! Dr wanted me to go on med's for GERD and since I have used this in past for my ulcer and it worked, even when I have nausea due to IBS it calms it right down.
5.0 - It tastes like water, so you would think it wouldn't help ...
It tastes like water, so you would think it wouldn't help a thing. Yet, it helps my IBS-C (constipation) tremendously. It also soothes my stomach. Two thumbs up - way up!
5.0 - Love this! Alkalize the body, has no taste! Love!
I love this aloe. Pure ingredients. Tastes like water but purer. Has no taste. I take it for preventative health reasons to alkalize the body, as disease only can exist in acidic body, but it’s helped me when I had acid reflux or indigestion. It helped my mom with constipation. I gifted it to a friend who had colon surgery and IBS and she said it helped her a lot.

7. Culturelle Daily Probiotic, 60 Count Digestive Health Capsules | Works Naturally with Your Body to Keep Digestive System in Balance* | with The Proven Effective probiotic
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2.0 - IBS Sufferers - Be Careful!
If you have stomach issues, especially IBS sufferers, be careful. This product contains inulin (chicory root extract), a substance known to cause problems for people with IBS. If you are on a FODMAP diet, Inulin (chicory root) is a high FODMAP and is not digested well by the human digestive system. Please see the "Supplement Facts" image provided by the manufacturer.
5.0 - Help for IBS
I've been taking Culturelle for several years now. It doesn't cure IBS (nothing does), but it definitely makes is easier to deal with. I've also recommended it to my son and his girlfriend and they have become regular users too. It has helped with lactose intolerance and also just general irregularity that comes with traveling. It really does help make IBS more manageable.
5.0 - Amazing!
This is a game changer for me!! I've always had stomach issues and this has gotten rid them! No more IBS!
4.0 - For good digestive health
I have taken Culturelle many times to maintain good digestive health and especially for IBS. It keeps me regular and is recommended by many doctors that I have seen.
4.0 - Good addition to a Probiotic Menu
Digestive/immune systems likely need more than one type of probiotic to function properly. Culturelle - along with other supplements- have been helpful to friends and family who suffer from IBS or want a bit of assurance in keeping their systems top notch when taking antibiotics. However, the cost for this one species product is prohibitive and finding Lactobacillus GG in another product can be difficult. Until the cost comes down our use will be as an occasional additive to our probiotic menu when needed.
5.0 - Five Stars
culterelle digestive has controled my IBS. Would not want to be without it.
5.0 - Best Product Ever!!!
My gastroenterologist recommended this product after my being diagnosed with Colitis. I was skeptical but this has proven to be certified MAGIC!! As long as I take this regularly my IBS/Colitis symptoms are GONE! I am able to eat more foods without the worry of 'complications' and am so thankful for the recommendation. Amazon has the best price and since I am a disabled senior, having it delivered is awesome!
3.0 - Hard to tell if its any better than the rest
I used these for more than 30 days, and I find no better results (or worse) than I got from Schiff Probiotic or Pearls acidophilus. If you are prone to IBS, its never easy to know what is OK to eat or not, as it's not the same each time. I think these products DO help somewhat over not taking them at all, but I am sorry to say, I am not even sure of that.
4.0 - Works
Seem to help with IBS, seems pricey for how little comes in the container.
5.0 - Purrfect for dealing
with IBS. If your gut isn't in order it let's you know it. By taking one of these a day & eating Activia twice a day, my system is finally beginning to settle down quite a bit. It still isn't at 100%, but I've managed to maintain my weight & eat a more balanced food plan.
5.0 - Helps with IBS issues
These are wonderful
5.0 - work best for me
i've tried a lot of different brands and, in conjunction with my prescription meds, this probiotic works best to manage my ibs-d.
3.0 - Okay, No Miracle Cure Though
This is mostly lactobacillus. Didn't help IBS, but helps a little with dairy. Not a miracle worker.

8. Superior Labs Boswellia Extract - Pure NonGMO Boswellic 65% Acids w/Bioperine Superior Absorption Zero Synthetic Additives - Powerful Formula Joint, Knees, Hips, Migraine, Immune, - 500mg Svg, 240 Veg
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4.0 - Feeling better already!
Excited about this product! I have Thyroid Disease and my Son has IBS. Feeling better already!
5.0 - Helped with IBS.
I've used this for over a year for IBS and inflammatory issues. I have been in remission since I started it. I also take a prescription but the remission started w the addition of this product and wheatgrass with a great probiotic.
5.0 - This has helped my son with his abdominal cramping.
My son has had an unknown medical issue for close to a year. Since last spring he has had nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Things got so bad last year that he was hospitalized and lost 30 pounds. He's had tons of testing and doctors can only give us vague suggestions like gastroparesis or IBS. This is one thing in our arsenal that helps. Along with a new diet (no gluten and dairy) his cramping and nausea have diminished somewhat. He still has a way to go, but he is making progress. He is very sensitive to medicines and supplements. Many make him more nauseated. But this does not. I think that supplement has helped to bring some of the inflammation down and therefore he is experiencing less cramping. We really like this. Thank you.
5.0 - IBS Relief
This product is great for IBS relief as well. Relieves bowel inflammation. Works wonders.
5.0 - Look no further! Fantastic product and customer service!
I love this product! I am using it to replace my use of ibuprofen and am now almost completely off taking ibuprofen. I have had bouts of costochondritis (inflammation of the muscles between the ribs) and when it flairs I usually have to take 10 - 12 ibuprofen throughout the day to stay on top of it. Now I use only 4 Boswellia Extract (2, twice a day) and am getting the same results! It is easy on my stomach too. Highly recommend
2.0 - Made my IBS worse
I bought this in the hopes that the anti-inflammatory properties would help my irritable bowel syndrome. After three doses, I started feeling much worse and had to spend the day in bed. I suspect the black pepper extract (Bioprene) included in this capsule is not helpful to an intestinal tract that is already irritated. It may work well for joints but certainly did not help my problem.
5.0 - Great product for IBS related issues...!!!
Highly effective for relief of irritable/inflammatory bowel symptoms...I take it in conjunction with tumeric capsules as well.
5.0 - Relief at last!!
For over the two years or so, I have dealt with constant bloating of my bowel when I awake due to IBS. Although some supplements like mastic gum, slippery elm and others work to help with bowel movements they never helped with the bloating. The first two doses, 2 caps 2x daily of Superior Labs Boswellia made a big difference. It has been almost two weeks since then and the situation is 90% better. IBS is such a nuisance but I know God blessed us with a natural solution for all that ails us and this boswellia has certainly been a blessing. If you have IBS or any other inflammatory issues either of the joints etc., give this product a try. Not much to risk financially considering they offer a money back guarantee.
5.0 - Stops inflammation for Arthritis and IBS!!!
I originally purchased this to help with the inflammation caused by arthritis. I took this along with some flex glucosamine. It has worked wonderfully and I have only mild arthritic pain in my hands and barely any in my knees, but what has surprised me is I don't seem to have any intestinal distress either! I have been diagnosed with diverticulitis and IBS and occasionally have flareups caused by inflammation and then maybe progressing into infection, (needing antibiotics). But since taking the Boswelia, I have found that I haven't had any symptoms or flare-ups! Now, I'm not saying Boswelia is the reason for this but it sure is a coincidence. This stuff seems to be doing its job and much better than taking Motrin.
5.0 - It Really Works!
I've had lower abdominal pain for over a year. I've tried all types of antibiotics, steroids, dietary changes and natural supplements. I ran across an article that said Boswellia showed significant improvement for people with ibs or ibd. I can say from personal experience this has been absolutely true for me. The bloating and pain subsides just aster a few days of taking it and has remained gone.
5.0 - Good bye inflammation and Stomach issues .
I take this product because it helps reduce Th1 dominance issues , related to inflammation response in the body. I have Autoimmune issues, IBS since I was a kid and joint problems from low hormones and adrenal fatigue. This product significantly helps reduce my joint pain, and helps keep my stomach feeling so strong and less likely to have pain. I take one capsule a day, may increases to two. Still waiting to see if that's necessary .
4.0 - Seeing improvement; a thumbs up
I have fibromyalgia and along with that IBS. Some dietary changes have helped the IBS, but I couldn't get rid of the persistent back pain I've had. I have been taking the Boswellia Extract for about 2 weeks now and have to say that while the pain isn't entirely gone, it is much better. I've also found that I bounce back better after a day of overdoing it. I never really expected this to work miracles because I've tried using frankincense oils topically with very little benefit. Evidently it works better ingesting it in this form. I have also been taking malic acid so that may be helping, but I will continue the Boswellia Extract for sure. I cannot take ibuprofen or any NSAIDS, so I'm happy that this seems to work and not upset my stomach.

9. Dr. Tobias CandidaFX - Extra Strength Candida Cleanse - With Herbs & Enzymes To Help Reduce Unpleasant Effects from Die-Off of Yeast - Easy & Effective Nutritional Supplement For Women And Men
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3.0 - What has worked much better for me is the Solaray Capryl and Whole Foods ...
Be careful with this cleanse if you have high candida levels and prediabetes or diabetes. I had my candida blood test for Candida with results below: I have an issue with oxalates in my diet (candida also makes oxalates), and have fibromyalgia, IBS, and MCS. I have used oregano oil regularly for oral health issues, specifically inflammation in the gums and problems with my root canal (I have removed that tooth after 10 years, with it starting to cause bacterial infections; diagnosed with SIBO from it last year, which caused my blood sugar to spike and make me gain 15 pounds of water in a month). What has worked much better for me is the Solaray Capryl and Whole Foods Caprily Care. Today, my fasting sugar is finally down to 88 after regularly being from 100-120. The oregano in Candida FX made my sugar levels spike, which I think it is due to killing off the good bacteria I was trying to build up. The other thing helping is that I am eating lots of curry (tumeric based) sauces. I can think much more clearly now.
5.0 - This product helped with my bowel pain due to ibs ...
This product helped with my bowel pain due to ibs and possibly sibo or candida. My pain has diminished almost to the point of non-existence since taking this product.
4.0 - Good Probiotic!
I have tried several different probiotics over the last few years and this one hasn’t disappointed me. I started taking only once daily for a week and now I take twice daily. It has did a great job taking away my normal belly bloat and that makes me feel much better. I do suffer from IBS so if I get constipated I only take once daily but I’ve been pretty regular so far! FYI-I paid full price and I’m happy the company sent me a $5 off coupon to use plus an offer for a free bottle next time!
5.0 - This product is amazing. I suffer from IBS and recently been suffering ...
This product is amazing. I suffer from IBS and recently been suffering from frequent yeast infections that would not clear after course of prescribed meds. Since using this product I noticed a relief immediately. Also, my stomach problems have gotten better, less bloating and stomach cramps. I just finished a bottle and I will see if I need another set of these wonderful tablets or try Dr. Tobias probiotics.
5.0 - CandidaXF works
I know when I'm not taking candidaXF. It helps me with my IBS. My diet would be okay if I didn't consume so much sugar through the years combined with extreme stress. This product seems to help me balance out my gut.
5.0 - This stuff is amazing for IBS.
I’ve only been taking this about 16 days and my irritable bowel is almost non existent. I honestly was very skeptical about any supplements helping, but this has been a God send. My tongue was completely covered is a white film, and now it’s about 3/4 pink again. I will continue taking this and I recommend to all family and friends.
5.0 - I paid FULL price and my review is HONEST
For the past 24 months I have been referred to doctor after doctor and have had test after test performed with no root cause to the problems I have been having, problems which I can feel and articulate but I felt like it was falling on deaf ears with medical professionals. Symptoms were being treated (more often than not with antibiotics) but the root cause was not being treated. Symptoms included elevated labs, chronic constipation, positive for SIBO, fatigue, mood swings and irritation… the list goes on. I decided to take a different approach and found a GYN who specializes in chronic pain, IBS, and IC. Based on the film in my mouth (which I was told was thrush and treated three times for it but it never went away) and some other testing she realized I had a candidiasis overgrowth and wanted me to do a flush which I started with Dr. Tobias CandidiaFX on 2/11/18. After a week and some other testing (a stool test) she also wanted me to use a probiotic so I added Dr. Tobias Deep Immune Probiotics the following week. I am pleased to say as of this post on 3/1/18 I am feeling a HUGE difference in my body and overall health. Given the length of time I have been dealing with my health issues I still have some time for everything to settle down but with Dr. Tobias products I can say without question I’ve noticed a significant change. THANK YOU and I highly recommend this product.
5.0 - This is my 1st time taking Dr Tobias products and got 4 after ready the awesome reviews and it’s amazon choice
I've struggled with IBS for many years, battling constant constipation and been on CandidaFX for 6 days . This is my 1st time taking Dr Tobias products and got 4 after ready the awesome reviews and it’s amazon choice .
5.0 - Five Stars
This has helped my IBS significantly
4.0 - Looks like a good product
Hello, I suffer from IBS and Since I don't know the cause exactly I keep looking for remedies and solutions that can help ease my symptoms. I mostly have stinky flatulence and constipation. Before this I used the parasite cleanse by dr. Tobias which helped me clean my system and I did feel some cramps when I took the pills but nothing major. I felt great afterwards and I did saw some white stuff on the toilet not sure what it was. I'm going to start this next week with this product I will give another review in a week after I finish using it. I am exited to try it!
5.0 - Best purchase I ever made on Amazon
The best thing ever!! I have suffered from IBS and yeast infections for years. This cured me! Ladies- don't hesitate. Your body will thank you.
5.0 - What i like most is that it has no after taste
What i like most is that it has no after taste. My stomach feels so much better especially after a meal and my IBS is getting better. I’m so glad I found this

10. Great Lakes Gelatin - Collagen Hydrolysate Kosher - Unflavored Protein - 16 oz
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5.0 - I will not be without this!
This is my first time trying this type of product and based on the rave reviews, I wanted to give it a try for skin sagging, cellulite, joint issues and digestive problems due to IBS. This product is loaded with protein and low in calories. I mix it with PBfit peanut butter powder and a smidge of water and it tastes great. I attempted to drink it dissolved in water and I just couldn't do that. I also put it in my protein drinks and you wouldn't even know it's there. My stomach feels great and my bad knee is doing well after workouts. I can't yet comment on the cellulite or skin effects because I cannot tell yet. I really like this product and will definitely be stocking up on more!
1.0 - Not for people with IBS!!
This was highly recommended to me as a cure for pain in arthritic joints. I only took it for a week at 1/2 the recommended dose. I probably didn't give it a chance to work it's "miracles" on my arthritic joints since it further exacerbated my IBS. I would not recommend this for anyone who suffers from IBS--either constipation or diarrhea. It caused extreme pain in my abdomen when I tried to go. I asked several other people about this and got the same response. So, if you suffer from digestive problems or IBS, I DO not recommend this product!
4.0 - The nails on my big toes in particular tend to rip diagonally at the sides and have given me painful ingrown toenails on both si
I want to call this an impulse buy, but the more I think about it I realize it wasn't. I'd seen this stuff mentioned on a few lifestyle/healthy living blogs and was curious about it for a few reason. First, I have very weak nails. The nails on my big toes in particular tend to rip diagonally at the sides and have given me painful ingrown toenails on both sides of both toes. Second, my hair tends to fall out rapidly and grow slowly. (And yes, I have had a thyroid test--I'm borderline). Thirdly, I'm on the heavier side and it's been hell on my mid-30s joints. Fourth, I'm starting to get fine lines on my face and it's freaking me out. Fifth, I've had IBS for about 20 years and it sucks.
4.0 - Has worked great for my IBS and has the bonus of healthy nails and hair.
I am on my second container of the green and really started noticing results about a week ago. I have IBS and I was looking for a natural solution before I tried medications and this has worked wonders. I have also noticed that my nail health is improving and my roots are growing in faster which is a nice bonus. Not everything works for everybody and I think part of being your own health care advocate is that you have to try things to find out what works for you. Keep in mind that nothing is an instant fix. You need to give it time to work. I would say that almost all supplements take at least 30 days of consistent recommended usage before you will even notice a difference. I mix this into my morning coffee and mix it into about a 1/4 cup of apple juice in the evening. I like that it's added protein because I'm not a big protein eater and being almost 50, it is helping me to keep my muscle tone while exercising.
5.0 - Good for gut healing
Mixes beautifully in smoothies. I'm doing Gut Thrive in Five and many of the recipes call for collagen because of its healing properties. I have IBS and SIBO and it does not mess me up; it sits very well every time. Plus it adds extra protein!
5.0 - awesome
awesome product, I have been taking this to help relieve IBS symptoms and it seems to be helping (I also take colostrum). A great side effect I've noticed is that my hair doesn't fall out as much and my nails are super strong! I also love the fairly high dose of protein you get with each serving, I take this first thing in the morning and it seems to help keep me full.
5.0 - Wonderful Product for Helping With Digestive Issues
This product has really helped ease my stomach discomfort. I have been dealing with IBS since I was in 6th grade. Now, I'm suffering from recurrent c-dif infections. I use this twice a day, once in my coffee, and the other in my protein shake. I can really tell a difference in that it is helping my gut to heal. I used to make bone broth and that was really good for my digestive issues. I haven't been able to stomach bone broth since dealing with c-diff. This has been a great alternative.
1.0 - Severe abdominal pain
Severe abdominal pain when taking this product. I agree with past reviews. If you have IBS or sensitive stomach, steer clear of this. I was so hopeful to reduce joint pain. I am 50 years old and have already had one total hip replacement this year and scheduled for the other side in 2 months due to hip dysplasia and severe degenerative joint disease. I have tried everything including dietary change to reduce the pain. This product is not worth the stomach pain. I will go back to making my own bone broth!
5.0 - Easily digestible and long-lasting energy!!!
I very much like this product. I have tried a couple other 'popular' brands but this seems to be better digestible. I have 'leaky gut' and never been able to take any protein powders despite the popularity of the brand or 'quality.' This means no whey, no egg or stevia enhanced protein powders. This gives me sustainable energy throughout the day too. I do not mix with beverages but rather an organic toasted carob powder, raw coconut oil etc...and shape into a small protein bar or ball and place them in the freezer for several minutes. The end result is a wonderful, satiating, tasty editable with a similar flavor to a Mounds bar. Anything can be added really including instant coffee, bee pollen granules, unsweetened nibs, coconut shavings, nuts and more. I feel satiated, stay lean and don't seem to have the desire to over consume on anything as some other proteins leave you feeling. Highly recommend.
4.0 - Not sure why others say it doesn't taste good. On the container it says "Unflavored" I also ...
Using just over a week now. I have noticed my IBS symptoms have eased. So far this is helping my digestion and I do not feel as bloated.
5.0 - Buy This Collagen!!
I LOVE this stuff. I've been using it for about two years now, and I use it almost every day. It has been a tremendous help for healing my IBS / leaky gut. I believe that it is also helping my achy joints, but I really don't know about that for sure.
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